
Have you ever taken a risk on eBay?


Jun 24, 2012
I know many of you find amazing things on eBay. I'm tempted to buy something right now, but the seller's return policy is not that great. Please share your great/disappointing experiences.
I have bought some really great things, but I try to always buy with a return policy. I don't think I have ever had to return anything, though. I think it depends on what it is and how much it costs as to whether I would take the risk.

I have.

If you can and know how to get in touch with them, get advice of other trusted PSers offline on your purchase.

Always make sure you are protected. Do not buy off ebay. Make sure the listing has sufficient descriptions for a buyer protection claim.

You don't want a listing that says "Pictures show the item" and give you nothing more. Your buyer protection case is extremely weak. Cause all it has to match is pictures. Even if the pictures are great, it's not enough. And usually the pictures are poor.

You want carat weight. Metal composition. With diamonds a set color/clarity.

You also have to know how to interpret ebay listing lingo. Especially with jewelry.

Branded items are safer, in many ways. But you need them to state that they are authentic (and you should verify it if you can) in the listing (again, buyer protection).
Is it eBay specifically? Because insofar as I'm aware, their policy recently changed so as to require everybody who sold with them to accept returns.

Even of it's not, though ... I generally try to buy through PayPal via a credit card if I'm shopping online, for the double protection. If it's on 47th, I want a hand written receipt, at the very least, because most of those guys will honor their word as much as any policy (and the ones that don't get frozen out by everybody else). (I would apply the same policy as online except that most prefer cash, which, hey! Is good for everyone.

My usual rule is that if there are any reservations, resist. It depends on circumstance, of course, but, ... what is it that's making you feel cautious?

Have you bought anything vintage? I know you are a smart shopper. I've returned a tiffany ring because of its condition and the whole process was a big mess :rolleyes:


Great advice. I've exchanged messages with the seller and we talked about color/clarity/carat etc... I hope that's sufficient to be covered under the protection program. He's supposed to email me more pictures tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of taking a day trip to his town if that piece still looks good. I have 2 PSers' emails (have met one of them and she was really lovely), but I am afraid of bothering them.
Sakuracherry|1391837430|3610627 said:

Have you bought anything vintage? I know you are a smart shopper. I've returned a tiffany ring because of its condition and the whole process was a big mess :rolleyes:


Great advice. I've exchanged messages with the seller and we talked about color/clarity/carat etc... I hope that's sufficient to be covered under the protection program. He's supposed to email me more pictures tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of taking a day trip to his town if that piece still looks good. I have 2 PSers' emails (have met one of them and she was really lovely), but I am afraid of bothering them.

Well if you can see it before buying in person that reduces the risk greatly. So I feel better about that. And as long as the messages with the seller you've been exchanging are THROUGH the ebay messages and not your personal email, then YES it is covered. If NOT, then you want the seller to update the listing with everything, including the additional images before you buy.

As for bothering the PSers. Just ask them if they can give you a moment of their time. I have people email/ping me pretty regularly off PS to help with things and I don't mind as long as people are reasonable.

Do you mind helping me? I just saw the listing a few hours ago, and now I cannot sleep!! I always try to be careful with my online purchases, but never paid much attention when buying from retail stores.


It's going to be a long trip. I wish I could drive! My husband thinks I'm crazy. I'll have to take the bus to the town I've never heard of. Did you know that eBay doesn't let you send your email address via eBay messages anymore? I was going to message the seller with my email, but it got blocked. He's going to send me pictures tomorrow, so I'll wait and see. Thank you for your advice. I wish I had your contact information as well!
Sakuracherry|1391838235|3610630 said:

Do you mind helping me? I just saw the listing a few hours ago, and now I cannot sleep!! I always try to be careful with my online purchases, but never paid much attention when buying from retail stores.


It's going to be a long trip. I wish I could drive! My husband thinks I'm crazy. I'll have to take the bus to the town I've never heard of. Did you know that eBay doesn't let you send your email address via eBay messages anymore? I was going to message the seller with my email, but it got blocked. He's going to send me pictures tomorrow, so I'll wait and see. Thank you for your advice. I wish I had your contact information as well!

Mine's out there. I'm not exactly a well kept secret.

The PSers you know might know it, or be able to contact me via FB and get yours to me. :wavey:
Most of the things I have bought were designer pieces such as Tiffany or Roberto Coin and a couple of others. The only vintage pieces I have bought were from Diamond Zone, and they have a great return policy. I have kept a couple of things from DZ and returned at least one thing that I recall.

Exactly what does the return policy say?
what is their feedback rating and how many things have they sold?
Yeah - that's been my strategy. Tons of transactions and NO bad feedback. I've bought 4 rings off eBay.
I bought both my e-ring and wedding 5 stone off of e-bay and "got lucky" ( while being smart). I ONLY searched pre-owned and looked for private owners who had a LOT of info on their stones/rings and great return policies. They just wanted to recoup what they had spent, not make a profit. In both cases we became e-mail pals for the duration of the auction. Between being covered by E-bay, Paypal and my own credit card ( and having it in writing that if my personal jeweler disagreed with anything stated, I could return with no problems) I felt VERY covered.

I ended up with two high quality rings for a third of what they would have cost me new, so if you are smart and savvy I say GO FOR IT !
I recently won an auction for 1.28cttw OEC studs and I couldn't have been happier with the results. The seller was a pawn shop, their photos were excellent and they allowed for returns. They also shipped very quick and had an EGL USA mounted jewelry card. I only paid $1150 for these studs and they are keepers!

If you want you can send me an email through LT and I can take a look at it.

I have bought several antique or estate pieces off ebay. So far (and mostly thanks to GemFever, Forkitty and Charmy who have assisted) I haven't bought anything that was a dud. Most of them were fantastic deals and I LOVE them! All 3 helped me get a 1.18ct J VS1 OEC off ebay for around 2.4k. And that was the BIN option. I probably could have gone cheaper but the BIN was so good I didn't want to take the chance. I have a few other great ebay purchases where all transaction have gone fairly well. Just make sure you pay via paypal so you are covered if item isn't what you expected.
My two great successes were a pair of Tiffany studs for 1100 that appraised for 4600, and a James Allen diamond ring for 2400 that appraised for 5000. Maybe not super-duper deals - but made me happy! I was a bit nervous - both sellers had no sales history, which is perhaps why there weren't other bidders-but I took a chance.

I used to buy a lot of Tiffany and as I was learning I got some duds, but all sellers refunded without question. Rumor is that 80% of Tiffany merchandise on eBay is "faux".

I have never risked my money on anything from eBay, let alone diamonds.
Granted, I'll never get a killer deal, but I will never be ripped off either.

When in Vegas it is exciting to watch gamblers but I never gamble myself.
I'm happy to pay the prices that reputable diamond vendors charge for diamonds with GIA/AGS reports.
I won't even gamble by buying a diamond with an EGL report.
I'm very strict about being as sure as possible about what I get for my money.

Of course, it doesn't matter that I don't like taking risks.
If you like to, then by all means go for it.
Sakuracherry said:

Do you mind helping me? I just saw the listing a few hours ago, and now I cannot sleep!! I always try to be careful with my online purchases, but never paid much attention when buying from retail stores.

I'd be delighted, send me the link! Sorry I didn't see this earlier, traveling for a wedding.
Yes, a few times.

I had a lot of help in the start by other PSers. Its not a "hobby" one jumps right into without guidance.

I don't buy anything without a return policy and I tend to ask for more pics and information.

That said, I had a poor experience last April and have not bought anything since. I just lost interest I guess. The hunting and searching takes a tonne of time.
I've been on both ends on this one...taken a risk that paid off and taken a risk that bit me in the behind. However, I'm too much of a bargain hunter (ermm...cheapskate) to give up on eBay. I got a set of eternity bands that weren't what they were supposed to be and couldn't get a refund, even though I proved they weren't what the description said they were.

I got all of my cabochon stones that I had set in a 4 prong solitaire setting for my IDJ jackets and couldn't be happier and recently, I got a Carl Blackburn wide band that I adore (even if it is a tad large on me).

What is the return policy of the vendor in question (if you've addressed this already, ignore me...I didn't read through all of the responses yet)....
I took a hugh risk (for me any way) I bought a 18K yellow gold 5 stone band, the ring came with little card that said the stones were IF and E-F color and the price was pretty amazing and there was no returns :? I took a chance, I put it on my credit card for extra protection..well I got the ring and immediately (within a week) took it to a Pricescope approved appraiser..the color ended up truly being all F's, there were not IF (no big surprise there) however they did come back as VS1's, excellent cut...I was quite a happy camper, the appraisal came back at 4 times what I paid for it (I know these are inflated) and I really love the ring...the setting isnt perfect but the stones sparkle like was a risk and it paid off for me!

I usually feel safe buying tiffany pieces from well established sellers. I guess a seller has to have a good return policy, always. The seller doesn't accept returns unless the item is grossly misrepresented. I'm not going to buy from him.


The seller has sold many items in the past, but he doesn't have a perfect feedback rating.


Good feedback are important, right? I need to pay attention to bad feedbacks.


I had a positive experience like you before. The way you looked for your pieces is really smart. I need to learn from you.

Asscher halo lover,

Your studs a are beautiful! What an amazing deal!


Thank you for offering to help me. I decided not buy from the seller this time, but mayb I'll ask you for help in the future. I'm an armature, so it's difficult for me to determine whether a particular piece is worth buying or not. I'd like to get a nice del on a beautiful OEC like you did.


