
Healthy Living Thread

Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I keep forgetting to ask if Marty has heard anything about his interview for the Atlanta job? The CB is actually interviewing for a new job tomorrow... long story, which we will share with you over much wine in Phoneix while Marty's rental car is out getting in accidents in California, LOL.

Today I me the photographer to do the virtual tour for a new listing at 9, had my annual pow wow with my accountant at 11, snarfed down lunch at Whole Foods, and then went to my real estate office and did the paperwork for three deals. I owe Uncle Sam about $4500 (twice as much as I expected) and the state of Illinois $1,250 (about the same as last year). Oh well, it is what it is.

I just got back from a showing and I stopped on the way home and picked up the closing gift for one of my clients who is slated for March 14. I figured it was a good time because the store wouldn't be too busy.

Tomorrow I have nothing to do... We were supposed to have some plumbing work done in the complex, and you know how nervous I get about anything that has to do with water here, so I cleared my whole calendar to be here. Well it's going to be below freezing and they can't do this particular work that cold so it's cancelled. I guess I will have to CLEAN. Ugh...!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, funny you should ask - Marty’s boss called him today. He told Marty the decision on the manager position will be made and announced next week. He then asked him to verify if he would be willing to move to Atlanta if he got the job. Marty said he didn’t see any financial way that could happen for us because of my work and his boss just said okay. Marty said he doesn’t know for sure if that put him out of the running or not but he felt that is did. I guess he will know next week. I feel bad for him but he reassures me he is okay either way.

Tell CB good luck with his interview tomorrow. I am looking forward your long story over lunch in Phoenix. Hopefully our car won’t drive over to California and hit somebody while we are sipping on our wine.

You had a busy day and I hate to hear you owe about 6K in taxes. I bet we owe next year. We got about $1500 back this year but most of that was because of the sales tax we paid on the new pickup.

Good idea to stay home tomorrow while the plumber is there. I would be nervous too.

Work was Hell Day again. At least it will get better in mid May.

We had filet and baked potatoes for supper with raw veggies. After the day I had at work I had a glass of wine, a little dish of ice and 2 cookies.

Have a wonderful evening and a terrific day tomorrow.
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, if I understood correctly a while back it might be possible for Marty to do this job from somewhere other than Atlanta, so I hope that's the case and that he gets it if he wants it! Although the idea of managing people again... hmmm.... maybe Marty should have a few drinks and think that over a bit more!

Today I am Cleaning This Mess Up. So far I'm off to a great start... I've had coffee and sprayed some scrubbing bubbles in the big shower... whew -- the progress here is amazing! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, when Marty had his interview they didn't bring up if he'd move to Atlanta at all. The job opening listed Atlanta as the preferred location. Another co-worker of Marty's put in for it and one of the boss's in Atlanta asked him if he'd move to Atlanta and he said no as well. The one guy Marty didn't want to work for apparently passed on applying for the job. I guess we will know next week. I also wondered about the wisdom of Marty getting back in to management. His 12 years of management at his last job really took a toll on him and he has been very happy not dealing with personnel problems and office politics. I am sure his stress level and alcohol consumption would go up if he got the job.

Yay for scrubbing bubbles. They work great. Our cleaning lady came today and Marty finally cleaned off our collect all dresser in our laundry room. It was getting to be a challenge to put my purse on it when I got home. It looks great. The rest of our house is generally picked up except Marty's shoes.

I successfully navigated the treacherous drive through at the post office this morning to mail a letter. A curb didn't jump out and bite my wheels. I sent Marty and text and told him that and he "as any 16 year old who just learned to drive should be able to master." Brat!

Work was so crazy today I just decided to go with the flow and have some fun. I was cracking myself up but probably nobody else. There is a really quite guy who has barely spoke 10 words to me in 4 months. When he left I thought I saying "call me if you want to talk". I didn't though but I chucked about it.

I have no idea what is on tap for the weekend. I should go jewelry shopping but I shouldn't.

Marty cooked chicken and hamburgers on the grill for supper with roasted veggies.

Have a great weekend.
Happy early Saturday kids!

