
Healthier Lifestyle Thread 16th June till 22nd June

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Jun 15, 2006
Morning All!

Rod, I''m so sorry you''re disappointed, but company #1 sounds like a good place to work and very interested in having you on board, which means a lot when job hunting. Take care of yourself!

Marcy, that is just awesome! I am so excited and happy for you and your continued success. I never set a big goal, I just sorta let my body land where it may, but I do remember how painstaking it felt to lose weight towards the end, the pounds just come off slower. I''m glad I contacted her too, but I''m waiting to get an upset response, which still puts me on edge.

Skip, I do not have pictures, I didn''t bring a camera. I think it''s important to leave the technology behind sometimes and just enjoy where we are. Next trip I promise I''ll bring a camera, for you.

It''s John''s birthday, he''s not too fond of birthdays so we''re going to keep it lowkey and head to a Padres game this evening. I''m doing all the reading I can and will probably workout today. My legs are still sore from all the walking we did in NY.

Have a great day!


Dec 28, 2005
Kimberly, please wish John a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY from us!! Enjoy the Padres game tonight!! Company #1 is nice. I liked the people when I met them and working with good people is a good thing for sure. I expecially like the lady who will be my boss. I think we could ultimately become good friends.

WoW WoW WoW for 157 pounds Marcy!! You are such an inspiration to us all. Thanks for the kind words.

And thank you too dear Skippy. I think they are dorkheads too. And this is the company I knew all the people and the owner is "supposed" to be a friend. I didn't mention that the way the VP handled the rejection was really poor. He wouldn't call me, but wound sending me an email. Very cowardly to say the least.

I didn't sleep well last night. I never do when something is bothering me. I kept thinking about whether I should take the high paying, 'uber' pressure filled position and live in NJ for a few months?? But, Charlie and I talked about it again this morning and we both agree that while the money would certainly be a benefit, the unhappiness of being away from home, in a hotel and working 14 - 16 hour days, just would not be worth it. Oh well, onward and upward. This too shall pass. We're having a really powerful thunderstorm as I type this. We were able to enjoy breakfast on the terrace though. There's a tour of downtwon condos today, so we're thinking we might just go see some for the possible day that our condo does sell and we can buy something much less expensive than our current condo. We'll go to the gym today. I really need it since I wasn't able to go Thursday.

Have a nice Saturday everyone.........


Nov 29, 2004
Last night I tried a "healthy" recipe from self....summer time risotto which had scallops...quite tasty, so I''ll copy it here for everyone to enjoy. I''ve had quite a productive day, I woke and was good sore from my workout yesterday, I baked cookies for two b-days (half for my friend, and the other half for my grandpa who turned 97 yesterday--and he drives and emails). Then I went for a jog and stepped up my walk/jog routine from 3 min walk/3 min jog to 2 min walk/4 min jog and it wasn''t as tough as I thought it would be. Then I had to rush a bit to get ready b/c my grandpa and uncle drove into town so that we could all have lunch to celebrate the b-day.

Rod, I''m sorry you didn''t get the offer you wanted, but at least you have other options besides NJ.

I know I should put this in the recipe thread, but I''m too lazy to look for it...

Summertime Risotto
Serves 6

1 pint cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
1 small onion, diced
2 cups diced zucchini
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 lb arborio rice
1 cup dry white wine
2 to 3 cups nonfat chicken broth
2 tbsp light butter
6 tbsp grated Parmesan
18 sea scallops
1 bunch parsley, chopped (optional


Tomatoes Heat oven to 250°. Gently toss tomatoes in 2 tsp oil with a pinch of salt and pepper. Bake on a nonstick baking sheet 1 hour.

Zucchini Heat 1 tsp oil on medium heat in a medium pan. Cook garlic and half the onion until translucent; add zucchini and cook 5 minutes. Puree zucchini mixture in a blender with lemon juice and 1 tbsp oil. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.

Risotto Heat 1 tbsp oil in a medium pot on medium heat and sauté remaining onion until translucent. Add rice and cook 2 minutes. Gradually pour in wine, stirring until rice absorbs wine. Add broth 1 cup at a time until absorbed, stirring continually for 20 minutes or until rice is tender (add more broth if necessary). Once rice is cooked, stir in zucchini puree, butter and cheese. Set aside.

Scallops Heat 1 tbsp oil in a small pan. Salt and pepper scallops and cook both sides until lightly browned. Add tomatoes and sauté 5 minutes. Spoon risotto on plate and top with scallops, tomatoes and parsley.

