
Finally found the perfect stone: Spessartite


Aug 15, 2004
Some of you know that I've had several stops and starts in the search for a spessartite. First off was a portugeuse cut stone from Litnon/Gemline. Unfortunately it was lost, so I was refunded. The next stone I found was a similar size and cut from Gene Flanigan at Precision Gems. It was not nearly as vivid as I wanted, so I was refunded for that stone too.

Utimately, one of our amazing PS members contacted me with what she thought would be a perfect candidate, and it was!!

I wanted a >8mm brilliant yellowy orange Loliondo spessartite. Talk about fitting the bill!! This beauty is a 3.11 carat, 8.2mm, modified antique cushion cut by Jeff White. I can't believe how all things worked together to give me the perfect stone!

Sorry for the limited (and low quality) pictures, but all I have right now is my cellphone. The camera is somewhere lost in the Christmas chaos.

JW spess 4.jpg

JW spess 5.jpg

JW spess 1.jpg

JW spess 3.jpg
WOW, looks like you got VERY lucky. It's BEAUTIFUL and a JW to boot. How DID you get so lucky?
Thanks BrightIce. It really pays to get to know your fellow colored stone lovers. One of our beloved posters contacted me after hearing my journey. She has been holding onto this stone for a while, but hasn't set it. So she offered it to me. :love:
I am glad this worked out for you. Can't wait to see how you set it!
I love the kindness of PSers - thanks to whoever was so generous as to offer up their gorgeous stone, you make PS a better place! As for you Uppy, you totally deserve it! That is a beautiful stone, a beautiful color, and of course, an unbelievably beautiful cut. Congrats!
Congratulations Uppy! It's beautiful!

Minous, you're right! PSers are an amazing group of folks, even though we are galactic enablers! :naughty:

TL, I'm glad you like it. I know you have a very discriminating eye. You've really helped me look carefully for brown or gray undertones in stones, and I've been much happier with my choices. :wavey:
WOWZERS!!! :love: :love: :love: That has such strong colour in it - and gorgeous precision cutting - SERENDIPITY! Great story about finding it thru another PSer - wonderful community :bigsmile:

What are your plans? hope you bring us along on the journey with you....
YAY!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Worth the wait, I dare say! Will you go for a setting similar to the one you were thinking for the Litnon stone?
Wow, what a superb spessartite. If it was expensive, you got a good deal, otherwise it is an amazing deal. Hard to put a fair price on the best of the best!
uppy that stone is gorgeous!!! it really seems to glow in the pictures and the cut looks superb. enjoy your spess!!!
Awesome orange!

What are your setting thoughts?
Thanks so much ladies!! I don't have much time this morning as I'm heading off to work. But I wanted to post one of the options. This is from Singlestone and I think it would really do the stone justice.

Singlestone BJ3171.jpg
So much good fortune coming around to you at last; I expect the pricing is probably quite good and it's wonderful that another PSer is willing to part with such a stone that not only is beautifully cut, but is a perfect fit for your requirements. Will the setting be in high karat gold?
I'm loving that simple gold setting for your stone. I think it'll look even better with a cushions. Can't wait to see the finished article.
Uppy, that's a beautiful stone, and I love the setting. Is that from Singlestone's website?
Wonderful stone, and a great cut!
beautiful stone and that setting is perfect for it. :appl:

your stone will look gorgeous in that setting. elegant lines, timeless.


I love how that looks! I love how PSers look out for each other and help one another with projects.
VL, you never disappoint!! Now I have no choice but to start saving the bajillion dollars to have this baby set in the Singlestone!
That looks fabulous! :appl:
Upgradable|1325129893|3090540 said:
VL, you never disappoint!! Now I have no choice but to start saving the bajillion dollars to have this baby set in the Singlestone!

But it will be a bajillion dollars well spent! The stone and setting are wonderful together.
Uppy, that is simply stunning - what a gorgeous stone! And its' tale is even better - from a master cutter, through the hands of a gem lover and passed on to a friend - Very Cool!
You know Uppy, your stone in that setting reminds me of a Bulgari ring. I WANT.
I'm so glad you found the perfect spess! It's gorgeous, and the Singlestone setting would be a wonderful complement to it.
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: it's perfect!!!!!! I can't wait to see how you set it (I LOVE that singlestone setting!!!)
What is the status now? Can't wait to see the finished ring!
Wonderful stone, moving story and perfect setting for that orange succulence. It's amazing how some stones and settings just click instantly when you see them.