Curby, I was also thinking yay for scrubbing bubbles... except I think they ruined my stone vanity top yesterday... I sprayed it on there, wiped it off, and now I'm left with permanent etch marks in the finish. I called the stone people right away were I got the vanity top and they looked at the ingredients in the cleaning product and there is some sort of acid in there that is damaging. They are going to come and look at next week, and she said they may be able to polish it on-site (they can't remove the top and take it back to the shop, which is how they prefer to do it, because there is a mosaic tile backsplash above it and that would get ruined)... or not. No idea what the outcome of this will be but I'm really really really pissed off. I mean, the produce is called "bathroom clean" for god's sake, and what did I use it for? To clean the damn bathroom!!! Did I mention I'm really really really pissed off?!? :angryfire: BUT, let's put this in perspective: first world problem. Nobody died. No children went to bed hungry. No puppies went to the gas chamber. I know... but I'm still mad... And needless to say that took the wind right out of my cleaning sails for the rest of the day. I did finish cleaning the bathroom because I had everything out of there at that point, but vacuuming, mopping, etc., in the rest of the house didn't get done.

Anyway, I have a packed weekend! Today I've got showings set up at all three of my listings (including one I just put on yesterday and already got two requests on) and I have an inspection for something that one of my clients went under contract on last week. Of course since the inspection is this morning at 10 am I HAVE to bring donuts. It wouldn't be sporting not to, right?!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, oh no! Scrubbing bubbles ruined your stone vanity top! I hope they are able to fix it. I’d be quite upset as well. If you shouldn’t use bathroom cleaner on things it should clearly have that in noticeable legible writing “Do not use on …”. No it’s not life or death or a ding on humanity but still how irritating. Yes, after that I’d set down and have a drink rather than continue cleaning.

How did all of your showing and inspections go this weekend? This is probably the time of year real estate really picks up based on my completely uneducated opinion.

We didn’t do much this weekend. I have no idea what to cook for meals with Marty’s new dietary restrictions. He is going to a certain amount of protein and carbs each day. Right now I am starving because I had cereal at 7:30, a cheese sandwich at 11 and 2 hot cookies. He is going to cook supper for us sometime soon.

I finished another W.E.B. Griffin book and didn’t start the next one in the series because I’ve had my nose in my Kindle app all weekend.

We picked up some groceries, got my Sirius radio going again and I am working on laundry. Such excitement. Marty logged in to Sirius to get our account number and found you could send you car a hit from there so he tried that and it worked. Score!

We rented Foresaken last night. It was okay. It kind of reminded me a little of Silverado but not quite as good.

I rented Christmas with the Coopers while Marty was gone today and I think I’d like it if I paid a little more attention to it.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Happy Monday kids!

Curby, the stone people are going to come tomorrow to look at my vanity and see if anything can be done. Argh! And the busiest time in the Chicago real estate market is between Super Bowl Sunday and Easter Sunday, so that's why I'm so swamped right now. That's OK through -- you gotta make hay while the sun shines! And today was my first closing on the year -- YAY!!!

So yesterday, after being a realtor for twelve years, I had a situation at an open house so disturbing I called 911... I was early for my open house so I stopped at Starbucks about a block from the property and there was a guy in there I took notice of because he reminded me a bit of someone I used to date. I got my coffee and walked over to the property, set my sign out, and opened for business. Right away a couple came in and looked through the unit, and just as they were leaving that guy came in. I said, "oh, I just saw you in Starbucks." He said, "yeah, well I stopped and changed my clothes before I came over here." :confused: Then he started giving me this LONG INVOLVED kinda CRAZY story about his divorce and his kids and all the property he and his wife own... yadda yadda yadda. He was standing by the kitchen counter and I was in the middle of the room toward the front door. He kept moving toward me and every time he took a step I took one back toward the door. Another couple came up at that point and asked a question and when I got done talking to them I turned around and the guy was gone. I looked down the hallway toward the back of the unit and I could see that the deadbolt had been opened to the back door (I always keep it locked). I had no idea where the guy was at that point and I there was no way in hell I was going back there to find out because there were no other people there. He could have been in any of the three bedrooms, bathroom, closets, the enclosed stairwell that the back door leads to, or exited the building altogether -- I had no idea and I wasn't taking any chances finding out especially since I got such a weird vibe from him in the first place. I grabbed my purse with my car keys in it out of the coat closet and I bolted out front and called 911. Some other people came to see the unit at that point and I had to tell them we weren't going in until I was sure it was safe for them to be there because it's one thing that I might be in danger, but it's a whole nother thing to potentially put a couple and three young kids in the way of possible harm. Well while we were out there I saw the guy at the end of the block. He said he went out the back door to look at the parking (I don't remember telling him about any parking, but maybe I did...?) and got locked out when the door closed behind him. He just kept on walking at that point though. Right then the cops showed up and I told them what happened. Obviously the guy was gone by then but the cops went up and down the enclosed stairwell and I also asked them to check both the locks to the unit and to the door that leads inside from the alley to make sure they hadn't been jammed in some way so they wouldn't engage and then the guy could come back in. In retrospect I may have over reacted a bit, and I apologized profusely to the cops of having them come over, but I really was freaked out in a big big way. At the end of the open house there was a couple there and I made sure to lock the doors and turn off all the lights and walk out with them so I wasn't alone in the unit. All's well that ends well I supposed, but man, there's just now way in the world I'm going put myself in danger like that!

