
Help finding an Afghan origin gem


Apr 17, 2015
I've been rapidly absorbing the wealth of knowledge on this forum for a few months now and it has helped me enormously in selecting the perfect sapphire for my engagement ring :D

I'm now feeling a bit stuck looking for my next coloured stone and I would really appreciate some guidance. I'm looking for a fairly large stone to set within a strand of pearls to make a heirloom style necklace to wear on my wedding day. This is what I'm aiming for:

The specs-
Origin : Afghanistan (this is for sentimental reasons)
Stone : Really anything durable. My research has lead me to tourmaline and aquamarine
Size : over 1.5cm and preferably closer to 2cm
Budget : under $2000
Colour : Considering the size and budget I've decided to keep my mind open about colour. But I do prefer blues and greens in all shades from very pale to deeply saturated and pinks and peaches. I'm open to less 'commercially ideal' colours as well.
Clarity: I'm fine with inclusions as long as they aren't distracting. I also understand that with my budget it will be very difficult to get a flawless stone.

I've visited the websites of almost all the recommended vendors and contacted a few but it seems that all stones that are large enough are way above my budget. I haven't set myself an impossible task have I?
I think it is possible, depending on the vendor you buy from. I think you'd have to go either for a very light coloured aqua or a smaller tourmaline.

Litnon has some options, even under budget:

Very low price for size:

May have a bowtie IRL, which is something you have to decide if you can accept:

Smaller but nice colour:

You mentioned peachy pinks:

Have you considered topaz? That comes in a vivid blue colour if irradiated and is very affordable.
Lol I totally forgot you want an Afghan gem, silly me.

Is there Afghan topaz? That might work.
Doug Menadue from Bespoke Gems has a piece of Afghanistan rough but it could be too elongated for the pendant/clasp you have in mind. He might have more rough that is not listed.

You could also contact Precision Gem for tourmaline from Afhanistan. He had one batch that is relatively high priced. But he also listed the one below. It is out of stock but he might have more rough of this mint coloured material.

LoversKites|1430047111|3867963 said:
Lol I totally forgot you want an Afghan gem, silly me.

Is there Afghan topaz? That might work.

Not that I can find. But I'd love it if it did exist! The most affordable Afghan gem in that size is Kunzite but I'm reluctant to go down this path as I'm not that precious with my jewelry and may end up wearing it during the day.

Doug Menadue from Bespoke Gems has a piece of Afghanistan rough
I've been speaking to Doug and hes looking through his stock for something that might suit. I love his work but I think my budget is a bit of a challenge. His office is actually right next to mine in Sydney, go figure!

You could also contact Precision Gem for tourmaline from Afhanistan. He had one batch that is relatively high priced. But he also listed the one below. It is out of stock but he might have more rough of this mint coloured material.
I've been browsing this website but just figured that it would be way out of my price range judging from the pricing of previous stones. I might send an email and ask though.
Yay! I hope Doug finds you something! What a treat that your work office is next to his. 8-)
This one is a 1.6 x 1 cm bi color tourmaline, around $600 under budget. Clarity was described as VS2 so may not look this fuzzy in real life?

chocolatepudding|1430048617|3867967 said:
LoversKites|1430047111|3867963 said:
Lol I totally forgot you want an Afghan gem, silly me.

Is there Afghan topaz? That might work.

Not that I can find. But I'd love it if it did exist! The most affordable Afghan gem in that size is Kunzite but I'm reluctant to go down this path as I'm not that precious with my jewelry and may end up wearing it during the day.

I looked it up and there has been mining of topaz in Afghanistan. I'm not sure how common/uncommon it is. I think you should ask some vendors about it, particularly lapidaries who'd be able to cut exactly what you want. :)
There's Afghan Kunzite too, but it could have undetectable irradiation treatment which would make it prone to fading.

ETA: I see someone already mentioned kunzite. Sorry!
Already sold, but this is an example of a Kunzite from Afghanistan.

Thank you all for those suggestions. I've been busy contacting vendors and have narrowed my selection down to a couple of very different stones. I didnt have much success looking at Afghan origin exclusively so I opened up the search to Pakistan as well. Being new to this I still don't know whats a 'good buy' so would really appreciate the opinions of the experts out there.

Contender 1:
20.78ct Medium Beige to Peachy Pakistani Topaz measuring about 14mm. Very brilliant, quite large and reminiscent of what one sees out there as Morganite (irradiated). priced at $830

Contender 2:
deep yellow gem with a great flash. A few small beryl "tubes" in the picture but not seen by the unaided eye. priced at $650
thought to be afghan in origin and heated.
Video here:

Contender 3:
bubblegum pink Afghan Rubellite tourmaline 15.02 cts 12.00 mm wide 15.50 mm long 8.00 mm deep - best cut = Deep Oval. i'm thinking of having this faceted here in Sydney by Doug or by Dan Starr who is the vendor. the rough is $650

Contender 4:
pale blue aquamarine from Pakistan faceted by Jeremy Newman in the traditional "Emerald" cut so often used for this gem material. It is flawless and quite showy. Size: 20×14mm, 17.94ct priced at $1076

Additional photos below

I know coloured stones are a matter of opinion but I really do love them all for different reasons. I'm looking to make a halo pendant that would only be worn occasionally and carefully. I would like a stone that's beautiful and worth the money i paid for it.

These are all from reputable vendors with good return policies. Being located in Sydney, its not really an option to have the stones shipped over and only keep the one that speaks to me so I'd love to hear your thoughts. Which would you buy/not buy?
This is a very personal choice indeed!

The first one looks included and looks less attractive in the center. Have you received more pics of this stone?

