
GOG website - cant find any diamonds?

Tourmaline|1463498781|4032703 said:
It's quite a loss to not be able to see a page full of images of a certain kind of diamond (like AVC). People don't want to have to hover over one spot at a time. The old site worked perfectly on my iPhone. This website change is really unfortunate.

Yes. if this is not resolved quickly I'm happy to go back to the old site. When I was first alerted to this thread it was my knee jerk reaction.

I'm a patient man and I know that John's company is also on the line here. I'm exercising faith in his company that it will be right and done expediently. Already the search is improved AND THE APPROPRIATE IMAGES ARE LOADED FOR EACH DIAMOND IN THE RIGHT COLUMN! YAY!!!!

Peeps... THIS IS THE KIND OF FEEDBACK any company genuinely needs and I agree with all the comments that this should have all been beta tested before launch. If there's one thing I've learned over the 15 years I've been supporting this forum is that a company will either sink or swim depending on how much they listen to their clients and there is certainly no shortage of input here. ;)) I greatly ... let me repeat GREATLY appreciate your comments and input as I'm sure John does too.

Kindest regards,
Rhino|1463502099|4032725 said:
Tourmaline|1463498781|4032703 said:
It's quite a loss to not be able to see a page full of images of a certain kind of diamond (like AVC). People don't want to have to hover over one spot at a time. The old site worked perfectly on my iPhone. This website change is really unfortunate.

Yes. if this is not resolved quickly I'm happy to go back to the old site. When I was first alerted to this thread it was my knee jerk reaction.

I'm a patient man and I know that John's company is also on the line here. I'm exercising faith in his company that it will be right and done expediently. Already the search is improved AND THE APPROPRIATE IMAGES ARE LOADED FOR EACH DIAMOND IN THE RIGHT COLUMN! YAY!!!!

Peeps... THIS IS THE KIND OF FEEDBACK any company genuinely needs and I agree with all the comments that this should have all been beta tested before launch. If there's one thing I've learned over the 15 years I've been supporting this forum is that a company will either sink or swim depending on how much they listen to their clients and there is certainly no shortage of input here. ;)) I greatly ... let me repeat GREATLY appreciate your comments and input as I'm sure John does too.

Kindest regards,

I just visited a couple of loose diamonds on your website which I have been considering buying, and the AGS certs still dont match the diamonds. I'm also unsure if the images are matched correctly to the diamonds?
diamondhoarder|1463502699|4032734 said:
Rhino|1463502099|4032725 said:
Tourmaline|1463498781|4032703 said:
It's quite a loss to not be able to see a page full of images of a certain kind of diamond (like AVC). People don't want to have to hover over one spot at a time. The old site worked perfectly on my iPhone. This website change is really unfortunate.

Yes. if this is not resolved quickly I'm happy to go back to the old site. When I was first alerted to this thread it was my knee jerk reaction.

I'm a patient man and I know that John's company is also on the line here. I'm exercising faith in his company that it will be right and done expediently. Already the search is improved AND THE APPROPRIATE IMAGES ARE LOADED FOR EACH DIAMOND IN THE RIGHT COLUMN! YAY!!!!

Peeps... THIS IS THE KIND OF FEEDBACK any company genuinely needs and I agree with all the comments that this should have all been beta tested before launch. If there's one thing I've learned over the 15 years I've been supporting this forum is that a company will either sink or swim depending on how much they listen to their clients and there is certainly no shortage of input here. ;)) I greatly ... let me repeat GREATLY appreciate your comments and input as I'm sure John does too.

Kindest regards,

I just visited a couple of loose diamonds on your website which I have been considering buying, and the AGS certs still dont match the diamonds. I'm also unsure if the images are matched correctly to the diamonds?

Post the links.

You used to have a page for synthetics.

It was really hard to reach and I think you were sort of hiding it.

I'm not sure if you've stopped selling them.

Last week you had an educational article on synthetics. I can't remember whether it had a buying link or not. But now it's a 404.


Rhino|1463515062|4032878 said:
diamondhoarder|1463510226|4032827 said:

Thanks for making us aware dh. Taking care of it now. Also note if you click on the Report # in the info it takes you directly to the AGS Report info and actual AGS Report on AGS's site too. Thank you kindly. Also if you have any questions, while I am subscribed to this thread don't hesitate to call me if you have any further questions.