488 calories per serving
14 g fat (3.5 g saturated)
68.5 g carbs
3 g fiber
16 g protein

summertime risotto.jpg


May 14, 2006
I can only pop in for a second as I''m in the middle of loading boxes but I''m so sorry to hear about company number 3 Rod! That''s awful. I''m sorry to hear that you''re so disappointed!


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
My class is working on labs then a test so I thought I’d check in.
Kimi, sorry to hear your legs are sore. Have fun at the Padres game celebrating John’s B-Day. Wish him happy birthday for me. I know these last few pounds are painstakingly slow but I’m just taking it one day at a time. I didn’t really set this goal until earlier this year but when I started long ago and far away weighing ½ of my current weight was beyond my wildest dreams. I am pretty content right where I am but I plan to shot for more weight loss as well. I hope that lady accepts and understands your position and doesn’t sending you a nastymail.
Rod, company #1 sounds like it was meant to be for you. Working with and for good people makes a big difference in your job. That is pretty poor the company # 3 sent an email to inform you of their decision. That’s pretty tacky which maybe is an indication they wouldn’t be that great to work for anyway. Thanks for the nice compliment about me. I don’t blame you guys for not wanting to have you in NJ so long.
Appletini, your recipe looks good but cookies sound better. Yay for getting in another great workout today.
Bee, have fun moving – if you can call that fun.

Have a great evening my HLT friends.


Mar 1, 2004
Okay Guys, I broke down and ordered Core Rhythms. I love dance. So you think you can dance has reminded me of that. I hate to exercise, and I need to lose my gut like nobody''s business. The bike riding is helping some with my legs, but alas the tummy (dear god the tummy) Oh, well. I did not do express shipping. I will let you know when it gets here and if it''s great and fun or not.



Dec 28, 2005
Hey.........We had a nice afternoon and I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with my decision about the job, so I'll likely sleep better tonight. I hate uncertainty (not that I'm alone on that fear), but our life has just been a whole heap of uncertainty for waaaaaaay too long, that's for sure.

After I wrote earlier about the thunderstorm, it kept raining and raining and raining and basically hasn't stopped. Very unusual for Tampa in June, even though the rainy season is now upon us. Typically, we get a t-storm, the skies clear and that's that. Constant rain just doesn't happen very often. We need the rain though, so it was good. We went to see two new condominium towers, one in downtown which was very urban and hip with great amenities and almost loft like homes (but a bit on the small side as in we'd have to get rid of most of the furniture we own - which appeals to Charlie and me not so much). It did have a fantastic gym with all LifeFitness equipment with amazing views of the city and river which runs through downtown. The pool and outdoor areas are on the 9th floor and were quite spectacular as well. The other building is in the Channel District, so named because it's where the cruise ships arrive and depart and they've built this entire entertainment area (all directly across the street) with restaurants, shops, bars, a mega-movie theatre complex (including an Imax Screen, which is one of those two story tall screens) and even a bowling alley. All on the water. It's party central, so that could be a concern. But the condo's themselves were really nice and the buildings pool level was beyond amazing. It's like a huge resort pool which is 'uber' big and has a rock wall and water falls and was just jaw-popping cool. The tour of the two different condo towers was fun and gave us an indication of what we could buy that's still very nice and urban and cool, but will be much less expensive than our current condo. Now, if we could only get our current condo sold.

Then we had lunch at our favorite little deli, followed by coffee at Sbucks inside (due to the rain) and finally a really long workout. Boy, did I ever need the workout. I was feeling SO stressed before the gym and was feeling just wonderful after the gym. One nice thing happened to us when we were doing some free weights. A man we know casually at the gym, came over and told the two of us that we looked "pumped!" That made us both feel pretty good. I also found an elliptical (one of the new ones) that I really really liked. As I've mentioned before, the new machines are really hard and this one felt just right. So, I thoroughly enjoyed my final 30 minutes at the gym on this machine.

From there, we just stopped and a nice dinner at our favorite little diner, then coffee and now home. All in all, it was a nice regular Saturday, and really the first Saturday in the last 3 weeks that we've both been home together.

My brother is out of the hospital, but still pretty sick. He has to have nurses 3 times a day treat him and we still won't know for weeks what's going on. His intestinal walls need to heal so they can go in and actually look at things. He really is displaying classic symptoms of severe diverticulitis, so we're praying that's all it is and it can be controlled quite nicely.

Thanks Apple. That scallop risotto looks absolutely fantastic. I've printed out the recipe and will definitely try it soon. Yummmm.

And thank you too bee* Charlie helped me put in perspective and said it's just a job and if they don't want me, then it's their loss.

Thanks Marcy. It was a very tacky way to let me know they didn't want to make an offer.

I hope Core Rhythms helps you accomplish you goals Shay! Good luck and let us know how you like it.

Enough yadayadayada from me already. Hope you're having a nice Saturday night.


Mar 1, 2004
Thank you, Rod. I have not been following the stuff going on with you, but I see you say your brother might have diver. I was diagnosed with it at 39, and I have had multiple bouts and a couple of colonoscopies. Ugh. I can so empathize. I can tell you this: I have found taking an acidophilous daily (1 capsule at 300 mg) to be a lifesaver. I had always felt for the last three years as if I was one wrong bite of food away from semi-urgent or emergency surgery. I had a bout in December last year which necessitated antibiotics and another colonoscopy. Can I say I really hate that prep!!!!! Since April when I discovered the acid., I have felt so amazing it''s not even funny. Everything low feels normal again. I don''t know if it will help your brother when he''s healthy again, but it''s sure worth a try.



Dec 28, 2005
Thanks so much for the recommendation Shay. I''ll definitely pass it along to my brother and hope it is something that will help him stay healthy, WHEN he get''s healthy again. I''ve had two colonoscopies so myself and I know what you mean about dreading the awful prep (which is far worse than the procedure for sure!).

Thanks again, and you take care. I''m glad acidopholous is helping you so much!


Mar 1, 2004
Date: 6/21/2008 11:26:53 PM
Author: Rod
Thanks so much for the recommendation Shay. I''ll definitely pass it along to my brother and hope it is something that will help him stay healthy, WHEN he get''s healthy again. I''ve had two colonoscopies so myself and I know what you mean about dreading the awful prep (which is far worse than the procedure for sure!).

Thanks again, and you take care. I''m glad acidopholous is helping you so much!
You too, dear.



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
I need to leave for class soon so this will be short.
I am a little frustrated with school this week. My internet class was short 1 – count ‘em – 1 student so I am getting paid for 1 2/3 session instead of 2. Then I go to get some supplies for my weekend class and find they moved ALL of my stuff and I couldn’t find anything because it’s all crammed in to one cupboard. I no longer have my drawers where I had all my papers and lab things nice and neatly arranged. They of course never bothered to tell me they were doing it either. This morning I picked up our Saturday mail and found they aren’t paying me for this weekend class till the end of next month (It’s over next Saturday). Aargh! Someone told me they were trying to do away with so many adjunct teachers – maybe it’s true. They’ll find I’m difficult to get rid of because I enjoy having some spending money plus I love teaching people about stars.
Rod, I am so glad you are feeling better about your decision. I am very excited for you. The second condos you looked at on the water sound awesome. Glad to hear your brother is home now but sorry to hear he is still so sick. I hope they get him on his way to recovery soon.
Shay, I hope you enjoy the new core rhythms and it helps your tummy.

Have a great day!


Nov 24, 2006
Rod, prayers continued for your brother.

Shay, yay for the core dvd you ordered!

Marcy, glad class was great!

Apple, your recipe looks good; the recipe thread is just down below so no need to go looking for it. I asked Andrey to move it to this subforum which is nice of Andrey to do for us.

Kimi, I am the opposite of you; I love taking pics for some reason. I tried not taking pics on a few trips and I missed it. hehe I guess what I am saying don''t take pics if you don''t normally do, you are so sweet though!! Hugs friend! Sounds like an awesome trip!!!

I was sick yesterday, some weird achy pain in my body so hubby babysat my nephew. It was so cute watching my hubby babysit my nephew for 4 hours; it was adorable they entertained each other. I feel better today. Have a great Sunday. Hubby and I are barbecuing some chicken for dinner!


Nov 24, 2006
Marcy, I am sorry about your class how frustrating, you and I were posting at the same time so I did not see the latter post.

Apple, I need to try that recipe it looks so yummy!!!

DeeJay, I was reading in some other thread it was your 10 year anni, happy 10 years, awesome!!
Not sure if you will pop in here but just in case you are reading


Jun 15, 2006
DeeJay, did you and Bill renew your vows on your Vegas trip?

Skippy, I''m so sorry you weren''t feeling well. My mom is watching my nephew and when I talked to her this morning Billy was in the background asking to speak to Uncle John, so I put him on the phone and they had a nice talk about going swimming and how hot it is and trains. It was darling. I don''t always leave the camera at home, and I wouldn''t mind taking pictures to share with you!

Rod, I''m glad you''re feeling more settled in your decision.

Marcy, I''m so sorry they moved your things at school and that your paycheck was incorrect. How frustrating, Miss Thin (157 pounds, WOW!).

