
Fat burning, body shaping WORKOUT thread - Monday 06/06/05

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Feb 10, 2005
HELLO everyone

I hope you all burned off any "Monday" frustrations!

ME: The gym is like my play time compared the studying I''ve been doing
. I ran 3 miles on the treadmill (while reciting science stuff out loud hehe), pull downs (to kill the back fat), shoulder building exercises (for straight shoulders I so desperately crave), tricep stuff with weights and THEN I did this fun thing where I try to balance on a flat-type balloon and do squats... it killed but was fun to try to balance... it was like standing on jello
. So I was doing my jello standing in a courtyard at the gym and they also had a punching bag so I did some kicks to relive by kung-fu days

*sigh* back to studying...
Ava and I were going to have another jog tonight but the evil thunderstorms cancelled our plans.
So I will be getting up early in the AM to hit the gym before classes. I wish they had puppy treadmills I feel bad that Ava didnt get her 5 miles either.
What are you studying for?
UGH! ok gals, I need your help! I just got back from my vacation to Ireland and ICK!! I ate wayyyyy too much overthere! Every night DH and I were in some restaurant or pub, eating and drinking. I assessed the damage and I only gained 4 pounds, but it feels like 40
. I feel huge now! So I promised myself that this morning I would wake up early and go run. Did I? Of course not!

Motivate me ladies!! I read these threads and you all do so well with your workouts! How in the world do I get motivated to get up early? I don''t like working out at night, as I already have a bit of an insomnia problem and working out in the evening makes it worse. Last year about this time I was a workout queen and got up almost everyday at 5 am to run. That was only a year ago and now I don''t know how I did it!

Thanks for the help, and congrats to all of you who are kicking a**!!
OK, definitely splurged a little this weekend w/ the food (FI and I went out to a nice dinner on Saturday night), but I don''t think it was deadly...I guess we will find out tomorrow morning when I WI (I always get so nervous about it
). Anyway, I will post an update.

I went to the gym today and hoping to go for the whole rest of the week pretty much. Ended up doing an abbreviated workout due to time constraints, but it still felt good after no gym this weekend.

On a sad note, FI''s grandfather died this morning, and although they weren''t close, FI will be flying back East on Wednesday and staying there until Monday. I will definitely miss him
, but hopefully it will motivate me to be more active and to eat better, and it will give me a chance to spend some quality time with my mom - she goes in for her hip surgery next Wednesday and so please send us good thoughts and prayers for that.

Irish - I think that motivation is different for every person. Those 4 lbs may just be water weight, I would try eating really clean for about a week - lots of whole grains, veggies, fruits, lean protein, tons of water, and not much else and see if that helps you feel better - I know it often helps for me. In terms of motivation, I think that going to the gym is important enough that you should think about trying to organize other things around it. For instance, I also have insomnia sometimes, and I find that taking allergy medicine (Benadryl) will knock me out - if that doesn''t work, try talking to your doctor about other alternatives, but ultimately you need to exercise when it will work for you - I can''t do early mornings for the gym at this point in my life, but I make it a point to go after work/school almost every day. One thing that I find helps me is thinking of it as "me" time - I bring my silly girly magazines and flip through them on the cardio machines, and try to keep a mix of music that I like and that energizes me on my iPod. Also, once you get in the habit I find that in and of itself helps. Now that I''ve really gotten into a routine of going, I find that I feel worse when I don''t go than when I do and so that helps as well. Sorry to ramble, but I really think that trying to figure out why you want to be in shape, whatever that is, is key to start out with and then getting into a routine and trying to find a way to make it something you look forward to, and accept that sometimes you will fall off the wagon but you just have to get used to it as a part of your life - not a quick fix.
I did the eliptical for 30 minutes yesterday. Also I lost two pounds thanks to my kanker sore, but I can finally eat more than soup and baked potatoes, so those two pounds will probably be back by the end of the week.
Matatora: I am studying for my PhD preliminary exams (entrance exams/exam of death)

Appletini: That''s pretty good! When I have a canker (sp?) sore I always just eat through the pain ...hehe...
Motivation is so different for each person. Literally I can know for months that my eating habits are disintegrating into bad and that I should work out more but it doesn''t HIT me and I start to do something about it until something really motivates me, aka a trip coming up or SUMMER just around the corner, or my pants are tight etc. So knowing what you have to do and doing it are two different things! But once I *am* motivated, I am obsessed. Greg is always amazed, aka ''it doesnt have to be all or nothing''...sometimes I am so motivated I hurt myself, aka kind of threw out my knee last week during getting too exuberant during Kboxing. Then I want to continue working out even though I should rest.

So honestly who knows what motivates one vs the other, I think it''s very personal and each person knows for themselves what will do it yanno?

For me, I walked 6 miles this weekend on the ''bad'' knee and then realized Sun night that I needed to take it easy, so no walking yesterday and I am debating kboxing tonite or just resting. But I DO want to go..ugh!
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