
Extremely low sperm count...any experience?


May 27, 2010
Hi there...

I was hoping that one of you ladies (or gents) may have have some experience conceiving with a really low sperm count. DH had an analysis done recently and since he works in the hospital, he obtained a copy of the results in advance of our first appt with an RE tomorrow.

I've read that normal is somewhere around 20million/mL and under 10million is considered low. His results came back with < 1 million motile and 1-4 million immotile. We realize that this is extremely low and DH is taking it pretty hard. I'm trying to be supportive while dealing with the disappointment I feel on my own. The report stated 'no percentage' for all categories in morphology and I'm not sure if this is because there were so few to evaluate or because 0% were normal in their morphology. The sample was also outside the realm of normal as far as pH is concerned.

I guess my question is whether anyone has had a similar situation dealing with an extremely low count and if we have any good options going forward to conceive. I know I could wait until tomorrow to hear options from the RE but I guess I'm just hoping someone else's success story will pull me out of this state of feeling hopeless.

Thanks in advance
I don't have any advice but I know it is nowhere near the end of the road.

But I'm sorry for you and your DH; the poor guy must be upset.

I hope you get good news and a great game plan from your RE tomorrow.
My brother in law's doctor advised him to REALLY cut back on caffeine. Drinking too much was causing issues with the sperm although I don't recall if it was a low count or what exactly. However, that would lead me to believe that a change in diet may be able to help the sperm in other situations as well. Sorry to hear about your news.
No personal experience, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry and hugs. Your poor DH must be so upset.

Though there's no real proof that any of this does anything, you could tell him to cut out hot baths/showers and wear loose boxers. Have him take a good men's multivitamin and eat a good diet; also things like not putting the lap top directly on his lap, etc. You could also suggest he see a urologist.

Unfortunately, I often think this type of thing is genetic. My DH has a crappy diet but he has really high counts. It's totally not fair though, and I hope your DH isn't taking it too hard because it's really not his fault.

Your RE will probably suggest IVF or maybe IUI. Good luck!
Oh IG I'm so sorry for your upsetting news. Here is some reasonable information here from the mayo clinic on causes - some of them you can do something about, like using the sauna or crazy amounts of bicycling or infections. But just try to breathe and absorb the news, and reassure your hubs without assuming the worst. I think that IVF is an option to try if he has *some* healthy sperm but the doc will really give you the best most relevant information. Also usually they do a second sperm sample to confirm the first one in case it is a fluke.
Good link, Cara.

Imperfect Girl, some docs will recommend your hub see a urologist to see if he has a varicocele.
Steal - Thanks for the kind words. I think we were just so surprised that it was as bad as it is. I, too, am hoping for a great game plan from the RE.

Oobiecoo - Thanks for the input. I'm not sure if DH's caffeine intake would be considered high. He doesn't drink coffee/tea and rarely touches soft drinks. At any rate, it's something that we can control so thanks for sharing. His diet could definitely be improved!

Laila619- Thanks for the hugs. I wondered if it is genetic as well but he has 8 siblings so his dad has no issue there! I realize it could still be a factor though. All of the tips you gave were good ones, thanks! And yes, he has already gotten a referral to see a Urologist.

Cara - thanks for the link. Very helpful info. I think 'absorbing' is a very accurate word for what we are trying to do. It's been hard to not assume the worst but I'm trying to not think too much about it until after I hear what the RE and Urologist has to say.

Thanks for all the input. I really do appreciate it.
Hi there Imperfect! Sorry to hear about the upsetting results. I'm on another site for PCOS and several girls' DH's have this issue as well and many of them have to deal with both problems, but some have ended up pregnant successfully. And the other posters here have given you great suggestions. Silver lining in all of this: you guys discovered a problem, hopefully there's a solution, and as they always just takes ONE sperm to do the job. There are so many options ranging from the natural way of giving him vitamins and supplements (in minor cases) to full fledge treatments from a urologist and IUI/IVF. Best of luck to you!
No suggestions on his count level or how to improve it, but I have a story with hope. A good friend of mine ttc for 5 years with no luck. Went to the RE and found out that her DH's count was very low. They tried IUI 3 times. Each one failed. They were too heart broken to try IVF, so they adopted. A little over a year later, they became pregnant without help or even trying. Moral of the story....All you need is one good swimmer.
cara said:
Also usually they do a second sperm sample to confirm the first one in case it is a fluke.

Make sure they do a second test. This happened to my DH years ago, and after the retest, the results went from very low to normal.

Best wishes to you!!
hlmr said:
cara said:
Also usually they do a second sperm sample to confirm the first one in case it is a fluke.

