
Expert Opinion Needed

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Dec 22, 2004
I posted earlier today about a diamond I am about to purchase and was able to obtain additional information through a Sarin report and wanted to get a quick opinion.
The diamond has the following specs:
F color
7.16 x 7.22 x 4.42
Total Depth: 61.5
Crown Angle: 35.4
Crown height: 14.9
Pavil Angle: 40.9
Pavil Depth: 43.4
Culet: 0.4
Table: 57
Girdle thickness: 1.5
Symmetry: Excellent
Polish: Excellent
No Flourescence

As I mentioned, I am getting this for $13.5K so with the add''l info. was curious about anyone''s perspective on the value I am getting.
Secondly, I was told by the dealer that this was an ideal cut but when I ran the specs through the HCA, it gave me a score of 3 and very good for all 4 criteria, which doesn''t seem very optimal to me. how would people rate my brilliance?...would you classify this as an "ideal cut" or not? How trustworthy is HCA? Any other easy to use tools that are free and avialable?
Any advice/input is appreciated...

that 7.16 by 7.22 tells me that its out of round enough (not horribly but..) not to be truly "ideal"

HCA is more reliable than what anybody "tells" you
Interesting because it meets all of the AGS criteria for a 0 so I thought it would classify as an ideal cut.
Also, I was told that this was a hearts and arrows diamond and I saw it through one of the H&A viewers and was pretty impressed but does the HCA score of 3 indicate that it is not truly a H&A diamond?
Yes, it's an ideal cut (meaning AGS0+ex/ex).
H&A has nothing to do with HCA scores, it has to do with how the stone looks throught the special viewer. There's a section in the tutorial about what to look for with the viewer.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
Thanks for the input!
What''s still not clear to me is whether this stone will remain an "AGS 0" cut once the rules are changed in 2005 (according to the knowledge tutorial). I saw a good chart for a 55 table but mine is a 57...
What difference does it make? The purpose of the AGS cut grading system is to give some clues about what is likely to be a beautiful stone. There are plenty of excellent stones that fall outside of that set parameters and some pretty marginal ones that fall within it. This will undoubtably be the case under the new system as well.

Have you seen this stone? Do you love it?

Buy the diamond, not the paper.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
With that combo of crown/pavilion you are approaching a steep/deep combo yet not quite over the edge. I don''t think this would get AGS highest score in their upcoming grading system. The very light pink areas under the table are indicative of light being reflected back to the viewer at a very low intensity while the darker reds and blacks are light exiting at higher intensity. Considering everything it''s not a bad stone at all although I''d like to see darker reds under the table.


Most likely it will be much more brilliant than most other diamonds out there, but it will not have the extra that pushes it into the class of the best of the best. You may not even be able to tell the difference unless it was put side by side with a best of the best.

From a practical standpoints it is a very good diamond.

Now, you can either accept that you are getting a very good diamond, or if you have immediate access to a "better" diamond of similar characteristics that you can get - you could shift to that.

Optionally, if you have weeks to months - you can search for the "perfect" diamond - a best of the best.

As an indication of what may be involved please note that it took Good Old Gold and NiceIce a month to just find a matched set of sidestones for a 3 stone ring that I was looking for (in a range of clarity and color). I don''t see a matching center stone in the size range that I would be looking for in the pricescope searches or in the better vendors inventory. Thus, when I get to that stage - it will probably take a month or so to find the center stone.

Remeber the famous quote: A bird in the hand is better than a flock in the bush...

"that 7.16 by 7.22 tells me that its out of round enough (not horribly but..) not to be truly "ideal" "... this comment is nonsense, and not useful in any way.
Date: 12/22/2004 3:45
0 PM
Author: Rhino
With that combo of crown/pavilion you are approaching a steep/deep combo yet not quite over the edge.
But it''s getting pretty darned close
, 43.4% pavilion depth and 35.4 degree crown have that look on paper at least
. Doesn''t mean stone won''t look great though.
my bottom line on it is pass and keep looking.
"that 7.16 by 7.22 tells me that its out of round enough (not horribly but..) not to be truly "ideal" "... this comment is nonsense, and not useful in any way.

so explain--you dont need to be ugly and then not support your own "opinion"
Diameter... I think that kind of comment was made before around here, but I could never manage to find the source. Since there can be square Harts and Arrows, perhaps the detail just didn''t find room in a tutorial to date.
And no comment on when measured diameter variation starts to have any effect at all on anything. The detail enters the symmetry grade, as far as I know.

A bit back, Garry posted some related topic about... crooked rounds that still get perfect measurements, for what that matters !
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