
Excited for the Olympics!


Jun 18, 2010
Is anyone else as excited for the Olympics as I am? I've been watching the trials (Track/Swimming) all week. Can't wait for the real thing!
I am! I can't wait!
Baby is due 8/14, so I'm looking forward to having something to do that involves being inside, on my couch, with the a/c running :)
Me too, I can't wait! It's cold and raining here, so I'm looking forward to long days on the weekend, tucked up inside with a cuppa and the Olympics on TV! :appl: :appl:
:appl: :appl: :appl:
Yes!!! I swam competitively for 18 years of my life, so watching the trials makes me really miss it! Thank goodness for DVR's so I don't have to stay up late or wake up early to catch my favorite events.
Oh my gosh, yes! I get so giddy over the Olympics. The winter games are fun, but summer is my absolute favorite! I love the swimming, diving, track and field, gymnastics...all of it.

I've got tickets to the first day of swimming finals. Ill do my best to represent PS bling at the games.

Can't wait! :appl:
Now you come to mention it - yes. They've been hyping us up over here in Australia with half hour weekly shows, showcasing different athletes (both able and disabled) so we know them a bit better when they compete for their country. It's working, I'm excited.
Headed out the door for the men's gymnastics trials, so, yes, I'm excited! We saw the women's first day yesterday, and we're going to the finals for them tomorrow. I've never been to a gymnastics meet before, and so far the takeaway is that what they do is even more impressive in person!

Love the athletes/games! I imagine myself swimming, running, cycling, fencing and hurdling...... :bigsmile:

For some reason I've always loved the winter Olympics more than the summer ones. I think it was the sparkly outfits the figure skaters glittery diamonds. :naughty:
Well, we are on the eve of the opening ceremony.

On Saturday, the cycle race is going past our front door. I'm so excited! :appl:
Can't wait. I'm always out of commission while the Olympics are on, don't schedule anything else.
rosetta said:

I've got tickets to the first day of swimming finals. Ill do my best to represent PS bling at the games.

Can't wait! :appl:
oh wow how very cool. I would love to be there!
DH is a swimming coach here in FL ,and one of his top swimmers competed against Ryan Lochte this past winter, literally in the pool at the same heat. The kid is only 16 so everyone was psyched! They see him at lots of meets, very nice kid.
We are a swimming family so we are really fans of that I enjoy gymnastics and soccer.
Elisateach|1343332992|3240731 said:
rosetta said:

I've got tickets to the first day of swimming finals. Ill do my best to represent PS bling at the games.

Can't wait! :appl:
oh wow how very cool. I would love to be there!
DH is a swimming coach here in FL ,and one of his top swimmers competed against Ryan Lochte this past winter, literally in the pool at the same heat. The kid is only 16 so everyone was psyched! They see him at lots of meets, very nice kid.
We are a swimming family so we are really fans of that I enjoy gymnastics and soccer.

I'm hoping to see phelps vs lochte in the 400m individual medley final. Ironically, I'm a terrible swimmer :lol:
Will I be banned from PS forever if I admit that I honestly couldn't care less about the Olympics and have absolutely no intention of watchine one minute of the games?
I love everything about the Olympics!!! I made sure the last few weeks to clear out my DVR so I won't miss anything. I like the competitive spirit, learing about different countries and finding out about the background of the Olympians.

We are having a little family gathering to watch the opening ceremonies. However, all this Olympics can be dangerous. I stayed up too late last night watching a soccer match between Belarus and New Zealand.
I'm watching the opening ceremonies now - quite incredible!
VRBeauty said:
I'm watching the opening ceremonies now - quite incredible!

Mr. Bean on the keyboard!! Hahahaha. Well done.
Well, I enjoyed every minute. It was very British!

I wonder if the rest of the world got every bit? There were a few obscure references.

