
Don't send your daughters to The Rape School, UVA


Apr 30, 2005
"The Rape School", University of Virginia.

Long read, but important.

Tiny snip:

"Eventually, UVA furnished Rolling Stone with some of its most recent tally: In the last academic year, 38 students went to Eramo about a sexual assault, up from about 20 students three years ago.
However, of those 38, only nine resulted in "complaints"; the other 29 students evaporated.
Of those nine complaints, four resulted in Sexual Misconduct Board hearings.

UVA wasn't willing to disclose their outcomes, citing privacy.
Like most colleges, sexual-assault proceedings at UVA unfold in total secrecy.
Asked why UVA doesn't publish all its data, President Sullivan explains that it might not be in keeping with "best practices" and thus may inadvertently discourage reporting.

Jackie got a different explanation when she'd eventually asked Dean Eramo the same question.
She says Eramo answered wryly, "Because nobody wants to send their daughter to the rape school."
Don't let your sons grow up to be sexual predators.
monarch64|1416534213|3787687 said:
Don't let your sons grow up to be sexual predators.


Much better goal ... which will take one generation if everyone listens to that message and I'm not holding my breath!

In the mean time I would pay attention and not let my daughters attend the Unis with a culture of looking the other way and suppressing information about their rape problem so parents and press dont' find out.

They don't value women.
They value money.
If enough people don't give them their money, and maybe they'll change.

It reminds me of that other institution that protects it's reputation instead of protecting the children.

Read the article.
I just finished it. Very powerful and well written. The fight song ...just... no words. :nono:

The people involved in perpetuating the violence against women have all sold their proverbial souls in exchange for prestige/money/dreams of having MORE MORE MORE. That is a tough thing to combat. All of it reminds me of how this country began: white people deciding they had all the stuff so everyone else was beneath them and required to serve them, period, and if everyone else didn't like it, they'd be beaten into subservience or just killed. All of this in the article is the same attitude, it's just harder to get away with actual murder these days. Now we just assassinate a person's character or make sure everyone shames them into silence or killing themselves.

I followed the Hannah Graham case from the time she was reported missing. I hope they nail Jesse Mathew's ass for a good long time between her and Morgan Harrington. Seems like not only the university but the town itself is a magnet for rapists.
I live in Charlottesville, two miles from UVA. There has been a lot of unrest here especially surrounding Hannah Graham. It is a wonderful place to live and work, however the undercurrent of sexism and elitism at UVA is undeniable. Things should have been shaken up in administration a long time ago.
This is certainly not a problem confined to UVA. My college had this same problem. Most of the colleges my friends went to did as well. I know multiple people raped at college - multiple women AND men raped at frat parties/during pledgeship. (SO MUCH gross stuff happens while pledging. Like... all those worst stories you think are only in movies/tv? I have seen people go through quite a few of them.) The greek system is pretty much designed around traditional gender roles and women just being there to be used by men (and non-greeks being lesser). If you build your system on othering, shit like this happens. While I don't know anyone gang-raped as part of initiation, I certainly know people who were raped by a single attacker as part of initiation (women and men alike). And I know many, many people who probably escaped rape despite getting a drugged drink because they were in tune to their body or had watchful friends who got them out of there as soon as they realized something was up.

If you're sending your kid to ANY college, particularly any college known for partying or greek life, this is going to be a part of life, and you should educate them accordingly. In fact... if you're planning on having your kid live in the real world, things like this are a part of life and they should be educated accordingly.
This article gave me the chills. I'm struggling with why Jackie has not filed criminal charges and why on earth she would remain at this college.

Rape is a felony. Why is this being handled by the university and not by the police?
Calliecake|1416620690|3788299 said:
This article gave me the chills. I'm struggling with why Jackie has not filed criminal charges and why on earth she would remain at this college.

Rape is a felony. Why is this being handled by the university and not by the police?

I had to read the article three times to try to gain a better understanding of all of it. I think this woman is very strong, stronger than she even knows. After coming out of a very severe depressive episode (had even obtained a length of rope with which to hang herself), she has been trying to help other fellow students by becoming a peer educator. As far as leaving UVA, why should she have to? She didn't commit a crime. Her rights were violated, and if anyone should leave, shouldn't it be the perpetrators? It would be another way of letting them violate her if she left, I think. (Of course I can't begin to try to get inside her head or speak for her, but it seems like that could be part of what's happening.)

