
Healthy Living Thread

Not a great morning on this side of the planet. Sakai is doing very poorly. Charlie is suffering greatly and won't eat himself. I had a conversation with the vet this morning to tell her Sakai can't walk all of the sudden. She's tried to give Charlie hope that we can get Sakai through this. I asked our vet to stop giving him false hope. We've spent thousands and she's getting worse every day. I think the time has come, but even after Charlie spoke with the vet this morning, he says he can't bring himself to let her go today. This is so friggen awful and difficult and painful for all of us............
Rod, I am so sorry to hear about Sakai. How awful for you and Charlie. You are all in my thoughts. Hugs to you.

Zoe, I am in that same mind set about company and we've had a houseful here at my SIL for only one day. Company is nice both when they arrive and when they leave. :lol: Our place isn't bad for company because the guest bedrooms are on the other side of the house from us and most people hang out in the man cave. I know you want to see your niece though. I hope you have a nice relaxing vacation next week.

Wow do I have a sore throat. My OJ is burning my throat and my throat hurt most of the night. I think I'll gargle with salt water to see if that helps. I don't know if this is allergies or not. Rats.

Have a great day.
Curby / Marcy
I can't convey how awful this afternoon was. Charlie called me at 4:30 in tears and he asked me to call the vet and let them know we'd be in to put Sakai down as soon as I could get home and pick him and her up. So, I called the vet, left work immediately and came home to get them. The vet and the vet staff was wonderful. They've cared for Sakai for many years, and each technician and all the vets came in to hug us and tell Sakai how special she has been to them. Charlie and I were in tears the entire time. They sedated her and we held her as she went to sleep for the last time. It doesn't matter how many times you have to do this, it's simply an awful thing to experience. But it's something we have the option to do for our furry friends, which is a blessing. It was clear Sakai was in pain and distress. We had the opportunity to let her leave this earth with the dignity she had left. Isn't it a terrible thing we can't do that for our human family?

Anyway, now we grieve. And when we are through with that in a few months, we will likely open our hearts and home to two new furry friends. And I hope when we do, Sakai and the cats who came before her, will look down on us and be happy.
Rod, I am so sorry about Sakai. Thinking of you and Charlie.

I'm sorry, Rod. I know how much Sakai meant to you and Charlie.

Marcy, I hope you feel better soon.

Hi Dee*Jay and Deegee!

Well, this weekend took a turn I wasn't expecting. D. found out from his boss yesterday that they're restructuring things down at the division office where he's based from in VA, and they'd like everyone to be located down there. In his dept., D's the only one who telecommutes (from up north, anyway), so if he wants to keep his job, we'd need to move. His boss has given D. the weekend to talk it over and think about it. He's going to contact recruiters up here on Monday. My job is finally stable (at least for next year, who knows after that...), so we'd like to stay where we are. The good thing is that where we live, D. has the flexibility of looking in 2, maybe 3 states for other work.
Thank you Zoe. Everywhere we look this morning in our condo brings back a memory or an expectation I'll see her. It just doesn't seem real that she is gone. And we so miss her.

I'm sorry to hear about D's job being relocated to VA. I hope you can avoid having to move. Kind of puts a cloud over the weekend and that sucks.........

Tonight we're meeting some very close friends to celebrate our marriage at a fantastic restaurant. Neither of us are exactly feeling very celebratory today, but we've had these reservations for weeks now and we're going to go.

I hope you all have a nice weekend.
marcy|1429928887|3867438 said:
Rod, I am so sorry about Sakai. Thinking of you and Charlie.


Thank you Marcy. I don't even have the energy to go take a shower, but I know we have to get going. We've been through this a number of times, but with Sakai, she was so special, so connected to us and we to her that this one is really really really difficult....... ;(

Rod, my heart goes out to you and Charlie.

kind regards, Sharon
Thank you Sharon. We keep expecting to see her big golden eyes looking up at us, so it's been a very subdued weekend in our house, that's for sure.
Rod-I'm so sorry to hear about Sakai. My heart goes out to you and Charlie. Take comfort in knowing she had a wonderful, loving home and you did everything possible to help her. Many hugs to you both.

