
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 20th July till 26th July

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Nov 24, 2006
Welcome Poshpepper, good to see you!!! I am your height. I ate I think it was 1500-1700 calories when I was losing weight and then when I hit 150 and under lbs I ate 1400 is calories a day; I am on Weight Watchers so we do points but I figured out approx what it was but I recommend sparkpeople for cals. You will want to check out and they give you a calorie amount for you and you can track your food. They also base the calorie range on your activity level, etc.


Jun 22, 2007
Date: 7/23/2009 1:20:01 PM
Author: Skippy123
Welcome Poshpepper, good to see you!!! I am your height. I ate I think it was 1500-1700 calories when I was losing weight and then when I hit 150 and under lbs I ate 1400 is calories a day; I am on Weight Watchers so we do points but I figured out approx what it was but I recommend sparkpeople for cals. You will want to check out and they give you a calorie amount for you and you can track your food. They also base the calorie range on your activity level, etc.

Thanks Skippy, I will go check out Sparkpeople now

I had set my own target of 1650 cals per day so looks like I figured just about right... I am targeting for an ultimate weight of 150 but 1400 cals... oh my that would go quick!!!


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/23/2009 1:36:44 PM
Author: poshpepper

Date: 7/23/2009 1:20:01 PM
Author: Skippy123
Welcome Poshpepper, good to see you!!! I am your height. I ate I think it was 1500-1700 calories when I was losing weight and then when I hit 150 and under lbs I ate 1400 is calories a day; I am on Weight Watchers so we do points but I figured out approx what it was but I recommend sparkpeople for cals. You will want to check out and they give you a calorie amount for you and you can track your food. They also base the calorie range on your activity level, etc.

Thanks Skippy, I will go check out Sparkpeople now

I had set my own target of 1650 cals per day so looks like I figured just about right... I am targeting for an ultimate weight of 150 but 1400 cals... oh my that would go quick!!!
Poshpepper, you don''t want to set your calories too low though because it shocks your body. I think WW does it gradually because of that reason. It is healthy to lose 1-2 lbs a week and the 1st week is usually the biggest lose, just based on experience and hearing other peoples stories at WW. Glad you joined this thread!!


Dec 31, 2008
shiny- I laughed at the grocery escapade. My DH does all the grocery shopping for that very reason. HE IS VERY health concious, and I''m the person taht will end up forgetting eggs, milk, but sure as heck won''t bipass the impulse on the mike & Ikes! haa!

diva- have fun, ooo frozen hot choc, sounds intriguing! how awesome for your friend, the best of luck to her. (HIGH FIVE!) A lot of the stamina issues, end up being a mental issue. I recommend having her train w/ a team, like TNT, (team purple) they give excellent moral support, so that she won''t ahve to do her long runs alone. (With coaches!)

LISA- Cliffhangin. I haven''t read the books either, but I''ve rented all the films before going... and man. I think I got it figured out... but still I have to wait 2 years til the last one! DANG! OOO a halfsie with the sis. DO YOU TWO ROCKSTARS NEVER STOP! AWESOME! (Yeah, they do fun runs, but they are pretty far from my house.
but thanks for the tip!)

Just wanted to give you props!

Skippy, our monsoon came to visit!
I''ll throw a rainbow in on the next one! I love that your nephew grew! AMAZING! Work those bones sista~ keep strong and lean! Thanks for the healing power for my mother!

posh- I agree with skip, calories sound good, as does the sparkpeople recommendation. I love the way they break down fat, carbs, and protein... it gives me a more complete picture of nutrition. ICE HOCKEY! WOW, you are like PRINCESS SONJA - HARDCORE! LOVE IT! Also, keep in mind, when you''ve hit a rough patch, IE PLATEAU (evil word!
) having the room to drop from 1600 .. down to 1400... will give you more power in the long run. Skippy is right. You are better taking it like the turtle... than like the hare on this one.


Alright. I saw HP6. It was good. Total cliffhanger, but good. I''m not big on the fantasy pictures either, but something about those swooping shots are just AWESOME on the big screen. My mom has her cast off! BUT, she has to keep her arm immobile a bit longer. (She BEGGED to have it off early, because of the itching, and pain of the weight of the cast.) I''ll keep you posted on her proggies. The eats are good. Had the world''s yummiest salad last night, and was pleased to see that the quesedilla is actually the perfect "zone" food. Which is good for me, because I LOVE THEM!!! I think I''ll have that for din din. The runs are going well, but my calves are hurting some. Using them more in my new foot strike pattern. So I''m cutting back on my mileage to rest and recover. I''ve got a few more weeks before I really have to start the ramp up. I just want to say, without rambling, that I didn''t start enjoying running, until i stopped caring about what my neighbor was doing. It took a really long time for that to happen to, it is hard to fight that temptation to compare yourself to others. In my oppinion, and what keeps me going is knowing that even though I''ll never be the best... I enjoy what I do. Kinda like a kid playing t-ball. They have fun, even though they will most likely not be pro. I really like that Everyone''s a winner outlook. Which is why I love distance running.. you just have to finish what you started... and that is saying something.

"Obstacles don''t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don''t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Michael Jordon


Oct 30, 2002
Uhhh skip I never noticed those but now I am going to look next time and ask someone! I will report back.


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......For some reason my leg hurt a lot today. For me mornings are the worst. One would think that after being off my leg for the night, I'd feel better, but as soon as I stand up, the pain starts. And this morning it came on hard. I had my PT session this afternoon and he said it's not unusual to have a good day followed by a bad day, but man, it was a whopping bad day. Still, he worked my back and leg hard at therapy, without mercy. I'll do my stretches tonight again, and hopefully tomorrow will be a less painful day. I'm not going to the gym again until Saturday. Tomorrow's Friday (YAYAYAYAYAY!), which means Friday night sushi with Charlie!

Thanks Skippy!! You can add my name to the I don't sleep well team. I've never really been a good sleeper. And with my leg, I've been a really bad sleeper.

Hi posh, Skippy gave you great advice about Sparkpeople. I got great tips from Sparkpeople when I embarked on Rebuild Rod and lost a lot of weight (and I've kept it off). One thing I learned is to eat more frequently, not less often. Just eat smaller portions and include healthy fat and fibre in your diet. I have a big tub of natural almonds and raisins in my desk and my morning snack and afternoon snack is a handful of almonds and raisins. Anyway, good luck on your weight loss goals. We have a statement around here which is......"Slow and steady wins the race!" Don't shoot for more than a pound (maybe 2) a week. Anything more is not healthy.

Stallion???......LOL......Thanks tlh. I just decided I had to get over my pity party and get back in the gym. Seems I hurt whether I work out or not. And when I work out, I'm in better spirits (endorphens are a great drug our brain creates). I may still be in pain, but at least I'm happier!! I'm glad you liked HP6. I've missed so many of the previous ones, but may still go see this one.......I'm glad the running is going well. I really miss running. Every night on my way home, I get to see all the runners along the sidewalk in front of our condo and I'm jealous of them. So, you keep running as long as you can. And enjoy every single mile!!! And thanks for the Jordon quote. I think I've been trying to live that way lately for sure........

Hey Mara............


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone.I am down 6 pounds now.Yippee.Those pants are getting loser all the time.

Marty is back in Denver now and will be home in about 2 hours.I am so excited.

I had a great time yesterday with my ½ day off.My flowers in cake class turned out okay.The lilies looked like lilies, everything else was okay.

Lisa, small world about our guys working on B-52’s.My friend at work has lost over 20 pounds now.My cake decorating class friend is sick so I haven’t heard how she is doing.You and your sister sound like a trainer’s dream team.Yay for working out even away from the gym.That is great your wrist is doing so well.

Miscka, yay for working on the 30 day shred.Thanks for the compliment on my cake.I am actually looking forward to being done after next week.I’ll see if I ever really make a cake for something.

Tlh, that is terrific you participate in so many races during the year.I swear you said you were at 109 pounds.Maybe I am psychic or is that psycho?Tee hee.Too funny you were talking about the weather.That is HOT.Glad this morning was cooler.Smelling something burning is scary.Glad to hear your mom got her cast off.My mom broke her leg a long time ago; she shattered it in the middle for about 4 inches.The poor lady was in a full leg cast for 6 months ten a partial cast for about 4 more months.

Mara, yay for celebrating your 5th wedding anniversary.

Somethingshiny, rats for DH’s shopping excursion.

Diva, have a great trip.The 100 cal snacks are great.They are just enough and I have quite a few I really like.

Rod, glad your leg wasn’t as bad yesterday and you got in a great workout at the gym.Sorry to hear your leg was bad today though.It’s tough to sleep when you are in pain.

Skippy, how cute that your nephew was excited to see his auntie Skippy.Sadly, I did not sleep well again; maybe I will tonight. I hope you sleep well too.

Poshpepper, welcome to the thread.Sparkpeople is a great aid for you.






Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends, I have a friend who is into healthy eating like us and making healthy choices. The other day she told me Costco had a delicious spinach lasagna (I have had it before and it is super yummy); it is weird because they carry it and sometimes so you can never tell when it will be there. Well it is back and I went to get some; I threw it in the oven and it is super delicious and low cal, huge bonus
Then hubby and I went for a 40 min walk and now I just had some fresh raspberries for dessert. Yay, tomorrow is Friday; I will be doing some housecleaning!!!

Have a great evening all

TLH ~ I am dying to see HP6 but hubby won't go with me because he read one bad review so I need to see if my friend will go (she is usually game). I love all the special effect HP has and I love all the HP's!!! I will keep your mom in my prayers for her arm; bless her heart. I hope your calves feel better; yay for all your running!! I am glad you love running, that is fabulous!!! Aw, great quote from Michael Jordon, super inspiring!

MARA, howdy; are you still doing zumba?

ROD, aw, sorry about your sleeping and your leg. aw, honey, huge hugs. Yay for sush w/Charlie tomorrow; I haven't had sushi in ages, I love it though!

MARCY, that is great news on losing 6 lbs!!!!
I bet you are so happy to have Marty home! Yay for cake class, sugar!


Dec 31, 2008
Rod- glad you are looking forward to sushi! I''m sure even though it was painful, it sounds, like it is working! I hope that you have a nice time at the gym, and I will continue to enjoy running as long as I am able, and hope you can find your passion for running in swimming! Sorry that the mornings are so rough. ((hugs))

marcy- YAY for the -6!!! THAT IS AWESOME! I hope you and Marty had a pleasant evening and a super weekend! That cake on the thread was AWESOME! you could decorate AWESOME mini-cupcakes for the next time marty goes away on a really long trip... as a surprise. But it won''t be such a horrible temptation, because they are already portion control sized! I''m glad my mother didn''t have to go through what your mom did.. that sounds terrible! Plus I''d feel like such an awful daughter being so far away from her!

skippy- yum raspberries and lasagna, I''ll have to check that out. I think HP would be a really fun movie to see with someone who is really into the series. Though I never read the books so I was super surprised at a couple points in the movie... and I would have hated to have someone who read the book be like... oh, pish posh, this was not how it was in the book... haha! you know? Thanks for praying for my mom. I''ll keep you posted on her progress. Also I appreciate your well wishes for my calves. It means a lot!

Everyone Have a terrific weekend!!!

This morning I rested. I was feeling a little sniffly and my calves are still REALLY tight. So I slept in... whoo hoo that was NIIIICE. Not a whole lot going on this weekend. Just laying low, and hanging with the hubs. Not sure about much else.

Confucius - "It is better to light one small candle than to curse the darkness."



Jun 22, 2007
Thank you for the welcome everyone

I am hoping that I will be able to make smart choices natural for myself instead of having to think about everything that I am eating.

I was wondering... how many of you use a "cheat day" where you get to eat one meal (for me this would be Friday Dinner) and not really worry about the content?
Does the cheat day work or is it counter-productive?

Skippy -- Thanks for the advice, slow and steady works for me. I have set myself a goal of about a year to loose 40lbs... I really want to change my eating habits rather than diet

Oh, and that spinach lasagna sounds wonderful... I am going to check my Costco for some of that!

THL -- Not sure who Princess Sonja is (I tired to google it,but wasn''t sure which link to pick) but thanks for the compliment
I really enjoy Ice Hockey... it keeps me sane (just wish is wasn''t so expensive so that I could play more than 2 times a week).
The running sounds like it is going well
glad you have found something you like.
Hope your mom feels better with the cast off and that her arm heals up well.

Rod -- Thanks for the tip about eating more frequently, I am trying to implement this approach (except in the evening after dinner since I like to snack mindlessly).
Sorry to hear about your leg hurting (since I just joined I don''t know the back story) but I hope the pain eases for you soon.

Marcy -- congrats on 6lbs! That''s great. And thanks for the welcome

How do you like your cake decorating class? There is a place nearby that offers some and I was thinking about doing one.


