
Do you still remember your first car? what yr/type?

Off course! (I love cars.. ) A 1988 Mercedes Benz 190E 2.3. that I bought (not new) when I turned 18. I loved that car, started to cry when it died on me a few years ago after a long life together :oops: :halo: . Oh such a nice sound from that engine!
A red VW Polo 1990 that I bought new (with help from my lovely parents) at the start of my first job. I was so proud of that car even though it was so basic it didn't have as much as a radio in it! It had a teeny engine, something like 1.1 L so it didn't go very fast either. There was just something so freeing about being able to go anywhere I wanted, whenever I wanted. Such simple pleasure.......
Of course, it was an old style Mini Cooper, 1.3i, British Racing Green.

I had her from new for 6 years and traded her in for my current car back in 2002, a new new MINI Cooper in a custom paint job.

DK :))
Yup! It was 1986 and my first car was a used 1980 Toyota Tercel. It was beige and it was so ugly. But it was mine and I loved it, it meant freedom!
Baby powder blue Toyota Tercel. Cannot remember the year though. The AC died the following year and I was living in the scorching South at that time.
In 1987, I got a 1974 camaro. Had to crawl in the window cuz the door didn't open. Now we have a bunch of muscle cars that are fully operational!
A blue 1989 Chevy Z24, it was eight years old when I bought it and boy did I think I was the ish. Someone stole it shortly after I bought it and left it in the rain with all the windows down. I got it back a week later but it leaked oil constantly after that. Still will always have fond memories of that one.
It was a 1976 or 1977 Mercury Bobcat. Silver with blue pinstriping. I loved that little car. Unfortunately it later turned out that that model wasn't very safe...exploding gas tanks :((
Dancing Fire|1479280251|4099196 said:
Never forget my first car (in 1976) it was a hand me down 1963 Oldsmobile Delta 88 from my older brother,talk about power brakes. The first time I drove the car I barely tap on the brakes and my head almost went through the windshield. .. :eek:

1974 Oldsmobile Omega, brown, my parents gave it to me in 78 when they bought a new car, loved i, I sill remember the NY plates! My brothers had raced it at drag racing venues in upstate NY and one of my brothers had sideswipped a car and it was smashed up on the drivers passenger side, but it is and always will be my favorite car.
A 1981 Toyota Starlet :lol: :lol: :lol: A tuna can on wheels, thank God I was never in a wreck with it. It was 1981, I'd just graduated from college. 19% interest rate on loan, standard at the time :eek: Manual transmission, took me some time to learn and some tears too, with my dad yelling at me as I went from neutral to first and killed it :lol:
1968 Camaro, used, but in peak condition. Bought it in 1973. Looked exactly like the picture.

A 1988 Ford Tempo. What a piece of you know what! I've only owned Toyota since. I had a used Toyota Camry for a while but it was very used and I *upgraded* to a new Toyota Corolla when my work commute became long. Had that over 14 years! It's been a year since it was totaled and I still miss it.
In 1980, dad bought me a 1968 Dodge Dart, four door.
It was a tank!!
No power brakes, no power steering, no A/C, nuthin'!!!
I sure wish I had that car back.....
How could I forgot??? Brown Toyota Corolla KE30 1978. I got my licence in 1986 and bought it by my own money. It served me well.
I had a 1982 Toyota Starlet (Blue)...and as azstonie said it was a tin can with wheels. You had to pull this little button out to
engage the choke. It was rated as 54 miles to the gallon hwy. That's back when gas prices were really high. Everything was manual,
windows, locks, AC :eek: ...but it ran well. Once I graduated from college and saved some money I bought a Mazada
RX-7. Loved that car...Kept it for 10 years or so until I got pregnant with my first child. Hated to get rid of it...we were best buds!
ringo865|1479304869|4099258 said:
In 1987, I got a 1974 camaro. Had to crawl in the window cuz the door didn't open. Now we have a bunch of muscle cars that are fully operational!
I am a big Camaro fan. I have owned three 1970 RS/Z28 and one 1975. The red 1975 was mine and the yellow 69 SS/RS belonged to my then GF now wife.

