
Help choosing a cushion cut. (Gypsy?)


Mar 24, 2015
I've done some reading on this forum on cushion cuts, enough to know that I don't know enough. :wall: I am looking for a 1.2-1.3 carat cushion cut. I've been looking at H-G color, SI1-VS1 clarity, with excellent polish and symmetry. I know it's all about the sparkle, but it seems really hard to tell which rock has it. I was hoping to keep my budget right around 7k for the diamond.

Here are some of the ones I am looking at.

5. (this one is slightly out of my budget, but I will include it anyway)

Are any of those worth putting on hold or checking out further?
This is the ring I am considering getting to go with it, in white gold.

All feedback is appreciated! Thanks.
Tough to get all the data we need from JA based on the info we have (you can request ASET images, which will provide more data).

Here are two options that are both under budget, with all of the data you need to verify top-notch performance:

1.3ct, I, VS2

1.21ct, G, SI1

I'd ask GOG to make a video of those two stones, along with a third, and then choose which one I preferred from there.

Best of luck!
Thanks RR. I should probably get some ASET images of the stones from JA as well. I am just not sure how to interpret those.
Bozango|1432226137|3879671 said:
Thanks RR. I should probably get some ASET images of the stones from JA as well. I am just not sure how to interpret those.

If you post the results here (after reserving the stones), some folks should be able to assist with the assessment.

From there, you will be able to make a much more educated decision!
Iffy...could show a significant bowtie.

Really cool looking with a strong large Maltese cross but may not be eye clean.

Very modern with an X pattern. Not a fan of this as explained in #4.

I prefer this over #3 because I don't want to see such a strong and large X in the middle. Again, I would verify that it is eye clean due to the colouration being black and smack dab in the middle.

5. (this one is slightly out of my budget, but I will include it anyway)
Iffy cut and might bowtie too.
Thanks Chrono.

I checked with JA and they only had #2 on hand to view and send me an ASET of. The person I spoke to did say that most likely this diamond isn't eye clean.

Back to searching.
Thanks Gypsy. I requested ASET images and will be posting those once them come in.
Ok, I have ASET images to review!

#1. 394088aset.jpg

#2. 217270aset.jpg

#3. 288380aset.jpg

So which of these will perform best?
I would like to second what Rocky Racoon said about getting the stones on film.
When I picked my cushion I worked with the dimensions that I wanted but most importantly I asked for the stones to be filmed in various lighting conditions (ie outdoors, indoors etc).
I felt this gave me the best idea of how they would look and perform :-)
I love the ASET on #3. Which diamond does that correspond to?

Edit: Looks like the H/SI1? Oddly enough, I like the ASET the most but the actual photo the least. I'll change my answer to #1/the G/SI1.
#3 has hidden depths. The video is a bad one. That's a REALLY NICE 8 main cushion set at an unflattering angle in the video. That's the pick of the litter IMO.

But honestly, all of them are winners from their ASETs. #2 has a lovely high crown and small table and has a very cushiony outline.
I think it's between #2 and #3. But then again... the first one is a G and no slouch either.

Which one did the gemologist like?
All 3 look good; it's going to be a difficult choice. My personal pick is #3. I like the pattern, the performance and it faces up larger than #2. What is JA's opinion?
I was hoping the ASET images would make this easier, but that's not happening.

This is what the gemologist had to say:

#1 "has excellent light performance! It’s bright, lively, and really sizzles in the center. It has the nicest spread of your lineup and faces up the largest of the three. Additionally, it’s eye clean and has a white “G” color."

#2 "offers great light performance too, ranking your third brightest. It faces the smallest of the three, appears eye clean, and has a true “H” color. This diamond is more rounded than your other two."

#3 "has great light performance and ranks as your second brightest diamond. It’s eye clean, has a true “H” color, and it’s shape is more squarish in shape. It’s corners aren’t quite as rounded as the corners on the other diamonds."

They are pushing for #1.

Everyone else says #3.

I have them on hold until tomorrow.
Ok, I think I am going to go with #1. I might have to toss a coin. I like the idea that it faces up the largest, I know she will like that. :lol: I will follow up with which one I went with and pics once it comes in.

Thank you all for your help!
I like the ASET of #2 and also the high crown. Girdle is too thick though. Overall it has the best shape IMO.

#3 is nice but crown is too shallow. I do like it's patterning the most.

#1 seems like the best compromise. Decent crown height but I'm not sure on patterning. Viewed at 1x it looks the darkest. Doesn't really excel but is the most well rounded. ASET might be the poorest out of the three. Shape is also good and inbetween #2 and #3.

What setting are you going to get as it can influence which stone to choose?

I personally like high crowns with smallish table in cushion cut so I might lean towards #2 even though the high crown and thick girdle result in it facing up smaller.

Is there any significant difference in cost between these 3?
1k puts me even more firmly in the 3 camp.
:x ACK! I already ordered the setting and #1 stone! The pressure got to me and I pulled the trigger on it. I am still confident that she will love it, I just wanted to get something that the members here would have recommended. I will follow up with photos once it arrives. I probably should have held off a little while longer, but I have procrastinated a bit too much already on this. Either way, I greatly appreciate all the help this forum has provided.
Bozango|1433555745|3885814 said:
:x ACK! I already ordered the setting and #1 stone! The pressure got to me and I pulled the trigger on it. I am still confident that she will love it, I just wanted to get something that the members here would have recommended. I will follow up with photos once it arrives. I probably should have held off a little while longer, but I have procrastinated a bit too much already on this. Either way, I greatly appreciate all the help this forum has provided.

#1 is still a beautiful diamond, has great color, faces up large, and was rated brightest by the gemologist who can see it in person (we can't here!). You certainly didn't buy a dog of a diamond. If you've really changed your mind, see if you can change your order to #3, but you've selected a really nice diamond either way.
Gypsy|1433313596|3884491 said:
#3 has hidden depths. The video is a bad one. That's a REALLY NICE 8 main cushion set at an unflattering angle in the video. That's the pick of the litter IMO.

Good to know the ASET/video discrepancy was due to poor filming. I thought I was losing my touch at evaluating ASETs. :tongue:
Sorry for the late reply, but I have been busy lately. The ring arrived a couple weeks ago and I proposed that Saturday while out hiking. Here are some photos. I owe a debt of gratitude to this forum and all the members who helped me pick this out. It's a big purchase. It's nice to have some friendly experts online that are willing to help out. Thank you all!



The ring turned out gorgeous and beautiful on her hand...congrats on your engagement!
Looks lovely! Congratulations!