
Grey Tourmaline

Cool stone. I don't think I've seen many tourms in that color either.
Interesting, however, it is not something I would wear, as I love COLOURS! :bigsmile:

DK :))
In combination with little bright eyeclean emeralds from columbia. Bright bluishgreen with a big grey stone.
Nice find.
I like that a lot! Gray stones can be so interesting & unique. Chic too!
It looks a bit like a smoky quartz. I think that would be my assumption if I saw someone out and about with it (no hate though - I have a smoky quartz set that is extremely wearable.)
dk168|1404594532|3707437 said:
Interesting, however, it is not something I would wear, as I love COLOURS! :bigsmile:

DK :))
Grey is a color.

Very cool stone!
Has anyone bought from this vendor before? Have spotted something i like but quick Google only shows us 1 result and that's a ps thread from a while back which wasn't particularly rosey.

That is a cool stone! Not something I'd wear but I appreciate it none the less!
Now it is sold! :nono:

I would buy from this vendor - a friend bought some rough - no problem!

I love grey diamonds and spinel - but this tourmaline is really special. Hope somebody here bought it and we see some pics.
Marlow-- I thought you might enjoy seeing your tourmaline find mounted. :)
Wow!! What a stunning ring. That stone is amazing and I love that elegant setting. Congrats RandG :love:

You bought it..... !!!!! We discussed this interesting gem and you bought it!!!! :angryfire:

And now you show me your beautiful ring - I call it sadism!!! :naughty:

No, just kidding - tell me is it pure grey or is there a second color??? :D

Still think it is a very special stone.
It looks to be be a grayish blue/green to me.
I know... it was such bad etiquette. I loved the color when you posted it. It reminded me of a 10ct gray diamond that sold a few years ago at auction, a steel gray. And Gray is my favorite color (RandG: "G" is for Gray). I had to have it. Thank you for posting it :)

The color is a rich gray, getting deeper with added overhead light, to just short of charcoal. The cut was a disappointment, especially because I did ask in advance. I suppose I could have sent it back, but the color is really interesting and I've never seen another like it.

I haven't decided what I'll do with it, but for now, it's getting some wear. Thanks again!
I went back to the listing and it's a bit disappointing that it mentioned 'top cutting', which the cutting is not. It's not such a big deal, it wouldn't bother me after a while, but I don't think it's fair of the vendor to call it that. Just another reason to always ask about everything when buying gems.

Anyway, do enjoy your ring and tourmaline, it's big and beautiful. :bigsmile:
It's obviously windowed in more than one of the photographs. If you can look through a stone and see ridge detail on someone's fingertips, via a straight on picture of a stone, it's windowed.
GregS|1414869730|3776073 said:
It's obviously windowed in more than one of the photographs. If you can look through a stone and see ridge detail on someone's fingertips, via a straight on picture of a stone, it's windowed.

Yeah, you're right. My point was I don't think it's completely fair to call it top cutting, even if a customer can understand it's windowed from the photos.

Tbh, I realise I'm nitpicking; Litnon is an honest vendor and there are way, way worse vendors (I'm paranoid that that implies I think they're a bad vendor; I don't mean that).
Is it possible to recut it?
Marlow|1414875384|3776101 said:
Is it possible to recut it?
Definitely, you'd probably lose some of it's face up size though.
I think it is very elegant with its lines and color. I might like to see it in a platinum milgrained deco like setting. Given the variations in grey tones, with this stone in this cut I think the window is unimportant. Even when not, it may be unkind to criticize a stone after it has been bought and set. Politeness aside, I think it is a lovely ring. and hope you enjoy it for many years to come!
I love it! Gray is also my favorite color. (People think I am crazy)
VL, I was criticising the vendor and not the stone. Saying it has a window is not criticism, it's a fact. If RandG wasn't disappointed with the cut herself I would have kept my mouth shut. Anyway, I agree that there's no need for a recut. Large ECs like it are quite stunning!
Wow, I love it! Can you tell us who made the setting? It is perfect!
I appreciate all the comments, even those edited out. I didn't cut the stone, so I don't take the criticism personally. I did ask about the window and color saturation, in advance. To the vendors credit, I had the option of returning the stone. Top quality cutting it's not. But the color and shape of the stone is very interesting. A burnished or oxidized metal might serve this stone better, an edgier look. It's not worth a re-cut.

The more interesting aspect for me is that over the last six months, I've bought several items from vendors found through these forums, some heavily promoted. In nearly every instance, It's been a disappointment. I received another item last week that was so poor in quality, I literally replaced it back inside the packaging and sent it back, without even leaving the post office. Perhaps, I should have done the same with this stone. I don't regret trying. I've learned to stick with what I know. I've also learned a gray tourmaline is not going to satisfy my desire for a gray diamond. :)

Wow, I think your experience is very helpful here! It is very difficult to shop via internet - I still prefer Gemshows!! But interesting shows are only a few times a year and - my experience - it is stress if you have several nice gems to choose and a limited budget.

I can spend 50, 500 or 5000 - same problem - to much money I overlook interesting cheaper gems, not enough I am frustated.

What was wrong with the stones - color, describtion...?

Did you talk to the vendors??

Why did I post this stone:

I post stones which I think are a fantastic deal, unusual or extraordinary....and not for me and my collection!

And this one was very unusual - but I don't collect tourmaline so I post it! Not for the vendor - believe me! Sometimes - I post this before - they should give a tip to the community here :D !!
RandG|1414937155|3776327 said:
I appreciate all the comments, even those edited out. I didn't cut the stone, so I don't take the criticism personally. I did ask about the window and color saturation, in advance. To the vendors credit, I had the option of returning the stone. Top quality cutting it's not. But the color and shape of the stone is very interesting. A burnished or oxidized metal might serve this stone better, an edgier look. It's not worth a re-cut.

The more interesting aspect for me is that over the last six months, I've bought several items from vendors found through these forums, some heavily promoted. In nearly every instance, It's been a disappointment. I received another item last week that was so poor in quality, I literally replaced it back inside the packaging and sent it back, without even leaving the post office. Perhaps, I should have done the same with this stone. I don't regret trying. I've learned to stick with what I know. I've also learned a gray tourmaline is not going to satisfy my desire for a gray diamond. :)

I too would be interested in what kinds of items you bought, you don't have to list the actual vendors. Were they colored stones, jewelry, both? What was wrong with them? Were the vendors those recommended in our sticky list??

I too have had instances where the stone went back the same day to a vendor. You excitedly open the box, ;( ;( ;( , then it goes back. :blackeye:
i think to make the vendors list, it means that the vendor is honest about treatment, their pictures are not outrageous, and their customer service is reasonable. As for the cut and color of the stone, it is up to the buyer to discern. It is very hard buying over the Internet. Vendors show their stone in the most flattering way possible, not necessarily as they will look all the time. A hand shot can be very helpful but most of the vendors do not do this.