
Gene's newest stones (precision gem)


Jan 29, 2012
Did any of you guys manage to scoop up one of Gene's latest beauties?

This pretty little sapphire

This gorgeous green tourmaline :love:

This beautiful pink/purple sapphire

They are all so gorgeous. I had my eye on that green tourmaline but that puppy was gone in (what felt like) 15 seconds. :errrr:
And that pink /purple sapphire...just wow. :drool:

I hope someone here got one. I would love to see hand shots of these babies. :naughty:
Hope you will be lucky next time Elle.
I have admired the stones, but simce I am on a ban...

Hope to see lots of pics here as well.
I also love that green tourmaline! Since I bought a round peridot this spring, I decided I shouldn't be buying round green stones at the moment. I hope we get to find out who bought it!
Beautiful stones! :love: I was really tempted to try for the green tourmaline the second the email came in. However, I'm still trying to decide how to set my first PG purchase. :naughty:
Yes that tourmaline was indeed gone in 2 seconds. Winza was available when I looked but I hesitated too long. I did get the purple garnet from his drop last week but it has not arrived yet. I do want to see hand shots of these !
Beautiful stones that went very quickly!
Sungura|1439862722|3915844 said:
Yes that tourmaline was indeed gone in 2 seconds. Winza was available when I looked but I hesitated too long. I did get the purple garnet from his drop last week but it has not arrived yet. I do want to see hand shots of these !

I hope a PSer snapped it up because I would love to see more photos of it! :naughty:

Congrats on your garnet purchase! :clap: Looking forward to seeing that as well!
Hi Colored Stoners :wavey:

Just popping in to let everyone know I was the extremely lucky person who nabbed the gorgeous tourmaline :appl:

It is spectacular! The color is perfect, a true green with a blue hue which shows up more in incandescent & shaded lighting.
I plan on setting it in a three stone ring with some pale yellow chryso pears I purchased from Jeff Davies about a year ago.
Still undecided on metal color, I want to play up the blue hue as much as possible so thinking white metal would be the best choice, open to suggestions.
I Am having problems with my laptop so no pictures to share right now.
woofmama|1440381977|3918277 said:
Hi Colored Stoners :wavey:

Just popping in to let everyone know I was the extremely lucky person who nabbed the gorgeous tourmaline :appl:

It is spectacular! The color is perfect, a true green with a blue hue which shows up more in incandescent & shaded lighting.
I plan on setting it in a three stone ring with some pale yellow chryso pears I purchased from Jeff Davies about a year ago.
Still undecided on metal color, I want to play up the blue hue as much as possible so thinking white metal would be the best choice, open to suggestions.
I Am having problems with my laptop so no pictures to share right now.

That's great news!!! Congrats. Could you snap some pics with your smartphone?
Who will set the stone for you?
woofmama|1440381977|3918277 said:
Hi Colored Stoners :wavey:

Just popping in to let everyone know I was the extremely lucky person who nabbed the gorgeous tourmaline :appl:

It is spectacular! The color is perfect, a true green with a blue hue which shows up more in incandescent & shaded lighting.
I plan on setting it in a three stone ring with some pale yellow chryso pears I purchased from Jeff Davies about a year ago.
Still undecided on metal color, I want to play up the blue hue as much as possible so thinking white metal would be the best choice, open to suggestions.
I Am having problems with my laptop so no pictures to share right now.

Great news! :clap: So glad to hear the color is as perfect in person as it looked in the drop. White metal sounds like a good choice. Do you have any inspiration photos? Looking forward to seeing photos of your new stone once you get the laptop or phone going. I'm so excited to see this one! Congratulations! :appl:
Congrats woofmama! I can't wait to see pics once you are able to post them.
woofmama|1440381977|3918277 said:
Hi Colored Stoners :wavey:

Just popping in to let everyone know I was the extremely lucky person who nabbed the gorgeous tourmaline :appl:

It is spectacular! The color is perfect, a true green with a blue hue which shows up more in incandescent & shaded lighting.
I plan on setting it in a three stone ring with some pale yellow chryso pears I purchased from Jeff Davies about a year ago.
Still undecided on metal color, I want to play up the blue hue as much as possible so thinking white metal would be the best choice, open to suggestions.
I Am having problems with my laptop so no pictures to share right now.

I'm glad that stone went to a Pricescope member so I can at least live vicariously through you, when I see those (sure to be) gorgeous pictures. :dance:

I think white gold would make the color pop.




Hi everyone! First time poster here :wavey: I've been lurking on PS the past couple of months, ever since I first found out what spinel is and began falling in love with colored stones. I have learned so much from all of you already and am learning something new everyday! I think it's safe to say I'm addicted.

