
Finewater .96 Mahenge Spinel


Jun 30, 2009
I won in Gary's Cyber Monday sale. I am having trouble photographing it, but here are 2 decent shots to start with.

Of course, once again, the problem may have something to do with my assistant and his need to chase the stone's sparkles on the wall during photography.



VERY pretty -- assistant included!

--- Laurie
MAHENGE ****!! :love:

That head on shot is seriously gorgeous!!! Please, tell us what your plans are for it? I can see a halo'd sliding pendant. Yum, yum, yum!!
That's fabulous! Beautiful color, amazing cut. I can't wait to see what you decide to do with it. :appl:
Thanks Aofie, JewelFreak and Upgradeable! I am unsure about my plans for it right now. Like you Uppy, I really see a sliding pendant surrounded by a halo of diamonds. I think that would be gorgeous. But I don't really wear pendants. My other idea was to buy two .25 August Vintage Rounds from GOG and have it made into a 3 stone ring in pink gold. Then I saw this on Etsy, and I think it would look awesome in it, in pink gold, but the vendor is in Canada and I am not sure how much of a hassle that would be with customs:
Upgradable|1291479845|2787253 said:
MAHENGE ****!! :love:

That head on shot is seriously gorgeous!!! Please, tell us what your plans are for it? I can see a halo'd sliding pendant. Yum, yum, yum!!

Uppy, you're bad!! :twisted:

Very nice stone Herekittykitty, and obviously very well cut. Love that high crown.
tourmaline_lover|1291489671|2787343 said:
Upgradable|1291479845|2787253 said:
MAHENGE ****!! :love:

That head on shot is seriously gorgeous!!! Please, tell us what your plans are for it? I can see a halo'd sliding pendant. Yum, yum, yum!!

Uppy, you're bad!! :twisted:

Very nice stone Herekittykitty, and obviously very well cut. Love that high crown.

See my new avatar? :wacko:
HKK, gorgeous stone! The color is amazing! I love the idea of AVR sides but the ring you linked to is super pretty too. I can't wait to see what you decide on. Btw, your assistant is adorable.

Uppy, I love your new avatar. :love:
Upgradable|1291490691|2787347 said:
tourmaline_lover|1291489671|2787343 said:
Upgradable|1291479845|2787253 said:
MAHENGE ****!! :love:

That head on shot is seriously gorgeous!!! Please, tell us what your plans are for it? I can see a halo'd sliding pendant. Yum, yum, yum!!

Uppy, you're bad!! :twisted:

Very nice stone Herekittykitty, and obviously very well cut. Love that high crown.

See my new avatar? :wacko:

Triple X rated photos aren't allowed on PS. LOL! Very nice avatar.
I like the color. It looks more red and saturated than on Gary's website.


Thanks tourmaline_lover, BurberryGirl, and crasru. I agree crasru, the color does look a bit different than on his website but I love the color. Just don't understand why it is so hard to photograph.
Pretty! And I am in serious love with the kitty!!!!!
The kitty is fired as my assistant! As I was trying to take a picture he took his paw and STOLE my spinel. Thank goodness he did not damage it.
That is a very pretty spinel! But oh my goodness - the cat is ADORABLE and gorgeous. (sorry major cat lover here)
Lovely colour.
Thanks soberguy, Cind11, and Lovinggems!

Cind11, the Calico I had as a little girl passed away at 19 in August. I still have an 11 year old Maine Coon mix. I have always wanted a Siamese. I tried going to the shelters here but many of the cats/kittens had colds and I couldn't bring someone sick home and keep them all separated for weeks. I went on Craigslist and found a young lady who was rescuing cats and fostering them at her house. She had this guy, he was 4 months old when I got him in August and totally healthy. I brought him home and he and the Maine Coon are total BFF despite their age difference. He has so many little quirks that everyday is an adventure with him.
herekittykitty|1291561488|2787793 said:
Thanks soberguy, Cind11, and Lovinggems!

Cind11, the Calico I had as a little girl passed away at 19 in August. I still have an 11 year old Maine Coon mix. I have always wanted a Siamese. I tried going to the shelters here but many of the cats/kittens had colds and I couldn't bring someone sick home and keep them all separated for weeks. I went on Craigslist and found a young lady who was rescuing cats and fostering them at her house. She had this guy, he was 4 months old when I got him in August and totally healthy. I brought him home and he and the Maine Coon are total BFF despite their age difference. He has so many little quirks that everyday is an adventure with him.

That is wonderful that you adopted this guy and gave him a good home. I love his markings. I have four cats who certainly provide me with a lot of love and entertainment. I have only had one cat who lived to age 16 (coincidentally a calico) so you are quite fortunate to have your calico live so long. My husband loves Siamese so that is generally what we get. We have not had good luck with some of the cats we have had in the past with their health. You should post a pic of your Maine Coon Mix - We have a Balinese (long haired Siamese) which is the only Maine Coon my husband says we will ever get, lol!

