
Help finding 3-4 carat oval

aftereffects15|1455239851|3989927 said:
Wow, I am super impressed with ERD so far.

I wouldn't be, not impressed with what they have found for you, they have provided you with less comparative information . That ASET they provided has shadows on the tips(is not well taken) no idea what is going on on both ends. They haven't provided a video comparison either only a pitch about an 8 main pavilion which while it helps prevent a bowtie says nothing about the brightness of the stone. I suspect the brightness of that stone is not as good as some of the ones you have already seen but that is a guess based on incomplete information from the images.

Sad reality, Ovals aren't cut for maximum brilliance and brightness and ones that hover around 3ct even less so. For spending this much money I think you should fly to New York and visit a bunch of vendors and make the choice in person. This is one case where comparing still images is just not going to help you pick amongst these candidates, none of them so far will be a clear winner. Maybe consider some rectangular cushions.
aftereffects15|1454871696|3988067 said:
Do you have any examples of wow ovals? Is the one in this video good? I like how it has more defined sparkles/facets (not sure if it's that's the right language to describe it)

I get that you want larger flashes, or larger virtual facets. Most of the flashes I see in the video are glare and reflection off the crown but I understand what you are looking for and see some in the middle of the table in that video.

I think you should consider a vintage faceted rectangular cushion instead of ovals, you will give up some faceup size but you will get larger flashes and more brightness. The vendors you are already working with should be able to find those for you and perhaps even find one with a more rounded outline like an oval.
They took the time to look for diamonds for me without any form of payment which I appreciate even if that diamond doesn't end up being the right one for me.

I'm actually in NY right now for work, been flying over from the SF area fairly frequently lately but without fiance so I'd prefer to have all the info available online to show him (and get feedback from Gypsy and the rest of this wonderful community). What are the most reputed stores to check out if there's time? GoG is kind of far away and I usually only come out for a day or two and can't take a 2 hour detour

We're pretty set on that setting with the half moon side stones so I think a proper oval would work best, I appreciate the suggestion though. For whatever it's worth I prefer H&A round cut to cushion cut. Finding a round is so easy compared to ovals lol
aftereffects15|1455257621|3990055 said:
I'm actually in NY right now for work

Then I'd definitely go to Leon Mege (Art of Platinum) and Brilliantly Engaged. Perhaps also Adam at Old World Diamonds.
I really think your eyes in person trump the 'consumer experts' looking at images.

I could tell you a lot from an static faceup ASET image but I can't tell you what a diamond will look like in motion when you slowly rock it back and forth like most people look at their diamonds when its on the hand.

Tell them to call in stones for you to look at in person before you go. one example of a cushion but perhaps you want something a little more rectangular.

This definitely fits with half moons you are interested in see this 5 stone

You might even be able to see this 3 stone ring to get an idea, if you go to Leon
If you are in SF often, I live here in the bay area. If you want to see what Joe Escobar can do for you, call them up (in Campbell). And I can come meet you with my ASET scope and we can evaluate stones together. You can also get a stone from GOG or B2C or BE and bring it in to compare. Joe Escobar doesn't mind.

I've done this once or twice for PSers I know. I can do it for you. Joe Escobar is a large store with great security in a good area.
yay bay area! :wavey:

I would love to take you up on your very generous offer if I haven't found one in the next month or two. My schedule is crazy atm (avoiding even thinking about wedding stuff but diamonds are a guilty pleasure) so I was hoping to find everything online. What did you think of the 3.11 photos? Or hard to tell without a video?

queradas - thank you for the suggestion, just emailed Brilliantly Engaged to see if I can stop by, I leave tomorrow evening (really today, stupid jetlag) but maybe they'll have some stones in stock. I'm hesitant about contacting Leon Mege b/c fiance really likes the Victor Canera setting (and LA is a much shorter flight). That Montpassier ring you linked to is most fabulous though :love:
aftereffects15|1455260735|3990072 said:
yay bay area! :wavey:

I would love to take you up on your very generous offer if I haven't found one in the next month or two. My schedule is crazy atm (avoiding even thinking about wedding stuff but diamonds are a guilty pleasure) so I was hoping to find everything online. What did you think of the 3.11 photos? Or hard to tell without a video?

queradas - thank you for the suggestion, just emailed Brilliantly Engaged to see if I can stop by, I leave tomorrow evening (really today, stupid jetlag) but maybe they'll have some stones in stock. I'm hesitant about contacting Leon Mege b/c fiance really likes the Victor Canera setting (and LA is a much shorter flight). That Montpassier ring you linked to is most fabulous though :love:

I would if you are interested in newly cut vintage faceted cushions and BE doesn't have what you want. Just because you visit doesn't mean you have to buy the setting from him. IMO for a 3 stone or 5 stone there is noone better in getting proportions right, sourcing sidestones, and producing the cleanest most elegant looking rings. Victor and Steven Kirsch are great as well but I think for these type of rings Leon is a step above.
You have to understand that most jewelers do not keep 3-4 ct stones in inventory, and all the ones in NY are just calling in stones from diamond suppliers and they all have access. That is why sticking with one vendor is the wisest choice. I would stick with Good Old Gold, personally. The deposits will go toward the price of the stone if you buy one, I believe.

Oh yikes, you are there today? They will only be able to go physically pick up stones from suppliers, then. You really need to make that kind of appointment a few days in advance. Hopefully BE can run go pick up a few for you really fast!

Very, very glad you are using Victor for the setting! Excellent choice!
Gypsy|1455250370|3990008 said:
I disagree. It has a nice amount of green. More than many of the gog choices. And less.White overall. And its chubby. Will they make you a video?