Anyway, I was the very lucky person who nabbed the peach tourmaline! I'm so excited -- this is my first substantial CS purchase. I can't wait for it to get to me!! :bigsmile:
arabella|1440585483|3919303 said:
Hi everyone! First time poster here :wavey: I've been lurking on PS the past couple of months, ever since I first found out what spinel is and began falling in love with colored stones. I have learned so much from all of you already and am learning something new everyday! I think it's safe to say I'm addicted.

Anyway, I was the very lucky person who nabbed the peach tourmaline! I'm so excited -- this is my first substantial CS purchase. I can't wait for it to get to me!! :bigsmile:

Welcome to PS :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
And welcome to the 'addicted to CS club' :lol:
You have acquired a gorgeous stone! I am looking forward to see your own pics.
Thank you Acinom! I will definitely post some pics once I have it.
I got the pink tourmaline. :love:
It's my first gem from excited!

Arabella, I seriously debated that peach tourmaline. I can't wait to see your hand shots.
arabella|1440585483|3919303 said:
Hi everyone! First time poster here :wavey: I've been lurking on PS the past couple of months, ever since I first found out what spinel is and began falling in love with colored stones. I have learned so much from all of you already and am learning something new everyday! I think it's safe to say I'm addicted.

Anyway, I was the very lucky person who nabbed the peach tourmaline! I'm so excited -- this is my first substantial CS purchase. I can't wait for it to get to me!! :bigsmile:

Oooh congrats!! Please post a ton of photos!

It's exactly the colour and shape I think I'm looking for for a project of my own - Acinom posted it in another thread, so I'm just learning of it's existence this morning. I would love to hear what you think of it IRL!!
elle_71125|1440591247|3919329 said:
I got the pink tourmaline. :love:
It's my first gem from excited!

Arabella, I seriously debated that peach tourmaline. I can't wait to see your hand shots.

Great news Elle. Congrats!!
I tried for the malaya garnet but haven't gotten a confirmation email. I'm assuming that means I'm due for a refund.
Well everyone, it looks like I actually did not get the peach tourmaline... I got an email from Gene a few hours ago letting me know it got sold right before my order went in. ;( Maybe I'll be able to get one of his gems during the next round.

Elle, congrats on the pink tourmaline! I was debating over whether to get the pink or the peach, and it looks like you helped make my decision :lol: Its sooooo beautiful!

Yssie, I just love that peachy-pink color!! I hope you find one for your project soon!
Well whaddya know, I got the malaya! I never get anything from Gene's drops so I'm excited!
arabella, I am so sorry. You must be so disappointed. :(sad
I hope another one comes your way soon.

jstarfireb, congrats. Can't wait to see pics. :dance:
jstarfireb|1440623181|3919558 said:
Well whaddya know, I got the malaya! I never get anything from Gene's drops so I'm excited!

How exciting! :appl:
Elle, I am disappointed, but it's ok! It's exciting to be able to still have a budget for a new stone and to keep looking for one that speaks to me :))

Jstarfireb, congrats!! That is so exciting. Can't wait to see pictures!
Congrats everyone that got a stone. :) Gene's work definitely is amazing. I will be awaiting to see personal pics. For those that didn't get one yet, you have the right demeanor about the situation and I know "the one" or "ones" in our case will find its way to you!
arabella|1440616690|3919505 said:
Well everyone, it looks like I actually did not get the peach tourmaline... I got an email from Gene a few hours ago letting me know it got sold right before my order went in. ;( Maybe I'll be able to get one of his gems during the next round.

Elle, congrats on the pink tourmaline! I was debating over whether to get the pink or the peach, and it looks like you helped make my decision :lol: Its sooooo beautiful!

Yssie, I just love that peachy-pink color!! I hope you find one for your project soon!

Oh I'm sorry arabella! :(sad

But... as everyone else has already said... I'm confident both you and I will find the right stones for our projects :bigsmile:
I got my start in the jewelry business buying and selling colored gems in Brasil in 1970 - 72.

Even though I loved the gems, I wished they were better cut.

It is such a pleasure to happen upon a post like this and see not one, but several gems that were properly faceted to release the beauty of the color.

Congratulations to all who grabbed one of these beauties! And thank you Elle for starting the joy of this thread.

It's in! It's in!
Now for some pictures.

In the shade

Indirect sunlight

Direct sunlight

Indirect sunlight (taken next to my Jim McCormick lavender spinel)
LOVELY stone, congrats!! :appl: