
Do You Send Christmas Cards?

Oh, forgot to answer the question, do I send cards?

Hellz no. Doesn't stop people from sending us cards, though. Down to about 4 thick relatives.

One, my aunt, sends a collage of her and her sons through the year. Dozens of pictures. We're NEVER in it. She spends all her holidays with us, and there are even pictures of my table setting. There are pictures of her dog. Her favorite flowers. Her in-laws and relatives. But we're on year 30 now, and we haven't seen our faces once.

But that's okay, she doesn't show her DH's (my uncle's) face either.

She's a trip. :sick:
I do send Christmas cards every year and include a poem I've written rather than a Christmas letter. I've now done the poem for about 25 years. Sometimes it's an update about us, sometimes it's about something bigger (Sept. 11 caused 2001's to be quite reflective), sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. People seem to enjoy getting them and I get a lot of comments about them so I've kept doing it even when it's a hassle. Several people have even told me they stopped sending Christmas cards to everyone but us because they want to make sure they keep getting the poem!

We don't have a lot of special holiday traditions, but the poem is one. It's fun to go back through and read the ones from years and years ago.
I just started last year. I ended up sending about 90 and got a really great response from people I sent them to. I am awaiting this years card. It should come this week, and hopefully I'll get them out by the weekend.
I stopped gifting any cards at all after the birth of my second child. All the hassle of personalizing each card, addressing, dropping off at the P.O., cost of stamps, and I often wonder how many trees were killed to make all those cards. In return, all the cards I receive end up in the trash so I know those cards I mail probably ended up with the same fate, thus cards are "wasted" in my mind. Don't get me wrong - I think sending and receiving cards tells both parties that they are thought of and loved but there must be better ways to communicate this.
I get cards and pictures and send a photo card of the boys.
rainwood|1354495577|3320875 said:
I do send Christmas cards every year and include a poem I've written rather than a Christmas letter. I've now done the poem for about 25 years. Sometimes it's an update about us, sometimes it's about something bigger (Sept. 11 caused 2001's to be quite reflective), sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. People seem to enjoy getting them and I get a lot of comments about them so I've kept doing it even when it's a hassle. Several people have even told me they stopped sending Christmas cards to everyone but us because they want to make sure they keep getting the poem!

We don't have a lot of special holiday traditions, but the poem is one. It's fun to go back through and read the ones from years and years ago.

Rainwood, that is funny you write a Christmas poem every year too. I've done one now for 22 years. Some year's it's been tough to write one only because I'll have people tell me they are looking forward to my poem. Then the pressure is on! It's nice to know our efforts are appreciated. I have a friend who is getting a blank piece of Christmas stationary this year though. I've sent her a card for 2 years now. The first year they did a dirty word search and sent it back and last year they made smart aleck comments and put it in their Christmas card.
It is nice to see so many people send family pictures.

iLander, maybe you'll make this year's edition of your aunt's photos.
We take a professional family portrait every year so I like to showcase the photos to family and friends w/ annual holiday cards. It's something we like to do to keep in touch w/ others the old fashioned way!
marcy|1354498155|3320916 said:
It is nice to see so many people send family pictures.

iLander, maybe you'll make this year's edition of your aunt's photos.

Doubt it. :roll:

And when she visits she takes tons of pics of us. It's not like there's no material.
Haha - so funny to hear the different opinions! :)

I'm the crazy person who loves all holidays and will wear a Santa hat to work (I have numerous ones - including pink, animal print, etc). I feel it's about the spirit of happiness, not necessarily religion or obligation. I have cut down our present list to just immediate family to ease the stress, and make up for it by sending out our annual photo card with pictures of us (and now the two dogs). I love getting photo cards from family and friends, and keep them. In fact, we have all of our cards up from last year on our magnetic board in the kitchen. We do a card exchange with a dog club we're in and it's so fun receiving the cards!

This year's card is especially ridiculous, since we did a "awkward family pet portrait" photo shoot last year for charity! :) We get many happy responses to the cards, so I know they're appreciated. And even if they aren' brought me pleasure to send them out! I kinda force the spirit on people... LOL :naughty:
iLander, at least she takes pictures of you guys.

Webdiva, very going point that it makes you happy to send out your cards and photos.
marcy|1354500824|3320951 said:
iLander, at least she takes pictures of you guys.

Webdiva, very going point that it makes you happy to send out your cards and photos.