Until she files a report with the police, I don't think they can handle it. This Dean Eramo character is a joke, in my opinion. Pandering to both sides, telling the students one thing and making them believe she is an ally, and a the same time protecting the boys and the university. Jackie herself is Jackie's only hope.
By not reporting it and pressing charges, she's in effect letting the rapist get away w/it. Even tho sadly it doesn't do any good a lot of the time, it's still best to report to the authorities. Get it on record, get it into the reported statistics, that's a good way to be an advocate for others who may not have come forward.
packrat|1416626366|3788338 said:
By not reporting it and pressing charges, she's in effect letting the rapist get away w/it. Even tho sadly it doesn't do any good a lot of the time, it's still best to report to the authorities. Get it on record, get it into the reported statistics, that's a good way to be an advocate for others who may not have come forward.

I agree, Packie. But did you read the article? This (Jackie's) was a gang rape situation. I think I read that somewhere around 7-8 men were involved. Can you imagine going about reporting that and pressing charges against every rapist involved?

She worked with her "date" that brought her to the party and subsequently upstairs to be gang-raped. She had class with another one of the perps.

Her friends all discouraged her from going to the hospital or even reporting it, in the name of not wanting to get blacklisted from parties.

I think this is way deeper than simply not reporting it.

I wonder how Rolling Stone got involved. I might have missed the tree for the forest when reading the article; can anyone speak to this?
And did you see the story out of OHIO about a women's knitting club (known as the local feminists) who had to step in to advocate for three high school girls who'd REPORTED their rapes but were being severely harrassed by fellow students?

This behavior starts before college ... but UVA should be ASHAMED of it's complicity. I hope someone doxes "Drew" but good.
decodelighted|1416632871|3788370 said:
And did you see the story out of OHIO about a women's knitting club (known as the local feminists) who had to step in to advocate for three high school girls who'd REPORTED their rapes but were being severely harrassed by fellow students?

This behavior starts before college ... but UVA should be ASHAMED of it's complicity. I hope someone doxes "Drew" but good

I can't find the Ohio story, link, please?

And yeah...who the hell is this guy and why hasn't he been called out on social media, etc? In this day and age, he shouldn't be hard to find and he definitely won't be without enemies already. What a piece of human excrement, especially continuing to threaten Jackie with his presence at work and on campus and with his words--"had a great time the other night." Pig.
packrat|1416626366|3788338 said:
By not reporting it and pressing charges, she's in effect letting the rapist get away w/it. Even tho sadly it doesn't do any good a lot of the time, it's still best to report to the authorities. Get it on record, get it into the reported statistics, that's a good way to be an advocate for others who may not have come forward.

I agree especially since the article points to the fact that a number of these young men become violent serial perpetrators of rape.
Nope, I was lazy last night and didn't read it-I admit b/c Kenny said it was long! I think tho, that by going public about it, that is great of course, but doesn't do anything as far as legally. Even if there were 50 guys, they all need to be strung up. She's gone public, people know her name, they know her face, they know her it shouldn't be that far a stretch to go in and say I'm pressing charges this is what they did to me. I didn't want people to even KNOW. But people knew regardless, and they knew before charges had been pressed. And people need to know. They need to be prosecuted. Rape will never be seen as a viable crime against women if we don't take it where it needs to go. You can go on all the speaking tours, do interview after interview until you are hoarse, you can shout it from the rooftops--but if you know who did it and don't prosecute? Why? I don't get that part. I'd want them ****ers charged so it's on their record and follows their bastard asses around their whole entire lives. AND I would stay public against them and whoever the jackass is who is talking out his ass for the school. I will qualify that pressing charges netted me exactly ZERO. Nothing happened to him. However, he was labeled in people's minds a rapist. And at least that followed him around until he died. Not prosecuting and seeing things thru, I feel keeps those who have suffered rape down, and lessens the chances that the law will open its blinded eyes and see all the women standing up and saying you know what, DO something about this. Maybe nothing will happen to them, lord knows there's a better chance that they'll walk rather than be held accountable--but each time someone takes legal action against a rapist, that increases the chances that something WILL be done. It makes me sad to think women will think it's ok to let it slide.
This is just chilling:

"Grab its m*f leg," she heard a voice say.

Its. Its. Its. Not content to rape a woman as a way to prove their manhood (sorry, I am heavily editing myself here), they also have to reduce her to an it?

I may be fixating on a small detail of a sordid, terrible situation but it seems to me to be so telling.
Oops, Monnie ... it was Oklahoma:
And, yeah, the "it's leg" thing jumped out at me too. Dehumanizing women is the first step in a life of misogyny and sociopathic crimes. These future traders & politicians are all getting their start by gang raping women in basements together. And learning that people can get away with terrible things scot free.
I am sorry for the terrible language I quoted in my previous post. I should have edited that before posting. I've asked Ella to edit or delete the post.
packrat|1416672951|3788528 said:
Nope, I was lazy last night and didn't read it-I admit b/c Kenny said it was long! I think tho, that by going public about it, that is great of course, but doesn't do anything as far as legally. Even if there were 50 guys, they all need to be strung up. She's gone public, people know her name, they know her face, they know her it shouldn't be that far a stretch to go in and say I'm pressing charges this is what they did to me. I didn't want people to even KNOW. But people knew regardless, and they knew before charges had been pressed. And people need to know. They need to be prosecuted. Rape will never be seen as a viable crime against women if we don't take it where it needs to go. You can go on all the speaking tours, do interview after interview until you are hoarse, you can shout it from the rooftops--but if you know who did it and don't prosecute? Why? I don't get that part. I'd want them ****ers charged so it's on their record and follows their bastard asses around their whole entire lives. AND I would stay public against them and whoever the jackass is who is talking out his a$$ for the school. I will qualify that pressing charges netted me exactly ZERO. Nothing happened to him. However, he was labeled in people's minds a rapist. And at least that followed him around until he died. Not prosecuting and seeing things thru, I feel keeps those who have suffered rape down, and lessens the chances that the law will open its blinded eyes and see all the women standing up and saying you know what, DO something about this. Maybe nothing will happen to them, lord knows there's a better chance that they'll walk rather than be held accountable--but each time someone takes legal action against a rapist, that increases the chances that something WILL be done. It makes me sad to think women will think it's ok to let it slide.

Excellent post Packrat. Until rape victims do everything in their power to help prosecute the men who commit these crimes, nothing will change.

Monnie, Please let me clarify one thing from my post above. I wrote an extremely long post last night but after reading it over realized I was too emotional. The only reason I felt Jackie should leave the school was for her own peace of mind. I feel it would be extremely hard to heal if you were constantly looking at reminders of the attack. I also feel she should have contacted law enforcement, NOT campus police, gone to hospital and have them do a rape kit and work with the police to have these criminals pay for their crimes. Campus police in my opinion should not be involved. in my opinion Dean Eramoe should be fired asDean. Again everything I wrote is strictly my opinion.

Please don't crucify me for my comments. I am a survivor of a violent sexual assault and this article left me in tears. I know all to well what it feels like to look in the mirror and see a shell of my former self. I also know how difficult it is to under go a rape kit and to spend hours discussing every detail of the attack with law enforcement. If woman don't do their part to help law enforcement nothing will ever change.

If Jackie had gone to the hospital a rape counselor would have stayed with her the entire time. They would have put her in touch with wonderful woman to help her thru everything for as long as she needed. In all the group meetings I attended I can tell you it is a pretty
normal for a rape victim to contemplate ending her life. You always miss the person you were before the rape. It's been 30 years and this article reminded me how much I still miss the person I was before that day.
Callie, I didn't mean to come across as crucifying you. It's a difficult subject, I know. I apologize if I made you feel like I was coming down on you at all. That was not my intention at all.

The article has traveled far and wide now and I was "pleased" to read (once I left work this evening) that at least UVA fraternities are on suspension until classes resume January 12. Not sure this will really help matters, but I guess it's a token step on behalf of UVA.

It's all so gross. We had a cocktail with several neighbors tonight and all of us (women and men) were discussing the article. I shared it on FB last night, trying to do my part.

