
ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrings

Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

TGal they are fabulous!! LOVE the rich 20k, the hammered finish sets it off beautifully - they look so very luxurious in your ears :love:

That's awesome on the price, too! I always thought 23rd St was on the pricey side - obviously that's not necessarily the case, and certainly not for that sort of workmanship!

You and Joni really do seem to "get" each other in terms of what you're looking for, how you work with each other, and if SS is local too... :appl:

Ack. Stunning!!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

oh my gosh those are soooo fabulous!!! love the gold metalwork and how it looks, so awesome!! i think they would have even been awesome without the diamonds on the top, just as dangles. yum yum yum!!!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Um. Wow! They are gorgeous.
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin


Swaeeeett!!! Really really cute!

Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Your new leverbacks are sooooo gorgeous! I love the hammered texture and they fit your ears perfectly. Love them!!!!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Really unique piece! I can't help envisioning what your *original* design would have looked like (and thinking I'd prefer that on *myself* & my skin tone) -- but agree w/yr. co-designer that THIS is FABOO on YOU!

Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Rosebloom, I actually dislike two toned jewelry, but since there were diamonds on the leverback, I thought it was more "diamonds and gold" vs "wg and yg". :cheeky: But yeah, it works, however you look at it!

Yssie, I guess I do at this point trust her ability to convey to the jeweler/bench what I want. You will find this really funny though...her instructions for this entire project were written on an envelope about 4x3 inches. Just some notes in pencil with measurements, notes like "puffy" (for a bench that is limited in English, so she had to think of words to convey concepts) and cut outs of the inspiration earrings plus a cut out of the size she wanted the dangle to be. On it, she made a note (she showed me and we laughed at this) that this was for a "very particular customer." You have no idea how that made me laugh because in the PS world I am probably the least particular person around, in terms of detail orientation! But in the scheme of the average jewelry customer, even the most laid back PSer knows more distinctly what she wants, that is for sure.

But yeah, after I dropped off the stones, I didn't connect with Joni until earrings were done. I'm not sure how good a normal PSer would be with that!

Re: Price, I was surprised too. For ring settings, they are more pricey than an etsy dealer for sure, but I think for something less involved, it's definitely possible to be right in line with them. At least I learned it doesn't hurt to ask.

Mara, lol...the woman offered diamonds on the leverback. What PSer in her right mind says no to diamonds? Hehehe.

Derbygal, Sharon, tigian, thanks!!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

decodelighted|1343259709|3240097 said:
Really unique piece! I can't help envisioning what your *original* design would have looked like (and thinking I'd prefer that on *myself* & my skin tone) -- but agree w/yr. co-designer that THIS is FABOO on YOU!


Ha Deco, I still think I'd want to get the original made too, for fun! Joni asked me what I had, in terms of earrings, and I thought hm...

white gold 2" hoops
white gold diamond 1 inch hoops
white gold teardrop earrings (gift from mom, which was originally gift from aunt)
platinum bezeled diamond studs.

She was like, "well, you have all white earrings, try something different!" Couldn't really argue. :tongue:

I can see this as the beginning of a crazy earring collection. Maybe I need invade Forte Kitty's gem box and start make offers. :devil:
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Those are gorgeous earrings TGal! I love the rich gold against your dark hair. I also have dark hair and love how my yellow gold hoops look with it. What a great design!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Hah! You, particular? :cheeky: I'm not sure if I'm laughing or horrified - you certainly 'know' me well enough to know the fifteen page diagram powerpoint that would've followed that discussion :bigsmile:

It really is fantastic that you've found a vendor with whom you "click" like that. Both your projects have been very personal and stylized - I mean, we aren't talking six prong Tiffs replicas here! So you obviously have good reason to feel good about making them your go-to ::)

Your earrings and the Athena/madelise OEC buttercup drops are my favourite dangly earrings on PS :love: Joni was totally right, the 20k is so elegant. Etsy is great for some projects but I'll always have one of a couple of other vendors do 'bigger' projects as the workmanship and having a designer who knows the sorts of things I especially favour is worth the extra cost to me. Honestly, I think these earrings are a great example of that.. the inspiration pair is lovely but these are *perfect*!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

woofmama, thanks! Yes, I can't believe how much I like the YG against my hair! But YG is not a habit I can afford to get into right at this moment after the big 40th bday (I'm not even friggin 40 yet!) 3 stone ring. 23rd street is supposed to have a new website soon so I'll see what inspires me. I would be happy buying off the rack there, but have enjoyed the results of the 2 custom I've had so much that I can see myself always striving for exactly what I want!

Yssie, lol...I don't argue that you'd have a long powerpoint, but your eye for design is perfect and it's gotten you a perfect ring in the process. :love: Thank you for the lovely compliment for my earrings, especially since I agree the other pair you like is on the top of my list too!

Hm, maybe if people keep selling OEC pairs, I need to buy them to do a vintage earring piece in platinum. I get a bonus every year! :devil:
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Aww thank you - I do love this ring!

Trouble with earrings is that they really do reproduce unbelievably quickly and you've only got two ears :rodent: Can't argue w/ vintagey earrings w/ old cuts though, since you've already got the ring everything will match nicely :bigsmile:
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

far out these are gorgeous. Damn you for making me yearn......
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

They turned out awesome!! I love the hammer finish clover. And the way the white metal top works with the white diamond center of the clover.
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

I think what I like about them the most is that it could have SO EASILY ended up looking like a stock piece ... miligrain & white gold and a bezeled center stone -- WHOOPS: Beverly K. What y'all created is so very special & striking. I really adore textured, rustic stuff.

Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

decodelighted|1343279417|3240329 said:
I think what I like about them the most is that it could have SO EASILY ended up looking like a stock piece ... miligrain & white gold and a bezeled center stone -- WHOOPS: Beverly K. What y'all created is so very special & striking. I really adore textured, rustic stuff.


LOL Deco, I believe the look we were trying to avoid was "commercial." ::)

Yssie, yes exactly. And I'm so conservative, I only have one piercing in each ear too!

Gypsy, Melbournegirl, thank you!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Oh my goodness.... they are breathtaking!

Great post about the process, so helpful!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

I love those earrings! The high karat gold, the flower design, everything!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Absolutely perfect in every way! :love: :love: :love: You could have had them made by someone else and ended up with a vastly different item. These are incredible!

(I will add that I really want some leverback earrings, but like you, I find it hard to know what size and shape will actually fit my ears right! I think that was your big advantage to have someone locally to make yours. I do hope they get their new site done soon, because I'd love to see more of their stock pieces!)
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Thank you Rainydaze and Kismet! :wavey:

DS, if you're interested, maybe I'll top one of my threads when it's up. That's if I even catch it, as I don't really go to their site because there's not much there to seek inspiration. The stuff in their store is quite varied vs the pieces they have on their site. They had a fair bit of cool, different gold jewelry, but you don't see that on their site either.

Yes, I was kind of bummed at first their shaped leverbacks didn't fit (the ones I referenced on the notes I did). The leverbacks were so tiny, that the opening was small and the curves didn't allow me to easily angle the earring into my earlobes - so it HURT! When I did finally get them on, they sat RIGHT at the bottom of my earlobe. No space. Like a woman in pants a size to0 small, it just look uncomfortable.

Plus all the little variation in the different styles of leverbacks - a picky PSer would be in heaven with options! :love: It's so funny because the average person wouldn't care, but there was a leverback the same size as mine, same style except the wire was straighter in the front (mine has a slight curve) and I really disliked the look of the straight one (looks terrible on my fleshy lobes), while most people would never have noticed.

High end jewelers seem to have smaller leverbacks, so maybe there is a higher end jeweler near you where you can try them on?
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Hmm, I can't think of anywhere that I could try on different styles of leverbacks, so the best way may be to just order some returnable stock earrings sometime and see if I like the style of leverback before ever considering having any made. Nothing is simple when you're a PSer. :bigsmile:
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

diamondseeker2006|1343318400|3240532 said:
Hmm, I can't think of anywhere that I could try on different styles of leverbacks, so the best way may be to just order some returnable stock earrings sometime and see if I like the style of leverback before ever considering having any made. Nothing is simple when you're a PSer. :bigsmile:

LOL, the lengths PSers go to (no pun intended.)

Well, make sure you order ugly earrings you'd never keep. As Mara once told me, possession is a scary find that you start justifying ways to keep pretty things once they're in your hands!

If the sun comes out today, I'll try to get some better pictures...I realized I didn't take pics of the backs of these. Nothing special, as they are not finished (they are flat) but I wouldn't expect them to be, nor can you see them from the back anyway.
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: they are perfect! I love them!!!!!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Those are so cool! And I really love the two metals together!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

nice pair TG!!.. :appl: like most Asians i love high KT gold jewelry.
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Thanks DeeJay and Bella!

DF, I will assume you are talking about my earrings and not my other pair. :tongue:
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Wow, these are gorgeous! What a great design! And I agree with everyone else that the YG looks fantastic on you!
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

They are spectacular!!!! :love:

Amazing design!!


Cachette :))
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Those are some beautiful earrings :love: They are so delicate and feminine. She was right about the 20k gold and them not looking "commercial" They have an heirloom feel to them.

wear those beauties in good healthy
Re: ERD Studs reset into custom 23rd Street Leverback earrin

Wow, these are stunningly gorgeous, TGal! I love the puffiness and the rich color! Wear them in good health!