John thanks you, Marcy and Rod, for your birthday wishes. The baseball game was fun. This morning I worked out and then hit the library. I have free time to read again, HOORAY! I''m off to pick a book to curl up with. Tonight I''m making risotto for dinner w/ a fruit salad.



Nov 29, 2004
DH and I went on a very long walk this afternoon 1 hour and 10 minutes and probably covered about 3-3.5 miles.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone.
Well I am down to only one more marathon teaching day this month. I have enjoyed the class but will be glad when It’s over. Marty husband cooked supper for us tonight but he didn’t put the steaks on the grill till I got home so we didn’t eat until 7. We had baked potatoes too and split a small piece of chocolate cake. I’ll have to go walk on the treadmill for sure, I hate to eat that late.
Skippy, glad you feel better today but sorry to hear you didn’t feel well enough to play with your cute nephew yesterday. Your BBQ chicken sounds great.
DeeJay, Happy Anniversary! Did you get any new bling?
Kimi, I am not at 157 pounds yet but it’s certainly visible on the horizon. I was at 163.2 this morning so I can at least say I lost ½ of my known weight when I get down another 2.3 pounds. I am SOOOO excited. Have fun curling up with a good book. I have about 3 chapters left to finish the book my friend wrote so I hope to finish it tonight. Your nephew''s conversation with John sounds really cute.
Appletini, I am glad you had a lovely walk today.
Speaking of walking – I am off to the treadie.



Jun 15, 2006
Marcy, I must have misread, I thought you said you have lost 157 pounds. The number doesn''t matter nearly as much as the effort, energy, and heart you''ve put into this. Your journey is amazing, and I feel lucky to have been able to be able to watch it unflod.

On another note, Ellen Degeneres (sp?) had a group of internet friends who lost weight together on her show, and I thought of our group...I''m reviving the whole "Write Oprah" campaign! ha ha ha


Dec 28, 2005

We had a nice Sunday. It was stormy again, but not as stormy as yesterday. We had breakfast on the terrace before it rained and just lounged around and read the paper. Lunch was Panera, then coffee under the oak for a few minutes, but the heat and humity chased us inside. Hot coffee with super hot humid weather just doesn't work too well together. We got to the gym around 2:30 today, so much earlier than yesterday. Since tomorrow's a day of rest from the gym, we worked out extra hard and didn't leave till after 5:30. I found a second elliptical that I like, so at least 2 out of twenty new machines will work for me. The other's are just murder for sure. We had baked fresh salmon, steamed shrimp and fresh white silver queen corn for dinner. It was a terrific dinner. Since it had cooled enough, we headed back out for coffee under the oak and we split a cinammon bun from Panera with it. It was very pleasant and relaxing. We just finished watching the second episode of Design Star on HGTV. It's very interesting.

Tomorrow morning I'll accept the one position and turn the other's down. At least I'll have this over for a while. My start date will be Monday, June 30th (which is what they had requested for training purposes), so I get a three day weekend my first week. WOO HOO to that! Charlie has a 4 hour orientation at Restoration tomorrow starting at 6 PM. So, no Monday evening sushi for us. We were talking tonight about how retail hours are really going to change our lives. He'll likely be working on weekends when I'm off, so it will be a huge change for us. I hope it's an OK change. I guess time will tell.

I'm sorry you're frustrated at school Marcy. Sounds like they could have at least let you know they moved your things and where they moved them. The pay issue just doesn't sound right to me, but I don't really know anything about academiic pay?

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well yesterday Skippy, but was glad to hear you're better today. Sounds like hubby and your nephew had fun together!

I'm glad John enjoyed the game and had a nice birthday celebration Kimberly! How nice that you have some time to do things you enjoy doing like reading a good book!! I see the temps out your way are really really hot. I guess it's a dryer heat than we have in Florida, but I remember being in Vegas in August and while everyone kept saying how they didn't think the 108 degree temps felt too hot, to me it felt like we had stepped into an oven everytime we went outside.

I'm glad you had such a nice long walk Apple!

I'll check in tomorrow for sure. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday evening.........


Feb 27, 2007
Kimi, you were right - I misunderstood you - yes I have lost 157 pounds now and when I loose 160 pounds I will have lost 1/2 of what I used to weigh. I am glad you have been here sharing in my excitement. I am ALL for us being on Oprah.

I am glad all of you have been here to share in my journey.

Rod, glad to hear you and Charlie are both going back to work this month. It is hard to adjust to different hours and days. Marty worked mids for awhile including weekends and that was awfully hard for us to adapt to but I am sure you both are excited to begin your new jobs. I will call HR tomorrow about my pay, that doesn''t seem right to me so maybe it''s a typo.
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