Matata|1479312513|4099295 said:
1968 Camaro, used, but in peak condition. Bought it in 1973. Looked exactly like the picture.
That is a beautiful 68 SS Camaro!

I bought a 1985 Red Ford Mustang, brand spanking new. I loved it.

The first car I ever rode in was a two-door Pontiac coupe, from about 1939, which I recall as gray-black. I was an infant and then a toddler, small enough to rest comfortably on the deep shelf behind the single bench seat. Then my parents had a 1949 red Ford sedan, for many years the most common model on the road. In 1953, my father bought his first new car, a two-tone blue sedan, another Ford.

The first car I bought for myself -- and drove all of three times in one year -- was a used white Subaru hatchback, about 1987 vintage. Using it so infrequently, I got rid of it at the end of the year and saved the insurance and garage fees. I now have a Zipcar subscription, just in case, but haven't used it in years.
Matata, Your car was a dream car when I was growing up!!!!
tyty333|1479315462|4099305 said:
I had a 1982 Toyota Starlet (Blue)...and as azstonie said it was a tin can with wheels. You had to pull this little button out to
engage the choke. It was rated as 54 miles to the gallon hwy. That's back when gas prices were really high. Everything was manual,
windows, locks, AC :eek: ...but it ran well. Once I graduated from college and saved some money I bought a Mazada
RX-7. Loved that car...Kept it for 10 years or so until I got pregnant with my first child. Hated to get rid of it...we were best buds!

Tyty, lol, we survived!!!! Your next car, the RX7, was my dream car but I could only come up with a 626. I still miss that 626.
Matata, what a sweet ride!!! You must have been fending the guys off left and right too! :D :love: :appl:
azstonie|1479311941|4099290 said:
A 1981 Toyota Starlet :lol: :lol: :lol: A tuna can on wheels, thank God I was never in a wreck with it. It was 1981, I'd just graduated from college. 19% interest rate on loan, standard at the time :eek: Manual transmission, took me some time to learn and some tears too, with my dad yelling at me as I went from neutral to first and killed it :lol:


I've never even heard of the Starlet!

My first car was a 1991 Volkwagon Jetta Champage. Second hand and manual. And I didn't drive a manual either. My step dad had me sit in it for hours on end. With it off, just practicing shifting. Was a stress case and wouldn't let me turn the car on.

Then my dad (my real one) decided to take over and was very zen about the whole thing. He sat in the car and said, "Go."

I was like.... UMMMM. I don't know what I am doing. And he was like "it's not rocket science, you have the basics, just go."

And he was right. Only took me 1 hour to get comfortable. All because he was calm about it.
Good going, Gypsy!!!! (I had exactly 2 lessons, both big on yelling from my dad, and I went to a local driving school and with stranger I had it in an hour lesson :lol: :D)

Now I prefer manual but not in gridlock Phoenix commute traffic.
My husband and I had a1973 Volkswagen Super Beetle, bought in 1974. We had an additional 'gas heater' installed, as the heating/defrosting in winter was abysmal. "Betsy" was orange and looked like a big pumpkin. The kids all waved to us on Halloween!
A white 1979 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Ha. My dad bought it from his banker's wife, brought it home and told me it was that or nothing because I wouldn't be able to wrap that giant thing around a tree. It was a beautiful boat of a car, and she rarely even moved it out of the garage so it was pristine, but it was sooooo not cool. One of my classmates' father bought her the same thing, in black. We were ridiculously uncool together. :lol:
In 1980 I bought a Chevy Vega for, IIRC, $75.
What a pile of crap. :knockout:

Burned more oil than gas.
The roof leaked.
A door fell off.

But I shouldn't complain.
What do you expect for $75?
Plus, I sold it a year later for $75.
monarch64|1479333112|4099445 said:
A white 1979 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. Ha. My dad bought it from his banker's wife, brought it home and told me it was that or nothing because I wouldn't be able to wrap that giant thing around a tree. It was a beautiful boat of a car, and she rarely even moved it out of the garage so it was pristine, but it was sooooo not cool. One of my classmates' father bought her the same thing, in black. We were ridiculously uncool together. :lol:

Oh, but think of what you did with all that ROOOOOOOM, Ms. Monnie!!!! :naughty: :love: :appl: :lol: :lol: :lol: