
Finally, my 4 carat

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Sep 5, 2007
Hi, this is my princess. I am changing the setting as we speak. This setting will be used for a colored stone when Im ready!!!!!

ringIMG_1544 new.jpg
Another one!

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These are not great photos but are all I could find!

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Congrats!!! That is one hunka'' hunka'' burning stone
(<--- elvis smiley?)

Please give us more specs, and why are you changing the setting?!
Your ring is gorgeous. What colored stone are you putting in your setting or are you still shopping?
Hi, I was just going out before for Sat night dinner, so put in a rushed post!!!!

My story here is quite long and ongoing.

I was quite a newbie to the buying process and and even more `green` at the designing process.

At first I thought I wanted everything in a setting...thus the very large over the top and ornate result!!!! A look that I soon tired of btw. I also didnt realise that you must consider your hand size and proportions!!!! As it turns out my fingers arent long and slender like a model....or the movie stars I was trying to copy!!!! This ring actually rubs against my little finger and has rubbed it raw!!!! It is also too bulky for my real tastes. I find it too architectual in design whereas Im a real lover of all things feminine and pretty.

Another thing that bothered me was the quality of the setting wasnt high. The little diamonds were set all covered up with metal blobs in a messy manner. The color of the white gold was noticably grey and dull. The edges of the top were actually sharp.

So after much (endless) time researching both irl and on this site I decided on exactly what I would do to change my situation.

I went to 4 master jewelers near my neck of the woods. Each one gave me a different spin or tactic to follow. At one point I thought that I would never be able to choose between 4 such amazing vendors who all had such beautiful stock.

However, things started dropping into place and by the time I was sure, it was an effortless pleasurable decision to give the go ahead with the `one`!!!!!

Things that happened over time was that one vendor showed her true colors by drawing me a very simplistic design that gave no clue about 3d issues. She was sure that the one angle would suffice and the rest would be based on my trust. She was pushing me to go for the 2 stacking ring on either side look. When I queried her on the prong eatting issue she said who cares, you get sick of rings anyway after 5 years, and she seemed annoyed about it. Now, most important to me was that I worked out that my fingers cant take a 3 band look as they are not that long. So this ring set would have ended up very expensive and very disappointing. At first I loved this lady, so I was happy to see her true personality.

Another vendor who got quite comfortable with me made a different type of error. This is what you do when you want to stuff up a sale...infact it is the equivelent of sale suicide!!! `After` they closed the deal with me on resetting my princess and selling me an eternity band they entertained a few other options. It was a male and female team and they got carried away with the moment. I was trying on a round in their shop (as they had no eqivelent princess settings for size) and it did look gorgeous. I held up my own round and before you know it, the girl is telling me to reset my round and leave my princess alone etc. Then the lady says as a joke that my round setting looks like it is going through menopause
, and the guy pipes up that he wouldnt even want to reset my princess as its not worth it and he wouldnt take my money etc.
(Before the idea of him setting my round he was very happy to reset my princess). I was very happy to run......

The next vendor also had all the right knowledge expertise and top did they all. This one thought my diamond was great and had no probs working with it. However, the designs were abit old fashioned for me. I think this vendor was more used to older women who like the wedding band to fit around the shape of the er etc. whereas I like a gap etc. This more conservative vendor really wanted to have everything chanel set and didnt even seem to know what shared prong was etc.

So finally, I go back to my family`s jeweller and he has everything there to try on. He has a cz for me to play with in my diamonds size with different fittings. He brings out a real diamond almost my size and lets me play with that. He has many eternity bands to try on for size. He seems to know what I need in this design even more than I do!!!!

So I left my ring with him on the spot. It will have 14 * 7 pointers along the sides with practically no metal showing. It will be very simple and delicate with the princess basically holding its own. The design will be young and glamerous and very pretty.

I will also get an eternity band that is very fine to wear.

And btw, my round has been =rhodeum plated with a very special extra thick and hard plating and it looks brand new and very shiny. Eventually i will be resetting this too.

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Wow, cant believe Ive worked out how to post photos!!!! Here is a profile shot.

And, to answer the question about what color I should choose for my `old` setting.....I have no idea!!!!!

But I was thinking of actually getting an assher sesign because the setting I copied from here originally had an assher in it. The fact that I didnt notice this was more error than intentional!!!!!

I also decided to keep the old setting because that way I could still tell my h. that his gift was still in existance but just with a different stone.......and I could also tell him that his stone was still in existance but with another setting!!!!!

I havent told my h. yet that I am resetting the ring.

Deep breaths....Im taking this one day at a time!!!!!!

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My goodness, what a rock! Its a beauty.
Wow! That is gorgeous! Can''t wait to see it in the new setting!!!!
That is one big rock!
It''s huge and so sparkly!
Off topic, but I really like your round as well. Stunning ring.
I LOVE your "menopausal" round! Your princess is stunning but the setting is too bulky. Can''t wait to see reset pics!
honestly i love it just the way it is. i gasped when i saw it, but i can understand what you are saying that you dont have space on your finger for something so large. we change our minds. i cant wait to see what you do though. please keep updating.
Beautiful rings you have! I can''t wait to see your new setting!
Wow, that is a huge stone! Very pretty.
That is one big princess. Can''t wait to see it in it''s new home!
HOLY COW! That is a big and beautiful ring! I am excited to see how you reset it.
Date: 10/11/2008 6:24:50 PM
Author: radiantquest
honestly i love it just the way it is. i gasped when i saw it, but i can understand what you are saying that you dont have space on your finger for something so large. we change our minds. i cant wait to see what you do though. please keep updating.
LOL, yes that was the general consensus!!! People would gasp irl and it did command much attention, especially in Australia where I live. I found myself turning it around all the time because I was aware that it had too much impact. Sometimes you just want to be invisible iykwIm.

I would say that half the people who saw it thought it was the bees knees, and would not have me change a thing, and the other half were adiment that the setting was just too much.

The deciding factor for me was that the metal was very dark grey, it was uncomfortable to wear and it looked a bit old for my age like I had inherited it from an old aunt or something.

Also, the design actually had no design to it as it was made by someone with `rough hands` imo!!!! The sides of the ring came around like a large inflated tyre, with no delicate curves or upswept shoulders etc. It was just like a huge clunky giant tyre!!!!

I remember in the begining I was happy to get this ring because it had all the different concepts that I loved in a ring...split band, side stones, halo, lots of bling.....but, maybe this proves that you cant have everything!!!!

Some here will remember that my design was also trying to help my diamonds ave. cut and quality. eg lots of melee to help it sparkle, sides hidden because of inclusions, and illusion of high crown by placing halo around to confuse the eye!!! Well now I am ignoring all that. My diamond will be set as if its the best diamond in the world and will stand or fall on its own merits!!! No halos, no fancy tricks to hide it.....just a really simple setting with melee on the sides in one straight line.
Date: 10/11/2008 6:18:06 PM
Author: AprilBaby
I LOVE your ''menopausal'' round! Your princess is stunning but the setting is too bulky. Can''t wait to see reset pics!
Thanks April, the lady was actually making a `funny` witty joke by calling my setting menapausal due to its old age. I swear she must have had menopaus on her own mind & was probably telling us more than she thought about herself!!!!

In any case, my round has since been rhodeum plated and looks almost brand new and very glossy at that. It is aspecial thick hard coating that was done in a special place, not the jewellers.

My round is a much better pedigree than the princess....its even got a `V` in the clarity as in VS1. I didnt even know it was so good until I asked my h lately and I was surprised myself !!!!!
Date: 10/11/2008 6:14:26 PM
Author: Lady_Disdain
Off topic, but I really like your round as well. Stunning ring.
Thank you, you are very kind. I cant believe that the design is still very current and I see variations in the shops all the time. I have had this ring for over 15 years now and its never given me a reason to get sick of it. I did change the color years ago to white gold and then forever had to keep this up.

The only thing that is annoying is that the side stones were never the quality that matched the centre stone. Even my h. was upset about that. But we never got around to changeing them out.