Feb 27, 2007

Hi everyone!

I am so glad it is Friday.I met Marty for lunch today.He stayed home to rest up from his 24 hour trip to get home.At work we had a birthday party and I did eat a brownie with some ice cream;
but the rest of my meals were normal every day Marcy fare.

I don’t know what we are doing this weekend.We are invited to an engagement celebration tomorrow evening but I don’t know if Marty is up to traveling for a few hours each way to go.I’ll see how he feels tomorrow.

I am working on the stack of laundry Marty brought home with him.

Marty brought me a designer purse from Hong Kong.It’s a cute little coin purse with Hello Kitty on it.He got me a pearl bracelet to match the necklace and earrings he got me on the last trip and a silk shirt with camisole.I was sad to see the silk shirts were XXL but he pointed out to me their sizes run very small since most people are tiny over there.It does fit me.

Skippy, glad you found some great low cal lasagna.Yay for a long walk with your husband yesterday; I took a nice walk at work today; it was beautiful here.

Tlh, enjoy a quiet, relaxing weekend.I hope your calves feel better.Cupcakes are nice controlled portions – that is a great idea.People at work are asking for cookies but I can’t make them until I’ve lost 10 pounds – they are far too tempting for me.

Poshpepper, when I started dieting I was very strict but once I realized I could do this and would not spiral out of control I did start allowing a treat once a week.Weight Watchers allows extra points so I figure it’s not that bad of an idea.Also, I think having a treat helps keep me from feeling deprived.I try to be reasonable about it so as not to do a great deal of damage.It is kind of trial and error until you see what works.Somethings you will find are too tempting so you’ll have to stay away from them; others aren’t worth it but I found it worked for me.I do like the cake decorating classes.I am in course 3.It takes time and money but it was something different for me to do.

My dryer is whining.

Have a great weekend.




Mar 15, 2009
Hi All!
My first post here, I''ll keep it short.
I am six weeks into my lifestyle change now. I had some health problems that required Prednisone, and then it took about six months of tapering to wean off. I am sure you know the results of that necessary evil.
My diet changes were just eliminating sugar, junk food, and simple carbs.
I don''t have a lot to say, except that reading this forum has helped me a lot as a lurker, and thanks.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 7/25/2009 12:13:18 PM
Author: Pink Tower
Hi All!
My first post here, I'll keep it short.
I am six weeks into my lifestyle change now. I had some health problems that required Prednisone, and then it took about six months of tapering to wean off. I am sure you know the results of that necessary evil.
My diet changes were just eliminating sugar, junk food, and simple carbs.
I don't have a lot to say, except that reading this forum has helped me a lot as a lurker, and thanks.
Welcome Pink Tower, glad you joined us!!! I am curious how you feel after doing that? Personally for me I notice it makes me crave less of those things which is a huge plus for me. I do indulge here and there but I do notice a difference. Please post; the more the merrier here


Nov 24, 2006
Hi Friends, my cousin and I walked for an hour last night and then we had leftover spinach lasagna and for dessert I had a bowl of cherries.
I woke up late this morning, hubby did too, 10am
It was nice to sleep in. I probably will do some house cleaning; I need to tackle my closet since I have some big clothes that no longer fit so it will be nice to donate them to someone who can wear them.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

TLH, yay for monsoons, it helps w/the heat huh?!?! It rained last night too but after my walk which is nice. Thanks for the rainbow!!!
Hope the calves feel better soon. Yay for sleeping in, enjoy your weekend! Oh I forgot to mention I don't read the books either, hehe; I do have a friend who does and the last movie I saw with her and she kept saying, no that isn't how it happens. lol

POSHPEPPER, yay, I think changing your eating habits will help big time. I try eating brown rice vs. white; personally I prefer brown. I get my 5 fruits and veggies in a day and 2 low fat cheese or yogurt. I notice for me veggies feel me up and are a great source of fiber. I think that is a great idea!!! I hope your costco has the Spinach lasagna if it doesn't I put a recipe up top in the thread Mara has for healthy recipes! I bet you could use a cheat day; I do it now but my metabolism is slower so I could only do a cheat evening once a week. Now that I am at goal I do have an indulgence once a week though which is nice. hehe Sounds like you have a great plan; you will do great!!!

MARCY, yay for lunch with Marty; I met my hubby for lunch too yesterday! How fun! Have fun at the engagement celebration. Cute Hello Kitty!


Dec 28, 2005
Hey......this has to be a quick flyby......we''re about to watch Rachel Getting Married. Yesterday was a very painful day. I don''t know why. This morning was a very painful morning. I seriously thought about not going to the gym. But I decided that it seems I''m in more pain when I don''t work out, so I went and decided to not baby myself and worked out hard. When I left, I was still in pain, but MUCH less pain. We may do the gym again tomorrow. Maybe I just need to work out harder, and not baby myself. Who knows..........We went to our little diner for dinner and I had a buffalo burger, which is so good. Did you know buffalo is lower in fat than turkey or chicken? Dessert was a frapuccino at Sbucks under the oak. It was a cooler evening with a nice breeze and perfect skies tonight in Tampa.

Welcome Pink!! I''m sure you''ll really enjoy our healthy family here on the HLT!!!

OK.....movies about to begin, so I''ll check in tomorrow evening...........


Feb 27, 2007

Hi.We had a busy day.I made waffles for breakfast and cooked Marty some bacon to go with his.Then he went to the hardware store and I brewed up my 9” and 6” two layer cakes for class this week.They had serious domes on top so I cut the domes off and we sampled some of the extras.Mmm.While the cakes cooled off I rounded up my tips and directions for class this week.I will frost the cakes on Tuesday evening then be done with class after Wednesday’s class.Woo hoo!I am looking forward to being done with that.

I went and got gas in the car and picked up Subway sandwiches for lunch.This afternoon we headed to Denver for an engagement party.It was fun.There were about 15 people at the party.They had cocktails and appetizers.I had a glass of wine then started on coke.Bad call since the caffeine is getting my attention even now.We stopped at a Starbucks on the way home to get some coffee to help keep poor jet lagged Marty awake and he and I got a piece of banana nut bread to split.I ate weird today but certainly didn’t eat much.

Marty started to work on the window sills outside.We are going to paint our house.I wanted green but we held those colors up today next to the brick we have on part of our house and it was like “ewe that doesn’t match”.So we will go with a beige and chocolate for the trim.

Pink, welcome to the thread.Sounds like you eliminated the right things from your diet.

Skippy, I agree with you.When I eat sugar it not only makes me hungry and I want more sugar but it seems to alter my mood.Cleaning out your closet sounds fun and congratulations for needed to get rid of “big” clothes.I told Marty tonight my plan to clean out our bedroom the next time he is gone – I will throw out most of his clothes so I have more room for mine.For some reason, he didn’t think that was such a good idea.I am enjoying my “designer” bag.Tee hee.

Rod, buffalo burgers are great.I’ve had steaks too.Glad to hear working out at the gym seems to help your leg.Glad you had perfect skies tonight.We drove back from Denver in a pretty nasty rain storm.

Well, I am off to bed.




Nov 24, 2006
I slept so welll, YAY!!!
This whole week I had been waking up every hour or something but tonight I slept like a log. This morning hubby and I are going on a long bike ride before it gets hot.
I need to do some grocery shopping today too.

Yesterday hubby and I went to this fun mineral and gem store; I saw a stone that is a bought 2 carats, that I am debating on buying. It isn't pricey but not sure how I would set it though. hehe We also visited some friends I have not seen in ages so it was fun to catch up!
Oh and Hubby and I went on a long walk right before it got dark so that was nice. Happy Sunday all!

ROD, hug hugs. Hope you had fun at the movies!!!! Was it good?

MARCY, poor Marty, jet lag is the worst; I always get it when I fly out of the country. He is doing the right thing, I would be doing the wrong thing and sleeping. I become an evil evil person when I don't get sleep. hehe Oh and caffeine after 1 makes me wired at bed time, sorry, that is a bummer. Hope you slept.


Nov 24, 2006
back from an hour long bike ride with hubby, much of it was uphill so my legs were burning in a good way!!!
Tonight I will be walking with my girlfriend, I am sort of bummed because she is moving to England in Sept so I won't have her as my other walking buddy (my cousin is my 1st walking buddy).
Have a great day all!


Feb 27, 2007

Happy Sunday.I got up about 7 am.I made Marty and I breakfast (hash browns, eggs, toast and bacon).My portion was small but tasty.I then went grocery shopping.I picked up food for the week.We had a roast beef for lunch with mashed potatoes and corn on the cob.Then we had some slow churned ice cream.Supper will be cheese, crackers and fresh fruit.I found something that said it was fat free cream cheese at 70 calories per ounce.I will see what it tastes like.