I don't even know where to begin. My very favorite uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer 3 weeks ago. We got word that he wasn't going to make it through the week, so we left the Outer Banks for Tennessee this morning to say goodbye, and mom really wanted to be with her sister. On the way, my dad had a seizure in the car on the interstate. Scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. Thankfully we were at an exit with a hospital. They did tests and transferred him to a bigger hospital in Asheville. He has a lesion on his brain (spread from the colon cancer) and it is bleeding. There are all kinds of complications. They will do more tests tonight and tomorrow, and then determine the course of action. One side of his face is drooping. Matt said I did well and held it together for mom, but I sure don't feel like it. We're at the hotel now, and I'm going to go have a serious cry. Mom refused to leave the hospital. Please keep my family in your thoughts.
Oh Deegee, anything we've been through the last few weeks with Sakai PALES in comparison to what you're going through. Your uncle and your father? I'm so so sorry to read this and instead of your heart going out to us, please save it for them. My heart goes out to you and your family.
Thank you, Rod. I'm beside myself right now...I don't know what to do. We're out of town and all of my family is 6 hrs away. We told them not to come yet. Wait until we find out something tomorrow.

I have lost many pets over the years, and I know you are grieving. Big hugs for us both. Get Charlie in this hug too.
Deegee, I am sending cyber hugs to you and I hope you get some good news on both your father and uncle.
Deegee, I am so sorry to hear about your dad and your uncle. My thoughts are with all of you. Let me know if I can help in any way.

Hello kids.

Rod, I am just heartbroken for you and Charlie… I’ve been through this too and it is never easy. I hope you will take comfort in what a wonderful life you gave Sakai and that no one could have loved her as much as you and Charlie did.

Deegee, I am so sorry to hear about your dad and uncle. Modern medicine is filled with miracles and I am hopeful the doctors will produce some for your family. Biggest hugs to you and your mom and everyone else.

Zoe, I’m sure your husband will find a new job in no time, especially considering the wide geography he can look in.

Curby, how are you feeling? Was the sore throat part of a cold or allergies? My head has been killing me for the past two days and I think it’s sinus related. Oh, the joys of spring…

Hello Sharon!

This weekend flew by. On Saturday the CB and went out to lunch, took a nap, went out to dinner, and went to bed early. On Sunday he went up and did some stuff around his building and I came to work for about four hours. It was a very productive four hours though and totally worth it.

I’m waiting to hear if the closing that is scheduled for Friday is actually going to happen. The clients threw a monkey wrench into the works last Thursday (too much and too complicated to explain) and I had to go to the senior VP of the mortgage lender (who I’ve known for over 10 years) and he had to go to the national underwriting manager to try to get this through. We’ll see; this is a strange one. Fingers crossed for a clear-to-close today!!!
deegee|1430103912|3868272 said:
Rod-I'm so sorry to hear about Sakai. My heart goes out to you and Charlie. Take comfort in knowing she had a wonderful, loving home and you did everything possible to help her. Many hugs to you both.

I don't even know where to begin. My very favorite uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer 3 weeks ago. We got word that he wasn't going to make it through the week, so we left the Outer Banks for Tennessee this morning to say goodbye, and mom really wanted to be with her sister. On the way, my dad had a seizure in the car on the interstate. Scariest thing I've ever seen in my life. Thankfully we were at an exit with a hospital. They did tests and transferred him to a bigger hospital in Asheville. He has a lesion on his brain (spread from the colon cancer) and it is bleeding. There are all kinds of complications. They will do more tests tonight and tomorrow, and then determine the course of action. One side of his face is drooping. Matt said I did well and held it together for mom, but I sure don't feel like it. We're at the hotel now, and I'm going to go have a serious cry. Mom refused to leave the hospital. Please keep my family in your thoughts.

Deegee: goodness. :(( How sad you must feel.

Strength and healing vibes your way.

kind regards--Sharon
Hi Kids!

Deegee, I’ve been thinking of you and your family. Hugs to you, your mom and the rest of your family.

Dee Jay, I am better today. I wouldn’t be surprised if my sore throat is sinus / allergy related. I hope your sinuses are feeling better. The joys of spring, indeed. I hope the underwriter approves the monkey wrench your client surprised you with; it sounds like a weird situation for you.

Zoe, that is too bad about your husband’s job. Good luck deciding what to do. That is a rough decision.

Hi Sharon.

Rod, I hope you and Charlie are doing better. How was your dinner this weekend?

I made goulash with spaghetti sauce tonight, rolls and beans. A friend stopped by with a package she picked up for us last week and since her kids are with their father this week and her husband is out of town we asked her to stay for supper. The three of us played cribbage till about 8:30. It was a fun evening.

Work was very busy again today. My team did a good job last week and so far I haven’t heard of any squabbles among the team. Yay for that!

We had snow on the ground this morning but it wasn’t icy.

Take care.

Marcy / Curby
Happy Tuesday kids!

Curby, I just got off the phone with the mortgage person and pretty much every underwriter in the company is working on the problem now... I think it WILL get resolved, the question is just WHEN. Clearly we're not closing on Friday, but maybe next week...

Last night I realized my H&R Block login was still active so I've decided to try to get some continuing education credits done before they shut off my access. CE costs a fortune through regular vendors but I get as much as I want from HRB for $20 a year so I am hoping to do four hours a night until I fulfill this years requirement. I know--the excitement is never ending with Dee! :cheeky:
Hi Kids!

Dee Jay, at least the underwriters aren’t laughing and telling you no way are we agreeing to that deal. Good idea to do some of your CE classes at discounted HR rate. Have fun studying again.

Hi Deegee, Rod and Zoe.

We are warming up again. Woo hoo!

Marty cooked marinated London Broil on the grill for supper – along with seasoned potatoes and asparagus. Mmm. How did he generate so many dishes for cooking on the grill? Good question! Maybe the rabbits were trying to make bear stew. The little BRATS!

Have a great evening and day tomorrow.

Marcy / Curby
Hey..........Deegee, please know we're all thinking of you and your family.

Good luck with the H&R Block training. And I hope the closing goes smoothly.

It's still a bit depressing here, but we're going OK. I've just immersed myself in my job. Charlie is still pretty depressed. While I had a great relationship with Sakai, Charlie and she were beyond close. I always joked that if we were both drowning, he'd save her over me. And I've always been OK with that. LOL

I hope you're all doing OK. Still thinking about you Deegee.........
Deegee, I'm so sorry your family's dealing with so much. Thinking of you.

Dee*Jay, I don't know how you do it, always on the go. Working an additional 4 hours after putting in a full day's work must be exhausting.

Rod, I hope you're doing well. Work must be a good distraction.

Hi Marcy! I'm glad the weather's warming up. It's been cool here (well, low 60s but the sun's been hiding) but it's supposed to warm up to the 70s next week. Figures -- just when vacation week is ending. London broil -- mmmmm!

Not much going on here. I'm meeting friends for lunch this afternoon and if the weather holds up, we're going to walk around town. My parents have been dealing with my uncle's estate (I use that term verryyyyy loosely!) and helping a family friend's family in the wife's last days at hospice. The past few months have been horrible, and now adding on my husband's job predicament on top of these things is a lot to process. I realize things could be a lot worse, but I'd like something to go well soon.
Flyby because today it my company's annual meeting and I'm off-site. Woken up at 6 am by the FBI breaking down my neighbor's door. Really. My biggest concern was what would happen to his two big dogs. Fortunately his ex-wife is there now to care for them so they will be OK. It was quite a morning.

Thinking of you Rod (and Charlie), Deegee and Zoe. And you too Curby!

OK, back to the conference room...
Rod, I meant to ask you, is it ever recommended that someone work with more than one recruiter/headhunter (what's the preferred term anyway?) at a time, or is that considered a no-no? I figured it would be good to contact more than one (the more help the better, was my thought). D. disagrees and he said that he's been advised against that because it would look bad if two recruiters ended up sending the same resume to a company for the same position.

Dee*Jay, I hope your day is going well. It sounds like it will be a long one. The FBI was breaking down your neighbor's door?! What happened?

I had a really good day, and it was nice to get out of my head, if that makes sense. I met two good friends and one of my friend's kids for lunch today. We chatted and then walked around the downtown area and checked out the shops. It's a historic town right on the water, and it's a popular tourist destination. I was surprised it wasn't crowded, considering it's a vacation week for many school districts. We had a lot of fun, and it was great seeing my friends again. We live about an hour or so from one another, so we don't get to see one another often.
Hey All...........I know we haven't heard from Deegee, but I'm sure I'm not alone when I say she and her family are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Hey Zoe, I do not recommend working with multiple recruiters. It erodes trust on all fronts. What I recommend that D does is provide a list of the companies he'd be interested in working for to the recruiter he feels will represent his interests best. He should tell that recruiter he's giving him an exclusive right to represent him, but if there is no progress made at 30 - 60 days, he will need to reach out to other recruiters. It will make the recruiter he chooses appreciate the relationship and hopefully work harder on D's behalf. D is also right that it looks bad and will hurt D if two recruiters submit him to the same job. It's just not worth risking losing out on a potentially good opportunity.

DeeJay, you must share whatever drugs you use to keep up your schedule. I get tired just reading about what you're up to these days.

It was a crazy day today, but a good one at work. I have five candidates all interviewing right now, and that type of activity will surely lead to placements.
Hi all. Thank you so much for thinking of my family. We have tough months ahead. Dad was released yesterday and we were able to visit my uncle for a few hours before heading home. My uncle doesn't have the strength to sit up and he dozed off a lot, but when he was awake he was joking around and telling stories. I was so glad we made it there. Mom really needed time with her sister, and my cousin and I had a long chat. We dropped my poor, exhausted parents off at their house at midnight. One of my sisters met us there, and my other sister went with them to the hospital this morning. We got home at 3am, and neither of us made it to work today. My dad kept apologizing for causing us to miss work. I told him I didn't care about work, but I had a hair appointment I absolutely had to get to this evening! That got a laugh out of him. He starts whole brain radiation treatments tomorrow morning and has to go every day for two weeks. After that, they will determine treatment options that don't involve chemo for the tumors on his spine, kidney and lung. I dread going to work tomorrow because everyone will be asking questions, and I don't think I can answer without crying.

Rod-thank you so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it, and I appreciate you thinking of my family. I totally understand what you and Charlie are going through. I was devastated when my cat Kiki died a few years ago. She was a stray that I picked up out of my apartment parking lot and was my first pet as an adult. I had her before Matt came along! We went through a lot together, and I had a huge hole in my heart when we had to have her put to sleep. She was very special. But I love animals and in addition to my rescue pooch Lily, I took in 2 kitties that were doomed for the shelter. I love them all dearly!

Zoe-I'm glad to hear you had a great day! I'm sorry to hear about your husband's job dilemma. That stinks! I hope it works out. It's good he can look at jobs in some neighboring states. I agree, we all need to catch a break!

Dee*Jay-the FBI in the middle of the night? Holy cow, that would scare the crap out of me! That does not sound good. I hope the closing happens! What kind of vitamins do you take to get all of that energy? My hair, skin and nails vitamins are making my hair and nails grow, but they sure don't give me any pep.

Marcy-ooooohhhh....after we left the hospital one evening, Matt and drove around Asheville and found an Audi dealership with a nice selection of cars. They had the Q5 in the color I want. Scuba blue. I hadn't seen it in person (our dealership is very small), and I absolutely loved it! The Q5 is being redesigned for the 2016 model year, so I'm holding off to see the changes. Then again, I'm loving not having a car payment. That could possibly win out over a new ride.

