
Help with issues with french cut band...what to do?


Oct 9, 2011
Here's the link to my FC band. I have to admit, it was pretty first. It is a platinum, custom made band. No issues with comfort, but BIG issues with structure. There was a pretty big gap in two places and the jeweler told me to bring it in and they would fix it. I did. A week after getting the ring back, I had the sizing beads put in and stones checked by another jeweler and they had to tighten the stones. 5 were loose.
A month later, the stones were loose again and the original guys said to bring it in. Okaaay, made me a little nervous, but I did and was told the bench had to take the ring apart and "flip" the stones to fit better together. When they returned it, there was another gap so big I could see the metal from the little squares that form the underside of the ring between the diamonds. So they fixed it another time, they got loose within a month and I took it in (once again). I know, there's a pattern here and I feel pretty stupid as I write this. But, they wanted me to bring it in once again and had their in house bench use a laser welder to run a thin line of metal (I have no idea if they used gold or platinum) along the inside of the milgrain to hold the diamonds in place. They also put beads of metal in other places and now there's a black shadow that looks like compound that won't come off and it just looks crappy. I would have not let them do all of this if I had known this was their solution.

Needless to say, when I picked up the ring, I about cried when I saw the patch job. Then I got the "nothing is perfect" speech and they showed me a one hundred year old broach they sold at Christie's and pointed out a flaw. To me, there is a big difference in a 100 year old item and a NEW one. My ring isn't 6 months old and it has been taken apart and put back together three times, the stones have gotten loose four. It supposedly was fixed, but I had fallen out of love with it.

I took it to a well known antique jeweler in Lexington to see if I could sell it where I stood watching the owner/buyer "kick the tires", talk to a friend that walked in for 20 min while I stood there. He finally came to the conclusion that the stones should have never been set channel. They needed to be faceted (HUH?) and then repolished to have them set flush. His verdict, "It needs to come apart."

So here I am. I feel like I have been sold a lemon and told there's something wrong with my expectations. What to do? I don't want the original jeweler TOUCHING this ring again b/c I don't want anything to happen to the FC's. In the end, they are still mine. I won't sell it now that I know it needs to come apart. It was something that has been a problem from the get go. I won't pass that on.

Here are the options I know of....
-go back to the jeweler and ask him to figure out a solution. I don't think I want them to work on it anymore. However, I don't think they will take the ring back.
-suck it up and have it remade with white gold this time (seems to be not as soft or hard to work with as platinum?)
If I do this, do I have the facets put in and do a channel?
or do I do a ring with milgrain bezeling on each diamond. If I do this, I would probably split the diamonds and make two five stones. One to keep and one to sell to offset my cost. There are twelve total. Maybe make earrings to match with the extra two?
Any other suggestions? What do I do??

I don't get on PS too often, but I try to get back online this evening. Thanks in advance!!!


Sorry to hear that you're having so many problems w/ your beautiful french cut ring! I have a much smaller 2.2 mm VC version that is an eternity. I have not had any problems w/ loose stones so I'm at a loss regarding your situation! :confused:
VJ, that sucks - I'm sorry to hear you've been having so many issues with your lovely ring. I had a repair saga last year, and a wise woman told me, if they could have done it right the first time ... they would have. (I should have listened to her.) Before committing to a full do-over, perhaps it might be worth sending to SingleStone or someone like that who has experience working with wonky older stones, french cut and otherwise, to see what the advise? I honestly have no idea what the second jeweler could have meant by "faceting" ... calibration, maybe? Because it seems like that's the sort of thing a good jeweler should be able to take into account ....
I would have it remade by another jeweler. Maybe try Jewels by Erica Grace or Singlestone since they have done french cut bands before. I would NOT continue with your current jeweler, as they have proven they can't handle it over and over again. If they can come up with a solution, I would see if your original jeweler will cover the cost. They may not. Especially if the cost is an entirely new setting. But it's worth a shot. And I'd rather pay the money to have a wearable ring than continue the drama.
Oopsy, the link! [URL=''][/URL]

Thanks ladies. I just didn't know if there was a better way to go about this other than confronting them. It took me this long to come here and post because I really hate airing dirty laundry about someone's work. But... :eek: Gaahhhh!! In the end, I am responsible for the lessons I am learning.

