
Do you still remember your first car? what yr/type?

Wow, a walk down memory lane! I got my first car for my senior yr of high school, fall of 1988. It was a 1980 tan/dull-gold Buick Century. The fabric was pulling away from the interior roof. It stalled every time I came to a complete stop - until the engine warmed up after 10 minutes and then it was fine. I tried to wash it once. The dull gold paint color looked the same way whether dirty or clean.

Ah, those were the days.

'67 Meteor...old family car, shared with two sisters. It was nicknamed the "green bomb"! Never failed.

First car I "bought" was a new GOLD Trans Am. '81. You bet! Loved that baby. My Dad bought me winter tires and a car starter--had a warm car and safely travelled home in the winter after working 12 hours nights as a new (nursing) grad.

Great memories.

azstonie|1479340433|4099484 said:
monarch64|1479333112|4099445 said:
A white 1979 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Ha. My dad bought it from his banker's wife, brought it home and told me it was that or nothing because I wouldn't be able to wrap that giant thing around a tree. It was a beautiful boat of a car, and she rarely even moved it out of the garage so it was pristine, but it was sooooo not cool. One of my classmates' father bought her the same thing, in black. We were ridiculously uncool together. :lol:

Oh, but think of what you did with all that ROOOOOOOM, Ms. Monnie!!!! :naughty: :love: :appl: :lol: :lol: :lol:

HAHAHA! You're funny, AZ! I never took advantage of that car's spacious interior. And now I'm sad that I didn't. :wall: :lol:
kenny|1479333510|4099447 said:
In 1980 I bought a Chevy Vega for, IIRC, $75.
What a pile of crap. :knockout:

Burned more oil than gas.
The roof leaked.
A door fell off.

But I shouldn't complain.
What do you expect for $75?
Plus, I sold it a year later for $75.

THIS is awesome. I literally laughed out loud.
Very similar to Kenny I guess. My first car was a Pontiac Astre. I think a 73-74. Turns out it was a rare Canadian edition. Cost $200? Lasted maybe 8 months. Bought in 1980? I had to drive around with a spare battery too.

azstonie|1479331001|4099422 said:
tyty333|1479315462|4099305 said:
I had a 1982 Toyota Starlet (Blue)...and as azstonie said it was a tin can with wheels. You had to pull this little button out to
engage the choke. It was rated as 54 miles to the gallon hwy. That's back when gas prices were really high. Everything was manual,
windows, locks, AC :eek: ...but it ran well. Once I graduated from college and saved some money I bought a Mazada
RX-7. Loved that car...Kept it for 10 years or so until I got pregnant with my first child. Hated to get rid of it...we were best buds!

Tyty, lol, we survived!!!! Your next car, the RX7, was my dream car but I could only come up with a 626. I still miss that 626.

Yes, luckily I never got in an accident with the Starlet...a 15mph fender bender would probably have totaled it! :lol: These days all
I can think about when my kids start driving is that I want them in one of the safest cars possible...certainly not a tin can! :nono:

My Father who had to commute about a 2 hour round trip to the Pentagon every day also drove one (Red)...he survived too!
My Starlet was silver =) I once drove it from Northern California all the way to Los Angeles. The stupidity of youth!!!!
I had a 2-door scarlet red '92 Toyota Tercel manual. It was the "upgraded" version. It had a clock and rims. Seriously... that was the upgrade. :shifty: :lol: :lol:

I loved that car!
1974 chevy vega, had to carry oil with me everywhere.

1968 Camaro, used, but in peak condition. Bought it in 1973. Looked exactly like the picture.

I'm a big Camaro fan. Do you still own this car?
Alas no. We sold it for a reason I can no longer remember and I don't remember what we bought to replace it.

That car is worth a fortune now!
79 Plymouth horizon.
My first car was a Honda Civic. Bought new with a 5 year car loan. She was white and had a blue pinstripe (got that extra for free ha ha). I loved her, every Saturday I washed and polished her. I called her Kanga as in Kangaroo cos it took me a while to drive smoothly a manual. I had learnt to drive on an automatic. My father would joke that Ill wash the duco off. When I bought my first apartment, that had no parking AND I needed every $$$ I could gather, seeing I was so sad selling Kanga to a stranger, he bought her so my mother, sister and I could use her. I kept up the washing and cleaning! We had Kanga 21 years. When we finally sold her I remember the new owner saying “how is this car still so new looking? Amazing!”
1971 Toyota Corona and the next car I had was a Datsun 200B.
My brother's hand-me-down 1977 Camaro. He got it brand new with a bow on top.

First car I purchased was a white Honda Civic. Only "fancy" option was a/c. I even bought the radio aftermarket. I used to keep a small rag in the car and dust if off as I drove. :lol-2: That sure as sh*t doesn't happen today!
1988 Red Corolla. I named him Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I loved that car. :)
Given that this is a security question for so many websites that would be less easy to uncover than city of birth, etc., I'll enjoy the stories but abstain from listing mine here.
Of course, it was an old style Mini Cooper, 1.3i, British Racing Green.

I had her from new for 6 years and traded her in for my current car back in 2002, a new new MINI Cooper in a custom paint job.

DK :))

As a MINI enthusiast, I’d love to see your current MINI wearing its custom coat!

I got 2003 Cooper in late 2002. It was “Velvet Red” (hence my VRBeauty moniker) with a black top. What a rush it was driving the MINI in those early days! I went to s MINI gathering in Las Vegas which included a group ride down the strip - over 100 MINIS on parade. I had to give The Beauty up a few years ago, but as it happens, my new hubby owns a 2009 MINI Clubman JCW, so I still get to enjoy the MINI experience!
I got my Grandma's 1994 Pontiac Sunbird. It was adequate, no more and no less
As a MINI enthusiast, I’d love to see your current MINI wearing its custom coat!

I got 2003 Cooper in late 2002. It was “Velvet Red” (hence my VRBeauty moniker) with a black top. What a rush it was driving the MINI in those early days! I went to s MINI gathering in Las Vegas which included a group ride down the strip - over 100 MINIS on parade. I had to give The Beauty up a few years ago, but as it happens, my new hubby owns a 2009 MINI Clubman JCW, so I still get to enjoy the MINI experience!

Sadly the Countryman had been returned and I am now MINIless, as I needed to get rid of the finance in order to get my campervan.

DK :))
Sadly the Countryman had been returned and I am now MINIless, as I needed to get rid of the finance in order to get my campervan.

DK :))

Totally understood.

I had a 1973 Ford Maverick. 3 speed manual, shifter on the steering column.
I could smoke a cigarette, drink a cup of coffee and shift that bad boy all at once while driving too fast. What a menace to the road. Not sure how I survived the 80's!40A96112-5B75-4DA2-A788-BE86B624B6C6.jpeg
@VRBeauty here you go, my two MINIs side by side, shortly after I got the Countryman in 2017 and before the Cooper was scrapped :cry2: :


DK :))
I didn't get my license until 1999 and then my dad surprised me with a 1987 Toyota Camry. He found it at a junk yard and fixed it up (spent $900 total). It was slow but it was mine! Unfortunately some A-holes stole it off my college campus two months later. Super sad since my dad practically rebuilt the entire car.
Never forget my first car

What a ridiculous question DF!!!

My memory is perfect.
I remember EVERY single detail of.....wait what were we talking about again??
A 1966 Red Mini, which I hated and only kept for a month.
My first car was a little '89 black Honda civic SI hatchback (stick shift). I thought I was so cool, I even got personalized plates!
@VRBeauty here you go, my two MINIs side by side, shortly after I got the Countryman in 2017 and before the Cooper was scrapped :cry2: :


DK :))

I love that turquoise roof! Are both the Cooper and the Countryman chili red? If so, the different roof colors sure affect how you see the red!

I have to admit I cried more than a little when they took my MINI away. It was such a fun car to drive!
I love that turquoise roof! Are both the Cooper and the Countryman chili red? If so, the different roof colors sure affect how you see the red!

I have to admit I cried more than a little when they took my MINI away. It was such a fun car to drive!

The roofs should have be lime green!

The Cooper was a paint job, whereas the Countryman was vinyl wrapped.

I guess the vibrancy of the Ford Signal Green (yup, the colour has a name) paint had diminished over time when the photo was taken (she was 14y old), whereas the vinyl was newly applied.

Although the Countryman was a very nice car being an ALL4, she did not give me as much joy to drive as the Cooper. Perhaps I was just more connected with the Cooper after having her for all these years.

I may get another MINI in future if they bring out a hybrid. Not keen on the current electric model due to the short range.

DK :))