
help getting over accident

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May 5, 2005
I was involved in a motor vehicle accident over the weekend. My small car was struck by a very large truck with extra large wheels and the lift (monster truck off road type vehicle, not kidding) in the front passenger side corner. I''m ok (thank you Lord) but I''m having a hard time wanting to get back on the road. I''m too nervous to drive and freeze up at every intersection. I almost got into an accident just today and I know it''s because I''m a nervous wreck now. Has anyone else gone through this and how long does it take before I''ll feel comfortable driving? I know I have to get past this but it''s harder than I thought. I just want to stay home and not drive at all. Seriously. Like forever. The thought of that thing coming at me is enough to make me never want to get on the road again unless I''m driving a tank. Maybe it''ll just take time but I''d appreciate any input. My car had over $2000 in damage and his truck had a few scratches. I don''t feel safe on the road now.


Feb 27, 2006
That''s so scary. I''m glad to hear that you''re feeling okay physically.

Last summer, my parents were sitting in their SUV at a red light when a Mack truck hit them from behind. Their SUV was totaled. My mom''s always been a little bit nervous driving, but she had the same problems you did for a while after the accident. She seems to be doing okay driving right now, but I haven''t explicitly asked her how nervous she is behind the wheel.

A little bit of unsolicited advice. In my parents'' case, the truck driver''s insurance agreed to pay them for their damages. My parents'' lawyer encouraged them to wait before accepting any particular offer, and it''s really good that they did. My mom physically felt okay after the accident, but a bit shaken. Months later, she found out that she has three herniated disks in her neck that doctors are pretty sure were caused by the collision. They''ve told her that problems associated with car accidents often manifest themselves up to a year later. I really don''t want to scare you, but if you''re making any agreements with insurance companies it might be prudent to wait a bit. And I really hope that none of this type of stuff crops up.


May 5, 2005
thank you for the advice. Just today I had a phone msg. from his insurance company calling to verify that I wasn''t injured. I''m not sure how to respond. As far as I know I''m not. Sore arm for a few days but that''s it. Maybe I''ll respond that as far as I know for now I am not injured.
I almost feel like I will somehow snap out of this and get back to normal. Just wondering how long it will take.


Aug 12, 2005
Diamondsrock, so very sorry to hear of your accident. I''m so glad to know you''re alright--what a blessing!

On wondering how long it will take before you are able to drive in a state of mental "normality" again...who knows? Honestly, it will probably take a while. I was in a car accident 7 years ago in which I was driving on a country road with no shoulder and dropped a wheel off the road, which led me to overcorrect back onto the road, and in turn sent me almost off the other side, so I overcorrected again and ended up slamming head on into a concrete drainage ditch thing. Thank goodness for seatbelts and airbags, as I and my passenger were both saved without serious injury. I still stay towards the middle of the road when out in the country or pretty much anywhere to this day. It''s just something I will never forget.

I was also involved in an accident in which I was not driving when I was in college, where the driver stopped at a light, went ahead through when it turned green, and we were broadsided (on her side) by a drunk driver. To this day (8 years later), I never go through an intersection without checking both ways first, even if the light is green, when I am first in line to go.

You will recover, but you will always be more cautious. That''s not a terrible thing. It really is one of those things in life that makes you more aware of what CAN happen, but it doesn''t have to cause you neverending nightmares or anything. You''ll get through this, and you''ll get over it. But the part of you that got scared to death in your particular accident will always remember and try its best to keep you safe. Think of it like this: it''s just another angel looking out for you now!

Hope this helps, and I hope you make a complete and speedy recovery!



Jan 25, 2005
I''m so sorry to hear this. But absolutely don''t tell them you''re feeling okay until you''ve been checked out, and still then tell them you''re not sure. They want to make sure you don''t file an injury claim later but you could develop something from the accident that doesn''t show up right away, so mum''s the word for now. I do hope you feel better though. I know it can be scary to drive afterwards...I kinda drove like an old grandma for awhile till I was over it. And it''s perfectly fine to take baby steps.


Feb 27, 2006
Ditto Virginia and Firegoddess. (Sorry I didn''t respond last night, a little emergency came up.)


Jun 24, 2003
Definitely wait. I was hit by a disoriented elderly women 12 years ago, and had a sore shoulder and stiff neck for a few weeks, but felt fine and didn''t make an injury claim. I have permanent damage in my shoulder which makes my back hurt, and I have arthritis in my neck! I''ve spent a load of money on Dr.s, massage therapists, and chiropractors.

Better to be safe than sorry!


May 5, 2005
thank you all for the advice. If I hadn''t asked this I probabaly would have called the insurance company and said I was ok, at least for now. I don''t even plan on calling them back now at all since I can''t be sure.

I too am driving like a little old lady and noticing now just how many opportunities on the road there are for accidents. To match the driving style I''m borrowing my grandmother''s late 80''s oldsmobile which is so much bigger than my little car. I picked up my son at school today and some kid came up to my window and said hi, nana! I''m in my 30''s! My son said it was probably the car since it''s the type a lot of old people around here drive. I thought it was kind of funny.

Maybe the only good thing that will come of this is I will be so extremely cautious now that I know what could happen on the road. It could have been much worse, since I actually thought this is it I''m dead when I saw him coming.
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