If I had a choice, I would go with JbEG, but have waited to contact them b/c they have advocated for me and helped get me through two other situations (and are saints for doing so). I wanted to see if I could find my way out of this one. In the end, I did make out with some pretty amazing stones. I just am curious as to whether ya'll would take that gamble (making 2 rings). I probably could make the argument for them to take it back. In that case, they would just turn around and sell those stones and I adore them! It sounds like I just need to plan to suck it up.

Each interaction I have, I am finding myself more humble and appreciating the fact that finding my OEC (my first and only Ebay purchase) was sheer dumb luck. I am NOT a jewelry expert. LOL! :lol:
Circe|1388944602|3586807 said:
VJ, that sucks - I'm sorry to hear you've been having so many issues with your lovely ring. I had a repair saga last year, and a wise woman told me, if they could have done it right the first time ... they would have. (I should have listened to her.) Before committing to a full do-over, perhaps it might be worth sending to SingleStone or someone like that who has experience working with wonky older stones, french cut and otherwise, to see what the advise? I honestly have no idea what the second jeweler could have meant by "faceting" ... calibration, maybe? Because it seems like that's the sort of thing a good jeweler should be able to take into account ....

Circe, I have no clue. I think he was talking about polishing down the girdle to flat edges so that they sit flush? Either way, I don't think repolishing/faceting them is cost effective or worth the risk. (for me) They are 3.5 x 3.5. That seems so small for that kind of thing.
Any other advice before I contact the original jeweler? I have been trying to figure out what I want him to do before I contact them. If they offer to take the ring back and refund, I lose a great find, but I have to be prepared to take it if that's my only option (but they will just put it out and sell it to some other person to deal with). There isn't a point in contacting them unless I am going to take a refund or offer to repair (which is out of the question) right?
Or I just cut my losses and move forward. I don't even know if JbEG does custom. Any other suggestions in case they don't? I am not able to do the high high end jewelers. Trying to be positive about this, but I wish I had a time machine about now... :nono:
JbEG made Brightice's ring. She decided to break it up I think more for comfort... But certainly worth a phone call.
No advice, I just wanted to say I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Hugs!

Oh and I HATE when jewelers try to do the "nothing is perfect" speech, as though we're just being too picky. :rolleyes:
I am confused. Did you own the french cuts and then go to this jeweler to ask for them to make a setting? If that is the case, go tell them the setting is unsatisfactory after their attempts to fix it and you would like a refund and your diamonds back. If they also sold you the stones, if that was a separate transaction, I would still ask for the diamonds back and a refund for the setting. If they won't, I'd move on and have the ring remade elsewhere regardless. This is NOT about the metal...I would prefer the platinum no matter what.

It is very possible that the stones are not square and that is why you are having this problem. You need someone who has access to a cutter who can even up the shapes of the stones if needed. I was one of the people who told Circe about no second chances when something was done so wrong to her ring, so absolutely I would not have them try to remake it. I would think JBEG would be a good option since I know Victor won't work with your stones. But they need to know that a cutter may need to look at them and see if some need to be squared off better before trying to make the setting.
Thanks ya'll. I have learned so many lessons (one being, not all self proclaimed experts are, in fact, experts).

DS, I bought the stones from them and then they made the band. Comfort isn't a problem. It is actually comfortable for the size diamonds in it. Two five stone rings is just the only way I know to recoop some of the loss. I would be happy with five. That's all you see at a time anyway...You don't think it is the fact that platinum is soft?

I wouldn't think they would take a band that they can sell (in their minds) and crack it open and sell off half, and then reset the other half. They would lose the cost of the first band and also have to pay for a less valuable piece to be made.

If they did take it back, they'd probably take it all as is and patch it up some more and sell it to someone who doesn't care or know the difference between a well made piece looks like and a poorly crafted piece looks like.

Trying to figure out how to word my email. I will be even more embarrassed if I go in there and lose it.