
Henry has a tumor. :/


Jan 13, 2006
Long story short, Henry (my son's kitten) has a non-cancerous tumor in his ear. It's large and in a very tight spot. It's bleeding periodically now. He's got a med to put in it, but it doesn't seem to be helping much. Vet was not at all optimistic he could get it all with laser, so it will continue growing. Normal cutting operation would require making an insanely large incision (halfway around his head), and would be extremely uncomfortable for the cat. Not many options and they don't look good.

Needless to say, my son is devastated (as am I). This is his first personal pet...and this is exactly what he said he feared might happen before he ever got him. Seeing how therapeutic he has been, I don't want to think about what his leaving us might do....

Has anyone treated their pets with natural ingredients that worked? I put him on raw milk kefir to help boost his immune system, but I'm afraid that won't be enough.

TIA :((
Oh no! I'm sorry, Ellen :blackeye:
I suppose if the conventional treatment options aren't good then there's probably no harm in trying some homeopathic (or non-traditional) methods. I hope you find something that can give the kitty some relief.
Thanks momhappy. I don't know how much the laser even runs, son has to call and ask. That might cost too much... He was so shocked he forgot to ask then. That's our only (possible) option. The vet was pretty clear that regular surgery would be brutal on him, and may not even work either.

I forgot to mention the vet said he normally sees this in older cats. *sigh*
Oh no, I am so sorry Ellen. Is there a teaching animal hospital near you so you can get a second opinion from veterinarians you know are up to date and cutting edge? I would explore a second opinion and perhaps they can give you a special discount on their recommended treatment. You have nothing to lose by asking and I am sending you bucketloads of healing vibes for Henry and big hugs to you. Also just want to mention if it makes a difference I would be happy to contribute to his treatment if you would accept it. I am on loupetroop under Missy. Black cat is my pic just like here. (((HUGS)))
Hi Ellen,

I had the exact same thing happen to my kitty except initial testing came back as cancer. Luckily it was benign, but huge, bleeding, and really bothering her.

Our local vet wasn't at all comfortable dealing with it so we brought her to he dermatology center at our local vet hospital. They managed to get the thing out. Are there any other options in the area?

Missy was a wealth of information when I needed it. Hopefully she chimes in.

Dust to your poor kitty.
So sorry to hear this Ellen. Maybe get a second opinion?? IDK....

Big hugs to you and your son.,
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this Ellen! I haven't encountered this with my cats so unfortunately I don't have any helpful advice at the ready. I'd definitely call around to different vets though, and explain the situation and ask if they have different treatment options than the ones you were offered. If so, make an appt. As with human doctors, vets can vary wildly in what their knowledge base and skill sets are, so it's worth a shot to see if another one knows something your son's current vet doesn't.

Good luck, and fingers crossed for kitty and your son!
I am at work but just a few more quick comments.

You need to find a board certified surgeon for Henry who is well versed with ear canal ablation or whatever Henry's specific diagnosis is.

Time is critical if it is fast growing so the sooner the better.

A teaching hospital would be a great option if there is one not too far away from you.

You can also get a recommendation from the veterinary board if you need help in finding a specialist well versed in this area of expertise.

Sending you more good thoughts and healing vibes for Henry and please don't hesitate to contact me for any reason. My offer to help stands. (((HUGS))).
Ellen, I am sorry to hear that. Healthy dust to your kitty and dust to you and your son too, this is stressful.

Everything Missy said x2. General vets do their best but they are frequently antibiotics-vaccines most of their practice, they aren't specialized surgeons. Our generalist vet told us to euthanize our 11-month-old Westie puppy due to severe hip dysplasia, he told us there were no hip replacements for small dogs. He was wrong, there are ortho surgeons in the US who specialize in small dog and cat ortho surgery. So I agree with Missy, take kitty to a surgeon who specializes.

Best to you and your DS and to kitty.
Lots of hugs and healthy kitty dust!

My MIL's cat had something very similar to what Henry has and they were able to remove it with a laser and all has been well since. They also said time is of the essence. I would echo the recommendation of seeking a second opinion of a specialist.
missy|1469723521|4060233 said:
I am at work but just a few more quick comments.

You need to find a board certified surgeon for Henry who is well versed with ear canal ablation or whatever Henry's specific diagnosis is.

Time is critical if it is fast growing so the sooner the better.

A teaching hospital would be a great option if there is one not too far away from you.

You can also get a recommendation from the veterinary board if you need help in finding a specialist well versed in this area of expertise.

Sending you more good thoughts and healing vibes for Henry and please don't hesitate to contact me for any reason. My offer to help stands. (((HUGS))).

2nd all this. I'm a veterinarian, and I worked on cats exclusively for years. Kittens don't normally have true tumors in their ears - I'm wondering if it is a benign polyp. Those are relatively easy to remove when done by the right person who has experience in this area. PLEASE find a specialist in your area - get a 2nd opinion. No reason not to, as it can only help. And if you can cure it now you'll save him a lifetime of discomfort and hearing loss.
Wow, thank you all SO much for your well wishes and advice. I am really touched. And Missy, bless your heart for such a generous offer to help financially. I can't believe you would do that. It has to be one of the sweetest offers I have ever had. I couldn't possibly take you up on it, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm quite sure that just earned you a blessing. ;))

Briefly, son called another place for second opinion and they felt they couldn't do more or a better job than the vet that H is seeing. They did however give son the name of 2 ear specialists. He looked them up on line and did not get a good feeling based on reviews. (some felt they were more concerned about money than the patients) So we are still searching at the moment. No teaching schools around that I know of, but like I said, we will keep digging and asking. I have told son time is of the essence.

ecf, thank you for chiming in. Question, what is the difference between a polyp and a tumor? I assume a tumor is worse? And how much time should we take (or not) trying to find the right person?

Thank you so very much all! :))
Look at Alex's Angel's. Non-profit that helps with financial aspect. I am sure they could put you in touch with a specialist who could help. The cases they help are amazing.
Ellen, thank you for your lovely comments. I just want you to know I am offering from my heart. You don't know me but I don't say things or offer things I don't mean. I am offering because I want Henry to have whatever lifesaving treatment he can have to give him the best chance to survive and have a good quality of life. I am happy if I can help in any way. I know you said it might be difficult for your son to swing the cost of the laser treatment and that is why I made the offer. Please let him know about it and if I can help I want to. Like I said I don't make offers lightly so you know I mean it and want to help if I can. Think about it and if you change your mind no need to post here. Just contact me on loupe troop.

Thinking good thoughts for all of you and sending healing vibes to dear Henry.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. :(( Poor baby.

I hope everything ends up being OK.

If you can and want to, please post some pictures of Henry here it would be so nice to see him in this thread.
Hi Ellen.

I am the odd man out. The first priority is your son. By this I mean that to have the stress of the animal being sick, when the cat was supposed to be therapeutic for him, may not be good for your son. Now, I think that seeking another opinion is the right thing, if the Vet says it too difficult to treat, I would prepare your son for the near eventuality that the cat may have to be put down.

I don't believe thousands of dollars,(unless you have it) should be spent on an animal. Sorry, I know how this sounds to cat lovers, but I would get him another cat. He can learn that he can love some critter again.

I live with my sons two cats, one sick, and lost one last yr, which he had a hard time recovering from. He spends a fortune on these cats, but he has had them for yrs, Your son doesn't need the stress. Only my unpopular two cents.

Hi Annette, I am sorry you feel that way. That a life is disposable even if there is a treatment that could give Henry a good quality of life.
FWIW no one here said Ellen's son shouldn't be her first priority but one concern doesn't negate another.

Of course it is your right to feel whatever way you feel. I just hope Ellen and her son don't feel that way. That you can just replace a cat with another cat no problem. :(sad This is a living being and deserves the best possible chance IMO. And also shows her son that relationships and lives are not disposable but worth working for and saving if possible.
Hi Missy,

It is true, I value the human life more than the cats life. Its the guilt that animal lovers put on others that I object to. Even the life of a cat is not interchangeable as I can see that each one is different from the other and you grow to like some traits over others.
But the cat, to me does not come first and I will feel no guilt about that. I have read enough threads on here to feel peoples judgement over things I do. For example. We let our cats out. They love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so sorry for cats in apartments. To me they have half a life. The vets around here say its fine. But not on PS. Guilt, guilt. =)

I like cats, but I gave my opinion, and I won't be made to feel guilty for it.

Ellen|1469750249|4060352 said:
ecf, thank you for chiming in. Question, what is the difference between a polyp and a tumor? I assume a tumor is worse? And how much time should we take (or not) trying to find the right person?

Here is a good informational article discussing the subject:

If you wish to view it, here is a video showing removal of an ear polyp (done by a surgeon who was my mentor!) - it's medical, shows an anesthetized cat - you've been warned. :)

Anyway - if it is a polyp, it's not cancerous. It isn't an emergency. It's easy to remove if you know how to do it. If it were my cat I'd try to get it removed sooner rather than later just to relieve symptoms and reduce the potential for infection.
smitcompton|1469805511|4060578 said:
Hi Missy,

It is true, I value the human life more than the cats life. Its the guilt that animal lovers put on others that I object to. Even the life of a cat is not interchangeable as I can see that each one is different from the other and you grow to like some traits over others.
But the cat, to me does not come first and I will feel no guilt about that. I have read enough threads on here to feel peoples judgement over things I do. For example. We let our cats out. They love it. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so sorry for cats in apartments. To me they have half a life. The vets around here say its fine. But not on PS. Guilt, guilt. =)

I like cats, but I gave my opinion, and I won't be made to feel guilty for it.


Annette, where did I say I value cats lives over human lives? Why is it one or the other? Your statement "Even if the life of a cat is not interchangeable?" says it all to me. You see animals (at least cats) as disposable and I don't. My fur babies are my family.

We can just agree to disagree.

As for making someone guilty or not I don't have that power nor wish to have that power. Ellen started this thread asking for opinions on what to do and I was sharing mine. However that makes you feel is on you and not on me or anyone else in this thread or any other thread you are referring to.

Back to Ellen, her son and Henry. Ellen accept my apologies for the threadjack and back to your son and Henry. I hope you are finding answers and wishing you the best possible outcome. Hoping whatever Henry has is treatable and that he can fully recover from it. Sending bucket loads of healing vibes Henry's way and best wishes for you and your son. (((HUGS))).
TooPatient, I am wondering if you missed the part about Henry being a cat? I looked up Alex's but I think that's just for people. Thank you so much for trying to help though!! :))

Missy, I knew you meant it, and we are both touched (I did pass on the offer). We have someone who wants to help with the laser surgery. She actually helped son find the kitten. She's sort of a foster cat mom and also helps adopt them out. Never married or had kids so this is what she does. I won't let her foot the whole bill, we will help. But thank you again from both of us, you are a very kind person. *HUGS*

CJ, since you asked, I went over and took some new pics of Henry. I was so surprised (and sad) to see how much he had grown in just the last couple weeks since I was there last. He has definitely matured, and has lost most of his kitten look. *sniff* But he is growing into a very handsome young man. Pics to follow.

Annette, thanks for offering your opinion. I can appreciate your point of view on not spending a ton, just as I can those who would spend much.

We all have opinions, we all come from different places, and we all really need to be respectful of each other when we don't agree. It has taken me many years to learn that, just because I think I'm right, doesn't mean I am (or that I need to convince another that I am). And often times, there is no real "right" in a situation. This happens to be one of them.

My son has grown terribly fond of Henry (his first personal pet). Outside of us, his family, Henry is literally the only good thing in my son's life. He has no job as he was in such bad shape he had to quit. He does not have the friends he had, this whole mess has caused him to isolate himself. He was in so much physical pain, he had to stop the hobbies he had, and he couldn't even go for a walk the pain was so bad. So he was just stuck in that house, with no hope and nothing to do, except love Henry, which he does immensely. And that's where we are now. My son is very sensitive. When traumatic things happen, he can't get over them. He still relives things that happened decades ago... So, we can't just give up without a reasonable fight. We will at least try the laser surgery, no matter the cost. But son will not do the other surgery, as it is way too invasive and hard on the cat. That is the plan at the moment.

As my son said, you can get another cat, but there will never be another Henry. And he's right.

Again, I really appreciate all the suggestions and well wishes.
Pics! Classic cat pose, really shows his markings well. (again, sorry for the horrendous quality)

Highlights that looooooong tail. lol

Naturally! lol

Our boy. ::)

Hi Missy,

I'm sorry, but I thought I said that I don't think cats are interchangeable. I re-read it and it may be unclear.

ecf, SO sorry I forgot to respond to you!! Thank you for the links. I read the first one and that helps. Not sure I want to click the second.... But thank you again so much!
Ellen|1469884305|4060827 said:
ecf, SO sorry I forgot to respond to you!! Thank you for the links. I read the first one and that helps. Not sure I want to click the second.... But thank you again so much!

You're welcome! Good luck with your special baby!

Healing vibes darling Henry's way. Healing and blessings to your family, Ellen!

Ellen thank you so much for posting those pictures it is so nice to see Henry.

He is absolutely adorable (and that is one long tail!) So so cute.

ETA maybe you didn't need to have that realization about him not being a kitten right now when you're going through this even if of course you "knew" he was no longer a kitten. I think you might have meant it like it cemented the love for him even more but still, I'm sorry for that moment of sadness.

He really is a handsome young man.