Love the colour of the second contender but I would need to see it in person.

The pink looks very promising and it will be great to have it cut especially for you.

The aqua looks really nice as well. Personally I love more saturated blues but in itself this seems to be a very nice one.

Hopefully the experts will chime in soon as they see things I do not see, like the cut quality, richness of the colour and the characteristics of the stone.

Will you wear it on a long or short chain? A pendant can still be quite vulnerable when you wear it on a long chain.

Good luck in making your decision. Which one speaks most to you at the moment? They are quite different indeed!
Thanks Acinom! Yes i guess diversity is expected when your only criteria is a monster gem from one particular origin within a fairly tight budget. But It's been a fun experience searching.

I'll be wearing it short probably on a strand of pearls. The setting will be fairly simple in a complimentary gold with a white stone halo.

I've asked for more pics of the topaz. I agree that the aqua is a little bit light. I have tanned skin so vibrant colours tend to look better on me than more subdued ones.

I absolutely love the pink tourmaline but I've been advised that the finished stone might be 3 - 4 carats and with the cutting fees and the price of the rough it ends up rather expensive. but yes, it would be really special experience having it cut for me.

The Helidor is really lovely but I've heard that these can be irradiated. I'm ok with heat but don't really want any other treatments. Does anyone know how i can tell if its been irradiated?
Ah... For some out of the box thinking:
Instead of sticking to a particular origin, why don't you choose for the colors that remind you of that origin: like nature colours, the colour of a house you used to visit, a dress you wore when you were little? This might broaden your search a bit?
From what's listed above, I'd definitely go with the pink tourmaline. :love: It's gorgeous! Plus, I think it'd look lovely with pearls. Although the aqua is nice, I feel the tone would get lost/blend in with pearls. If the rough is $650, cutting shouldn't be more than $500 at most, and that's definitely below your budget.
The pink is the most tempting for me, being that:
1. I would do a very busy precision cut to make it flash and sparkle more
2. The initial colouration looks bright and strong, so it should end up looking better
3. The pink will go very well with pearls
What size are the pearls?
The pink tourmaline rough is lovely, maybe you could double haloed it to match your strand? Although it won't be a large centre piece like your original intention, unless the pearls are really small.
Pink tourmaline rough looks great.
Instead of sticking to a particular origin, why don't you choose for the colors that remind you of that origin
That's certainly an idea if I don't find any stones, great suggestion

What size are the pearls?
The pink tourmaline rough is lovely, maybe you could double haloed it to match your strand?
They're about 6mm across. I was originally aiming for a more classic look with a nice large stone but a double halo could work too.

The pink tourmaline is growing on me more and more. Below are some pictures of a finished gem from very similar material that Dan sold a while back. isn't it gorgeous?!


I've been speaking to Doug from bespoke gems and it seems that cutting it in Sydney would be a good option. He's also got a few pieces of rough that hes keen to show me tomorrow :) can't wait.
Great! With 6mm you will have more options with your stone choice. I'm looking forward to seeing your final choice.
chocolatepudding|1432813130|3882159 said:
Instead of sticking to a particular origin, why don't you choose for the colors that remind you of that origin
That's certainly an idea if I don't find any stones, great suggestion

What size are the pearls?
The pink tourmaline rough is lovely, maybe you could double haloed it to match your strand?
They're about 6mm across. I was originally aiming for a more classic look with a nice large stone but a double halo could work too.

The pink tourmaline is growing on me more and more. Below are some pictures of a finished gem from very similar material that Dan sold a while back. isn't it gorgeous?!


I've been speaking to Doug from bespoke gems and it seems that cutting it in Sydney would be a good option. He's also got a few pieces of rough that hes keen to show me tomorrow :) can't wait.

I have had internet conversations with Doug and also have a couple of his garnets,
he is a most wonderful person and I love my garnets that he cut, they are gorgeous.
I think you would be really happy if you go with Doug.
That's great news!!!
Keep us updated on the process. Looking forward to see what kind of progress you made as well as your final decision.
The pink looks great by the way.
Good news, the bubblegum tourmaline is on its way to Sydney! :dance: Thank you all for helping me choose.

The stone would probably be best cut into an oval but I'd prefer a pear. So I'm compromising and aiming for an 'egg' cut. I think it would be really sweet in the bubblegum pink. What do people think of Finewater's egg cut?

An egg shaped outline is also lovely!
I like!!
Is that your actual stone, or is he sending the rough first for you to look at?

Either way, I love the egg shape and am sure it will be stunning.
My rough arrived today and its gorgeous. It looks exactly like a piece of hard candy that probably tastes like fairy floss. :lickout:

I took the rough over to Doug to discuss cut options. The good news is that the gem is totally clean and the color is vivid, it also has a nice large face so i could potentially cut a 12 x 9 mm finished stone. However, the rough is fairly shallow so there is a possibility that the finished gem could have a small window. I could alternatively have a smaller gem (10 x 8mm) that's perfectly cut. But considering that I want a gem as large as possible for dramatic effect I'm leaning towards a slightly windowed stone set in a close bottomed setting to reflect as much light as possible. Would anyone recommend i settle for the smaller stone?

by the way, the egg was just my inspiration picture minousbijoux, its actually a spinel from Finewater gems. :)
Personally, I'd go for the perfectly cut, slightly smaller stone. But that's coming from someone who can't really tolerate a windowed stone (now a tilt window is a different story), especially on something I'd wear for my wedding day. I'm sure others might disagree, but I wanted to give my two cents. By the way, do you plan to re-set the stone after the wedding (into a ring or something) or is this a necklace you'll continue to wear? Just curious.

I can't wait to see the finished piece! :D