Whew -- that's quite a novel. So sorry! I'm happy to report so far today has been pretty much uneventful!

I even McGyvered a solution to a too-big rolling ring problem with super thin strips of foam bandage on the inside of one of the rings and now it's perfect, so I got no complaints!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, that guy sounds kind of spooky. I am so glad you called the police and didn’t take that couple back inside the house. I don’t think you over reacted; it sounds like you gut was telling you something is wrong with this dude. If that guy shows up an any other open house I’d call the police again. It doesn’t sound right to me.

I hope the stone experts can fix your vanity. That is funny the start of the busy season is after the supper bowl.

Congratulations on the first closing for the year.

That is a clever idea to stop your ring from rolling. I know they have those sizing beads but they don’t look very comfortable to me.

Work today was awful again. I just don’t know how to fix some of my problems with my current employees. One of the guys is very easily agitated and grumpy and I went in to ask him how this is possible … and he snapped at me. I said calm down and don’t talk to anyone that way especially me. If I had the temper of most people he would found himself at the other end of a serious chewing out. And the next 6-8 weeks will only be worse. Have I mentioned I hate March Madness?

A friend of mine was kidless tonight and her husband was out of town for work so she picked up our supper at Olive Garden and brought over and we had dinner, death cookies, some wine and played cribbage. I won 2 out of 3 games and skunked both my friend and Marty once each. Ha! I am pretty lucky at games like that. One time we were camping in our first trailer (about a 25 footer) and I was creaming Marty at cribbage. He got some mad he went out in the cold and rain and sat outside for a few hours. Oops.

Our income tax refund showed up today. That was about a week and 2 days after I submitted it. It's been setting there as a pending deposit since last week. Wow!

Oh I forgot to mention. Marty's boss called him and let him know he was no longer being considered for that manager position because he didn't want to move to Atlanta. The ones they are still considering either live there or agreed to move there. He seems okay with it. He again said he wasn't completely convinced he wanted to go back in to management anyway.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I'm sorry to hear that Marty is out of the running for the job, but I'm sure something better will come along if he wants it! And yes, that guy did creep me out, but everything's OK so I'm going to just take a deep breath and let it go!

Today the stone people came over and looked at my counter and they were about to hand polish the whole thing so now it's as good as new!!! The company didn't even charge me so I tipped the guys $100 because they seriously spent an hour of hard labor with some super find polishing compound fixing a mistake that was 100% mine. Service like that is hard to find!

It's snowing here a bit, but I'm hoping we don't get the 6"ish they are talking about today/tonight...

BTW, did you see my "urban wildlife" that I posted in one of the hangout threads? Let me know if you didn't see it and I'll put the pic up here for you, but there was a coyote on the railroad viaduct about 20 feet out my back door the other night. He appeared to have one of those radio collars on that the organization that tracks the coyote population in the city uses. Big guy, and he was very *aware* of us, but not skittish. City Dogs!!!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, good idea to just forget the creepy guy but wow what a deal. I am delighted they were able to hand polish the stone and make it look like new. I am sure the guy appreciated the tip. I’ll go find your urban wildlife thread. Oh no for that white stuff collecting on the ground. At least we are getting to the time of year where snow melts quickly.

I got to work early today to set up my PC and TV for my demonstration for the guys from corporate. They spent the morning with my boss and didn’t watch me until after lunch. I took everything apart after they left, hooked up my second monitor and then couldn’t figure out how to get my dual monitors to work again. Trial and error finally won out though.

