
Family at the proposal?

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Jun 20, 2007
In a previous post I described what I was planning on doing (I am still thinking of it). But as of now I am thinking of going to central park for a picnic. After we hang out and eat our favorite foods I am going to take her on a horse and carriage ride through the park. Now this is where I am not sure.....
I was thinking of having the driver go to Tavern on the Green where both of our families would be waiting and I would do the proposal with all of them there to take pictures and then go out to dinner there and then to a hotel when everyone left.

I was just going to propose somewhere romantic in the park (not sure where yet but I will take suggestions) and then either go out to dinner there (or one of our favorite restaurants) or go on a sunset cruise around the harbor and then possibly drinks after the cruise and then a hotel.

The main question is.....should I have the family meet us out the same night for dinner, or should I just get the family together the next day?
I''d propose alone. Unless you KNOW she would like a public proposal (i.e., she has said the EXACT WORDS "I really want a public proposal") DON''T DO IT.

But I DO think it''s a nice touch to get together with your families afterwards to celebrate. But maybe the next night so you can have some alone time first...
oh also......does anyone know if it is possible to arrange for a hotel to put rose petals and champaign in a room prior to us going there? Specifically in/around central park or just in general?
I was proposed to in February in front of both families. I thought it was sweet and I absolutely loved it. I loved that both of our families could share in such a joyous day with us. Family is really important to us both so it could not have been a more special proposal.
Personally I would find it awkward to be proposed to in front of the families and then go off to a hotel w/ my new fiance. Call me old-fashioned but unless you are from a very free-thinking family I know that would raise eyebrows with mine and not have the best connotations.

If you want to do a romantic evening with your soon-to-be fiance, then do so- a picnic in Central Park, or a nice dinner in a great restaurant, drinks at the Penn-Top bar, etc., then a night in a nice hotel is a lovely plan, but if you went that route, I would save the family for brunch the next day.

My husband proposed to me in my childhood bedroom on a Sunday morning- after he had spent the previous 2 nights sleeping on the couch in my parents'' family room. I am from a very proper family & I had told my now-hubby, that I could not accept a proposal that came on a vacation/overnight where it was just the 2 of us because it would not be proper, how could we tell the grandparents, etc.

Also as close as you are to your family, when you propose you are starting a new chapter in your life- one where you move away from your parents and come together with your spouse, to hopefully one day start your own family. Just my 2 cents.
I think that if you are planning on going to a hotel shortly after the proposal, it should be private...if you are going to propose, then have dinner with the family, and then go to the hotel, then I think that sounds like a winner! In the end, what do you thinl she would prefer?
Well one of her friends got proposed to and after they met their familes at a restaurant. She loved that they did that and told me a million times how sweet it was (hint hint). So I am assuming she wants to do something with our families. If we did go back to the hotel it would not be until later (after dinner and after everyone went home). I didn''t mean I would propose with the family and then say "ok, see ya later, we are going to go to the hotel now".

Personally, I would rather do something with the family the next day, possibly go to dinner with the both families when we are back home (we both still live at home with our families about 20 min away from each other).

So I am thinking......Do the picnic thing, get a nice bottle of wine, prepare some nice foods, relax in the park, then take a carriage ride through the park. At some point I will ask the driver to stop to take pictures of us and at that time I will do it, so we have some pictures to remember it. Then after that I wanted to take a sunset cruise (2 hours) around the city. This would be the time where she would calm down and I can tell her all the stories about getting the ring and preparing (and just unwind). It ends around 9, so then if we wanted we can go to a restaurant or go out and get some drinks at some nice bar/lounge and then head back to the hotel for the night. THEN THE NEXT DAY, have the families together - Does it sound good? how can I spice it up a bit more????
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