
Help - Can't Use My Hands

There was a super cute video of springer spaniel puppies but I can't find it! I will post when I do!
Oh, Minous! You poor thing! How awful!

I am actually scared of big dogs, which is why mine are so small. You are one brave lady! I'm glad you have a place for him to go.

Keep us posted on your condition. Healing dust to you!
I'm so sorry to hear that you got hurt, Minou. :errrr: Sending healing vibes and hugs your way! and are fun ways to pass the time.

Netflix has lots of good tv - Downton Abbey, Supernatural, Burn Notice, anything Joss Whedon (my guilty pleasure is watching reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel)
YT|1363044309|3402383 said:

Yessss! You just made my night! I could watch adorable, cute videos like that all night and think of the healing power of all the endorphins or dopamine or whatever all the good juju is that's released when you're happy!

Enerchi: the heart beat in the fingertip - another Elfism! Thanks for your good wishes. It is sad to give up a fur baby, but I don't want him in any situation where because he is a pitbull, the authorities will want to put him down. As it was, the police climbed into the ambulance to interview me because one of the dogs was a pitbull, never mind the fact that he wasn't the perpertrator, and I probably didn't make a lot of sense as they had me high on morphine! :roll:

You'll be pleased to know that I'm managing just fine - though dishes are stacking up, yuck - with no damage to the credit cards yet... :bigsmile:
iLander|1363053417|3402543 said:
You are one brave lady!

Thanks for the healing wishes. Brave? No. Unable to think things through, or unable to stop myself from reacting? Yes. I was talking to my sister tonight and she said "and you know what to do if anything like that ever happens again, right?" like I would say "yeah, I really learned my lesson and will never intervene again." But its not like that! You're going on pure instinct and adrenaline; no thought process involved. That would be a good thread - "Which Are You - Fight, Flight, or Freeze?" I wish I could do nothing, or better yet, run away! Sigh.
Hoover, I CAN"T WAIT to check those out! I wuvs me some furry cuties!
How would you not intervene? Easier said than done. Even a 2nd time, doubt you could watch a fight of epic proportions & not do anything! Maybe a big dose of pepper spray or something would help. Besides, they're your own dogs -- who's scared of her own dogs? Anyway, so glad you avoided tragedy for your pit bull. You're a smart girl as well as brave.

Glad to see you sounding chipper at least! Dive into those fuzzy babies & enjoy. :wavey:

--- Laurie
Oh my lord, it sounds like you are lucky that your injuries weren't worse! :errrr:

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hope you heal quickly!

Hmmm. Now may be the time to get an ereader while you're doing that online shopping. I have a Kindle Paperwhite that is small and lightweight. Easy to turn the pages just by tapping one side of the screen or the other. I think there's a similar Nook. Lots of free books available. I check the top 100 freebies on amazon from time to time and there are usually plenty of mysteries, mindless romances, etc.

Frasier (gets better after the 1st season)
Mad About You
Babylon 5 (really very good and has a great story if you want to follow but each can stand alone pretty okay too)
Sherlock Holmes (the old series not the new stuff)
Miss Marple

Sue Grafton's books are great. I'm all the way down through U now and still enjoy. Interesting enough to keep my attention but nothing too intense that needs focus. Not sure if they've got them on audio or if maybe you can scroll through an e-book?

Glad you are recovering. I can't imagine having to deal with that! We had a similar thing with two cats, but were able to break it up with just a couple of scratches. Just the thought of dogs going at it that way is horrifying!
Feel better soon!
I have nothing to suggest since I am not a telly watcher but YT has lots of funny videos if you are plugged into a laptop or iPad / Tablet. I did not realize the extent of your injury until you went into the details. Horrifying! :eek: I hope that you are getting a lot of help in terms of meals, cleaning and other family responsibilities. Please take it very easy and stop typing so much. :tongue:
Yes, Frasier, for cheering up! One of my favorite shows ever. It's SO funny. Good for your health.

--- Laurie
minousbijoux|1363069297|3402700 said:
iLander|1363053417|3402543 said:
You are one brave lady!

Thanks for the healing wishes. Brave? No. Unable to think things through, or unable to stop myself from reacting? Yes. I was talking to my sister tonight and she said "and you know what to do if anything like that ever happens again, right?" like I would say "yeah, I really learned my lesson and will never intervene again." But its not like that! You're going on pure instinct and adrenaline; no thought process involved. That would be a good thread - "Which Are You - Fight, Flight, or Freeze?" I wish I could do nothing, or better yet, run away! Sigh.

Could you keep a bottle of pepper spray handy? I know it sounds mean, but I think it would work pretty darn well. And give them something to think about, they would each think the other had stung them and it might set them back a bit.

Or is that too mean?
Oh, Minous I hope you are feeling better soon. I had that happen once trying to split up a cat fight, but it wasn't so bad as to need hospital attention. The crazy part that I remember is that there was so much adrenaline flowing through me trying to break up the fight that I knew I was getting bit pretty badly, but I barely felt pain. That came later. Ugh.

As far as mindless shows to watch that often have marathons on, Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel, Hardcore Pawn on TruTV (marathon on today) and all of the Housewives shows on Bravo.

Feel better, Minous! I've been in the middle of something like that, thankfully I just got bruised. Get well soon! I love HGTV and the like when I'm sick, Hulu had a ton of stuff on there! Or if you have amazon prime, you get free streaming videos and TV!