Anway, have fun with your new stone.
herekittykitty|1291502626|2787443 said:
The kitty is fired as my assistant! As I was trying to take a picture he took his paw and STOLE my spinel. Thank goodness he did not damage it.

I think kitty is jealous and needs his/her own jewels. Better check out ebay! :lol:
VERY pretty spinel. As a result of his sale, I contacted Gary about other stones and have amethyst cushion on it's way, later this week. I'm going out of town so I won't be able to post pics til next week some time. Have you decided how to set it? Are you going to go for avc rounds???
Cind11|1291565852|2787867 said:
That is wonderful that you adopted this guy and gave him a good home. I love his markings. I have four cats who certainly provide me with a lot of love and entertainment. I have only had one cat who lived to age 16 (coincidentally a calico) so you are quite fortunate to have your calico live so long. My husband loves Siamese so that is generally what we get. We have not had good luck with some of the cats we have had in the past with their health. You should post a pic of your Maine Coon Mix - We have a Balinese (long haired Siamese) which is the only Maine Coon my husband says we will ever get, lol!

Anway, have fun with your new stone.

He's quite the gem himself.

I love his markings.

Me too. He has funny lemur stripes on his legs and tail. The funniest though, and he never lets me take a picture of this, is on his underside he has white down by his boy parts and it totally looks like he's wearing tighty white underpants!!!

vbnet, still can't decide how to set it. I think it would look amazing with the AVR's but those and the three stone setting would be pricey. However, some type of August Vintage stone is one of my dreams, as well as having a 3 stone ring, and lately my philosophy has been spend my money before its worthless, lol......Give me another week or so and I will figure out what I am doing. I would love to see your ammy when you get it too!
herekittykitty|1291569447|2787911 said:
Cind11|1291565852|2787867 said:
That is wonderful that you adopted this guy and gave him a good home. I love his markings. I have four cats who certainly provide me with a lot of love and entertainment. I have only had one cat who lived to age 16 (coincidentally a calico) so you are quite fortunate to have your calico live so long. My husband loves Siamese so that is generally what we get. We have not had good luck with some of the cats we have had in the past with their health. You should post a pic of your Maine Coon Mix - We have a Balinese (long haired Siamese) which is the only Maine Coon my husband says we will ever get, lol!

Anway, have fun with your new stone.

He's quite the gem himself.

I love his markings.

Me too. He has funny lemur stripes on his legs and tail. The funniest though, and he never lets me take a picture of this, is on his underside he has white down by his boy parts and it totally looks like he's wearing tighty white underpants!!!

Aww, your other boy is beautiful too!!! I just want to hug him haha! "Tighty white underpants" that is funny!

I got a 5.92 mm ruby from Gene Flanigan about a month ago. It is similar in size (5.92 mm) to your spinel. I just sent it to Ann McKay in Pa. and she is going to set it for me in January in a three stone. Her work is very similar to James Meyer's. I don't have the side diamonds. I am going to let her get them for me. I hope she can come up with some beautiful but cost effective stones.
Promise to post soon as I can! As far as the avcs. I love my cushions on my anniverary ring so I'm sure those would be absolutely delectable! Before you decide to do them on this ring, make sure this is your most fav gemstone that you want to wear EVERY day. Cause now that I got my cushions, I can't stand to take them off. Only when doing work in the house or garden do we part.
Aww, your other boy is beautiful too!!! I just want to hug him haha! "Tighty white underpants" that is funny! I AGREE!!!!

I got a 5.92 mm ruby from Gene Flanigan about a month ago. It is similar in size (5.92 mm) to your spinel. I just sent it to Ann McKay in Pa. and she is going to set it for me in January in a three stone. Her work is very similar to James Meyer's. I don't have the side diamonds. I am going to let her get them for me. I hope she can come up with some beautiful but cost effective stones.[/quote]

Can't wait to see!!!
Guys, my former assistant is so bad. Every time I have this gemstone out he tries to steal the box. Maybe he would wear his collar if I had this set into a pendant for him??? In this picture, the Mahenge is below his paw in the box. Bad assistant.

Oh what a beautiful kitty!
I just saw all the pictures ~ your assistant is mischievous
and your picture of him is wonderful!

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Haha! What a cutie!
Wow, that siamese is stunning, all strong lines and elegance. I'm very glad about your stone, but that cat, wow!!! Isn't nature amazing, goodness me, fab mineral next to perfect cat.
I love the new picture of your "assistant". So cute!!!!