You certainly got amazing deals! I've heard the same thing about tiffany pieces of eBay, but I have never bought a fake one before. Maybe a lot of sterling silver pieces are fake?


I understand where you are coming from. I don't know if I'll ever buy anything but vintage pieces and secondhand designer pieces on eBay. Now I own two high colored OECs and am obsessed with them. It's hard to find one in retail stores. Sometimes I am tempted to buy AVRs, but there's something I like about true old cuts.


I decided not to buy this because I don't like it anymore after the seller provided me with more picture. Thank you and have a good trip :)


I wish I could find a nice stone like yours on eBay. I understand not wanting to buy anything anymore after you've had a bad experience. I haven't bought any pre-loved tiffany since I had a bad experience a few years ago.


I enjoy looking for bargains on eBay and cannot give up, either. I've gotten an amazing on a ring last year and I'm hoping to find a good deal like that again. This particular seller doesn't take returns unless the item is grossly misinterpreted. What did you do with the eternity band?


Argh, no returns? I'm glad the ring turned out to be an amazing deal!
I just received an eternity band today. The seller stated the size as a 4, but I can barely slide the ring on my left ring finger (size 3.25)! I bought the ring to wear on my right ring finger, so it's a disappointment.

The two best purchases I made on eBay are a tiffany wedding band and an OEC three stone ring. I bought the three stone ring without asking PS, but it turned out to be a great deal. That ring made me fall in love with high colored OECs.
I've bought things from people with little feedback and short return policies before. Those have all turned out just fine - item was as described, looked better than the pics, etc. I get them checked out by my jeweler right after I receive them, to ensure the materials are as stated (this is faster/easier than an appraisal, and provides enough check to know if I should return it immediately - If I was buying high-dollar items, I'd see if I could schedule an appraisal for a couple days after it's supposed to arrive). Oddly, the things I've bought that I was disappointed by were things from vendors recommended on here, and the worst mistake of those was one that I bought right before going on vacation so I was gone during the return period. :roll: Fortunately it wasn't that much money - extra fortunately because I appear to have lost that stone.

After a while on ebay and with buying things, you learn to interpret the listings. I, though, am not really an impulse-buyer on ebay, I let it sit in my watchlist for weeeeeeeks before moving to buy. I don't buy from anywhere with a restocking fee though, and probably wouldn't buy from anywhere where returns are only in the case of misrepresentation. I personally don't worry about little feedback as long as it's positive - there are plenty of people who just list things from their personal collection occasionally. I also started ebaying with smaller purchases and have worked my way up to larger ones, but I'm still not comfortable spending more than 1k on ebay.
No, I've only bought things such as phone chargers, camera batteries and RV parts on ebay. I do like hearing your stories good and bad about ebay jewelry finds!
Every time I check this thread for new posts I have to go directly to eBay :lol:
I got my ering off of eBay. I only buy from sellers who have good feedback and accept returns.
I stole this .83 ct G-VS2 for $18something a couple years ago.


I have bought two beautiful rings off ebay, had perfect feedback and many sales.
I have had three diamond transactions. Two were as stated (.30 tcw vs earrings, .30 vs diamond) and one was a "surprise" .75 tcw pendant that has a chip in one diamond, but then again, I bought it from a blurry pictures and an un-established seller at a fantastic price. Sometimes those blurry picture too good to pass ups are the real deal, and sometimes they are duds.

The pearls on my profile were an ebay steal. Blurry picture, graduated 18" necklace and 14k clasp. The picture was terrible, but I could see high contrast in the beads, so I took a chance and they are my most lustrous, prettiest pearls...for next to nothing. they do need a restring..


I guess for me, I check reputation and quality of the other items and read feedback. I have a favorite vender list (and it grows from things I read here) If vendors have less than 99.7 positive feedback, I'll pass. Otherwise, if I take a chance on something, I see it as a gamble and understand I can lose money. I also bought a fake emerald (sold as real) for pocket change a while back, but liked the color so much, i had it set in silver anyway ;)
I've also had a few instances where I've had to return, due to misrepresentation. I bought a .25ct HOF diamond that turned to be no more than .15 ct. The seller tried to say she didn't get it back, but paypal ruled in my favor. She relisted the stone as a .25 ct.

Another time I bought a pear diamond that was supposed to be an eye-clean SI-2 that turned out to be an I-2 at best. That time I had used an escrow service and the seller also tried to say he never got it back. I proved that he did, and got my $$$ back. He also misrepresented the stone when he relisted it.

Yet another time I bought what was represented as an 8 carat Iolite that turned out to be a doublet. I sent it back to the seller in Thailand who also claimed he never got it back. :rolleyes: This one took too long for a paypal claim, so I went through my credit card to get my $$$ back.