
Dumb Question(s)

IMO if you want a standard round to darken less in stronger more direct lighting, it’s less about the right numbers to look for and more about the cut precision. Most commonly available standard round proportions with good cut precision are going to darken in stronger more direct lighting and show fire. That’s what the cut is designed to do!

Essentially what you are asking for is a poorly executed standard round cut to increase the chances that it would darken less in stronger more direct lighting. To get to that point you would need poor cut precision to break up the standard round facet pattern, and avoid too much obstruction or leakage that would make it dull and lifeless.

Light leakage is when you can see straight through the stone. Essentially facets that are not returning any light, highlighted in yellow. Tiny bits of leakage that move around as the diamond tilts can add contrast, bigger stationary areas can make the diamond look dull and lifeless.

Thank you! I appreciate you taking the time. That’s what @yssie said as well. It seems like I’m focusing more on the numbers and not what matters the most in this situation - the cut! I’ll keep looking and focus my search on more splintery faceting. Thank you again!
After battling a cold that ran through everyone in the house, I'm back with a few options. Do any of these look splintery enough that would achieve the overall look I want? More sparkle, less fire and faces up white in all light sources? I don't want anything that goes too dark. Thank you for bearing with me through all of this!

*Adding links since no one here wants an imperfect diamond like I do.

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
I'm shooting from the hip here.

Don't like 6 - might be dark

Wonder if 4, 5, and 10 are too much like a well-cut diamond that you'll see those arrows and not have splinters all the way around.

For whatever reason, I'm rooting for 7.

But I think this search is gonna be a science experiment, like the ones @0-0-0 show us! Thank goodness for return policies! I'm excited to see how this plays out!
No one has mentioned the trade off for finding a diamond like this. It won’t look good in other lighting! It won’t be as sparkly or have much or any fire at all. I don’t see the point of finding a poorly cut round. If you like a stone that just looks bright and white all the time get a cut that is meant to look like that.
I'm shooting from the hip here.

Don't like 6 - might be dark

Wonder if 4, 5, and 10 are too much like a well-cut diamond that you'll see those arrows and not have splinters all the way around.

For whatever reason, I'm rooting for 7.

But I think this search is gonna be a science experiment, like the ones @0-0-0 show us! Thank goodness for return policies! I'm excited to see how this plays out!

@0515vision Thank you! You’ve been so helpful and kind in this process. I so appreciate it! =)2
No one has mentioned the trade off for finding a diamond like this. It won’t look good in other lighting! It won’t be as sparkly or have much or any fire at all. I don’t see the point of finding a poorly cut round. If you like a stone that just looks bright and white all the time get a cut that is meant to look like that.

@Dreamer_D Thanks for your reply. I’ve actually seen some imperfect rounds that are beautiful to my eye! Although I understand my preference is not the norm, I know something like this exists and I’m determined to find it! I like rounds and would prefer to stay with the same shape I currently have as to not draw attention to the change.

Who knows, maybe after this search I’ll realize that I like what I currently have more. For now it’s a fun challenge and I’m learning a lot in the process!
I still think this one has the most potential if you want to experiment. Low crown, big table, and messy faceting.
Good luck I hope it’s what you’re looking for!
I received the diamond today and interestingly enough, it doesn't appear to perform significantly different than my diamond - at least to my untrained eye. They both are equally as dark in direct sunlight and both appear to have the same amount of fire. the culet is more apparent on the loose diamond but both seem to have dark areas in the center which is interesting. Is this light leakage? I've uploaded some stills and videos for viewing. These were taken around 5:45 pm so I can take better photos tomorrow. I would love to hear your thoughts! I included the IGI report for both diamonds below.

Current Diamond

Loose Diamond

They both are equally as dark in direct sunlight and both appear to have the same amount of fire. the culet is more apparent on the loose diamond but both seem to have dark areas in the center which is interesting. Is this light leakage?
If you don’t want the diamond to go dark in full sun you’ll need to go with another cut design that draws more light from lower angles, for example crushed ice type faceting in ovals/cushions/radiants. The trade off is that these cuts would look less bright than cuts with brilliant type faceting in environments with more diffused lighting.

These diamonds don’t have culets. I think what you mean is that the table reflection in the center is bigger on the loose diamond? The H&A round should not have any leakage so I assume what you mean by dark areas in the center is obstruction when you bring the diamonds closer to your face/camera.

If they don’t perform meaningfully different to you across different lighting environments I think you can rule out modern rounds from what you are looking for.
May I recommend a well cut pear shape? It gave me chunky flashes of fire, sparkles and brilliance galore, and it has more finger coverage than a RB. Mine faces up white even in the sunlight!
Oh gosh ... what a bummer after all that. Can I ask which option is was from the list?

I agree that it's basically your current diamond, and actually your current one performs better.

Too bad you don't know the owner of that other bright stone enough to ask her details about it. Or even a photo of hers next to yours would be helpful.

Clearly, there's a stone out there with your name on it. Now how to meet it is the Big Question ... *sigh*

Sending you a hug!
Oh gosh ... what a bummer after all that. Can I ask which option is was from the list?

I agree that it's basically your current diamond, and actually your current one performs better.

Too bad you don't know the owner of that other bright stone enough to ask her details about it. Or even a photo of hers next to yours would be helpful.

Clearly, there's a stone out there with your name on it. Now how to meet it is the Big Question ... *sigh*

Sending you a hug!

Thank you, @0515vision - you're so sweet. You've been so helpful throughout all of this! I hope I can find what I'm looking for one day. I'll have to pay closer attention to the stone my friend/acquaintance wears.

This option was suggested by @0-0-0 on this thread as well as the one started by @Runningmama

I think this is going to be a game of trial and error!
May I recommend a well cut pear shape? It gave me chunky flashes of fire, sparkles and brilliance galore, and it has more finger coverage than a RB. Mine faces up white even in the sunlight!

Thank you, @Runningmama - I wish I had given a little more thought to the shape before purchasing. I love rounds, but it sounds like I may have been happier with something else. Oh well, there are much bigger problems to have!
I say keep trying. How about number three, number seven, or number eight? You’ll learn as you go.
@LTCT814, is there any chance your friend’s diamond isn’t MRB? Any chance it’s an OEC? @Rhino has this video on OEC’s, and they’re less contrasty. Made me think of you.

I say keep trying. How about number three, number seven, or number eight? You’ll learn as you go.

Sorry for the late reply! I definitely need to keep trying. I wonder if what I’m responding to is the color and not the fire or brilliance. My current diamond is a F and it might be too grey/cool for my taste. I’m contemplating ordering a H on Whiteflash to compare…
@LTCT814, is there any chance your friend’s diamond isn’t MRB? Any chance it’s an OEC? @Rhino has this video on OEC’s, and they’re less contrasty. Made me think of you.

Thank you! I actually saw her last night and was able to get a closer look - definitely a MRB! It definitely wasn’t a perfect hearts and arrows diamond but still faced up white. It wasn’t as “cool” as mine so I’m wondering if the color is the issue with my diamond. One day I might figure it out.. :lol-2:
Sorry for the late reply! I definitely need to keep trying. I wonder if what I’m responding to is the color and not the fire or brilliance. My current diamond is a F and it might be too grey/cool for my taste. I’m contemplating ordering a H on Whiteflash to compare…

Go for an "I!" It really brings out the twinkle of low light and still faces up so well!
Have you thought of reaching out to Jonathan @Rhino directly with your question? He may know the type of faceting you’re looking for given all of his experience.
Thank you! I actually saw her last night and was able to get a closer look - definitely a MRB! It definitely wasn’t a perfect hearts and arrows diamond but still faced up white. It wasn’t as “cool” as mine so I’m wondering if the color is the issue with my diamond. One day I might figure it out.. :lol-2:

How curious, did you get to compare hers and yours side by side? Viewing angle and distance can have a big impact on how it looks. I doubt the difference in color would have much of an impact. Inclusions and fluorescence may make a difference if they are severe enough.

Both D and I color H&A rounds go similarly dark in stronger direct lighting.
1.88 I H&A round in a cushion halo and a 3.08 D H&A round solitaire. Size 7.5 rings with F/G melee and band widths of just under 2 and 2.5 mm. Hard to capture the color difference on camera, but the I shows off it’s pink/brown CVD tint in some lighting while the D simply reacts to whatever colors are in the environment.
The “black” you don’t like at the center is obstruction, which means that the shadow of your body or something dark held in front of the diamond is being reflected back at you. This is something all diamonds do because they are reflective surfaces. Do you have dark hair by chance? Do you see it more when you hold the diamond closer to you and less when you hold your hand at arms length?

Also I’m sure your friends diamond does the is too. Th difference is you are viewing her diamond from far away and yours from close up where obstruction is more obvious. Try an experiment: have her wear your diamond and look at it from that distance angle. Does it still look over dark to you compared to yours? Can you try wearing her diamond and scrutinize it up close to see whether it goes darker?

Just some ideas.
Go for an "I!" It really brings out the twinkle of low light and still faces up so well!
How curious, did you get to compare hers and yours side by side? Viewing angle and distance can have a big impact on how it looks. I doubt the difference in color would have much of an impact. Inclusions and fluorescence may make a difference if they are severe enough.

Both D and I color H&A rounds go similarly dark in stronger direct lighting.

This is really interesting - thank you for sharing. I respond more favorably to the D than the brown hue seen on the I. I wonder if an G or H might be a happy medium for me.
The “black” you don’t like at the center is obstruction, which means that the shadow of your body or something dark held in front of the diamond is being reflected back at you. This is something all diamonds do because they are reflective surfaces. Do you have dark hair by chance? Do you see it more when you hold the diamond closer to you and less when you hold your hand at arms length?

Also I’m sure your friends diamond does the is too. Th difference is you are viewing her diamond from far away and yours from close up where obstruction is more obvious. Try an experiment: have her wear your diamond and look at it from that distance angle. Does it still look over dark to you compared to yours? Can you try wearing her diamond and scrutinize it up close to see whether it goes darker?

Just some ideas.

It's funny you mentioned obstruction - I noticed it for the first time on her diamond yesterday. I had previously only viewed it from a distance and not front facing. It made me feel better about mine!

Your suggestion to look at my diamond from a distance is a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll give that a try.
Have you thought of reaching out to Jonathan @Rhino directly with your question? He may know the type of faceting you’re looking for given all of his experience.

I haven't, but that's a great idea. Thank you!
It's funny you mentioned obstruction - I noticed it for the first time on her diamond yesterday. I had previously only viewed it from a distance and not front facing. It made me feel better about mine!

Your suggestion to look at my diamond from a distance is a great idea. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll give that a try.