I cancelled my one on one’s with my employees this afternoon because they were really busy and I am agitated enough with them I thought I’d rather wait 2 weeks and see if I can think of another approach to help them on updates. They are killing them.

Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts about Marty and that job. He seems absolutely fine. He says it was a business decision and still says he doesn’t want to live in Atlanta. Now he just hopes whoever gets the job will be a good boss.

We tried a new casserole recipe tonight to use some of the leftover London Broil. It was the beef, cream of mushroom soup, skim milk, potatoes, onions and cheese. It actually wasn’t bad. Marty baked it in a dutch oven rather than a casserole dish to the potatoes could have been more done but it was pretty good. Marty is trying to figure out how to make it some other time with some homemade mushroom sauce.

Have a great evening and Wednesday.

Happy Wednesday kids!

Curby, all that blowing nasty white stuff yesterday turned into not much of anything at all -- which is totally fine with me! It was only about 19 though when I left the house this morning. I thought I was going to drive but when I got outside it was perfectly clear and sunny and there was no wind so I walked. Also, I've got my fleece lined tights on... which were good for the walk but now in my office I'm getting rather toasty...

Last night we had a community meeting to talk about the same thing we always talk about: Parking. Then a guy from a neighboring building that I'd never met before (although I did trade emails with him when I was looking for a place to park Billy Ray) stopped over to see my place. I didn't get to bed until almost 11, which is late for me.

My nails look like absolute hell right now, partially because of the color that's on them. It's OPI's gel "I'll See You In A Prosecco," which was a gift from a friend (who obviously knows me rather well, ha ha!). It's one of those whiteish colors that every imperfection shows up on and I didn't do a great job around my cuticles. I was thinking I might (gasp!) *pay* for a professional mani but then I realized I've only had this on for 8 days and it's already grown out so much already that it would probably be a waste of money. Maybe I'll just go buy some new colors with the money I would have spent! And I'm liking this OPI gel polish so I think I'll get a few more of those.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, your fleece lined tights sound toasty. Glad you had a nice walk to work this morning. That is too bad the community meetings are just a rehash of the last meeting. Our HOA meetings are like that too. That is a very appropriate name for your nail polish. I like Savvy and Orly nail polish; they seem to last the longest for me but none of them look good after about 4 or 5 days. Of course first I have to paint my nails. Yay for none of that white stuff piling up.

I got to work early, worked through part of my lunch and stayed about 10 minutes late but decided that was enough.

It was crazy windy here today. Marty said we had gusts here at the house were up to ludicrous speeds.

Not much else going on here. We had supper, I did dishes and I’m just setting here watching TV.

Take care.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, I did go and buy three Opi colors last night, but the bottle is different so I hope I'm getting the same formula as what I've got one. And we got home after 9 o'clock so needless to say my nails did not get painted last night!

We've got a little of the nasty white stuff blowing around today, but not much, and I hope it stays that way. The CB and I are driving up to Milwaukee mid-afternoon to see Bruce Springsteen tonight and in a perfect universe it should only take us about and hour and a half to get there.

Getting lots of showings on all of my listings right now, but no offers. Time to go outside and do a rain dance to the real estate gods!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I hope the new nail polish works as well for you. What colors did you get? I tend to like pinks and mauves. How was the Bruce Springsteen concert? I hope the trip there and back was smooth sailing. We had a little bit of the white stuff on the lawn this morning but not much. It wouldn’t hurt to do a little rain dance for the real estate gods. I am sure you’ll be very busy over the next few months. Buy it, buy it! I am sending subliminal messages to your clients.

I got to work 45 minutes early today. My mind was too busy thinking about work last night so I didn’t sleep well. When I get tired and stressed my eyes start twitching so you guessed it that was going on today. I always wonder if someone would notice it when they talk to me. Ha Ha.

I got my work caught up, helped my team do a few of their updates and looked over everything through Monday so I feel better about things going in to the weekend.

So I am sure hoping the 3rd times the charm and that tomorrow is my lucky day. Yesterday when I went to work early I thought “donuts sound good, I should pick some up” but I didn’t. Then one of my employees came in with a box of donuts. This morning heading to work early I thought “I should stop and pick up an apple and cherry pie” but I didn’t. One of my boss’s employees showed up with apple and cherry streusel. So tomorrow on my way to work I am going to think “being thin and rich sure would be nice”. I hope it works!