Kindest regards,

and here is one where one image is of the wrong diamond,

I didnt want to post now since I know you are working hard on this, but this is really a serious problem. I hope you will find a solution soon. :wavey:
Rather than having PSers post (bad) links, how 'bout GOG staffers and its expert tech company do the QA on the new site (that already should have been done, before it went public)?
I still can't intuitively pull up a search for only AVRS. Do you guys sell them anymore? Can you provide numbered steps to search only for AVRs within certain parameters?
Rhino, on the top page of the Diamond Search there is a link/pic for the Star129, for the Solasfera Round and the Solasfera Princess, but there is no link/pic for my precious, the Octavia. ;(

LLJsmom|1463520716|4032911 said:
I still can't intuitively pull up a search for only AVRS. Do you guys sell them anymore? Can you provide numbered steps to search only for AVRs within certain parameters?

It wasn't working yesterday, but it is working today. Just click on August Vintage European Cuts. They come up (36 total). You can adjust carat, price, color, and clarity if you want.
kenny|1463523198|4032923 said:
Rhino, on the top page of the Diamond Search there is a link/pic for the Star129, for the Solasfera Round and the Solasfera Princess, but there is no link/pic for my precious, the Octavia. ;(

At the moment, they are mixed in the Signature Asscher section.
LLJsmom|1463520716|4032911 said:
I still can't intuitively pull up a search for only AVRS. Do you guys sell them anymore? Can you provide numbered steps to search only for AVRs within certain parameters?

Yes. Two simple steps.

1. On the home page put your mouse over Diamonds and click on Diamond Search.
2. Click the AVR graphic. All the AVR's appear. As you mouse over each diamond in the list you'll see an actual image of the diamond on the right column with other info. To see the rest of the details simply click "view diamond".

If you adjust the parameters the AVR's will be filtered accordingly.

If you have any other questions I'm here for you LLJ.

Kind regards,
kenny|1463523198|4032923 said:
Rhino, on the top page of the Diamond Search there is a link/pic for the Star129, for the Solasfera Round and the Solasfera Princess, but there is no link/pic for my precious, the Octavia. ;(

SURE THERE IS! Kenny... now how can YOU not recognize the pic of the Octavia staring right at you? ;) Currently they are listed under "Signature Asscher" which will, in the very near future say Octavia as they will be two different featured brands. ;)
diamondseeker2006|1463532016|4032998 said:
kenny|1463523198|4032923 said:
Rhino, on the top page of the Diamond Search there is a link/pic for the Star129, for the Solasfera Round and the Solasfera Princess, but there is no link/pic for my precious, the Octavia. ;(

At the moment, they are mixed in the Signature Asscher section.

Doh'... ds beat me to it. ;)
Well. I clicked on "Diamonds" on the landing page and clicked on "Diamond Search" this is what I got:

"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'echo' (T_ECHO), expecting ',' or ';' in /home/goodoldgold/public_html/app/design/frontend/base/default/template/diamondsearch/diamondsearch.phtml on line 912"

Still buggy huh?
Hey Gypsy, I think your catching it while we're doing an upload, this generally only takes a few mins. It might also need a cache refresh you guys are very active (THANK YOU FOR THAT) but with being extremely active your computers will build up a cache to the page code. A great way to clear this in most browsers is to use Ctrl + F5 on the keyboard, but just refresh will usually do it.

We have been making a huge structure change to enhance speed as well as some changes to the diamond search which you have hopefully already noticed. The thumbnail view is under way and its a bit of a bigger job so I don't have an ETA on it but we are working to get this online ASAP. Thank you for your continued assistance.
When you say thumbnail view, are you meaning a page with all the AVRs, all the AVCs, etc.? Thumbnail sounds small.
Rhino|1463582972|4033216 said:
the one where the diamonds are held vertically via their girdle best?
This is a more accurate view especially with fancies.
Laying on the pavilion changes the effective RI of the pavilion facets that are touching the base.
Karl_K|1463583781|4033218 said:
Rhino|1463582972|4033216 said:
the one where the diamonds are held vertically via their girdle best?
This is a more accurate view especially with fancies.
Laying on the pavilion changes the effective RI of the pavilion facets that are touching the base.

Good point Karl. I didn't think about this however it's not like you can accurately judge light performance via the images though as I've physically seen diamonds that have looked good via imagery yet in real life were not. I think they're decent to a degree for clarity (yet not as effective as dark field), facet structure and yes even color hue. Thoughts?
:appl: :appl:

So glad I came across this thread. I thought it was just me having issues and I gave up looking.

It's great things are being looked into and changed. It'll take awhile to get the kinks out but I look forward to the improved site.
maccers|1463585387|4033224 said:
:appl: :appl:

So glad I came across this thread. I thought it was just me having issues and I gave up looking.

It's great things are being looked into and changed. It'll take awhile to get the kinks out but I look forward to the improved site.

Ditto! Thought it was just me and gave up visiting the GOG site. Previously, I was always heading to the GOG website.

I'm so glad you started this thread! Jonathan should have a high quality, user-friendly, informative website; he and GOG provide quality diamonds and information, and their website should be of equal high quality.

I hadn't heard of GOG until I discovered PS a few years ago. Not surprising because I knew nothing about diamonds and had done no research at that point.

I was impressed with the amazing amount of educational material you provide on the website and through videos. I spent countless hours reading, watching your wonderful educational videos, and browsing the inventory.

I have a great deal of respect for you; your knowledge , client service and the time spent producing educational videos is greatly appreciated and to be commended.

I hope the website company can produce something that reflects the professionalism and thoughtfulness you display.

You're in the diamond business and can be extremely proud of the work you do.

The website company is in the website business. The tech issues have no impact whatsoever on my impression of you or GOG. But, unfortunately, I stopped visiting your website because of the annoying issues.

I look forward to the issues being resolved and will once again become a GOG website stalker. :))
december-fire! :wavey:

I agree with you, I really like GOG, the site with all the info and the videos! :appl: I have learnt so much there and have never seen a website with so much valuable and in depth information. Truly impressive! I hope the good folks at gog sees how appreciated their work is!

I am sure the it people will resolve this, lets just all give them some time to do it.
maccers|1463585387|4033224 said:
:appl: :appl:

So glad I came across this thread. I thought it was just me having issues and I gave up looking.

It's great things are being looked into and changed. It'll take awhile to get the kinks out but I look forward to the improved site.

I thought it was just me. :lol:
I must be the only person on here that doesn't mind the new site... particularly after reading all the comments.

I am no where near as adept or across diamonds as other PS'er but I thought the site looked a lot more modern and progressive. Admittedly, I wasn't an astute user of the previous search engine and I have also noticed a number of articles have broken formatting/links etc.

Anyway, thought I would at least share my perspective - at least to a simple lay-man like me, the website seems to have undergone a nice touch up, but there obviously needs to be a lot of functionality increases based on the feedback on here. So I don't think it's all doom and gloom for GOG and their website designer.

On a side note, just wanted to give Rhino a plug, as I have been an atrociously uneducated future customer and he has dealt with me with the utmost respect and patience.
Okay now that it's up and running it's already better. Hopefully the ongoing upgrades will make it function as nicely as it looks (and the look and feel is much nicer).
Wyer|1463630025|4033419 said:
On a side note, just wanted to give Rhino a plug, as I have been an atrociously uneducated future customer and he has dealt with me with the utmost respect and patience.

Yes, Rhino is a gem. :appl:
I still can't get the search function to work. Been trying all day so I'm glad I found this link. Selecting by "brand" is not working. Selecting by shape isn't working either (tried searching "cushion" but it returns all kinds of shapes). I've found one cushion and no AVRs no matter how I try. I've tried search by shape and by brand and have put all other parameters to the min/max. I thought I was going crazy.

It's been a few years since I looked on the site but I remember the old search function to be intuitive and easy to use.

I hope it gets fixed fast!
maggier|1463799846|4034291 said:
I still can't get the search function to work. Been trying all day so I'm glad I found this link. Selecting by "brand" is not working. Selecting by shape isn't working either (tried searching "cushion" but it returns all kinds of shapes). I've found one cushion and no AVRs no matter how I try. I've tried search by shape and by brand and have put all other parameters to the min/max. I thought I was going crazy.

It's been a few years since I looked on the site but I remember the old search function to be intuitive and easy to use.

I hope it gets fixed fast!

Hi! :wavey:

I find the AVRs and other brand cuts easily now. You see them under the icons for "normal" shapes, you do not have to click on rounds or anything to find them. Simply click the avr image in the diamond search and then they will all show up.

Hope this helps.
I tried on a computer today and was able to search. I had been trying with the phone (today and yesterday) and got very inconsistent results. I still have issues with other parts of the site (bad links, etc) so I don't feel confident that I am seeing everything.
I just went to the site on my iPhone to try it out. I went to Diamonds, then saw the link to search by brand. I selected AVC and put in pretty broad parameters. This was the result. Seriously.


Nothing at all to do with AVCs, and hard to understand. What is N for cut? I clicked on the MRB on the list and it took me to this diamond, which has nothing to do with a MRB.


This seems to be a totally dysfunctional website.