Make sure they do a second test. This happened to my DH years ago, and after the retest, the results went from very low to normal.

Best wishes to you!!

I was going to say this too. Get a second analysis if you can. I wish you ALL the best despite the SA.
Laila619 said:
No personal experience, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry and hugs. Your poor DH must be so upset.

Though there's no real proof that any of this does anything, you could tell him to cut out hot baths/showers and wear loose boxers. Have him take a good men's multivitamin and eat a good diet; also things like not putting the lap top directly on his lap, etc. You could also suggest he see a urologist.

Unfortunately, I often think this type of thing is genetic. My DH has a crappy diet but he has really high counts. It's totally not fair though, and I hope your DH isn't taking it too hard because it's really not his fault.

Your RE will probably suggest IVF or maybe IUI. Good luck!
that's what i heard too.
Totally have them double check the count. I have had friends that have been told that their count was low when the test was flawed or even when one MD was using an outdated reference scale.

Also, have him stop carrying his cell phone in his pocket. If people are worried about brain cancer from cell phone use, I think you should be more concerned about carrying it around in your pocket all day.
ImperfectGirl said:
Steal - Thanks for the kind words. I think we were just so surprised that it was as bad as it is. I, too, am hoping for a great game plan from the RE.

Oobiecoo - Thanks for the input. I'm not sure if DH's caffeine intake would be considered high. He doesn't drink coffee/tea and rarely touches soft drinks. At any rate, it's something that we can control so thanks for sharing. His diet could definitely be improved!

Laila619- Thanks for the hugs. I wondered if it is genetic as well but he has 8 siblings so his dad has no issue there! I realize it could still be a factor though. All of the tips you gave were good ones, thanks! And yes, he has already gotten a referral to see a Urologist.

Cara - thanks for the link. Very helpful info. I think 'absorbing' is a very accurate word for what we are trying to do. It's been hard to not assume the worst but I'm trying to not think too much about it until after I hear what the RE and Urologist has to say.

Thanks for all the input. I really do appreciate it.

Thinking about you guys. Any upates yet?

Thanks for thinking of us Steal.

The RE basically said that we can't move forward until we know more about what is going on with DH. Oh and we misread his SA results. There was actually <1 motile sperm (which basically means 0) not < 1 million like we thought. I guess that's why you shouldn't read your own lab results.

Anyway, DH was already having a hard time with it and this new revelation has made it worse. The RE recommended repeating the SA and if the results are the same, seeing a Urologist. He did talk to us about IVF/ICSI in the event that the 2nd SA proved to be really low as well. Obviously if the 2nd showed no sperm again that isn't an option.

Unfortunatly, as men sometimes do, DH has shut down and wants no further tests or appts right now. I think this is just temporary as his ego is pretty bruised. So we are at a standstill for now. I'm hoping after a little time, he'll be ready to go forward.
Aww, poor guy. :((

Oh my, sympathies to you both. I think it is hard news to take as either partner - take care of each other! And good luck with processing the news, and with whatever you decide to do regarding further testing or family-growing.
I am so sorry for this news. It must be devastating for your DH (and you), but hopefully he will feel more open to tackling the issue once he has grieved the apparent "loss" of his fertility/virility.

I have a question -- when counts are low like this, is the genetic material in the sperm affected or is it only an issue of the "delivery" system? If the latter, than it seems to me that IVF where they inject the sperm into the egg is a viable option. I have heard that when the woman does not have fertility issues, IVF is very often successful quickly.

Hopefully you have a clear plan soon! {{{HUGS}}}
Lots of {{{Hugs}}} to your DH and you.
Sorry for disappearing on this's been a tough month, but DH decided last week that he will go ahead and get additional testing to find out what the issue is. I'm so glad he came around. :))

He has gone in for a blood test, 2nd analysis and urinalysis. He has an ultrasound scheduled next week and our appt with the Urologist is in October. We are guessing he may have retrograde ejaculation since his urine is usually cloudy after ejaculation but we'll just have to wait on the test results and see.

DH has said that he is willing to undergo TESE (testicular sperm extraction) if necessary. Dreamer - we too have read that IVF with ICSI can be pretty successful if there are no infertility issues with the female. So we may end up going this route...

Thanks for all the kind words everyone, it's so nice to have hope again! :))
It sounds like you are making good progress and I hope you get answers and have a plan in place soon! *DUST*
Well done to your DH. :appl:

I hope he copes with the tests ok and knows he is doing the right thing.

For you, fingers crossed for conclusive results and helpful information.