
Gday from Down Under!

AJ: you are such a wonderful and welcome addition to PS that I really didn't want you to stumble into trouble.

Your gems really are that beautiful and Marlow is right that you do have stones that PSers will clearly go for. At this point, since you are being honest about selling (can't tell you how many are not when they come here), it would probably be a good idea for you to read the rules and policies of PS so that you don't mistakenly cross a line. I *think* its okay for you to show gems that have either sold or are not for sale (meaning they are slated for someone like your Auntie) but I would hate for you to get in trouble for my mistaken assumption. Ella is always accessible (Ms. Omnipresent/Omnipotent :bigsmile: ) and would be very helpful if you were to reach out and ask her by clicking on the "Report Concern" button (she is also approachable and very nice).

If you haven't already, I suggest you hook up with some of the groups on Facebook. There are groups where rough is discussed and sold, where finished stones are discussed and sold, groups devoted to educational discussion of stones, groups communicating about scammers. Many members of your PS fan club are there as well. ;))
We do not allow vendors or trade members to post any photos of their wares, whether they are already sold, personal items, or for sale. It's a blanket rule that allows us to moderate more effectively.

Sometimes we do have threads just for trade members, but otherwise it is off limits.

You are welcome to post your stones if you are not selling, but if we find out stones are for sale and you did not let us know, it will be very problematic. Please don't abuse the rules and let us know when the time comes. You also may not advertise any business here if you decide to become trade, so please keep that in mind.

Trade policies are at the bottom of every forum page under the link "Forum Policy".
Hello all,
Thankyou very much Ella for the information you provided in your post! I have read the forum policy now and as it is more probable than not that I will sell in the future, I have decided to stop posting pictures of my gems :(( (I love sharing them with you guys). I have no intention of abusing the rules and I do not want to do anything that jeopardises being part of the PS community therefore I think that this is the right decision.

Minousbijoux- Thankyou very much for your support and kind words. It means a lot! I have not been on facebook for a long time but have decided to get back on. Are you allowed to suggest keywords to search for the groups I should join?

Since I can't put up anymore beautiful aussie gems I would love to see any that you guys have or have owned in the past! Anything from sapphires, opals, zircon and so on.

Still waiting on the other forum - they have a lapidary corner and you are welcome to post pictures of your gems there.
Hi Marlow,
I am sorry I forgot about that. Just created account and waiting for confirmation.
AJ: I think you are doing the smart thing and it sounds like it won't be long before we are all buying from you.

I have so many ideas for you and would love to share. The kicker is that I honestly don't know how much I am allowed to discuss other groups here. If you'd like, please feel free to contact me via the email I have on any of my LoupeTroop or Diamond Bistro listings and I am more more than happy to provide groups, contacts and any other information you might like. If that is too much work, I would start by googling "Fine Faceted Gems and Cabs," "High End Gemstones" "Facet Rough" and variations on that last one (multiple groups that offer up rough for sale), and then to protect yourself, do a search term for "gemstone scammers" and variations on that as there are groups that look out for the ripoff vendors of rough and cut stones. Finally, if you take out the "s" from my user name here, and search that name there, you should find me and I can link you to more.

ETA: I think you will be thrilled with the core group of lapidaries that share info on the site that Marlow suggests; every time I read it, it makes me want to learn how to cut!
Hi guys,
Marlow I need 10 messages before pm is allowed and thankyou minousbijoux. I will see what you have going on loupetroop! :D
Tomorrow I am going to take a photo of my partners ring that we had made from our very first sapphire we ever found when digging in the creek. Since I had no part in the cutting or making of the ring (except design) which we paid for, I think it will be ok to post it. It has a lot of sentimental value for us. I hope you guys like it!
Post tentimes - so no problem!!

Then I will send you a PM ( you are aussiejamie on GO too? )
I was able to send you a message!!

Hi everyone,
I took a photo or 2 of my partners ring today so I hope you guys like it! It is set in rose gold! It is the first sapphire we found. It is not the best sapphire but it is the story that counts with this one.
I cant see your message yet Marlow. I have to post 10 times so better get started posting! I have been really busy the last 2 days so will get to it very soon.




What a beautiful ring! I love the flowing design and the sunny stone. Thanks for sharing :wavey:
I love the "flow" of the design in your partner's ring. Very classic, but also modern with sleek lines. It's gorgeous!
Oh! Is it a parti-sapphire? The design is very soft and feminine; lovely ring.
Hi all,
Yes Chrono, it is a parti sapphire. There is a little blue in the bottom and top left near the girdle of the second shot. Very good pick up! :)
As it was going to be a solitaire we wanted the stone to be the centrepoint and being 'cradled' by the setting. The stone weighs 1.6ct.
My partner loved all your comments and said thankyou for your nice words!
Beautiful engagement ring, what colour is the gold?
Hi all,
The setting is a light rose gold (less copper content) than normal rose. The stone is a bit shifty in different lights. It isn't an engagement ring either. I wanted Susana to have our first sapphire we found together and just happened to be a decent parti. I am currently in the process of getting a solitaire pendant made for her. Just waiting for the right sapphire to come along!