
Healthy Lifestyle Tread April 26 - May 2

Hi everyone. One more day to go till the weekend. Woo hoo!

We went to Olive Garden for supper. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs. We have plenty left for both of our lunches tomorrow. Afterwards we went to Kohl’s and picked up a few things.

Pinki, happy birthday tomorrow! I will have to ask my husband if he knows that restaurant in Hong Kong. Yes, I have spring fever but Marty is really getting tired of the weather. Your wedding will be here before you know it.

Maevie, I am glad you find it helpful to come here and post your food. I know it helps keep me honest. Congratulations on scoring your first career job this spring.

Take care.

TGIF folks!!

Yesterday I didn''t get to the gym b/c we had a massive snowstorm and I had a 4 foot wet drift the width of my driveway---so that was my exercise getting rid of it! Holy moly that was hard work. But got to the gym today and didn''t do the treadmill at all--just my water run and I got some flippers and "treaded" water with them on--what a workout! My legs were very tired. Think I''ll include the flippers from now on--so much one can do with them.....

BR--yes treading water is a good cardio and core workout. Try adding flippers and see how that goes....

Happy Birthday to those celebrating!

Hi everyone. We had a nice little snow storm starting at 4:30 today but it’s finished already. Marty is SOOOO happy. He wants to play golf.

I am very glad the weekend is here. I made us some margaritas tonight and it kind of made me sick and my heart is kind of racing now; I am busy. Ugh. It is really messing with me. Glad I have nothing to do tonight. I am not used to that kind of alcohol; I think I put in too much tequila. Aak.

We are going to a family birthday dinner tomorrow. There will be 14 of us there. Woo hoo. I will get to see my cute little nephews. I think I’ll pass on the margaritas though.

Sharon, that is quite the snow drift. I am sure it was a great workout shoveling it out.

Have a great weekend.
Happy birthday Pinki!

Sharon - it sounds like you got a great workout shoveling -I hope it warms up soon - aren''t you in Alberta too?

Marcy - I''m glad you''re looking forward to your dinner plans tomorrow - I hope you enjoy it!
here''s my daily accountability post - I ate out today twice which is quite unusual and unexpected so not as healthy as usual (a major lack of fruits and veggies today), but I''m back on the no-more-chocolate-binges plan :) and I got some exercise today again!
I work tomorrow at my second job, and I always tend to snack on unhealthy foods there.. I think because it''s soooo slow and boring and I spend all my time on the phone

breakfast: whole wheat bread with margarine, crystal light
snack: none
lunch: grilled cheese sandwich, hash browns and ketchup
snack: yogurt
supper: half order of canneloni stuffed with chicken, asparagus, peppers and ricotta cheese in tomato cheese sauce
snack: none

10 minute walk
30 minute elliptical
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! My birthday was very low-key. Hubs worked so I spent the night to myself. I went to a sporting goods store and bought a pair of compression shorts! (exciting, I know) I''ve really got nothing tonight. A couple friends are going out tomorrow night to a brewery for some beer. I''m going to get in my long run tomorrow morning so I can enjoy my evening w/o worrying about my run. I''m not a big beer drinker anyways. This is my last long run before my race! Yay! I was talking to my SIL last night (a fellow runner) and we were discussing how crazy your schedule is sometimes to ensure you get your runs in. She lived in FL and used to get up at 4:30a to run because by 10a its too hot. She''d often run from 9-12p too. Crazy. In WV I''d just run when the sun was going down and it wasn''t awful. We''ll see how the CO heat plays in this summer. I''d much rather run in the cold than the heat. Blech

Marcy- I saw snow maybe three times since yesterday. It would spit snow for like 5 minutes and stop. I never made it to my runner''s get together; it was further south than I originally though. Oh well.

pinki- TTC in June!?
That IS exciting!

Sharon- Flippers make treading water harder? I thought it would be easier? hmmm.

Maevie- A therapist, huh? I have a degree in Psychology but never had any desire to get my masters in counseling or psychology. What kind of therapy do you practice?
Date: 4/30/2010 10:53:26 PM
Author: Maevie
Happy birthday Pinki!

Sharon - it sounds like you got a great workout shoveling -I hope it warms up soon - aren''t you in Alberta too?

Marcy - I''m glad you''re looking forward to your dinner plans tomorrow - I hope you enjoy it!

Yes, Calgary. Get much snow where you were...teh NW aways seems to get hit harder than any Southerner''s...

Date: 4/30/2010 11:27:11 PM
Author: BeachRunner
Marcy- I saw snow maybe three times since yesterday. It would spit snow for like 5 minutes and stop. I never made it to my runner''s get together; it was further south than I originally though. Oh well.

pinki- TTC in June!?
That IS exciting!

Sharon- Flippers make treading water harder? I thought it would be easier? hmmm.

Maevie- A therapist, huh? I have a degree in Psychology but never had any desire to get my masters in counseling or psychology. What kind of therapy do you practice?

Well harder for me! If you are upright and point your toes straight down, and kick up, the flat surface of the top of your foot increases the resistance with the water (pushing straight up/out)....KWIM? Easy to do hard to explain.....

I am feeling better now and not so buzzy. I think the alcohol content in the tequila we bought must be rather high. I am glad I threw part of it out.

Maevie, my little nephews are cute fun so I am looking forward to seeing them. Yay for exercising and no chocolate today.

Beach Runner, sounds like you had a quiet evening for your birthday. Enjoy the night with friends tomorrow. Around here the coolest time in the summer is early morning. When is your big race?

Happy Saturday all!

Just went to the gym for the first time in WEEKS. I was able to do 10 mins each on the elliptical, bike and treadmill. I also did two hard sets of arms and a TON of bending and stretching.

I *thought* I was going to be able to have the surgery on Monday but last week the doc said it will be another month or so, so I decided I''m just going to start working out as much as I can and be super careful. BOY am I READY for this to be OVER WITH!!!

Sorry for the me-centric post; I was just so excited to have worked out I had to tell you guys, ha ha! Happy weekend all, and I''ll be back later!
Date: 4/30/2010 11:28:57 PM
Author: canuk-gal
Date: 4/30/2010 10:53:26 PM

Author: Maevie

Happy birthday Pinki!

Sharon - it sounds like you got a great workout shoveling -I hope it warms up soon - aren''t you in Alberta too?

Marcy - I''m glad you''re looking forward to your dinner plans tomorrow - I hope you enjoy it!

Yes, Calgary. Get much snow where you were...teh NW aways seems to get hit harder than any Southerner''s...


Hi Sharon, I thought you were in Calgary - I''m in the SW - we didn''t get that much (it all melted quickly) and by the time I got home from work, there was none left! :)
Congrats Dee*Jay! getting back into an exercise routine is so difficult but so rewarding!
BeachRunner - I work out of a medical clinic so I see all ages and situations (I''ve been there 3 months and my youngest client is 7, my oldest is 87). I typically practice with a CBT focus within a feminist framework, but I also incorporate some narrative, solution-focused, existential, client-centered and motivational interviewing elements among others. It''s kind of a flexible approach depending on the client''s needs and personality. Sometimes it feels like you''re making it up as you go along - flexibility is fun, but challenging - but much more helpful for most people than being very strict and trying to fit a square peg in a round hole
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday! We enjoyed an absolutely beautiful day before the rain came pouring down. My 11 yr old niece had softball games in town today, so she stayed the night with us last night and we watched 3 softball games this morning. We didn''t realize it was going to be so hot, so both Matt and I got sun burned. Since I haven''t gotten brave enough to put on shorts, my burn is from the knee down (capri''s). I had on flip-flops, so my feet got it pretty good. We had a great day though. I started out the week thinking I was going to quit my job...Our director stepped down and we feared the worst for her replacement. I work in state government and we were certain she would be replaced by a buddy of the governor, and we thought we knew which buddy it was going to be and there is no way I would work for him, but that didn''t happen. Whew!!! Since I''m going to remain employed, I''m thinking about getting a new car so we went test driving today. I haven''t had much to eat because it was too hot, and it''s pouring rain so we probably won''t get our walk in. I guess my exercise for the day was walking around at the ball field and the car dealerships!

shiny - so sorry to hear about your dh''s grandma, and for his grandpa being alone. My grandpa was killed in an accident in the late 60''s, and my grandma never remarried. She''s 98 now, and it makes me sad that she has been alone for so long.

lisa - I''m so glad you found your rings! I forgot to put one of my rings on one morning and was freaking out all day at work. As soon as I got home, I ran to the bathroom and there it was...right beside the sink where I put it after I cleaned it.