This is the beginning of the last week of school.I am really getting a lot of homework turned in.I will have a 3 week break before fall classes start.

Skippy, glad to hear you slept well.I did not.What type of gem did you find that you like?How sad one of your walking buddies will be moving.





Oct 17, 2008
Hello all.

I thought I would pop in and say hi. I haven''t been here in a long time. In all honesty? I did what I always do and fell off the wagon in spectacular style. I feel ashamed because I always said that as soon as my FI and I set a date for my wedding, that I would make a concerted effort to really lose a lot of weight.

Instead I fell off the wagon and have never found my way back on it.

I am hoping that I can get back into a routine for the next four weeks before the wedding so I at least don''t feel too bloated and uncomfortable on the day. Then after the wedding I can mark the new erain my life with a good effort to lose weight again and start thinking about trying to conceive.

Hope you are all well.

Emma xx


Dec 28, 2005
Hey.........I did sleep last night. I didn''t get up till 10 this morning and I woke up with Sakai curled up in my arms, which is such a wonderful treat. I mentioned we were going to watch Rachel Getting Married last night. We did and I just didn''t enjoy it at all. It''s a good movie. Ann Hathaway is incredible, but it''s pretty intense and I found myself feeling uncomfortable and unsympathetic to her character for most of the movie. It was a cooler morning this morning, likely because it was raining lightly, so we enjoyed having breakfast on the terrace. It was our usual coffee, fresh bowl of fruit and a blueberry scone. Lunch was a cup of soup and a salad at Panera. I really like their new chicken cobb salad a lot. We did go to the gym again this afternoon. I pushed my leg pretty hard and did lots of stretches and core work. My leg hurts right now, but it''s not blazing, tears to the eyes pain. It''s just enough pain to keep reminding me. Tomorrow won''t be a gym night as we''ll do our usual Monday night sushi. I hope everyone had a good weekend and the upcoming week is good.

Yay for sleeping like a log Skippy!!! There''s just nothing like a full nights sleep, so I''m glad you got one. The trick is to get more than one, so I hope you have many more good nights my dear!!! I''m glad you and hubby enjoyed your bike ride and your muscles feel the burn!!!

Yummm to Waffles and bacon Marcy!!! Coke huh? I used to drink like a 6 pack a day before Rebuild Rod. I haven''t even tasted a coke in over 4 years. I''m betting, it would be way too sweet to me. I imagine Marty is major jet lagged again. Will he have to go back to Hong Kong again anytime soon?

Hey Emma, it''s nice to see you. It''s hard to make significant changes long term. Don''t feel bad that you fell off the wagon. Just dust yourself off and get back on. And don''t beat yourself up if you indulge once in a while. Depriving oneself of too much makes it harder to be good. Stick around and I hope the wedding plans are going well.

OK......dinner''s ready. We''re having baked chicken, with steamed veggies. We''re also having a pretty intense thunderstorm right now, so we may just stay in and not go out for a cup of coffee afterwards.

See you in next week''s thread..........


Feb 27, 2007

Emma, good to hear from you.Good luck getting ready for your wedding.It will be here before you know it.Don’t feel ashamed for falling off the wagon, just dust yourself off and start again.As long we will continue to try; we will not fail.Keep in touch so we know how you are doing.

Rod, that was my reaction to Rachel Getting Married as well.I didn’t have much sympathy for any of them.Good movie though.Now nice to wake up with your kitty snuggled up to you.Coke does not taste as good as it used to but I wanted something to help keep me awake for the trip home last night.Marty will be going back to Hong Kong in September and probably 2 more times after that.I hope you enjoyed watching the thunderstorm.





Nov 24, 2006
walked 2.5 miles with my friend tonight which was nice; I told her we couldn'' go for an hour like we usually do since I was pooped from the long bike ride today.

Happy Sunday!!!

Marcy hope you sleep better tonight!

Rod, yay for sleeping sugar!!! Hope the leg feels better this week and thanks for the kudos on the working out! hehe

Emma, many congrats on getting engaged!!!! You can do it!!!


Feb 27, 2007
Skippy, yay for a nice walk anyway even if it was shorter than normal. I am actually off to bed right now. I hope I sleep well too. Thanks.

See all of you next week!
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