Callie, I'm so glad you are part of PS. I really enjoy reading your posts and just think you're great. Thank you for sharing part of your experience here, I know that must have been hard. I don't know that I could do the same. You sound like an extremely strong person. I'm glad our paths crossed here.
Callie honey. HUGE HUGE HUGE Hugs and... I think you are an amazing woman. I'm so sorry you were victimized by a predator. But so happy you are here on PS and that you are brave enough to share your experiences and advocate. You are an inspiration.
Callie - I'm very sorry you were violate in that way, and that its impact remains with you to this day. I know it sounds hollow, but... huggs to you.
monarch64|1416534213|3787687 said:
Don't let your sons grow up to be sexual predators.
+1 to that! Compared to when I was a teen and a college student, today's world is SO oppressive and anti-woman. We've had decades of MTV pumping the ghetto culture into young people. We have all the pro-lifers trying to force every women who becomes pregnant to birth a baby. We have all the religious zealots trying to force women out of the workplace and back into the submissive homemaker and mother role. We have a Forbes study and other researchers telling us that marriage is for upper-class white people. In my town, we have a plethora of lower-socioeconomic males punching women in the face nightly, per the police reports.
There seems to be an overall global uptick in violence against women. As an unmarried one who a) planned on finding a new spouse, and b) landed in lower socioeconomic woman-hating hickland, I am quite sensitized to the apparent push to degrade and frighten women and push them back to the back of the bus, so to speak.
Just finished reading that article. I truly cannot believe that woman's friends thought it was best to keep it quiet because it would ruin her 4 years there! WHO THE HELL CARES? It's just a school, find another one, the USA is full of them. Rape is a violent crime. And the victim can get any number of serious diseases including HIV from it. I can't believe that Jackie or whatever her name is didn't have the sense to go to the hospital, go through the testing, and report the rape. I am appalled that she and her friends apparently didn't place her health and safety above all else. There is a SERIOUS disconnect here, someplace. Didn't their parents or anyone else teach them that if you are raped, you seek medical care? The priorities and the thinking of college age people must be a lot different from when I was that age, because go to the hospital and call the REAL police would be first priority, and the perps and the school be damned. Who takes this kind of treatment without fighting back? Or am I just one of those "Women's LIb" relics who thinks I have just as many rights as anyone else? It sure must be a f'd-up world to grow up in nowadays, if the only purpose of asking a woman out on a date is a hookup or a gang rape. i guess that explains the hick-shit dating scene on my locale. Obviously, we women must all have some flawed thinking if we were expecting anything more, right? What were we thinking! :roll:
TC1987 I had the EXACT same reactions as you when I read the article. I did read the whole thing when Kenny posted the link a few days ago but honestly I had a hard time getting through it after reading how Jackie and her friends CHOSE to put UVA's supposed good reputation above Jackie's health and well-being. I guess I'm just an old Women's Lib relic too. That this goes on and no one thinks it's a big enough deal to bother doing anything is infuriating. The mentality among administration AND the students at this school (and I'm sure others): Gang Rape = "bad experience at a frat party."

Yes, teach your sons not to become sexual predators. But seriously people, teach your daughters to
1.) Not apply to a school that has a known reputation for misogynist Greek Life. In fact, I went further and would not pay for my daughter to apply to any colleges where Greek Life was the most important social outlet on campus.
2.) Not drink to excess in an environment with drunken males.
3.) Not accept any drink you didn't pour yourself.
4.) NEVER believe that if you didn't follow these rules that you deserve what you get - call me whenever and wherever you need help and I'll help you.

My daughter is a 21 year old college student. Our talks around college life and young adult drunken behavior focus mostly around drunken hookups. I think both male and female college students allow alcohol to fuel behavior that gets out of control - and one person can see it as rape while the other thinks its the natural progression of events. It wasn't any different when I was a coed over 30 years ago. A tricky gray area that's best avoided by being sober enough to control your environment.

But this UVA rape? My god if this had happened to my kid I think I would have torched that frat house.
TC1987|1416746346|3788925 said:
Just finished reading that article. I truly cannot believe that woman's friends thought it was best to keep it quiet because it would ruin her 4 years there! WHO THE HELL CARES? It's just a school, find another one, the USA is full of them. Rape is a violent crime. And the victim can get any number of serious diseases including HIV from it. I can't believe that Jackie or whatever her name is didn't have the sense to go to the hospital, go through the testing, and report the rape. I am appalled that she and her friends apparently didn't place her health and safety above all else. There is a SERIOUS disconnect here, someplace. Didn't their parents or anyone else teach them that if you are raped, you seek medical care? The priorities and the thinking of college age people must be a lot different from when I was that age, because go to the hospital and call the REAL police would be first priority, and the perps and the school be damned. Who takes this kind of treatment without fighting back? Or am I just one of those "Women's LIb" relics who thinks I have just as many rights as anyone else? It sure must be a f'd-up world to grow up in nowadays, if the only purpose of asking a woman out on a date is a hookup or a gang rape. i guess that explains the hick-shit dating scene on my locale. Obviously, we women must all have some flawed thinking if we were expecting anything more, right? What were we thinking! :roll:

Perhaps she was in shock and after escaping and calling her recent acquaintance-friends, those friends made the decision. Only one friend had the normal reaction of suggesting to go to the hospital, but was ultimately overridden or persuaded otherwise.

I would hope that at most schools and in most social groups, this crime would have been reported right away and Jackie would have gone to the hospital for treatment. But the story shows she was in a new world for only four weeks, trying to adapt, and only one person she encountered in that culture suggested to do the best thing for her. She was trying to deal with a traumatic situation with no support. I feel terrible for her, that no one seemed to notice or try to help.

The fact that the school knew about it and did nothing to protect the students is damning - the article says that reports to the university are not confidential and they could have acted on them. Banning fraternity activity until mid-January? Woo freakin' hoo - that coincides with holiday and winter breaks and finals anyway. I read somewhere that this frat had its charter pulled at UVA, so that's good. But all of the criminals and enablers are still there, fraternities or no fraternities.
Just read the article and looked up surrounding coverage. I think I'm in shock.

I agree with those saying that it's a pity the victim wasn't encouraged to go to hospital, or felt able to go herself, because DNA evidence could have been saved and testimonies gathered from medical staff who saw the extent of her injuries. That evidence would have been an enormous asset at any trial, but now it would be much harder to convict those men. Are they really free and walking around in their communities, at liberty to commit more crimes? Words fail me. They must feel invincible.

I can't imagine being the victim of such a crime and not dialing 911 immediately, or being the friend of a victim and not doing that, but I've never been in that situation and the sheer trauma may well render someone incapable of doing anything but collapsing in a heap. That poor, poor girl. My heart goes out to her - she suffered not only on that night but every day ever since, feeling that the person she was before is gone. That is so terrible. She has received no justice.
Thank you for your kind words Monnie, Gypsy and VR. Monnie please know that I know you would never crucify me. I have wonderful life and have had a wonderful life for last 29 years. I woke up this morning and my first thought was why did you post the most personal thing in your life on the Internet???? I had a crappy day yesterday. This story was on the news and radio all day. My husband was reading Rolling Stone last night and didn't want me to read the story. This story in particular hurt me to the core. My experience was much different from Jackie's. I'm going to tell it in hopes it helps at least one woman to call the police and go to the hospital. The week I was raped there was a huge news story being told all over the county about a woman who recanted her rape after the man had spent a long time in prison. I also feared I would not be believed.

I was 26 and living by myself in a nice apartment on the second floor. The man who raped me broke into my apartment in the middle of the night. I did not wake up until he was standing over me. He had a stocking over his head and the room was dark. I didn't know who he was but tried to get him to talk to see if I recognised his voice. I didn't. I tried to fight at first. The more I fought, the more violent he became. He told me if I continued to fight he would kill me. He told me over and over again how easy it would be for him to break my neck. I was certain he would kill me. I prayed I would live long enough to see my family one last time. He gaged me so i could talk or scream. I could still talk and scream anyway but then he would get more violent.

I called the police immediately after he left even though he told me he would come back and kill me if I did. The operator kept me on the phone and tried to calm me down until the police arrived. I was terrified it was the attacker coming back. She told me it was the police and it was safe to open the door. The police officers and paramedics were wonderful. I was hysterical. They had to strap my hands and body down in the stretcher. This made me feel like the attacker could get me. Totally irrational, I know. There were lots of officers with me. The paramedic held my hand from the time they strapped it down until they handed me off to the doctor at the hospital because I told him it would make me feel safer.

Once I arrived at the hospital they took me to a private room in the emergency room. They had a rape counselor waiting for me. It was obvious she had just gotten out of bed. She was wonderful. She held my hand and talked to me the whole time. The doctors and nurses explained everything they would do before and again while they performed the rape kit. They let my parents see me as soon as they were finished but kept checking to see if they had arrived for me. A detective and a couple officer came in to ask if I would meet with them on Monday. I wanted to tell them everything then because I was so terrified I'd forget something that could help them. I remember hearing the nurses say to each other that they prayed someday I would forget some of this. It was 4:00 am on a Saturday morning when I left the hospital. I met with the detectives on Monday and they told me they felt it was someone obsessed with me.

I lived in the same apartment for 11 months after the attack. It was pure hell but I was told I was probably safer there because they had put flyers up in the surrounding building about what had happened. The police met me in the parking lot anytime I came home after 10:00 PM and walked me to my apartment, they also checked the apartment. They never made me foolish for calling and told me many times how brave I was. I think they knew how weak I felt because they always told me I was brave and strong. The man who did this to me was never found.

I was saw a couselor for a year which helped me tremendously. It took a few years before I really felt safe again.

I sincerely hope this will make someone going thru this feel less afraid to call the police and go to the hospital.

Packrat, if you read this, please tell your husband thank you for me. I sure he has probably helped someone in a similar position.

I feel so unbelievably strong right now!
TC..I was thinking about what you said about her friends and herself even, not putting herself and her health and wellbeing above the school..

(and now just deleted everything I had written and will go a different route b/c I'm quite certain it would not be well met)

My experience was 25 years ago. I don't know how different things are now. A rape allegation is met w/suspicion. And you have, in my case, a 15 year old girl who was scared and confused and embarrassed and felt like her head was spinning-being pummeled w/questions that near as she could figure made her out to either be a liar, or a slut, rather than a 15 year old virgin who still can't believe that her friend would do that to her. And maybe b/c he was her friend...maybe that's not really rape? It's not like he was a complete stranger..self doubt that sets in...And you do what's right, b/c even at 15 you KNOW what's right and what happened, you take everything you're feeling and put it in a tiny little box in the back of your mind and throw away the key and you go on w/your life, you turn your cheek to the stares and pretend you don't hear people talking..or laughing. You've dealt w/the indignities of a rape kit, people poking and prodding at you, the medical personnel, the law enforcement, and then into the legal aspects, all of these people with the same questions, the looks on some of *their* faces that you try to convince yourself really aren't sneering at you or raising their eyebrows in disbelief. You have to deal with all of that, and more. And eventually...he's found guilty of a simple charge that requires no penalties. No jail time, no registering w/any services. some ways, I can see her point of view. In some ways, why should she care, if nobody else does, you know? If she's going to put herself thru all that and end up w/no justice..yeah, in some ways, I can't blame her. In other ways I think, you know, that's a step back for those of us who did try to stand up for ourselves legally.

Who knows, maybe being so public about it, doing it her way, circumventing the very justice system that will probably show her no justice, will be a benefit in the long run.
Oh Calliecake, how awful. I have tears in my eyes; I'm so sorry. I hadn't read your other post before I made mine. You were and are very brave.

It's not that I don't feel compassion and sympathy for Jackie at UVA (because she didn't report the rape when it occurred). I do, as well as outrage at her perpetrators and university administration. But I have equal outrage for the fact that she and her friends were groomed by their parents long before the good-looking frat boy groomed Jackie into thinking this was a legit date. They were groomed to believe that it was important to fit into the misogynist culture of this school and that outing this illegal behavior would be social suicide. Why??? Because it was a bunch of future mover and shaker frat boys and she and her friends were brought up to believe you don't tell on that kind of boy.
Oh Callie......there really are no words. Hug: ((((((Calliecake)))))) I'm not often moved to tears by the story of someone I don't know at all, but this has done it. You are so brave and strong.

Men who attack women are pure cowards (among many, many other words which I can't write here) because they target only those smaller and physically weaker (usually) than themselves. Can you imagine an attacker trying to do that to someone his own size? People like this aren't human because they have no humanity. They're just a pathetic collection of cells. I'd call him an animal, except that would be an insult to animals.