beachrunner - that would be so awesome to live in a loft downtown. Do they live in the lofts by the river? We looked at a 3-story townhome downtown that was built in the early 1900''s and has been completely renovated. It was awesome! But like I said, we''re too lazy to do the whole "sell the house" thing.

maevie - I have times that I really NEED chocolate. I think I overdid it on the chocolate last week. We went our for sundaes almost every night! I am afraid to weigh myself tomorrow.

marcy - I haven''t had a margarita since the going away party for my friend who moved to Atlanta over 5 years ago. I had a really rough night that night and I can''t even stand the smell of a margarita now. I hope you had a great time at your birthday dinner. I love visiting family. So you primarily walk for exercise? Sometimes I feel like I''m not doing enough, but I''m really afraid that I can''t do anything more strenuous with my lousy back screaming at me all the time. Do you walk on the treadmill or outside? I don''t have knee problems, but the treadmill seems to make my knees hurt.

pinki - I just looked at those trails...beautiful! I''m really hoping to do some traveling to parks and trails around the state on weekends this summer. I live in WV, and we have some beautiful areas that hubby and I haven''t taken advantage of.

Hi deejay, sharon, & dragonfly!

Have a great Sunday everyone.
Hi everyone. We had a busy day. Ran errands most of the morning and then met the family for dinner tonight. It was quite entertaining. We had a good time.

My exercise today was walking around several stores and house work. The wind is so darn chilly I am not inspired to walk outside.

DeeJay, I have been thinking about you and hoping your knee is doing okay. So you haven’t had surgery yet? Ugh. You poor thing. That is great you are able to work out a bit though. Marty will be in Chicago in a few weeks. I wish I was coming with him. We could have a Chicago GTG. Fun!

Maevie, we keep getting enough snow to make it icy but it melts right away. My BS is in psychology. Cool!

Deegee, that is great you don’t have to quit your job. That is always scary. What kind of car are you shopping for? That is always fun. I completely understand once you get sick on something you have a hard time with it after that. The place we met for dinner has divine margaritas; I opted to have wine tonight I just wasn’t up to margaritas again. Yes, all I can do for exercise is walk. I occasionally do a few stretches but walking is about all my joints allow. The treadmill really messes with my bad knees. I have an uncle who is an orthopedic surgeon and he says given the condition of my feet and knees that is the best thing I can do with the least impact. I just need some nice weather so I can get out there. I walk around the park, or around the neighborhood or the mall. Of course the mall I walk slower and spend money but walking is walking.

I am making us mac and cheese tomorrow so I can have leftovers for lunch this week. Marty is traveling the next couple of weeks so I will be sad but eat cheaply. LOL.

Hi HLT folks! Not much to report here. It''s been pouring rain all day, so no car shopping or outside activities. We''re getting ready to head out to Best Buy for a new monitor for hubby''s desktop and then to eat dinner. Exciting day!

marcy - I''m thinking about a butt-level SUV. I have an Infiniti G35x right now that I really love, but my back and leg make it difficult to get in and out of it because it sits low to the ground. I have a lousy spine, and I have nerve damage in my left leg from my injury to the spine and my leg always hurts from the top to my big toe. When I''m having a flare up, it''s even harder than usual getting out of the car. I''m thinking something a little taller would be a big help, but not as tall as Matt''s SUV. I have to jump out of that thing! I''m looking at the Nissan Murano right now. Do I want sapphire or merlot? Decisions, decisions...
Sorry that Marty is traveling again. Matt hasn''t had overnight trips for a while. He''s starting a new project Monday though, but luckily the plant is only 90 minutes away.

Have a great Monday everyone!
Happy Sunday. We got up about 7:30. Marty met a friend for coffee so I got the bathrooms and kitchen cleaned while he was gone. I made pancakes for BF and had strawberries on mine with a wee bit of whipped cream. I am on my last batch of laundry right now.

For lunch I made homemade mac and cheese and had some leftover round steak in the freezer. Marty made himself some chicken sausage curry. I am making us little sundaes in awhile with slow churned ice cream.

Deegee, the car dealers are open on Sunday there? They are closed here and in Colorado on Sunday. Makes it hard to shop for a car if you work - we can only go out on Sunday. I know getting in and out of a vehicle that is too high or too low can really mess with your hips, back, feet and knees. When we go somewhere in the truck for the week my hips and knees start talking to me. Sapphire or Merlot - I like both in color and real life. LOL! Tell Matt good luck with his new project.

The buzzer on my dryer is annoying me so I''d best go get the clothes out.