
e-ring profile questions with pictures

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Apr 12, 2008
I love my rings....but the diamond does not fill out the bottom of the martini/basket setting. Is this normal/common? It seems like most diamonds fill out the bottom. It''s not possible to set it lower because then the circle bar would be all the way at the top of the diamond.

and from the top

I think that looks about right to me. I also have a cathederal and mine sits about that way from that same angle but from the other side angle it is right even with the ring taper. They usually sit a little higher then some other settings but it really is personal opinion. I suppose it could be lowered in the setting but maybe not the best idea, you could check with your jewerler. I think it is beautiful the way it is!
i think it is a matter of personal preference.... i.e. there is not a ''norm''. some settings allow for the stone to sit very low, as you are suggesting, and others allow for the stone to sit high as yours is currently. my mom likes them set high, i like them set low. i dont'' know if the head on yours can be altered/replaced to have your diamond sit lower, just ask your jeweler what is possible.
thank you so much!! That makes me feel better. I guess I would prefer to have it set lower, but so much that I would want to sacrifice the martini setting. My jeweler said it had to be set up higher because the prong setting was in a 1 or 1.5 carat size & mine is right in the middle, so they had to order a 1.5. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't weird or something.
I never thought about that before. But I know I have seen settings like that several times. I think it looks good to me! I really love your "heart" prong settings btw!
Date: 4/14/2008 1:06:32 PM

It''s not possible to set it lower because then the circle bar would be all the way at the top of the diamond.
That should not be true. The prongs would just have to be shortened below the "circle bar." It would probably require re-making a lot of the ring, so maybe it''s not possible to set it any lower in the ring as it is, but it could have been set lower to start with (or could be re-made to be lower).
Date: 4/16/2008 5:20:05 PM
Author: musey
Date: 4/14/2008 1:06:32 PM


It''s not possible to set it lower because then the circle bar would be all the way at the top of the diamond.

That should not be true. The prongs would just have to be shortened below the ''circle bar.'' It would probably require re-making a lot of the ring, so maybe it''s not possible to set it any lower in the ring as it is, but it could have been set lower to start with (or could be re-made to be lower).

Ahh, I didn''t think of that. I dont know if I could give it up for them to fix it anyway, even though it does kind of bug me
I think I''ll just keep it the same way for now. If more people were saying it was bad thing, I''d be taking it in.

Thank you again, and I''d love to get more opinions too
I think you have a very pretty ring with a beautiful profile. It doesn''t look odd to me.
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