Sharon-thanks for the strength and healing vibes. My family needs them!

I'm absolutely exhausted, so I'm off to bed. Good night!
Deegee, I'm so glad to hear from you. I'm glad you got to see your uncle and your mom got to visit with her sister. I'm sure your father must be dreading the next few weeks, but I will pray for positive results. Thanks for sharing your experience with Kiki. People who have never been owned by a cat just can never understand the love. Charlie and I went to Asheville, NC last fall and we simply loved it there. It's a great town and fall is an amazing time to be there. I hope your co-workers respect your need for privacy tomorrow.

Hugs from me and I'm sure all of us...........
Hi Kids!

Stupid Allergies!

Deegee, I am glad you checked in. I am sure your mom and sister enjoyed each other’s company. The next few months will be rough; please know you are all in my thoughts. Like Rod said, I hope people respect your privacy unless you want to talk. Big hugs coming your way.

I saw a Q5 in that color the other day. I really liked that color too. The new cars come out in September so that isn’t too far away. I need to get my car in for service.

Rod, I am sure you and Charlie are having a difficult time missing Sakai. Tell Charlie I always tell Marty the same thing about drowning but it’s that he’d rescue his golf clubs before he’d come back to get me. You and Charlie are in my thoughts. Glad to hear you have quite a few clients at work.

Zoe, isn’t that typical that the weather is awesome on the days you work? It was beautiful here today. In the 70’s, very little wind; it was absolutely perfect. You and your family are dealing with some difficult times too. Thinking of all of you too. It sounds like you had a great time with your friends.

Dee Jay, how fun to have a neighbor arrested by the FBI. Did they actually break the door off the hinges? It’s like a TV show! Life in the big city, huh?

Take care.
Marcy / Curby
Hi Kids, :wavey:

I met Marty at the golf course after work for a quick drink then we went out for supper. I am glad tomorrow is Friday.

Stupid allergies.

Marcy / Curby
Happy Friday kids!

Curby, my client called the IRS and miraculously got a letter from them that might get that problem cleared up! There are still some more bumps in the road, but we are a little bit closer to a potential closing.

Zoe, I’m sorry it seems like so many things are being put upon you at one time. Something WILL go well soon – I can feel it! And I have to confess that I most definitely do not spend four full hours doing a four hour module… I can get them done in about half the stated time, sometimes less.

Rod, LOL, no drugs, but I did just meet with a commercial real estate developer about a part time job and she said I clearly have ADD! Oh well, I guess there are worse things… right? Still thinking of you and Charlie… big hugs.

Deegee, no vitamins, but I am taking the magnesium religiously to help with the migraines. I really do think it’s doing some good because I’ve only had one pretty much killer headache since the beginning of the year and a couple of smaller ones.

So more about the FBI situation: There were six agents on the catwalk on the interior courtyard of the building (that’s what I could see) and another neighbor said there were a dozen more agents on the other side of the building at street level. They pounded on the door and screamed “FBI! Open the door!” They did that three times in total and when he didn’t answer they used this thing that looked like a pipe to bash in the deadbolt and the door flew open. Apparently they took him out the back door (which was on the opposite side of what I could see). That night the CB found his indictment on the FBI site – embezzlement and tax evasion. At some level I was relieved it was “only” white collar crime and he wasn’t some sort of murderer or something else violent. When I got home Wednesday night he was already back, out walking his dogs, so I don’t know if he bonded out or if he was released for some other reason, but the FBI doesn’t come bash in your doors unless they are pretty damn sure about it!

This morning I REALLY screwed up my back, and in a super stupid way – I lifted up the bottom of the mattress to tuck the sheets under and it hurt so bad I squealed out loud and had to hold onto the bed to keep myself from falling right over onto the floor. It didn’t feel too bad when I was walking to/from Starbucks to meet the real estate developer but it tightened up while we were sitting there talking, and now I’m on the couch with an ice pack behind me. Tomorrow I have to take some clients to see eight properties… I don’t really know how I’m going to do that… but somehow I WILL. Ugh.