ILander, I keep animal shield on me on walks - it's a citronella spray - dogs and cats hate lemons! Had to use it today to get a loose dog to back off my dog, works like a charm! I also have a water spray bottle for less serious dog scuffles or to break them out of the "trance" when they get upset. Only had to use it when there's a new dog over at the house.
I think the spray idea sound brilliant and I will go see what I can pick up for the future. Let's just hope that if something like that ever does happen again, I have the good sense to use the spray and not forget all about it... :rolleyes:
I have pepper spray in a pocket-sized spray can -- bought it at the DMV, surprisingly. Available online too. Citronella is a good idea too, but if they're really into it, I wonder if it would be powerful enough to stop them. I carry pepper spray on walks w/my dog -- no leash laws here (mine is always on lead) & some very un-socialized dogs loose, plus mine loves to start a rumble. It won't injure them but is uncomfortable enough in the face to make them want out of Dodge. It's small & easy to keep in a drawer or pocket.

How're you doing today, Minou? Any better?

--- Laurie
Minou, just checking in to see how you are doing. Hope you are healing and feeling better every day!
Minou, sending you healing vibes!
Much better - thanks you all are sweet. I'm pretty much off painkillers, but now just have to deal with huge frustration that I can't use my hands much. I know, we should all have such problems and if that is all I have to complain about, then I should be happy! But still, I hate looking around at the mess that has been created and know that its near impossible to clean.

Chui, my dog that was badly bitten, aka "The Bxxtch," has an appt at the vet because she pulled out her draining tube :rolleyes: Everyone in my family wants me to get rid of her and keep Joseph, the pitbull pup, but she's 9. I miss Joe so much, but he did fight back after a while, so its not like he's innocent either and frankly, I was always on edge just because he was a pitbull - don't get me wrong, I love him SO MUCH, but people are not understanding around here and if anything happened, it would be bad news for him.

Thanks for the good wishes!
Glad you are feeling better. Hope you continue to heal and do so quickly.

Bit of a threadjack, but you mentioned your delightful pit bull pup. One of my students is somewhat mobility impaired. She has just started training her rescued pit bull to be her service dog, so Nina (the lovely dog) came to class for the first time this week. I asked Nicole to introduce Nina to the class and tell us all about the training process. Most of my students had big grins on their faces. Nicole stayed after class so I could meet Nina personally. She is gorgeous and seems very sweet. Am looking forward to having her in class the rest of the semester.

Nice! Nina sounds like a sweetie. They really want to please, that's for sure :praise:
Oh minousbijoux I'm sorry sorry to hear about you getting in the middle of that wrangle! I once made the mistake of getting between The Demon and a couple of yappy cocker spaniel puppies that he hated, and five years later I still have four perfect puncture wound scars in my thigh. Probably better you don't take any pictures; every once in a while I come across the photo I took of my leg to send to a friend who is a nurse and it horrifies me every time.

The cintronella (sp?) spray is a good idea, but in the heat of battle I don't know that I would think to use it in time, assuming it was in the same area where the scuffle was happening. On a walk though--carrying it is a good idea!

Hope you are feeling much better and that your full recovery is speedy! And for purely medicinal purposes, I highly recommend a little wine--but not so much that in the morning you'll want "a hair of the dog that bit you"! ;))
Dee-jay Thanks for your good words! I'm a big wine lover, so I'll have to try that, though I'll steer clear in the morning!

Everyday is a bit better, but its funny how I make these projections with friends like "let's go walking this weekend; I'm sure I'll be fine." when in fact, I'm still wearing pjs because they're loose and keep from touching my wounds, etc. How I thought I would actually be able to walk long distances?!! :roll: :roll: :nono:

Anyway, apart from a high level of frustration and ongoing gratitude for the good wishes, I wanted to write to say I've discovered HGTV and "Flea Market Flip" My new favorite! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
HGTV and the Food Network are my 2 go-to channels.

I hope you heal quickly! The fight sounds scary.
Thanks, Preg. I think this will be my last post for a while, as I finally went back to the doctor due to pain in my supposedly not badly injured hand and it turns out my dogs broke a bone in my hand/wrist. Now I have a cast (feels sooooo much better in a cast :praise: ) so I can't type, other than with one hand...thanks for all well wishes! I promise I'll be back soon. :wavey:
oh no!!! minous!! That's terrible--- I hope it heals quickly, now that its in a cast and fully protected. HEALING DUST!!!

We just started watching season 1 of Community with Chevy CHase. If you can make it past the pilot ( :knockout: ) the rest of the shows really are hilarious!! I'm blasting thru season 1 and totally laughing out loud most of the show!!!

Hope you are back 'typing' with us very soon!
Minou-Sorry this happened to you :(sad I didn't read the whole thread so don't know if anyone mentioned this, but a great way to break up fighting dogs is to throw water on them. I know in the heat of the moment it's instinct to reach in with your hands. I've had more than a few aggressive escalations between my dogs and have done the same but haven't been bit yet. I hope all turns out well for you and both your pooches. Sometimes the kindest thing is to rehome one of them. And I do think you're doing the right thing keeping your old gal. I have a crabby old girl too and she needs us, KWIM? I don't expect you to reply. Take care of those broken bones! HUGS!!!
I am so sorry. Glad you are on the mend. Get better soon.