
Google Street View - what do you think?

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Jan 18, 2008
This is kinda spinning me out.

You can look up in almost real life detail pretty much any place on the planet now - try it.

The photo of my parents''s house shows me getting out of my car and my dad at the gate - not cool!

I appreciate it has its fun and useful apsects, but mainly I would think it constitutes a pretty bad invasion of privacy...

Would love to hear your opinions!


Nov 24, 2006
I just tried it on my house, it is actually 2 houses down from mine so I don''t think it is accurate, plus you can''t see my street numbers.


Oct 12, 2005
it''s an invasion of privacy but these days nothing is private. With my address it doesnt even show my house or the street, it shows a street in the vicinity.

A few weeks ago I was playing with google street view. I called my friend & told her I liked the new bushes she planted on the side of her house including what kind. She asked me how I knew that since I hadnt been over
. She wasnt a happy lady with my heads up.


Mar 31, 2008
Get over it IMO. What invasion of privacy? The info being shown is absolutely NO different than my getting in a car and driving through your neighborhood.

There are people who actually believe they will be hunted down and attacked simply by posting their picture on the web with no other identifying info


Oct 12, 2005
Date: 8/5/2008 12:35:37 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Get over it IMO. What invasion of privacy? The info being shown is absolutely NO different than my getting in a car and driving through your neighborhood.

There are people who actually believe they will be hunted down and attacked simply by posting their picture on the web with no other identifying info
Do you really need to post replies in the way that you do?


Jun 17, 2005
Sorry, I think it is creepy. My friend searched it and saw a photo of herself, standing in her driveway talking on the phone. There is a very big brother-esque quality to it. Of course we live in an information age and everything is instant access, but somethings do smack of being viewed to an extreme. I know it goes on, there are satellites all over the can hone in on your cell signal or track you via credit card use, but still, a bit gross to me. Kids today do not realize with even a bit of data how easy it is for some weirdo to find them. That is a big negative regarding computers and the plethora of information contained therein. Any average Joe can SO easily find out tons about total strangers.


Jul 30, 2007
I think it''s wicked cool... I''m surprised that my cat isn''t stationed at his usual post on my balcony, though!


Jan 18, 2008
Date: 8/5/2008 12:41:17 PM
Author: VegasAngel

Date: 8/5/2008 12:35:37 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Get over it IMO. What invasion of privacy? The info being shown is absolutely NO different than my getting in a car and driving through your neighborhood.

There are people who actually believe they will be hunted down and attacked simply by posting their picture on the web with no other identifying info
Do you really need to post replies in the way that you do?
yes, please refrain from being purposely offensive.
I am asking for a constructive discussion.

What about bad divorces, restraining orders, paedophiles etc. I know this is sensationalist of me to mention these things, but put yourself in a potential victim's shoes..

also, next time you are in your car driving through Western Australia - let me know. I don't see how this is at all the same.


Dec 8, 2005
I have to say that it doesn't really bother me.

I'm not totally sure how it is an invasion of privacy. Like PP said, the information is the same that is available to someone walking down your street.

If you google my house and look at street view you can actually see DH and I walking towards our door. Doesn't bother me a bit.

I also think it is super helpful...particularly if I have to drive to an area or a location I am not familiar is very helpful to have the visual markers.

And how would street view aid a pedophile? I don't really understand that. I don't understand how the fact that a person could see what your home looks like would make someone feel violated.


Dec 14, 2007
Muah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

Mine and my parent''s are not on there yet. Although both of the houses we used to live in, are. It looks like just a matter of time before their house is. The neighborhood just to the north of theirs is already on there...luckily, their house is down at the bottom of a bit of a hill.


May 18, 2008
It is very weird. I think the last update was around Christmas time because my mom''s moving reindeer are still out in the yard LMAO

I think the likelihood of someone looking me or my family up is very slim but for someone well known, such as celebrities or politicians, it is an invasion of privacy. I do want to mention though that these satelite images have been around for years...its just now getting to be public. I actually like the tool when searching for hotels because you can see the condition of the street and the business around which makes it helpful in choosing which hotel to stay in.


Oct 12, 2005
it's is definitely helpful when you want a visual for a business. It would be nice if the major sites would offer people the option to remove the visual/their info whichever. Maybe they do I didnt really look.
I know sites like Zaba Search give that option. I dont particularly like when I search my name that some site(s) for what I consider a small fee come up offering a background check, my email, names of relatives etc. One listed my mother, father, brother, a cousin & uncle in connection to me


Mar 31, 2008
Date: 8/5/2008 12:53:07 PM
Author: arjunajane

Date: 8/5/2008 12:41:17 PM
Author: VegasAngel

Date: 8/5/2008 12:35:37 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Get over it IMO. What invasion of privacy? The info being shown is absolutely NO different than my getting in a car and driving through your neighborhood.

There are people who actually believe they will be hunted down and attacked simply by posting their picture on the web with no other identifying info
Do you really need to post replies in the way that you do?
yes, please refrain from being purposely offensive.
I am asking for a constructive discussion.

What about bad divorces, restraining orders, paedophiles etc. I know this is sensationalist of me to mention these things, but put yourself in a potential victim''s shoes..

also, next time you are in your car driving through Western Australia - let me know. I don''t see how this is at all the same.
Well, what about them? Either the pursuer already knows where the victim lives, in which case a picture is rather immaterial, OR...they know of the victim but NOT where they live, in which case mapview does them NO good whatsoever. You can''t search by "face" only by address.

Always amazed when people who disagree decide a simple statement of fact is "offensive".


Oct 12, 2005
Well, the fact is your opinion is offensive to her. For me the way you post is off-putting, that''s all. It is what it is.


Feb 17, 2006
They haven''t gotten to Baltimore or DC yet. I''m rather curious. I can use the satellite photo in Google maps to see that my roof is coated, which is something I didn''t know because I don''t have roof access. Crazy, eh?

tee hee

What I really want is a closed circuit camera in front of my house so I can see what my neighbors who don''t work do all day. I imagine I''d be bored in a matter of minutes, but I must say I''m curious as to how you can sit on your steps for 10 hours and be tired at the end of the day.


Apr 6, 2006
It's creepy to me, too. It can make house hunting easy. And help you locate a business visually. But not so good if you have a crazy X, sole-custody or just enjoy your privacy.

You can locate people by the presence of their cars. You can tell if kids live in house by toys or bikes parked out front. You can tell the layout of a house by the roof and window locations. You can do some of this without Google's help. But it makes it a little more difficult.

My daughter recently had her purse stolen, keys and license. So they not only have the house keys, car keys, address but also can Google the address to see the type of neighborhood (upscale or ghetto, rural or urban) and location of the doors (hidden or visible). Of course we changed the locks, there is nothing we can do about the car. Too old to change those locks.

So, yes, all this info is something they could find out by driving by but they'd have to be able to read a map and spend gas money.


Mar 2, 2005
Well, if it makes anybody feel any better - I looked up my address and it showed my street but couldn''t tell which building is my address. Also, it showed my car (that I got rid of over a year ago).


Mar 2, 2004
Date: 8/5/2008 12:35:37 PM
Author: purrfectpear
Get over it IMO. What invasion of privacy? The info being shown is absolutely NO different than my getting in a car and driving through your neighborhood.

There are people who actually believe they will be hunted down and attacked simply by posting their picture on the web with no other identifying info
To be honest, purrfectpear, you may be surprised what people can track down about you, simply by knowing a screenname. I've seen some ruthless message board posters drive people away by stepping into their real lives. They've called places of business and harassed their bosses, sent emails with inapproproate photoshops and pictures to family members. You just never know how people will take the tone of a message board comment. It's scary, really.

A guy who used to run around Corvette and other car forums used to post pics of his wife in threesomes and nude (his fault for posting these pics, but he felt he was anonymous). Some people didn't care for this poster's attitude, pulled up Google maps, got his email address and from that got his name and street address, pulled CAD records for the house and found his father was the previous owner, found the father's place of business and it turned out the son worked for him, and emailed/called the business incessantly.

Ever heard of Anonymous? They often go after anyone who crosses them, and the fallout is not pleasant for anyone who's been a target.


Mar 31, 2008
True, all of that IS possible only IF you have other identifying info. IP addys, mentions of locations, favorite coffee shops, pets, kids school, job mentions, facebook, email addys with identifying info, etc.

If you are really concerned with those things (and I personally am not - I''ve been on the web since the dark days of the Well [1987]) then all you have to do is post through an anonymizer and strip your IP, not say anything identifiable, or leave false info. Useful if you are paranoid, or in the witness protection program


Jul 20, 2008
it wouldnt let me in that close. i guess because of all the trees. i guess i should consider it a blessing that the picture doesnt show me outside hanging clothes on the line or something

that is a little weird that you are actually in the picture. do you remember the day? how long ago was it taken?


Nov 2, 2007
Date: 8/5/2008 3:34:35 PM
Author: purrfectpear
True, all of that IS possible only IF you have other identifying info. IP addys, mentions of locations, favorite coffee shops, pets, kids school, job mentions, facebook, email addys with identifying info, etc.

If you are really concerned with those things (and I personally am not - I''ve been on the web since the dark days of the Well [1987]) then all you have to do is post through an anonymizer and strip your IP, not say anything identifiable, or leave false info. Useful if you are paranoid, or in the witness protection program

HAHAHAHAHA!! Witness protection program . . . ROTF . . .


Jan 13, 2006
Wow, I knew this existed, but hadn''t thought a lot about it. (mainly cuz it''s kinda creepy) However, I just had a rather depressing thought, though maybe he was doing it anyway, or doesn''t know about it (which I doubt), who knows.

I just put up a privacy fence in front of my patio because the perve one street over looks at us when we''re out. (he can see through the houses behind us) Here I was thinking I''d finally blocked his view, but, maybe not.


Nov 24, 2006
Date: 8/5/2008 4:18:59 PM
Author: Ellen
Wow, I knew this existed, but hadn't thought a lot about it. (mainly cuz it's kinda creepy) However, I just had a rather depressing thought, though maybe he was doing it anyway, or doesn't know about it (which I doubt), who knows.

I just put up a privacy fence in front of my patio because the perve one street over looks at us when we're out. (he can see through the houses behind us) Here I was thinking I'd finally blocked his view, but, maybe not.
Isn't it just a picture? Not a satellite image??? off to look at mine again. I love that it doesn't get my house but a neighbors down the street but I moved it over to my house to look. haha!

eta: yes, it was a pic taken in the fall since the leaves are turning yellow. I can't zoom enough to see details of my house either.


Mar 26, 2006
As a realtor I LOVE google streetview!

I''ve never looked my own address up before now and it is a view of the underneath of the railroad viaduct to the side of my complex (???). I do live in a gated community so I guess security won''t let them in to take pictures.

One time a realtor in my office was checking out an address to show his client. The address is, shall we say, in a not so great part of town. The streetview actually showed someone pointing a gun at another person.

Northern Lights

Jun 18, 2008
My parents live on a private street, and I just found out their house is on that site.

How are they obtaining the images?


Dec 8, 2005
Date: 8/5/2008 4:00:15 PM
Author: radiantquest
it wouldnt let me in that close. i guess because of all the trees. i guess i should consider it a blessing that the picture doesnt show me outside hanging clothes on the line or something

that is a little weird that you are actually in the picture. do you remember the day? how long ago was it taken?

I assume you are asking me 'cause I was in the picture...

We have NO idea when it was taken...we just found out we had street view in our neighborhood so we googled our address and there we are...walking into the house. It must have been in the summer, because DH is wearing a short sleeved shirt.

Now, it isn't like you can actually see any features on either of wouldn't be able to identify me after seeing the pic. The images aren't very high that is good!

ETA - you weren't asking me...oh well. I answered anyway!


Dec 8, 2005
Date: 8/5/2008 4:33:47 PM
Author: Northern Lights
My parents live on a private street, and I just found out their house is on that site.

How are they obtaining the images?

They have vehicles that drive around with mounted and snap pictures at a super fast rate...

They will go down private streets - so long as their is public access allowed. I know of one case where a woman sued to have the image removed because she lived on a private street...and I can''t remember the outcome of the matter.

So I don''t think they''d get in to a gated is fair game for the google camera!


Jan 10, 2007
I think it''s absolutely sketchy. It makes me superbly uncomfortable. Why? Well, not because I think it''s particularly dangerous, but because I don''t like the idea of random strangers looking at my house. It might be immaterial in the end, but it makes me unhappy and feel invaded whether or not there is actually a basis for that feeling.

That said, my house can''t be seen from there. Since it''s the middle of nowhere I guess they haven''t gotten around to photographing stuff here? My dorm can, though, and since that is where I primarily live, it makes me squirm.

It''s not that I''m paranoid, it''s that it just seems odd to me. If someone doesn''t like that I feel that way I am not sure what to tell them. It''s just how I feel.


Jun 17, 2005
My only feeling it is takes thing to a new level. Yes, you can drive down the road and see stuff, even take a photo, but this has a big brother is watching you edge. I think for a business to use it is fine, but otherwise I find it creepy. We are in the age where knowledge is power and access is at the touch of a button. Nothing is really sacred even to the average Joe. I always felt the government can check you out whenever they want to, and a social security number yields tons of information. I recall a case a few years back where a disgruntled employee, years after leaving a job, paid one of those search sites to track down his boss, who had a restraining order against this man. For a small fee, the man accessed his boss''s info, showed up on his doorstep on Easter Sunday and shot him in the face when he answered the door. I am not saying there is no other way to track someone down, BUT this makes it much quicker, easier and anonymous. There is a lot of good with the internet, there is also bad, and it is very easily abused in the hands of the wrong person.


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 8/5/2008 5:13:46 PM
Author: diamondfan
My only feeling it is takes thing to a new level. Yes, you can drive down the road and see stuff, even take a photo, but this has a big brother is watching you edge. I think for a business to use it is fine, but otherwise I find it creepy. We are in the age where knowledge is power and access is at the touch of a button. Nothing is really sacred even to the average Joe. I always felt the government can check you out whenever they want to, and a social security number yields tons of information. I recall a case a few years back where a disgruntled employee, years after leaving a job, paid one of those search sites to track down his boss, who had a restraining order against this man. For a small fee, the man accessed his boss''s info, showed up on his doorstep on Easter Sunday and shot him in the face when he answered the door. I am not saying there is no other way to track someone down, BUT this makes it much quicker, easier and anonymous. There is a lot of good with the internet, there is also bad, and it is very easily abused in the hands of the wrong person.
Ditto DF!

I really don''t like it. It''s a lot easier to case hoses from the comfort of your own home than to drive through neighborhoods clearly casing places. Also, in the pic of my house my garage door happens to be open (it usually isn''t) with both cars (including license plates
) in plain view. It really bothers me. DD''s room is in the front of the house and she frequently stands in the window to see the ocean. Had she been there she would have been in plain view to anyone looking at my street on the internet.
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