Yes, it is okay for an oval. I just thought the GOG E was better. But I now see she said she didn't like it in the video.

The truth about ovals is, they may have a good spread, but they are not going to have great light return.
Sorry, don't mean to spam your thread!

I just wanted to explain why GOG asks for a deposit. In the past, they have spend a lot of time calling in stones, making videos, doing light return images and then some people would have a dropshipper type vendor call in the stone and sell it to them for less. That is pretty awful, so I see why GOG asks for deposits when they are having expense bringing in stones and really providing more info than any other vendor. They are the best source for fancy cuts but you have to stick with it until they find the right stone.
diamondseeker2006|1455289976|3990163 said:
Sorry, don't mean to spam your thread!

I just wanted to explain why GOG asks for a deposit. In the past, they have spend a lot of time calling in stones, making videos, doing light return images and then some people would have a dropshipper type vendor call in the stone and sell it to them for less. That is pretty awful, so I see why GOG asks for deposits when they are having expense bringing in stones and really providing more info than any other vendor. They are the best source for fancy cuts but you have to stick with it until they find the right stone.

Well GOG has a problem they are out in Long Island and generally people don't want to go out there when they are in Manhattan. It is also more expensive for them to call in stones from the Manhattan cutters. Plenty of inventory in Manhattan so its no big deal for BE or AOP to call in a diamond or three, it used to be they were in the same building as the cutters and are still close.

While I get the online deposit policy, I think for someone looking to spend 50k on a stone, driving two hours each way or being forced to pay multiple deposits might lose GOG the sale. I am not convinced that they are even able to select ovals very effectively(from the videos presented), either they don't exist or their isn't an efficient way to select for brightness or chunky facets from inventory you can't see before you call in.

For someone shopping online no problem GOG's model makes sense, before incurring costs they want the customer to commit, but for someone able to view stones in person this viewing should trump any images, scopes, and video, especially if you were going to other good vendors in Manhattan and could havethem call in stones beforehand.

I also know they don't all have access to the same inventory and not at the same time so limiting yourself to one vendor when you have limited time in NYC is probably not the best idea. I'd even check out Harry Winston with that budget.
Everybody is such a downer about finding this oval. Stick with it, it takes longer than a rb, but its worth it when you finally find it. I have a 3ct oval... took months to source and I wanted all sorts of things people here on PS would kill me for... I like wide tables, wanted 8 main and though my depth falls into desired category its JUST barely.. I also wanted that spread with my size 8+ ( and growing ) fingers. Say what you will... but my Oval is crazy lively, flashes big and people comment on it all the time - my only concession its not as chubby as I would have preferred.

I agree with whoever said to stick to one vendor... they can call in any diamond. GOG charges because of all the info they provide. ITS WORTH IT. You need at least a few weeks to have them gather ovals that size
Thank you for all the great advice and feedback. Please spam the thread! It is very helpful and I have learned so much.

Any more feedback on the latest from GoG? They said it's back in stock and are very enthusiastic about it

I was able to stop by brilliantly engaged Friday morning (it was just a block away from one of my meetings!) and see some diamonds in person, really great experience and they managed to get a hold of 4 diamonds to show me (including the 3.25 mentioned earlier) with just a few hours notice. The 3.25 was quite pretty but I was not blown away by any of them. I'm starting to think my expectations are just off :/

It's reassuring to hear that ovals are worth it Wendylynne! Did you source through GoG or another vendor? Were they ok with it taking a few months?
Go see it in person.

And yes, if I were looking for a 3-4 carat oval I would wait, and expect the vendor to understand, until the right stone came along, however long that takes.

And I don't think you have to work with the same vendor. Some of our posters are extremely vendor loyal because they've had great experiences and recommend staying with that vendor.

I'm not of that opinion. When you are looking for a unicorn, look around and speak to several vendors. You never know who might have a line on the right stone.
Thank you, very glad to hear that - it's exactly how I want to go about the process. Is Joe Escobar worth reaching out to to or does he primarily do colored stones?
Definitely worth reaching out to. He does GORGEOUS large white stones too.
Is Joe Escobar a real contender in your diamond search nothing is showing over 4.19 carats
She woukd call them and have them get stones in for her to see. Make an appointment. Not just drop in!
Hi again! I'm trying to educate myself more on ovals and what to look for, this one caught my eye while I was browsing JA, is it considered a good cut because there's not a central bow tie area?

The other ones I kept coming back to are:

What do you guys think?
Will JA provide you an ASET for the ovals?
Ooh gemologist from JA said they would provide an ASET for top 3 ovals if they are eligible, which ones should I ask for? If none catch your eye happy to wait too, I'm thrilled they're doing ASETs at all - emailing proved much more fruitful than on-site chat.

I emailed ED about ASET for the 3.01 and 3.54, the depth % of the 3.16 put me off and 3.47 looked a little mushy

Thank you so much again for all of your help and guidance!
Numbers mean squat with ovals.
FIt's bright in the center. But kinda dead everywhere else.
So I went to picked up my 2 ct oval not too long ago, and my jewelry showed me a 3 ct oval. It's E VS1 GIA cert, both symmetry and polish are excellent with faint fluor (I think). Not sure if you are interested, it was at a very good price. Not sure if it is still available but doesn't hurt to find out. He is located in LA though.

At least you get to see the stone, unlike most online store, you'll have to pay first, and risk having to return it. Nothing wrong with that, just different kind of experience.
What's the jeweler's name? I stop by LA fairly frequently and happy to take a look, I wouldn't be interested in purchasing anything from an unknown jeweler without seeing it first.

Gypsy - Are there any ASET/oval examples that you think are great? in any size range

Does this one look good?

I regret not moving faster on from your first recommendation...