In this picture you will notice that the gold is half yellow half white!!!! Ive had it replated since then.
Thank you everyone, Diamond Dana, Burk, MC, Chiquitapet, April, Radiant, Lady D., Somehow, MMT, Hibiscus, Joflier, LadyM., and Marcyc.....thanks for all your kind words. I have been on these forums for more time than anyone could imagine!!! I love all your stories and am very happy that you are sharing in mine.

Photos will definately be given with the finished result!!!
Hey Sharon
That's fabulous that you are getting the setting of your dreams for your lovely stone. Honestly the stone looks so beautiful, and I bet IRL it is just amazing... you have no reason to feel like it isn't a truly amazing stone! No rock is perfect... or darn few anyway

I don't think your original setting here is actually so bad of an idea; it looks more like it just wasn't executed as well as it could have been, is all. Like it was made by a jeweler who'd never done an ornate setting before, ykwim? I don't think your idea of what you wanted in the setting- split shank, halo etc- was the problem really. Like that lady who had a thread on trying to get a Tiffany ornate Legacy reproduced- the first jeweler just didn't make it anything remotely as delicate as it should have been, but the second one made by a different jeweler was just incredibly beautiful and feminine and delicate. Same design but night and day in terms of beauty and wearability (the first one looked painful to wear like you say yours is!) I suspect another jeweler, who specializes in ornate antique styles (Maytal Hannah for example) could make the same design look just incredible and comfy to wear too.

But, I do hear ya that sometimes a big rock just wants to be all by itself with no extras! I have a ring that came preset in a very ornate halo setting with a big center stone, and I've wanted to get it reset into something a lot less OTT, too, so I can definitely relate

Can't wait to see the new home for your lovely princess!
OOOooooh Sharon!! Wow! I love, love your princess, it''s just gorgeous and is going to look SO good standing out on it''s own! I''m really excited to see yours and more princess love in general on PS. The arrows on a round are hypnotic but the princesses aren''t too shabby imo!

I understand completely about the first halo setting. I love a good halo and they are ALL OVER the celebs these days. I think it''s Phoenix who has that shockingly beautiful pear w/halo...I drooled over that post for half a day I swear. I thought about a halo myself but decided they look best on pears, asschers, cushions etc. There''s something amazing about a princess outline, it''s very modern all by itself. It''s a less-is-more cut to me.

I can also relate to the sales people headaches, I''m sure a lot of us found Pricescope out of desperation rather than luck. I did. I''d gone to see a ton of jewelers and B&M stores just feeling like everyone who looked at me saw a big dollar sign but didn''t understand what I wanted in a stone OR a setting. I''m glad you found someone! I think it''s just great that you''re keeping the original setting to use on a gemstone in the future. I''m sure your hubby will be happy for you that you fixed something that bothered you and figured out a way to keep the setting! Hey from one PC lover to another, what did you do about the corner dilemma? Are you going with V-caps too or did you opt for regular prongs?

I''m super excited to see what you do with yours, I''ll be checking back for news!
Date: 10/13/2008 8:29:30 PM
Author: LittleGreyKitten
Hey Sharon
That''s fabulous that you are getting the setting of your dreams for your lovely stone. Honestly the stone looks so beautiful, and I bet IRL it is just amazing... you have no reason to feel like it isn''t a truly amazing stone! No rock is perfect... or darn few anyway

I don''t think your original setting here is actually so bad of an idea; it looks more like it just wasn''t executed as well as it could have been, is all. Like it was made by a jeweler who''d never done an ornate setting before, ykwim? I don''t think your idea of what you wanted in the setting- split shank, halo etc- was the problem really. Like that lady who had a thread on trying to get a Tiffany ornate Legacy reproduced- the first jeweler just didn''t make it anything remotely as delicate as it should have been, but the second one made by a different jeweler was just incredibly beautiful and feminine and delicate. Same design but night and day in terms of beauty and wearability (the first one looked painful to wear like you say yours is!) I suspect another jeweler, who specializes in ornate antique styles (Maytal Hannah for example) could make the same design look just incredible and comfy to wear too.

But, I do hear ya that sometimes a big rock just wants to be all by itself with no extras! I have a ring that came preset in a very ornate halo setting with a big center stone, and I''ve wanted to get it reset into something a lot less OTT, too, so I can definitely relate

Can''t wait to see the new home for your lovely princess!
Thanks Little Grey Kitten, (are you as sweet as your name????)LOL,
anyway, you are sooo right. Im thinking that had I been in the hands of Leon or similar then I probably wouldnt be in this mess right now.

The thing is I usually live by the motto that the most expensive thing you buy is the thing you have to buy twice!!!! I hate having buyers remourse for anything...let alone such an expensive purchase as a setting!!!!! Sometimes its not even what you spend but what you choose. Im also kicking myself because the side triangles actually cost about $1500 for the pair and they make the ring look even worse than if they werent there!!!!!! But, as you said the ring would have turned out smashing if the right jeweller had made it!!!!

I will post some more photos....the last of what I have now that the ring is sort of gone!!!!!

FWIW, one jeweller told me that the diamond was not sitting well in this setting ie the setting was not the right size to hold the diamond & it felt loose????? No other jeweller mentioned that however.

A few thoughts that stay with me are that even though the setting was sometimes bulky and clumsy looking...other times it really shone and looked way beyond its faults!!!!!

And I will confess.....sometimes I liked having the halo look like it was the outer edge of my diamond!!!!

Date: 10/13/2008 10:06:20 PM
Author: shoff
OOOooooh Sharon!! Wow! I love, love your princess, it''s just gorgeous and is going to look SO good standing out on it''s own! I''m really excited to see yours and more princess love in general on PS. The arrows on a round are hypnotic but the princesses aren''t too shabby imo!

I understand completely about the first halo setting. I love a good halo and they are ALL OVER the celebs these days. I think it''s Phoenix who has that shockingly beautiful pear w/halo...I drooled over that post for half a day I swear. I thought about a halo myself but decided they look best on pears, asschers, cushions etc. There''s something amazing about a princess outline, it''s very modern all by itself. It''s a less-is-more cut to me.

I can also relate to the sales people headaches, I''m sure a lot of us found Pricescope out of desperation rather than luck. I did. I''d gone to see a ton of jewelers and B&M stores just feeling like everyone who looked at me saw a big dollar sign but didn''t understand what I wanted in a stone OR a setting. I''m glad you found someone! I think it''s just great that you''re keeping the original setting to use on a gemstone in the future. I''m sure your hubby will be happy for you that you fixed something that bothered you and figured out a way to keep the setting! Hey from one PC lover to another, what did you do about the corner dilemma? Are you going with V-caps too or did you opt for regular prongs?

I''m super excited to see what you do with yours, I''ll be checking back for news!
Shoff, thanks for your vote of confidence. The thing that worried me was that my diamond does not perform as well as a good cut and that is a fact. It also sometimes looks like smashed ice which is a nice effect that I dont mind.....but not an effect that is meant to be in a princess!!!! Sometimes to me I feel like I am waering a radiant!!! So the setting was in part a bag of tricks to try to make the diamond look better.

I truely think irl that people dont look past the size because it seems to attract people on that basis and they dont even think to suss out the cut or quality it seems. (It has so much wrong with it that you dont want to ever loupe it or you will have nightmares. It has a flat table, almost no crown height etc etc) And Im sure that next to a smaller great cut (like yours) it would look quite dull. Lucky for me it never gets that sort of comparison face to face!!!!!
photo of my ring close up!!!!!

Ok, absolute last one!!!! This is with my 40th bday present watch!!!!! The ring was so heavy it always tilted and the sharp sides would be cutting into the other finger against it!!!!!

ouch! can''t wait to see the reset.
Date: 10/14/2008 9:32:26 AM
Author: Sharon101
Ok, absolute last one!!!! This is with my 40th bday present watch!!!!! The ring was so heavy it always tilted and the sharp sides would be cutting into the other finger against it!!!!!
Oh..I can think of worse problems to have!! lol

Pretty ring!
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