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Aug 9, 2004
I have attached the ring that I love. Now, I need help picking a diamond. Figured I would ask the experts. Hope you do not mind.

I have narrowed it down to two diamonds.

The specs on the first are

Cash Price: $5,692
Shape: Square Modified Brilliant (Signature Princess cut)
Carat Weight: 1.01
Color: E
Clarity: VS1
Measurements: 5.61x5.52x3.84
Depth: 69.6%
Table: 72%
Crown Height: 10.5%
Polish: VG
Symmetry: GD
Culet: None
Girdle: Very Thin to Slightly Thick
Fluorescence: None
Culet: None
Lab Comments: None

The second is slated as an Asscher cut but it is not a Royal Asscher so the shape says Square Emerald cut.

Cash Price:$4,738
Carat Weight: 1.03
Color: G
Clarity: VVS1
Shape: Asscher Style
Depth: 69.3%
Table: 68%
Polish: VG
Symmetry: GD
Culet: N
Girdle: M -
Fluorescence: None
Measurements: 5.74x5.51x3.82

HELP. Which is the better diamond? (sounds stupid but I am not diamond savvy). Which would look best in the setting? I really love the Asscher cut but this is an online vendor that does not have a picture of the diamond. So I have to go off of the specs.

Help please.
Heather B

There really isn't an accurate way to consider a fancy shape diamond off of the numbers, but why would you buy a diamond from an on-line vendor who won't provide you with clarity photographs? You have a right to expect that kind of basic information when buying a diamond on-line or in a store, ask the vendor to provide them for you or find a vendor who will.
U sure you're diamond ignorant?
The princess ( I know nothing about asschers) could be a very nice stone...that is a step in the right direction !
How will the cut corners of the asscher look with that setting? Would you need to modify the setting for it?
I only "act" like I know what I am talking about. hehe

I have attached a picture of the princess cut.
The reason that there is no picture of the exact diamond that I want (Asscher) is because I guess it is located at a warehouse that it would cost the vendor shipping charges to get in house to take a picture of it.
He sent a picture of a similar asscher cut but not the exact diamond. I can post that picture if it is helpful.

Still looking for answers though to which is best and which would be best in the setting.

Just wanted to say that you guys are QUICK. Didn't expect a response so quickly. I am very impressed. Thanks so much.

To answer the modify settings question.
The vendor says No.
That since it is sqaure it will fit perfectly in the setting.
I don't know anything about the stones, but the setting is pretty! Where did you find it?
I think it's just a matter of which kind of stone you prefer. Personally, I would pick an Asscher over a princess any day, but that's just taste. Have you seen the different cuts next to each other? I would go to a store that has good cuts, like Bailey Banks and Biddle, and just see a bunch to see whether you lean one way or the other.

By the way, I like the E/VS combo better than G/VVS... I would rather pay for extra color than extra clarity, once you are talking about clarities that high.
HI Hbogo,
That's a very pretty setting!
The corners do not lend themselves to an Asscher cut diamond.
That's besides the fact that you really need to see these types of stones to make decisions.

THere is an interesting notation: It says
"Shape: Asscher Sytle"- that's not a comment which would appear on a GIA report.

Have these stones been examined by the GIA?
I would consider VVS clarity in an Asscher cut though, since it is a step cut, and they tend not to disguise inclusions as well as brilliant cuts...
Seems to me like you need to decide if you like the looks of a princess or of an Asscher. Then decide on color and clarity.

+1 on deserving good inclusion pics. They are a must.
I was wrong on the setting. It will be this setting which will hold the Asscher diamond.
Very good point on the color of the Princess. However, the side stones are G/H in color. When we were looking at rings that had side stones at Jarod's and we placed a center stone in the middle that was a color E it just made the side stones look yellow in comparison. It just did not look right. Using a G color made the side stones clearer. If that makes any sense at all. I am afraid that if I go with an E color that it just will not look right. Any opinion on that comment would be appreciated.
The setting is from Dirt Cheap Diamonds. I love it. The GIA report says Square Emerald cut. It is just under the category Asscher Style on the website. I really am leaning toward the Asscher Style. And with the clarity being VVS1 I am pretty sure that I can live with the color. Especially considering that is what the side stones are? Am I on the right track do you think?

Looks good to me. That setting looks better for an asscher cut diamond.
I think I'd go for the Asscher in that setting, but I really like them.

NiceIce really knows what they're talking about, you really want pictures of one of those before buying -- the look of an Asscher is so important, and you can't judge it without pictures. Otherwise, you're going to need to get it dropped shipped, with an option to retrurn it. As far as I'm thinking, it's better to have the vendor weed me out a good one to begin with, so it saves me some time and shipping/appraisor money. BTW, they (NiceIce) have access to some really nice ones, from what they say, so asking them if they can get you what you want might not be a bad way to go, given that they're picky enough to make sure you get something nice!

GoodOldGold has something that's larger than what you want, but has the right colour and looks rather stunning:

I see a lot of appropriate stones by searching through pricescope, but they're all drop-shipped, it looks like, so you might want to ask them to call them in and take some pictures for you before you buy. If one vendor won't do it, someone else will, I'm sure -- they have access to the same lists.
O.K. Here is the Asscher Style diamond. Above is the Princess but I have decided on this one in the setting above. What do you think?

I want to say thanks so much again for all the help.


This is the idealscope picture.

Should be gorgeous. I have one suggestion - you might ask them to split the prongs when they set your Asscher, they look thick enough to do that, and it will give the ring an added antique touch. I love love love split prongs with asschers!
This is what I mean... drool.

asscher split.jpg
You don't happen to have a picture of what that might look like do you?
Sounds very nice but I have never seen it done.

choochoo: thats to die for--i pretty much live on leon's site and ive never seen that one. where did you find it?

heather: i love asschers and i also really like the setting you picked out. i think it's going to look great.
You beat me too it. (the picture)

Thanks so much.
Here are some more thoughts for you. You mentioned that the E looked bad when at Jarred's due to the side stones. That is because the side stones are not good at any of the Sterling Corporation stores (Kay's, Wiesfields, etc.) You mentioned that the stone was at a building somewhere and the "vendor" would incur shipping costs to give you more details. Tough cookies, either they own the diamond or they do not. Any yahoo can sit on his couch and pretend to have access to someones diamond list. That is called a middleman. If he wants to make profit on you by being a middle man, then $20 shipping is no big deal. He will make more than $20 on you. The setting will not hold your Asscher unless it is designed more square. If it is the one with the round, the prongs will not hit at the facet which is the corner of the asscher. The other problem is you will notice that the stones in the ring will be set funky. Some crooked, some higher than others, some slightly smaller than others, and some will fall out of the setting, they are only about $15 each to replace so not needed to send it back but that company sells mass produced quick set stuff. The beads that hold the diamonds in are cast in and the diamonds do not usually fit exactly. If you save enough on the diamond, I would spend $200 more and have someone make you this ring by hand. I repair enough rings from these companies to see the other side of it. There is a good jeweler in your area I am sure. You also want a good jeweler setting your expensive diamond, with that setting you only get one shot at putting it in. With the pave on the prongs, you can't adjust it much if it gets set crooked. Sorry for being a bit negative but it costs too much to make mistakes.
I don't know the first thing about Asschers (other than I really like them), but that picture looks beautiful!

And I really like the setting you chose. Is it from DCD? I was a little confused about the one you saw at Jared's... maybe their melee stones are graded softer and they're actually lower color?

Just a thought.
The setting is from DCD.
Reena: I think this setting was under 3-stone rings.

I was wondering if someone could tell me how much a ring like the ArtofPlatinum ring pictured in this thread would be with say, the same asscher stone in this string.
The reason I am asking is because I am attempting to budget out enough money for the perfect ring for my girlfriend. I LOVE that picture that ChooChoo posted. I think that she would just about faint if I brought her a ring like that. I just wanted to see what price range to expect. Thanks so much.

Hi Mitchell,

You don't say what your budget is, but I think I recall people saying that Leon Mege's rings (he makes Art of Platinum) are $3-$4k.
If that's out of your budget, I would buy a loose Asscher and side stones (I think traps or trillions would both work) and contact one of the Pricescope vendors to see if they make you a ring inspired by the design.
They'd have to alter it a bit, but you could ask for the elements you really like, say the split claw and the pave, to be there.
So it would be around $7,500 to $8,500 (guesstimate) for that ring through Leon and a bit cheaper possibly through an online vendor?

That gives me a budget to shoot for. You have been great. Thanks.
Love that setting!!!
I would go for the Asscher. I LOVE princess cut stones, but don't think the one you chose is the best. In fact, I bet MMM would change her response if she noticed that you have the depth and table flopped (you want your table to be 3-5% smaller than the depth, or at least no more than equal to it). In other words, if you decide to go princess, find another stone! That being said, I think you have some BEAUTIFUL settings to choose from and Leon does some amazing work!
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