
Help me cheer up a hospitalized teenager!


May 2, 2008
My little brother's good friend--a kid I used to babysit--was injured very badly in an accident earlier this week. He has some serious arterial and tissue damage in his legs, and his pelvis is broken in several places. He is in the ICU right now, but unlike many ICU patients, he is alert, and he can move his head, arms, and upper body.

His family has asked that he have as many visitors as possible as he is very lonely, bored, and depressed. He is 16 years old and loves to ski and play sports, so this debilitating injury has been really hard on him psychologically as well as physically. Most of his friends are two hours away, but I am nearby, so I thought I'd visit him a copule times over the weekend and see what I could do to entertain him a little and cheer him up. I'm a little unsure as to what to do/bring for him, so I would really appreciate any (relatively inexpensive) suggestions my fellow PS'ers might have.
Does he like cards?
maybe scrabble?

You could toss a football around the room.
Take him some good music to listen to.
A good movie? Bring a lap top to play it on to watch together?
Cook him some good Noms?
A sketch pad with pencil?
Sudoku book?
Ask him to recount some of his favorite outdoorsy stories for you?
Tell some for him?
Poor guy. :( The suggestions above are great. Maybe you could bring him an iTunes gift card (if he has a laptop available), or DVDs of his favorite TV show. Just a heads up, however: most ICUs have strict visitor rules (especially pediatric ICUs- not sure if he is in the PICU or a trauma ICU). I would call the hospital and ask about their visiting hours and any restrictions, such as family only. It is very sweet of you to try and cheer him up, I know our patients, especially the younger ones, get sooo bored!
Dragonfly had some great suggestions for you. That is really nice of you, Kittybean.
How about Backgammon? DH and I have been playing a couple times a week and have turned our friends onto it.
How about a feel-good movie on a laptop, like Blindside?
TV/Movies or something like that... but mostly just want to wish him a speedy recovery!
I'll put in my vote for favorite TV series on DVD. When I had my last surgery my mom rented me CSI on DVD and it made the recovery time go SO much faster. I was 17 at the time too for what it's worth. Also maybe if he has some sort of portable gaming system like a nintendo DS you could get him a game? I have a DS and FI and I are obsessed with it. They even have old school Super Mario for it now. I'm 24 now, so I guess the DS would be relevant for a teen.
Thank you so, so much for your awesome suggestions and well-wishes for this sweet kid. He needs all the positive thoughts and prayers he can get right now! We are really hoping he is able to make a full recovery.

Today I went to Toys R Us and picked up Uno and Jenga for him, and I'll be bringing him some candy and a Sudoku book as well. I'm also going to bring my Best of Saturday Night Live DVDs and let him borrow as many as he wants, being that laughter is the best medicine =). I'm off to the hospital this afternoon, so I'll fill you guys in on how he's doing later.
How is he doing? Did you have a good visit?
Maisie|1289695038|2765088 said:
How is he doing? Did you have a good visit?
Thanks so much for asking, Maisie! He is doing okay, actually. He was looking better than I expected, and we were able to have a good conversation for about half an hour. He thanked my brother and me about six times for visiting, which was so sweet of him. He had his pelvis pinned together yesterday, and as long as there are no complications, that should be his last surgery. From how things are looking now, he is expected to make a full recovery, albeit a lengthy one.

He isn't really up to playing games yet, but I promised I'd come back on Monday or Tuesday, at which point he should be up for some cards and Jenga. He was happy about the SNL DVDs since it's hard for him to stay awake for an entire movie. He looked and sounded so much older than I remember him, but I think any kid would be forced to grow up quite a bit after facing the real possibility of paralysis or death. He is being very brave, positive, and thankful.
Gosh, being hospitalized sucks for everyone, but I imagine a teenager who thrives on socializing is completely at wits end. I don't have any other suggestions but I'm glad that you're trying to cheer him up. Sounds like thanks to God are in order for coming out of that bad of an accident. Lots of dust and prayers for quick healing.
I hope his recovery is quick. The poor fella.

I think company is all he needs, he sounds like he really appreciated your visit. And your gifts will keep him occupied. Does he have any of the handheld electronic games? What are they - the DS things? You could rent him a game?