We had leftovers for supper. Marty is getting tickets for a flight to Arizona next month. He is going down for a few days to play golf. I am not going (sorry Kristie) because I am saving my vacation time for this summer.

Have a great Friday.
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, are you going to the PS GTG this year? Sadly it's the day my in-laws are showing up. All the more reason for me to go, huh? Maybe next year.

My 3rd times the charm didn't work out for me today. Darn.

I met Marty for lunch so we had a light supper. My new cleaning lady is coming in the morning so I have to pick up tonight.

Marty forgot to put our umbrella down on our patio yesterday and the wind bent the crud out of it and it's ruined. Double rats on that.

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?

Happy Saturday kids!

Curby, I do plan on going to the GTG and I think you should too! Have your in-laws call me, I'll explain to them what it's more important for you to go to Vegas than to be there, ha ha! And I bought three Opi colors the other night: I'll Always Lavender You, Mr. Right Now, and It's Wine O'Clock. Last night when I finally got around to doing my nails of course I chose It's Wine O'Clock! And who comes up with the names of these colors anyway?!?

The concert was GREAT and we had a really good time a the hotel too. We stayed at the Pfister, which is an historic old place in downtown Milwaukee. They even say it's haunted (I think some actress either killed herself or was killed -- speculation in both directions -- decades ago). When you make your reservation you can get "A Room With A Boo" LOL. We also had Club Room access to the top floor with a cute lounge that overlooks the lake and the city. They do appetizers there from five to nine, have an honor bar (drinks were $3; MUCH less expensive than anywhere else we would have cocktailed!) and also breakfast in the morning. It was definitely worth the extra $20 to upgrade to Club access. We drove home yesterday morning and the poor CB had to go to work but I took a NAP. Then I went and showed one of my properties, and we *might* be getting an offer (although they said that yesterday afternoon and nothing's come through yet... ). I've got another second showing there today so we'll see!
Hi Kids,

Dee Jay, I would so much rather be at the PS GTG than entertaining my in-laws. I'll get your their number. Either way I know alcohol consumption will go up that week.

I love the name of your nail polish and of course Wine O'Clock is the best one. Are they gel or just standard nail polish?

Your trip to Milwaukee sounds fabulous. The hotel sounds like a great deal with the Club access and too funny about a room with a boo. You can't beat $3 drinks. I could be totally smashed for about $6.

My BIL did renovation on a hotel in Denver that was reported to be haunted. The crew would find things moved around (mostly back to where it was originally) the next day and a few of them thought they saw a lady in a nightgown. Intriguing stuff.

I hope you get an offer on one of your properties.

Is the weather there nice this weekend? We are in the 50's and not horribly windy. I checked out the pole on the deck umbrella this morning - holy crap that sucker snapped in half.

My new cleaning lady is here - she is doing a great job. Everything sparkles. She picked up all the rugs and cleaned under them, cleaned the air returns, outlets. WOW!!!

Marty will be messing up the place thought but I'm finally getting drawers for my cupboard where we keep out bowls and container. Sweet!!! :appl:

Marty also put a hinged door in the garage attic door. The wind here just blows that door up and out and since it's sheet rock it is getting utterly trashed. He made one out of plywood and crawled up in the attic and put a hinge door on the one side. He had my friend's husband come help him because he didn't trust me to get the ladder back in place for him. Weird. Let's hope the wind doesn't start tearing up the hinges then ripping out the trim. We will see. Looks like a great solution so far.

As soon as the cleaning lady is done we are going out to lunch. I'm hungry too. I had some wheat toast with PB for breakfast.

Have a great day.
Happy Sunday kids!

Curby, the polish I got is gel, the kind you have to cure with the light. Didn't you try the one that is "gel like" but no light needed? The lady at Sally Beauty Supply was trying to get me to give those a go but since I've got the light already I decided to stick with what I know. Marty's door idea sounds pretty clever and I hope it works out OK. Every once in a while you just gotta McGyver something to make it work!

So the listing I put on last Thursday got not one but two offers yesterday and we finally reached a deal on one of them at 11:00 last night. Woo hoo! I have always said if I opened my own real estate company office hours would be from 10 pm to 6 am because that's when 99% of deals get done, ha ha! This morning I have to go by the client's place and get the paperwork signed and then go to my open house where the scary guy was last week. Oh joy... If he comes back I'm going to be NOT HAPPY. Then I've got four more showings between my other two properties after that. Busy busy busy!

