
Hearing tomorrow - legal luck dust please

Sending lots of dust your way!!!!! Good luck at the hearing!
Sending you barrels of dust for an end to this, once and for all.
wow, lioness, that's quite an ex! A little machista, ya' think?

I wish you could have seen it coming, but it sounds like you are doing the right thing for your children. Let's hope they don't pick up any of his values.

Truckloads of dust coming your way! Be strong! For yourself and for your children!
Lots of dust to you and your little ones!!!
AGBF|1407208900|3726221 said:

I know you as a trade member and from the book thread (where I loved your most recent analysis of a book on a member of the English upper classes). What languages do you speak that you have not disclosed?

Do you have any Spanish roots? I did notice that you spell your first name the way that women I know in Colombia do (as opposed to, say, Princess Beatrice the daughter of The Duke of York).

Deb ;))

Oooh, so many things I have never disclosed on PS, you have no idea ;))

I am Brazilian and my name is written in the Portuguese fashion, with a z. I speak Portuguese, English and some Spanish (although it has never been quite the same since I spent 3 months in Guatemala - I used to speak very nice, polished Castillan, now it is peppered with slang, Quiche constructions and weird verbal ticks. Oh well, completely worth it). I can understand some French.
lioness|1407207995|3726212 said:
Thank you, everyone! Please keep the bucketfuls of PS diamond dust coming. I've been trying to shake off this psychopath for three years, over a year of that being the litigation. I've been divorced for more than a year and I'm still in court fighting to keep this abusive lunatic from doing any more damage to his own children. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire:

Good luck today!
I just saw this. Ugh, what a bastard you've had to deal with. Your poor girls. :nono: I hope you get him legally removed from your lives forever. What a pig!
Good luck to you Lioness! Keep us posted.
I have been hoping to hear how it went today!

Sending you all the dust I have that the hearing goes in your favor . I am sure it will just reading this thread. He opens his mouth in front of the judge sounding like what has been written.... :o
Will check back for updates. Hugs and hang in there!!!! :wavey:
Hello PS-World!

His lawyer clearly realizes that they're losing because she's trying a desperate and pointless Hail Mary pass, the city Human Rights Commission, a toothless entity if there ever was one. They have no power to delay or suspend a legal proceeding or affect it in any way whatsoever. Regardless, his batty lawyer lodged a complaint and brought in a young woman from the commission to review the file to see whether her client's rights have been violated. Just wait until she reads about how he beat me, barricaded himself in the apartment with the kids, didn't send them to school, files virulently racist and sexist motions, etc.

More rope, anyone?

Thank you for the diamond dust! I'll keep you posted! :wavey:
Andelain|1407219974|3726292 said:
lioness|1407219014|3726285 said:
Andelain|1407216973|3726276 said:
Putting a mess of dust up there for you!

Thank you Andelain! There is something so very reassuring about the thought of having our nation's bravest and toughest kicking up some dust for my girls and me. Thank you for your service to our country, ma'am. Thank you. I will tell my girls before I leave for the hearing that a member of our armed forces is rooting for them.

FORMER member. I'm back in the sand as a civilian these days, but still am rooting for them. :wavey:

Current member, former member, doesn't matter. You served. I'd still pay for your drinks.
Sending lots of dust your way. I hope everything goes well for you and your kids.
Anxious to hear how it went, Lioness!
lioness|1407294041|3726957 said:
Andelain|1407219974|3726292 said:
lioness|1407219014|3726285 said:
Andelain|1407216973|3726276 said:
Putting a mess of dust up there for you!

Thank you Andelain! There is something so very reassuring about the thought of having our nation's bravest and toughest kicking up some dust for my girls and me. Thank you for your service to our country, ma'am. Thank you. I will tell my girls before I leave for the hearing that a member of our armed forces is rooting for them.

FORMER member. I'm back in the sand as a civilian these days, but still am rooting for them. :wavey:

Current member, former member, doesn't matter. You served. I'd still pay for your drinks.

Careful, that could get expensive! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I kicked up some more sandbox PS dust and sent it your way today, anxious to hear how it went. :wavey:
Thanks everyone!!!

He didn't show, which is par for the course. However, his insane lawyer, the person who drafts the racist and sexist rants, was there so that was enough to proceed. My lawyers showed videos of the night he beat me and kicked me out of the apartment - I called them and we went back to the apartment to record how he barricaded himself in there, my keys no longer worked and the girls could be heard crying through the door. We also showed videos of my countless subsequent phone calls to him. He refused to answer so I would leave messages telling him that the school informed me that the girls hadn't been even since he kicked me out and insisting on talking to the girls.

As I mentioned in a previous post, his lawyer brought in someone from the human rights commission because he alleges that HIS rights have been violated. :shock: :shock: Right.... Well, the lady from the human rights board was quite surprised to learn that the girls had been kept out of school for three weeks by their psychopathic father, a violation of their right to a education, set forth in international treaties, the constitution and local legislation. What is his lawyer thinking???

We just need one more document and then the judge can schedule closing arguments.

Slow and steady march toward freedom and safety!!!!

Please keep the dust coming!
That sounds really promising! I was worried that bringing in the person from the Human Rights board might have been a stalling tactic but looks like it won't be a problem at all. You and your lawyers are smart and on the ball to get all the videos and recordings. It is hard to argue against that kind of thing.

Hugs for your girls!
Lady_Disdain|1407343254|3727262 said:
That sounds really promising! I was worried that bringing in the person from the Human Rights board might have been a stalling tactic but looks like it won't be a problem at all. You and your lawyers are smart and on the ball to get all the videos and recordings. It is hard to argue against that kind of thing.

Hugs for your girls!

I feel a bit sad because I have a friend who was involved in the creation of the human rights commission but the fact is that the legal system already provides a means whereby orders and determinations by public officials, including judges, may be appealed at federal court on constitutional grounds. The human rights board is a way of complying with some UN convention but it is utterly powerless and does not have the ability to impact or stall judicial proceedings. It was defanged intentionally.

In short, it's a desperate maneuver. Why doesn't she just file a constitutional appeal? Oh, that's right, because she's been reamed at federal court, time and time again.

That woman from the commission was blindsided I'm sure.

Continued dust honey.
Gypsy|1407387625|3727722 said:

That woman from the commission was blindsided I'm sure.

Continued dust honey.

I really wonder.... Is his lawyer just siphoning his money away or is she completely delusional too? Who files a motion stating that all "gringo" (yes, that's the word she used) men are pedophiles???? Yes, she said that. It used to infuriate me but now her screeds amuse me. I'm just waiting for a pissed-off federal judge to hand her the benchslap to end all benchslaps.
Yeah. I have no idea. Unless she was quoting some one else to make a point, there's no way that should have been in any court papers filed.
She wasn't quoting. This is one of their allegations. Way. Can you imagine what the court clerks are saying about her, not to mention the judge?