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Mar 15, 2004

Who has some furniture lust out there? Show me what you're lusting after.

I'm LUSTING...for this table (don't love the covered chairs for practical reasons) which is NOT going to happen. My table is only a few years old and will be mine for another 2-3 years until we move. But I'm in major lust with this table. It's like the perfect mix of modern and traditional. Waaaaaaaaaa. It pains me I love it so!


And set with these glasses!!!! Love it...... AND, they were made in Poland, as was I LOL... Well, not quite but I''m a first generation so close enough...that''s my excuse to buy them...

Wow, MMM, that table is the perfect mix of modern and traditional. I have an oval table now, and I have the worst time finding tablecloths for that shape. I usually end up with rectangular oblong ones and tie up either end with ribbons, but that sort of bugs the crap out of whomever is seated in those places. But I suppose I could give up my tablecloth obsession if I had such a gorgeous table as the one you posted! Love those glasses, too, is all that from Pottery Barn?
OHHH, ya gotta lose the table cloth monarch! If you want to protect, get glass cut as a top which is what I have to do b/c of the pesky kitties...You gotta show off what you have!

Glasses from pb too! I am coming around to pb...I dunno, I used to not love their stuff but a lot of it is very interesting looking... Siiiighhhh!
oh! maybe someone can help me find what my FI and I have been lusting over. we can''t seem to find them anywhere- except for in decorating magazines and such. they have to exist though!!! we want to register for them...

another shot:

mmm- your glasses look like the ones from crate and barrel.

if we don''t find our dream glasses- looks like these will have to make our list instead

Butterfly, you have to convince your hubby to buy that bed!!! I looooove it! I had a daybed with trundle as a young girl, and I loved having friends sleepover, it was such a girlie thing to have.

MMM, yeah I guess i will have to get over the tablecloth thing. I just hesitate to cut glass for our table because (although very nice) it is a hand-me-down from my SIL and we may not keep it much longer.

JCrow, do you have any other info about those glasses? And are they glass or possibly acrylic, do you know?
mon- don''t know. i assumed glass-
Ok then Monarch, then you''re allowed to keep the cloth for now!

I''ll keep my eyes out for the glasses JCrow! you have the model #? Call or and ask for a quote.... even with the shipping you would save a ton...Some people don''t like to order like that but I do it all the time...It''s so pretty.
hmmmm what do i covet?? i can't even begin to list it. well maybe i can...but i gotta find pictures...

right now the focus is on finding a mahogany leather chair for downstairs living room with ottoman...but i have the biggest mental block on paying $2k for a leather chair!!!

my absolute ultimate wantbutwon'tgetforwhoknowshowlong is also a 12 seater dining room table with chairs, that will run us about $5-6k...those darn chairs are such a ripoff...and we'd have to buy TWELVE! before anyone says 'do you really need 12'...YES, our group of friends is currently at 12 and that is only going to stay that way if the 3 other people don't get paired up EVER. so a 14 would be even better!
thanks mmm!
and, if only we could get away with registering for this! i LOVE LOVE LOVE this sofa!!! in a flax/pewter/mocha color. YUMMY!!!

here''s the matching chair. they are from storehouse.

Date: 12/30/2005 2:31:16 PM
Author: monarch64
Butterfly, you have to convince your hubby to buy that bed!!! I looooove it! I had a daybed with trundle as a young girl, and I loved having friends sleepover, it was such a girlie thing to have.

Thanks Monarch,
I think I am going to go ahead and order it. The store I want to get it from told me it takes anywhere from 16 to 20 weeks to make and they have a layaway plan and I only have to put 20% down until it arrives.
I figure since it will take that long, by the time it gets here, it will be paid off and I won''t even notice a pinch in my pockets.

I love love love it! It is so gorgeous and I always wanted a bed like that when I was young. My mom never bought me anything, so I want my daughter to feel special.
Date: 12/30/2005 2:53:54 PM
Author: moremoremore you have the model #? Call or and ask for a quote.... even with the shipping you would save a ton...Some people don''t like to order like that but I do it all the time...It''s so pretty.

Thank you!

I found a place near me that would give me 10% off and let me put it on a layaway plan (takes 16 to 20 weeks to make), plus free shipping and set up, so I am thinking about just ordering it from them.

I will give those companies a call though to at least see what their prices are.
Lazy Boy atlas.
Im scared to find out the price on it lol

I think that sounds fab butterfly! So glad you ordered it for her. What a special bed it is and she (or you!) can keep it forever when she gets old it can really work in any room as a nice seating area!!! And I kinda love the fact that it takes so long to get there (it's usually 8-12 weeks but the longer the won't feel the hurt this way!) I wish my PB table worked that way!!! But no way...I sinned and ordered a new handbag and hubby said AREN"T YOU GOING TO EVER SAVE MONEY? hehehehe... Funny- it was to come Friday to work and it didn't ... so I was in the area today with hubby and we drove around accosting mail men asking them if they had my work on their route...trying to hunt down the bag for tonight ..that's SICK! But it will have to wait year! :)

Strm...My husband dreams of a chair like that I'm sure but alas it doesn't go with my decor style LOL Poor guy!
I want this sofa soooooooo bad... It''s big and comfy, 47" deep, and my favorite thing is that it doesn''t have nail head trim, which, for some reason, I can''t stand unless it''s on furniture in a cabin, or in a library/office type room.

Unfortunately... it is over $4k and not only can I not get past that, we just can''t afford that price tag, period. Although, RH has their leather & upholstery "sale" every September... It''s less than 10% but I guess $400 off is better than nothing. And, I was thinking of putting it on our wedding gift registry in order to get 10% off through their completion program... I also have a $200 RH gift card that I got for Christmas... I should probably just forget it and go with an upholstered sofa & get a big comfy leather chair but the chairs are even more expensive when you consider the size - 1/2 the price but only 1/3 or 1/4 the size of a sofa - ridiculous.

Date: 12/31/2005 5:19:20 PM
Author: moremoremore
Strm...My husband dreams of a chair like that I''m sure but alas it doesn''t go with my decor style LOL Poor guy!
Thats why he should have a den he can decorate anyway he wants too.
Date: 1/1/2006 3:23:42 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 12/31/2005 5:19:20 PM
Author: moremoremore
Strm...My husband dreams of a chair like that I''m sure but alas it doesn''t go with my decor style LOL Poor guy!
Thats why he should have a den he can decorate anyway he wants too.
Mine gets the garage!
teebee, I love that leather sofa. It''s awesome!!!
Mine gets the pleasure of living with me and that''s reward enough LOL

Luckily, he care less what it is as long as it''s comfie! So I get to pick out everything with my style!

I can''t see the couch on my messed up compu but i see the really pretty classic outline! I''m sure you can find a similar look for less $!!!
I told Greg that in our future future house he will have his own room he can do whatever he wants to...paint it whatever color, put whatever non matching stuff he wants to in there, etc etc. I won''t go in there or bother any of his stuff. Every time he tries to bring in his old home-made speakers from college, I tell him to wait til we get that house and HE gets that room!!
Until then, I am the official COO of the household which includes decor responsibilities!
Here''s something I have been drooling over but it''s really silly, because we don''t need another couch, ours is only 2 years old, and we adore the one we do have which has a chaise lounge on each end...but when I see this image in the catalog, all I can think of is taking a long afternoon nap snuggled on this big fabulous couch, it looks like a BED!!! Hmmmm....

pb pacific couch.jpg
and here is what I REALLY want, a real dining table that seats up to 12...though I think this one is maybe only up to 10...with matching chairs and an actual BUFFET table. a REAL dining room...ours right now is kind of the hodgepodge room with a CB maple square table and matching chairs.... so blah! I refuse to buy anything or put anything else in there until I can get a real set. so there is nothing on the walls either. Such a waste of a room right now. HOWEVER, no way can I stomach paying $1800 for the table and then $3500 for the CHAIRS. ridiculous!!!

For those of you who are into furniture, check out Craigs List when you know what you really want...I have gotten some great deals off there (a PB gold huge mirror that is $229 typically, in mint condition (it hangs on the wall!), for $40!) and have SEEN some great deals on there too. I saw a seats 8 PB dining table and 8 matching chairs for $1k total, the person just needed to move and couldn't take all the stuff with her and it was only a year old. Also I have seen the PB Manhatten leather chairs on there too for like $400 each, ridiculously low amounts on some of this stuff when people just need to pick up and move or lost their job etc (happens here in the Bayarea alot that people come or go) definitely check it out in your area if you like the mainstream CB/PB/WS type of furniture.

So being that I can't get past this $5k price tag for a dining set (not even including the buffet!), I may do something like that $1k dealio on CraigsList if it comes around again and I am ready...we shall see. For that price I would get a set where I can switch out the table later but keep the CHAIRS which are what can cost you (as long as I could get addtl chairs).

pb dining table.jpg
That sofa looks so comfy. I would love to have one like that. The table is great too. Darn these prices, really gets in the way huh??
LOL! Great minds. That's the Montego regtangular table...the one I'm lusting after is the Montego oval and would only get 4 or 5 chairs for the kitchen so it's a lot cheaper...but I still can't have it. Waaa. It's really such a pretty color and wood (both styles)... I have the Montego lounge chair and I love it.
The only thing I can think of is to buy the table and collect the chairs over time. But then i guess you run the risk of getting it discontinued. I forgot the main makers of PB furniture...I'll have to look it up...but then I bet they surely don't sell direct but only to designers and a lot of these case goods are Indonesian etc companies. Sigh. Bernhardt/Martha Stewart make almost my exact table...I would probably buy that over PB but it's probably much more $. Alas both of our table fantasies go unfulfulled...Although I could really use a new coffee table and a chest for the office
BUT I woke up this morning in a pension and retirement panic attack...Turning 33 this year AND BTW WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN? WASN'T IT JUST Y2K?) and just getting to that freak out point. Argh. I'll be working til I'm 100 if I don't get my act together...but I'll have nice furniture I guess
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