
Ever heard of a commitment ring ?

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I want one !
I know its possibly just a marketing gimmick but this is something i might be able to wing from Gary ???
And i would love to give him a ring

Everdently presently being used a bit durring the current pandemic to mark a date a wedding should have been
but also in long term relationships where there is no intention to marry (like him and me) but also for married couples

Sounds a bit like a 'grown up' version of a promise ring (i want one of them too)

anyone got one ?
Anyone else want one ?
Doesn't sound like they are as flashy as ERs


Jan 9, 2006
My friend just had one made like this, but with bezel set sapphires in place of the 'dots', and 3/4 eternity. The 6 sapphires and about half of the diamonds are from her grandmother's wedding set, so also hugely sentimental. And so pretty!


Mar 13, 2004
I think it is a sweet idea, especially if you have the understanding that you don’t need to be married, but just wanted to be committed for life. I think it great that you want to get him something to show your commitment as well. I got my husband a really nice Movado watch when we got engaged, because I felt that I shouldn’t be the only one getting something to show our commitment.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My friend just had one made like this, but with bezel set sapphires in place of the 'dots', and 3/4 eternity. The 6 sapphires and about half of the diamonds are from her grandmother's wedding set, so also hugely sentimental. And so pretty!

Oh how pretty
And lovelly to include her grandma's stones

I love the idea of saphires
narrow-palladium-wedding-band-random-blue-flush-sapphires_DSC_2952-a_2000x.jpg blue-sapphire-diamond-band-2.jpg DB1043-RD-14W_BS.jpg

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I think it is a sweet idea, especially if you have the understanding that you don’t need to be married, but just wanted to be committed for life. I think it great that you want to get him something to show your commitment as well. I got my husband a really nice Movado watch when we got engaged, because I felt that I shouldn’t be the only one getting something to show our commitment.

Ive wanted to get him a piece of jewlery for ever but he was a builder (now retired) and he's seen a few deglovings over the years so wasn't keen
I could get him a matching earing :lol-2: he has one peircing


Mar 13, 2004
What ever he is comfortable wearing! My husband doesn’t wear his wedding band, he works with hands, and it would be dangerous for his profession, so get your man that bling for his piercing!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
What ever he is comfortable wearing! My husband doesn’t wear his wedding band, he works with hands, and it would be dangerous for his profession, so get your man that bling for his piercing!

That's an excellent idea
For years he just wears one of mine but i seem to have lost all my/ our silver studs and sleepers

He had one ruby stud of his mum's that needed a new post - but ive missplaced in when we moved :(

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
One of the ladies on Bling Empire had a diamond commitment/promise ring that was larger than most engagement rings I see (except for the ones on here) so I think you can have anything you want.

Saddly for me Gary doesn't beleave on spending lots of money on jewlery :(
So it'll probably be a silver ring
I'd be ok with lab stones


Jul 7, 2013
I like the idea behind the so-called "commitment" rings, however, does a piece of jewellery need to be labelled as such?

Does it mean marriage is never an offer, and agreed as such by both the giver and the recipient of a commitment ring?

What if one party decides he/she wants to get married, would the other says "you knew marriage is not an option when you received the ring and agreed to wear it" etc., etc..?

I just think it is yet another marketing gimmick like "promise" rings.

It is a nice sentiment, however, a piece of jewellery is meaningless if it is not backed up by actions.

Cynical, I know, sorry!

DK :))


Apr 30, 2005
If you want a ring, any ring, and you gots the bucks, just buy it.

I don't need justification, or to attach made-up meanings, to things I want.
I just buy it.
You can too.
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2013
If you want a ring, any ring, and you gots the bucks, just buy it.

I don't need justification, or to attach made-up meanings, to things I want.
I can just buy it.
You can too.

That's my sentiment too.

If I were to wait for someone to buy me jewellery, I would be waiting forever!

DK :))


Jun 8, 2008
Some days i feel like the only person i know with no ER
Its not the money or the wedding
i just want a ring from Gary

Aww I promise you that you are not the only person without a ring who is in a committed relationship. But you should get a ring since you want one! If you give us your budget we can maybe help you find your dream ring! Who needs Gary on board if he doesn't want to take part in it but better even if he does. Have you shared with him how much it would mean to you? Tell him you will find the ring but can he contribute to the budget for it?

((((HUGS))))) @Daisys and Diamonds. We can help you find the ring you are dreaming of with Gary's help or not.


Jun 8, 2008

Ally T

Oct 24, 2012
Have you ever told Gary how you feel about it & suggested he buys you something? It doesn't have to be expensive or flashy, as long as it comes from HIM. And if he says nah, waste of money, go buy one for yourself :appl:

I've already told you my bestie in Wellington wears a ring full of different colour sapphires that her partner bought for her, as they have both been married twice before & are hesitant to do it again, though they're fully committed & own a house together.

When I was with my ex in Wellington, I wore a ring on my ring finger. It was a wide, heavy 18ct yellow gold band full of diamonds from Partridge Jewellers on Lambton Quay & i adored it (sadly no pics). I was happy to wear it as a compromise, as I had refused a proposal. Turned out he was a bit of a b@stard & my gut feelings were right :lol:

My forever bestie here in the UK has never been married & hasn't any children. She has lived with her gorgeous man for 12 years now, but he is reluctant to marry due to watching his parents acrimonious divorce when he was 19. It was nasty & really upset him.

So.... she took some old pieces of her grandmothers that weren't to her taste & had a goldsmith work his magic. Now on her ring finger she has a really unique Tanzanite & diamond ring, all swirled in platinum bubbles. He partner adores it & has no issue with her wearing a ring to symbolise that she is in a healthy, committed relationship.


Aug 18, 2013
Some days i feel like the only person i know with no ER
Its not the money or the wedding
i just want a ring from Gary

I completely get this, @Daisys and Diamonds. It's not the ring, per se. It's the ring....from Gary.

Have you spoken to him about this? About wanting a little more security? Some obvious sign that he's chosen you for all time? That you're in a partnership? That he values you enough to 'put a ring on it' - official piece of paper or no official piece of paper.

I know how much you do for him and it doesn't seem unreasonable to want some tangible sign that the commitment runs both ways. I know the ring is only supposed to be symbolic of the commitment - and it's the commitment that's the big deal - I mean, I get it. But romantic gestures mean something. They just do.

Big hugs to you, @Daisys and Diamonds! <3


Jan 14, 2003
Some days i feel like the only person i know with no ER
Its not the money or the wedding
i just want a ring from Gary

Aww, I’m sorry. I completely understand how you feel. I waited 10 years to get an engagement ring from my husband.
I purchased my own diamond prior to that but what I really wanted was something from my husband. He is so terrible with getting me gifts but honestly I would have been so happy with a diamond chip as long as he would have bought it and made the effort.
Finally I just told him, our 10th anniversary is coming up and this is what I want. There was no ultimatum or guilt trip. I just told him this is what I really want and I think I deserve it. Some men need guidance. My husband needs guidance.
Now if there is something I want I usually buy it myself, but if it’s pricey I do give him the chance to buy it for me with a hint. Or I just tell him I would love to have this.
If I don’t, I guarantee 1000% he will never buy it for me.
Tell Gary what you want.


Jun 8, 2008
I thought you had expressed your feelings about this to Gary and I agree it is definitely worth talking about with him again. If we don't tell our men what we want and what we need they won't know. They are not mind readers. But, and this is important, if he just doesn't get it that's OK too. No one is perfect and there are things we just cannot control. You love him and he loves you. If Gary refuses and just doesn't grasp why you want the ring you should still get one. And you shouldn't feel bad about it.

I know you know this but I just want to repeat it. It doesn't make Gary a bad person and it doesn't make your relationship not a good one. Some men just have this mental block about rings.

I hope Gary will understand how important it is to you and for that reason alone may it become important to him.

Big hugs to you @Daisys and Diamonds.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I thought you had expressed your feelings about this to Gary and I agree it is definitely worth talking about with him again. If we don't tell our men what we want and what we need they won't know. They are not mind readers. But, and this is important, if he just doesn't get it that's OK too. No one is perfect and there are things we just cannot control. You love him and he loves you. If Gary refuses and just doesn't grasp why you want the ring you should still get one. And you shouldn't feel bad about it.

I know you know this but I just want to repeat it. It doesn't make Gary a bad person and it doesn't make your relationship not a good one. Some men just have this mental block about rings.

I hope Gary will understand how important it is to you and for that reason alone may it become important to him.

Big hugs to you @Daisys and Diamonds.

Thank you Missy =)2
Yes you are right about everything
last time i gently brougt this kind of thing up he was warming up to the idea (cue the broken record - once i get a job)
I asked him if he would like to buy me a caladan ring - his dad was Irish and his grandma was Scottish and i have scotish ancestory
I had to tell him what one was and that they are nice without being overly expenseive
Id be happy with silver
Maybe he would like one too ?
Never know my luck once he's feeling better and can see properly and can drive again
I think i might have a shot with one of those !
Ive also seen a rose gold rose quartz pendant that could be a goer for Christmas ....

Im pretty sure he would be good with receiving an earing though as we had trouble finding one of mine suitabls for him the other day
He has a freind with a diamond one so he might warm up to a wee sapgire P13058265-25-3.jpg 9ct-rose-gold-heart-rose-quartz-pendant-7629218-3~1567744879.jpg

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Aww I promise you that you are not the only person without a ring who is in a committed relationship. But you should get a ring since you want one! If you give us your budget we can maybe help you find your dream ring! Who needs Gary on board if he doesn't want to take part in it but better even if he does. Have you shared with him how much it would mean to you? Tell him you will find the ring but can he contribute to the budget for it?

((((HUGS))))) @Daisys and Diamonds. We can help you find the ring you are dreaming of with Gary's help or not.

That would be so much fun Missy
One day im definatly going to get a ring with the help of all our lovelly PSers
Ive wasted so much money down the mall and even with a small budget ive seen some lovelly things on PS

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019

I have short but fat fingers
I think my pinky is a UK O or maybe even a P
a ring i got from the mall for my index finger was an X (thanks to their exorbitant mark ups it didn't cost any extra to get the bigger size as they seem to make to order rather than carry stock in different sizes)
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