It was surreal seeing my employers being featured in the ceremony though! (I work for the NHS. I don't really dance much at work. :cheeky: )

All in all, I thought it was great fun. :sun:
rosetta|1343471377|3241931 said:
Well, I enjoyed every minute. It was very British!

I wonder if the rest of the world got every bit? There were a few obscure references.

It was surreal seeing my employers being featured in the ceremony though! (I work for the NHS. I don't really dance much at work. :cheeky: )

All in all, I thought it was great fun. :sun:

I loved it too! I am really curious to know what the rest of the world thought of it... I loved the dancing nurses :D The bit where they forged the olympic rings was my favourite though.
JuneRose|1343476292|3241939 said:
rosetta|1343471377|3241931 said:
Well, I enjoyed every minute. It was very British!

I wonder if the rest of the world got every bit? There were a few obscure references.

It was surreal seeing my employers being featured in the ceremony though! (I work for the NHS. I don't really dance much at work. :cheeky: )

All in all, I thought it was great fun. :sun:

I loved it too! I am really curious to know what the rest of the world thought of it... I loved the dancing nurses :D The bit where they forged the olympic rings was my favourite though.

I recall a Canadian travel ad featuring dancing nurses--being a commonwealth country and seeing that again (I guess) isn't a stretch!!! :bigsmile: :tongue: Speaking of Canada--I thought there could have been a better choice of clothing--red hoodies and khaki's? Come on...... :snore:

I look forward to the games nonetheless........


Anyone watching? My DH has the TV on 24/7 it seems........

canuk-gal|1343582509|3242519 said:

Anyone watching? My DH has the TV on 24/7 it seems........


Me, too! Stayed up WAY too late last night!
I detest US coverage of the games and hate that NBC is completely after ratings vs showing the events live. Bob Costas is creepy and almost makes it unwatchable for me. I'm waiting for the day NBC no longer has the rights!

And for 2+ weeks, all I am going to hear from TGuy is how US coverage sucks which is almost more annoying that the crap coverage it self! :lol:
TravelingGal|1343582998|3242521 said:
I detest US coverage of the games and hate that NBC is completely after ratings vs showing the events live. Bob Costas is creepy and almost makes it unwatchable for me. I'm waiting for the day NBC no longer has the rights!

And for 2+ weeks, all I am going to hear from TGuy is how US coverage sucks which is almost more annoying that the crap coverage it self! :lol:

We complain in the same fashion about our coverage. Can't they get some fresh relevant faces? The Athletes change BUT the announcers are THE SAME OLD spouting the obvious. ugh.
I watched some British coverage online & it isn't much better than the U.S. Corny dumb comments ad nauseum -- I kept saying "Be Quiet!" to the computer.

--- Laurie
canuk-gal|1343586135|3242543 said:
TravelingGal|1343582998|3242521 said:
I detest US coverage of the games and hate that NBC is completely after ratings vs showing the events live. Bob Costas is creepy and almost makes it unwatchable for me. I'm waiting for the day NBC no longer has the rights!

And for 2+ weeks, all I am going to hear from TGuy is how US coverage sucks which is almost more annoying that the crap coverage it self! :lol:

We complain in the same fashion about our coverage. Can't they get some fresh relevant faces? The Athletes change BUT the announcers are THE SAME OLD spouting the obvious. ugh.

Is yours at least LIVE? Because I can't believe in the modern world of twitter and social networking, NBC is choosing to hold coverage of marquee events until primetime. It takes the fun out of watching and being excited.
TravelingGal|1343582998|3242521 said:
I detest US coverage of the games and hate that NBC is completely after ratings vs showing the events live. Bob Costas is creepy and almost makes it unwatchable for me. I'm waiting for the day NBC no longer has the rights!

And for 2+ weeks, all I am going to hear from TGuy is how US coverage sucks which is almost more annoying that the crap coverage it self! :lol:

I've been pretty happy with the coverage. But I have DirecTV and all of the NBC channels, which means I can watch tons of coverage...all day long.