BTW, I had a dream that I woke up and looked at this thread and you had typed a regular message to me but then there were all these other messages to more people like:

ABC - thanks for the nice comments about my new ring!

Miss X - sadly, we won't be going to the GTG this year.

That sort of thing...

And I was like "Curby, what's going on here?" and you replied, oh there are a zillion people who read this thread, didn't you know? I was like... "Um no... I thought it was just you and me in here at this point..."

LOL! Who knows what goes on in crazy brain when I'm sleeping!
Oh -- two things I forgot to say!

I've hidden my good jewelry ONCE AGAIN in a *super*secret*place*... SO *super*secret* that even ***I*** can't remember where the fvck it is. ARGH!

And Metro (my coyote -- yes, I've named him) spent a solid four hours sleeping directly outside my back door yesterday afternoon curled up in a fluffy little (well, BIG!) coyote ball. Every once in a while he would raise his head and look at something, but for the most part he was just snoozing. Don't worry, there is a fence between him and us (and by "us" I mean the people who live in my building with all their cats and dogs!) but he's Right There. I don't mind him at all; kind of like my own episode of Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom!

OK; there are actually three things..

I just realized you're at least an hour behind me so when I pose these crazy early messages on the weekends before I go off and do my real estate I hope your phone doesn't ding or something with new messages and you get woken up by me! If so tell me and I'll stop posting at the a$$ crack of dawn on weekends!
Hi Kids! AKA the Dee Jay and Marcy Show :bigsmile:

Dee Jay, no worries about waking me with alerts; I have my phone on do not disturb from 11 pm to 7 am and my iPads never have their sound turned up.

Oh no for hiding your good stuff so well you can't remember where it is. I was thinking of your sapphire diamond ring because isn't it in the collection of rings in PS GTG picture? I hope you find it.

Too funny Metro keeps hanging out there. He's found a comfy spot to sleep. Coyotes remind me of our astronomy club star parties south of town. We used go to the end of a road out of town (about 10 miles south then 8 miles east) where there was a big flat spot off the road so it was a great spot to set up telescopes. There was a guy in the club from Georgia and we'd hear packs of coyotes yipping out there and it really freaked him out.

Since you have the light to cure the gel polish you may as well buy gel polish. I did try the Sally Hanson's Gel like polish and I can't say it lasted any longer than regular nail polish.

I hope Marty's attic door works okay. He is pretty clever at fixing things. I am very anxious to get my drawers for the cupboard where I keep our bowls. I sure like it for our pans.

Yay for the 2 offers on your listing. That was quick! I am sure your real estate business would be hoping from 11 pm to 6 am. When I taught online I got most things turned in from 10 pm to 6 am as well.

I hope that creepy guy didn't show up again today.

Your dream is pretty funny. I think we are about the only ones still reading this thread. Thanks for keeping me company. I have some pretty bizarre dreams sometimes too.

The weather is gorgeous here today.

I rented Steve Jobs last night. If his character is true to life he wasn't a very nice man. I am watching Legends kind of now. It's okay. Looks like I am a golf / hang out with the guys widow this weekend so I am watching movies. Thank goodness for PPV.

I actually went to the grocery store this morning. Marty has been doing a lot of our grocery shopping so I had to put in my token I'll take care of it today trip. :naughty: I've only gone a few times in the last month.

I am working on laundry and changing all the bedding today. It's nice enough I am going to get out the cotton sheets and put up the flannel sheets.

Have a great day.
Happy Monday kids!

Curby, I'm happy to report my real estate day was without incident yesterday! I now refer to that property as Open House 911, LOL. That is indeed my ring in the GTG pic... now if only I could remember when it is for real! No more Metro sightings yesterday, but I'm not surprised. It might have been a total fluke to see him in the same spot twice in a row. I will keep looking though!

Yesterday I swung by my client's house and got her to sign the contract, went to Open House 911 for two hours, had to deal with a bunch of paperwork for the unit now under contract, had a late lunch with the CB in a place we can never usually get into, took a nap, and did a bunch more real estate stuff until about 10 o'clock. These busy realty weekends keep me hoppin'! It's almost a relief to come to my regular office today so I can rest! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, LOL to Open House 911 - I am delighted to hear your open house went off without any creepy guys showing up. That's a win win in my book.

I was pretty sure that was your ring at the GTG - now if only you can remember where you hid your treasures.

I hope Metro stops by again sometime. We had snakes and rabbits at our old house. I screamed several times - mostly because of snakes but once because of baby rabbits. We got snakes in the house too - I always figured that was my stress test for the year finding a snake in the living room. I screamed like a little girl. I really screamed though when I went to plant flowers in one of my pots and found a bunch of tiny mice sized squirming baby bunnies. Marty was always amused of course. This house attracts big spiders. They don't make me scream but they can kiss their arse goodbye because they are history! Ha!

You have been busy the last few weekends but that is a good thing. Dee Jay - Realtor of the Year! Where do I vote?

My day was busy and mostly uneventful. We had rain most of the day which turned in to big, beautiful snowflakes. I won't think the ice is very pretty in the morning though.

Marty tried an old weight watchers recipe I had for a pizza meatloaf but since I only wrote down the ingredients and no instructions he improvised. The "pizza" part is the hamburger which you spread out over a 9" inch pie pan including up the side. You bake the hamburger until done then you mix some Italian spices in tomato sauce and pour in the center and top with cheese then bake until the sauce is bubbly and the cheese melts. Marty made it like a regular meatloaf and since the hamburger has no mixers or fillers it was very tough and dense. It tasted okay. I don't think I've made it for 16 years though; I used to make it when I got off work at 3 and he got off work at 5. We had baked potatoes and veggies with it. And we each had one death cookie.

Marty is off to Atlanta in a few weeks. Maybe he'll have a new boss by then. I am glad he has to go somewhere he is getting really restless being at home all the time.

Take care.
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, Metro is one thing but snakes are another! Believe me, if he was a cobra instead of a coyote I'd be having a different reaction, LOL. And too bad your "pizza" didn't turn out. I remember when I was on the Atkins diet several years ago Bill would make me all sorts of crazy stuff. Some of it was pretty good... some of it wasn't!

Last night the CB and I went to dinner at a local place (1/2 price food on Mondays!) and then went to bed early. This morning right when I got out of the shower there was a knock at my door. The roofers broke one of my neighbor's windows yesterday and wanted to talk about what happened. Really, I don't care what happened. I ESPECIALLY don't care what happened when I'm wearing just a towel. Really.
Hello, member me??

Somehow I got unsubscribed from this thread and just got busy. It's been a while since I last posted, but things are pretty much same-o-same-o. Works still a bear. But am doing OK otherwise. Am at work and will pop back in as soon as I can and say hello a little more.

Hope you're all doing well.

Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, every time I hear “Cobra” I think of Homer Simpson screaming “Cobra!” At least it makes me laugh. Yes some of those diet recipes are good some not so much. I am eating better now if I could quit stress eating crap at work. Nice that your neighbor wanted to keep taking while you are wearing a towel Rats that a window got broken. Is that your job to call and get it repaired? I like 1/2 price dinner night. Several restaurants have 1/2 price wine bottles which I believe one of them is tomorrow night. Good idea. I’ll need alcohol after work tomorrow. If I drink enough me and metro will be howling at the moon.

Rod, hi! Of course I remember you. Sorry to hear work has been a bear for you. I’ll look forward to hearing what else has been happening with you.

Marty was excited he got to help work on a new project today. It’s in India. He doubts he’ll get to go there though.

Work was such a joy today. My new employee just went on call for the first time and got paged at about 5 am. When I got to work I researched what the problem was and found out my “team leader” who isn’t living up to expectations had done something wrong. I got that fixed and waited for my team to show up at 8. Two of them were late which was one of the things I needed to talk to them about. Also about 10 last night I had to dial in and fix something for this morning because my team did an update wrong.

My morning meeting then was you need to get to work on time or you might get written up. I pointed out being late is just plain stupid because if you do make a mistake and are in trouble for something they have 2 strikes against you.

Then I moved on to all these errors on updates and how do we fix them. Of course the deflectors immediately went to it was everyone and everything else’s fault. I relayed what they said to my boss is ready to tell them suck it up buttercup, improve or look for a new job.

Then we were expecting a big change next Wednesday so dumped something like 350 records, my boss rebuilt our schedule builder to the upcoming changes and corporate screwed up and the changes aren’t coming until the week after. Now my boss has to go back and rebuild the schedule builder then we have to rebuild those 350 events and then he’ll have to go change the builder again. All of this is keeping my team from catching up and doing their work.

Marty grilled dead animal on the grill for supper and some oven veggies.

Take care.
Curby / Marcy
Happy Wednesday kids!

Hellllllll Rod! Hope all is well with you and Charlie and the kitties!

Curby, your work woes sound like a PITA. Ugh. The window issue shouldn't be my problem. But somehow it is (???). The unit owner texted me and so I had to reach out to the roofers and then it went into the death spiral of anger and blame... and she told two friends and she told two friends... yadda yadda yadda. Double ugh. The image of you and Metro howling at the moon made me LOL!

I'm sitting here with the CB waiting for the plumbers to come and flush out the lines for the complex. We've turned this into an annual maintenance thing, rather than waiting 24 years for someone's (i.e., MY!!!) unit to flood. There's no way I would let anyone force a large volume of water through our plumbing system without being here after the "event" I had. It's always an adventure here!

It was 72 degrees when I got home from work last night so we had the first "cocktails on the veranda" of the season. We all sat around talking about how lucky we've been with the mild short winter and all I could do was think "damn, we've just jinxed ourselves; now we'll get a blizzard!"
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, I think with enough alcohol I could howl at the moon or at least talk it to death.

What a pain to deal with people and complaints about the window.

Good idea to keep the lines flushed out regularly and definitely to be there when they are doing it. You definitely don't want to deal with that mess again.

That's fabulous you had cocktails on the veranda. Sadly I believe there are one or two more big snowstorms coming our way. We had little sleet pellets when I was driving home tonight.

Work continues to be an ongoing saga but I had a margarita for lunch. :bigsmile: That helped. My team had a good day. My boss wanted to talk to me about 4:30. They are putting the new team under him instead of me but he kept really trying to convince me this wasn't a slam against me. So he'll have 3 teams under him with 2 supervisors (one is me) and I can't get promoted unless I have a supervisor working for me. One of the deciding factors were then I'd have 12 employees but my boss will have 10. Not much difference there. So then he kept going on about how I do a good job, know everything about my department and have my hands full with the team I have. He said they appreciate me and would hate to lose me. I came home and told Marty to put some plastic down on the love seat because I am sure I have smoke on my arse. :wall: :wall: :wall: This is precisely what drove Marty out the door there. Oh well huh?

I had an enchilada and taco for lunch so I wasn't even hungry tonight. I had toast. Marty had turkey.

Off to work on a batch of laundry. That will save me time this weekend. Ha!

Marty might be on his way to India next week. A BIG new project came up for him today.

Have a great evening.
Happy Thursday kids!

Curby, LOL on putting plastic down! Has Marty been to India before? I never have but I hear it's an interesting place. I was once offered a job that they told me (after the offer was already on the table) would entail spending the first six months in Mumbai. I politely declined and not so politely told them they wasted a bunch of my time by not telling me that up front as I would have backed out of the interviews long before it got to that point.

The plumbing went well yesterday, which is a relief. This morning I had to go and let in an appraiser at one of my listings at 7:45 am. Oh well, best to get it out of the way I guess! The city is doing some sort of major work in the area that has a parking ban in place for several blocks in all directions and it's virtually impossible to find a spot up there, but I lucked out on one of the side streets because it was so early. And after all that I still made it to my office by 9!
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, Marty has not been to India before. He thought he was going a few years ago so he has a Visa for there already. Office politics kicked up today so he'll know tomorrow if he is going or not. It sounds like he wouldn't be well received at this late date.

That is pretty rotten you got that far on a job offer only to find out "oh yes I forgot to mention". Moving to India for 6 months is kind of pertinent information.

Good idea to get to your listing early enough that you avoided the parking headache.

I told Marty I got the old we know we screwed you over so I'll stop by your cube visit this morning to see how you are doing today. I saw 3 layers of bosses within 30 minutes. What are the odds?

I usually meet a friend for lunch on Thursday but she couldn't make it today. I tried one of those lunchables out of the mini mart at the office and it was HORRIBLE. I had 1/2 a bag left of cheetos so I ate them and had a cookie. Bad lunch but I didn't feel like going somewhere. Marty and I went to Olive Garden for supper then went and walked around Pier 1 for a while.

Tomorrow is Friday. :appl: :appl: :appl:
