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Mar 1, 2004
I just got back from a jewelry store right down the road from me. Small, you know the kind with the sign that says they buy and sell gold and diamonds. Well, I went in there for the first time today. Nice people BTW. I asked about OECs. Her grandpa is into antique jewelry and she says that she gets them all of the time. Then she brings out from the back, and estimated 1.2 ct OEC. Visibly tinted (I''m guessing L or M) not ugly though. Eye clean. Couldn''t see much in the loupe either. Only caveat, girdle is chipped in several places. Only one of which is visible to my eyes (40 years old now). The fire in this thing was unbelievable. It was wicked sparkly. She said that she was probably going to put it in a bezel setting that she had that she loved and keep it unless she could find a good home for it.

Here''s my Q. She is asking $1,000 for it. Would you do it if it were me? There are a lot of dings on the girdle.

I was hoping somebody would know where I could have them polished at , you know, if you could. She might even be willing to let me put some down and pay it out. (this was so not in the diamond budget)

However, she says she gets OECs all the time. She had just sold one that she had previously sold and then bought back from the guy because his wife did not like it. .85 ct. E VVS1 in a plat setting. (I would have crawled across my knees on broken glass and she didn''t like it!!! Waaahhhhhh!) I know that it''s true because the guy happened to come in as we were talking about it. He was like, "Yeah, she just didn''t like it."

She also told me that if anything came in around between 1/3 of a ct to .75 ct, she would give me a call. This would give me a chance to put away a few pennies while I wait. So what do you guys think? 1.2 ct OEC for $1,000 with dings in the girdle or wait for something else?

Boy Shay, this is a tough one...

You maybe *could* have the dings polished out, but depending on how severe they were you might actually have to have it recut. Is there an appraiser in your area that you could take it to to find out? A 1.2 ct OEC for $1K sounds like an incredible deal, so I would definitely explore your options before passing it up.

Also, what about the color--are you OK with the tint?
My, my, my. I am certainly going to have to into these old stones! I can''t answer your question about the chips, but it sounds veeeery tempting!!!!!!!
Date: 2/13/2007 4:17:21 PM
I just got back from a jewelry store right down the road from me. Small, you know the kind with the sign that says they buy and sell gold and diamonds. Well, I went in there for the first time today. Nice people BTW. I asked about OECs. Her grandpa is into antique jewelry and she says that she gets them all of the time. Then she brings out from the back, and estimated 1.2 ct OEC. Visibly tinted (I''m guessing L or M) not ugly though. Eye clean. Couldn''t see much in the loupe either. Only caveat, girdle is chipped in several places. Only one of which is visible to my eyes (40 years old now). The fire in this thing was unbelievable. It was wicked sparkly. She said that she was probably going to put it in a bezel setting that she had that she loved and keep it unless she could find a good home for it.

Here''s my Q. She is asking $1,000 for it. Would you do it if it were me? There are a lot of dings on the girdle.

I was hoping somebody would know where I could have them polished at , you know, if you could. She might even be willing to let me put some down and pay it out. (this was so not in the diamond budget)

However, she says she gets OECs all the time. She had just sold one that she had previously sold and then bought back from the guy because his wife did not like it. .85 ct. E VVS1 in a plat setting. (I would have crawled across my knees on broken glass and she didn''t like it!!! Waaahhhhhh!) I know that it''s true because the guy happened to come in as we were talking about it. He was like, ''Yeah, she just didn''t like it.''

She also told me that if anything came in around between 1/3 of a ct to .75 ct, she would give me a call. This would give me a chance to put away a few pennies while I wait. So what do you guys think? 1.2 ct OEC for $1,000 with dings in the girdle or wait for something else?

If you like it personaly and you think it is a beautifull gem... get it!!! I dont think you can go really wrong with a 1.20 for 1K.
Like i said many-a-times..., you have got to know when to reach out and grab these things when they come across!!!
Date: 2/13/2007 4:24:28 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Boy Shay, this is a tough one...

You maybe *could* have the dings polished out, but depending on how severe they were you might actually have to have it recut. Is there an appraiser in your area that you could take it to to find out? A 1.2 ct OEC for $1K sounds like an incredible deal, so I would definitely explore your options before passing it up.

Also, what about the color--are you OK with the tint?
It was way cool. It was so sparkly that you really didn''t pay attention to it. Lots of fire in that puppy. From the side it was very visibly tinted but not ugly, does that make sense?

As far as an appraiser, yes, there is an AGS guy in Warwick, but I would have to buy the stone first, and then get it appraised. I don''t know if the type of shop it is would buy it back if I was unhappy with the appraisal for what I paid for it. Obviously they bought it from someone for significantly less than 1,000. The owner likes it well enough to wear it herself unless she can sell it. Mmmmm rats what to do what to do?

Hi Shay! I don''t know too much about OEC''s but if you liked it and it would be OK to set in a bezel setting I say go for it!! Since it''s not in the diamond budget...Happy valentines day to yourself is a good excuse!

If not you must give me the name of the jeweler cause I believe we both live in Rhode Island (correct me if I am wrong) and I would LOVE to go and take a look!!!

DiaGem, you are really tempting me. It was a beautiful rock. Really deep, but quite a bit visibly bigger than my .75 carat modern round brilliant.

Date: 2/13/2007 4:28:53 PM
Author: Shay37
Date: 2/13/2007 4:24:28 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Boy Shay, this is a tough one...

You maybe *could* have the dings polished out, but depending on how severe they were you might actually have to have it recut. Is there an appraiser in your area that you could take it to to find out? A 1.2 ct OEC for $1K sounds like an incredible deal, so I would definitely explore your options before passing it up.

Also, what about the color--are you OK with the tint?
It was way cool. It was so sparkly that you really didn''t pay attention to it. Lots of fire in that puppy. From the side it was very visibly tinted but not ugly, does that make sense?

As far as an appraiser, yes, there is an AGS guy in Warwick, but I would have to buy the stone first, and then get it appraised. I don''t know if the type of shop it is would buy it back if I was unhappy with the appraisal for what I paid for it. Obviously they bought it from someone for significantly less than 1,000. The owner likes it well enough to wear it herself unless she can sell it. Mmmmm rats what to do what to do?


Shay, can you tell the shop owner that you''re very interested in the stone but that you would like to have it looked at by an appraiser before you commit, and then leave her with a copy of your drivers'' license and a credit card for security while you have it out of the store? Or, maybe a copy of your license and another valuable item of jewelry that she can hold until you bring the stone back?
Whos the AGS guy in Warwick? The closest AGS I could find was Cindy Konney in CT.
I think his name is Ron and he''s at Place Jewellers.

Date: 2/13/2007 4:31:00 PM
Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 2/13/2007 4:28:53 PM
Author: Shay37

Date: 2/13/2007 4:24:28 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Boy Shay, this is a tough one...

You maybe *could* have the dings polished out, but depending on how severe they were you might actually have to have it recut. Is there an appraiser in your area that you could take it to to find out? A 1.2 ct OEC for $1K sounds like an incredible deal, so I would definitely explore your options before passing it up.

Also, what about the color--are you OK with the tint?
It was way cool. It was so sparkly that you really didn''t pay attention to it. Lots of fire in that puppy. From the side it was very visibly tinted but not ugly, does that make sense?

As far as an appraiser, yes, there is an AGS guy in Warwick, but I would have to buy the stone first, and then get it appraised. I don''t know if the type of shop it is would buy it back if I was unhappy with the appraisal for what I paid for it. Obviously they bought it from someone for significantly less than 1,000. The owner likes it well enough to wear it herself unless she can sell it. Mmmmm rats what to do what to do?


Shay, can you tell the shop owner that you''re very interested in the stone but that you would like to have it looked at by an appraiser before you commit, and then leave her with a copy of your drivers'' license and a credit card for security while you have it out of the store? Or, maybe a copy of your license and another valuable item of jewelry that she can hold until you bring the stone back?
Good idea, Deej. Also, if I didn''t want to bezel it, It would definitely have to be fixed. Does anyone know if they could repolish or recut and keep the OEC?

Shay, here is my take. If you like it go for it but only if that same jeweler set it for you and takes responsibility in the process. You don't know what kinds of issues that girdle has besides chips (and because of them i think there could be more - durability wise).
Date: 2/13/2007 4:34:34 PM
Author: Shay37
Date: 2/13/2007 4:31:00 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Date: 2/13/2007 4:28:53 PM

Author: Shay37

Date: 2/13/2007 4:24:28 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

Boy Shay, this is a tough one...

You maybe *could* have the dings polished out, but depending on how severe they were you might actually have to have it recut. Is there an appraiser in your area that you could take it to to find out? A 1.2 ct OEC for $1K sounds like an incredible deal, so I would definitely explore your options before passing it up.

Also, what about the color--are you OK with the tint?
It was way cool. It was so sparkly that you really didn''t pay attention to it. Lots of fire in that puppy. From the side it was very visibly tinted but not ugly, does that make sense?

As far as an appraiser, yes, there is an AGS guy in Warwick, but I would have to buy the stone first, and then get it appraised. I don''t know if the type of shop it is would buy it back if I was unhappy with the appraisal for what I paid for it. Obviously they bought it from someone for significantly less than 1,000. The owner likes it well enough to wear it herself unless she can sell it. Mmmmm rats what to do what to do?


Shay, can you tell the shop owner that you''re very interested in the stone but that you would like to have it looked at by an appraiser before you commit, and then leave her with a copy of your drivers'' license and a credit card for security while you have it out of the store? Or, maybe a copy of your license and another valuable item of jewelry that she can hold until you bring the stone back?
Good idea, Deej. Also, if I didn''t want to bezel it, It would definitely have to be fixed. Does anyone know if they could repolish or recut and keep the OEC?


I think it would depend on how severe the damage was and how much they had to take off. I imagine if the damage could be polished off then there wouldn''t be an issue, but it it was a matter of actaully cutting/recutting then it could be a different story.
Date: 2/13/2007 4:38:41 PM
Author: Pricescope
Shay, here is my take. If you like it go for it but only if that same jeweler set it for you and takes responsibility in the process. You don''t know what kinds of issues that girdle has besides chips (and because of them i think there could be more - durability wise).
This is great advice. Polishing out chips isn''t expensive (*IF* they''re little ones) but during the process of polishing, further damage could occur so there''s risk involved regardless. Good idea to have the seller assume that risk.

If it were me, I would pass. 1K is not chump change and I''d rather have a pristine diamond for that money. You said they get OECs in all the time. I would advise sitting tight and waiting for the right one to come along. The hunt is part of the fun anyway!
Irina, Deej, KD, you''re right. I was in the lust of the hunt for a minute. I think I''m all better now. She said she gets these all of the time. I think that I will not only wait for a better one, but wait till I have a few pennies put away for it.

I was hoping for one that would fit in my old setting that I pulled my SC out of. I just thought it would be cool if I had a spare e-ring that was so unique.

whew, that was close. Thanks for talking me in off the ledge.

Oh Shay, I understand completely!!! Sometimes it''s too easy to get caught up in the moment, LOL.
I''m glad you decided to wait Shay. I hope the right one comes along soon.
Date: 2/13/2007 4:48:07 PM
Author: Shay37
Irina, Deej, KD, you''re right. I was in the lust of the hunt for a minute. I think I''m all better now. She said she gets these all of the time. I think that I will not only wait for a better one, but wait till I have a few pennies put away for it.

I was hoping for one that would fit in my old setting that I pulled my SC out of. I just thought it would be cool if I had a spare e-ring that was so unique.

whew, that was close. Thanks for talking me in off the ledge.

Close call! I thought you might jump. I would be so tempted. Probably use all my spare change. BUT the chips on the girdle really would concern me. I''d be afraid of breaking it ever time I wore it. I hope she gets another one in soon!
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