That's what I don't get. :confused: She and my uncle are happily married. She doesn't use his pics either. About year 25, I said to her "So, are we ever going to see ourselves in your holiday collage?" (because after 25 years, I couldn't hold back the curiousity any longer) and she just looked at me, blinked, then changed the subject. I'm starting to think that unless someone has a direct bloodline to her (her sons, her brothers), they don't get in the collage. But then there is her dog and her pets . . . butterflies . . . paintings at art shows that she likes . . . her shed . . . a yard ornament . . .

It's just weird.
iLander, if you still have it you should take her card from last year, photoshop yourselves (and her DH) in, print that out and send it to her as your card for this year. If you dont have last years card, save this years for next year.
VapidLapid|1354501622|3320966 said:
iLander, if you still have it you should take her card from last year, photoshop yourselves (and her DH) in, print that out and send it to her as your card for this year. If you dont have last years card, save this years for next year.

Lol! :lol: That's sooooo mean . . .

But I like it! :Up_to_something:

Did you see my post about your awesome cards?
I've always sent out Christmas cards, but the list has grown smaller and smaller every year. Now, I prefer to only sent to other who also send cards (make the effort) and relatives who've made a good point to remember my boys' birthdays. There is one relative I have who sends us cards for EVERYTHING. She even sent us Halloween and Thanksgiving cards. Little thoughts like that make a huge impression on me and my kids!
No. I will when the kids are a little older though, we'll take family photos and send those as cards. Too much work and effort right now with 2 kids under two.
I do send Christmas cards, and have most years since moving out of my parents' house when I was 18. I used to dislike photo cards, thinking they were so formulated and impersonal, but I ordered 50 this year because we took some great holiday photos that were useable. I'm not happy with how they turned out, but I don't feel like messing with a "re-do" at this point and think it's a live-and-learn situation, so I'll send them anyway. I have a stash of holiday greeting cards I'll send to close friends and family and write personal messages, in total, I'll send about 85 out. I wish a stamp still cost $.25 instead of $.45!!!

I LOVE receiving holiday cards, and I really hope people don't stop sending them. Some we receive are exceptionally beautiful, and/or handmade or handwritten, and those are very special. I have kept special correspondence from certain relatives in hopes that someday my children will peruse them and read things that relatives they never got to meet or knew for a short time, wrote. Since actual postal mail/handwritten correspondence seems to be on the wane, everything personal that comes through our mailbox is saved. Heck, I hear even cursive writing is going away...
monarch64|1354510832|3321082 said:
I do send Christmas cards, and have most years since moving out of my parents' house when I was 18. I used to dislike photo cards, thinking they were so formulated and impersonal, but I ordered 50 this year because we took some great holiday photos that were useable. I'm not happy with how they turned out, but I don't feel like messing with a "re-do" at this point and think it's a live-and-learn situation, so I'll send them anyway. I have a stash of holiday greeting cards I'll send to close friends and family and write personal messages, in total, I'll send about 85 out. I wish a stamp still cost $.25 instead of $.45!!!

I LOVE receiving holiday cards, and I really hope people don't stop sending them. Some we receive are exceptionally beautiful, and/or handmade or handwritten, and those are very special. I have kept special correspondence from certain relatives in hopes that someday my children will peruse them and read things that relatives they never got to meet or knew for a short time, wrote. Since actual postal mail/handwritten correspondence seems to be on the wane, everything personal that comes through our mailbox is saved. Heck, I hear even cursive writing is going away...

Monarch, what a wonderful idea to save notes from relatives for future generations to enjoy. It's such a unique way to get to know or remember those who are no longer with us.
Thank you all for such wonderful perspectives on the importance of keeping in touch with those who have touched our lives yet we don't talk to them or see them every day.

Many of you mention pictures and photo Christmas cards and how nice they are to receive. I might have to go get some photos made of our vacation this year to include in our cards.

Thanks for the inspiration and motivation to make my cards more personal this year. :wavey:
marcy|1354512818|3321105 said:
monarch64|1354510832|3321082 said:
I do send Christmas cards, and have most years since moving out of my parents' house when I was 18. I used to dislike photo cards, thinking they were so formulated and impersonal, but I ordered 50 this year because we took some great holiday photos that were useable. I'm not happy with how they turned out, but I don't feel like messing with a "re-do" at this point and think it's a live-and-learn situation, so I'll send them anyway. I have a stash of holiday greeting cards I'll send to close friends and family and write personal messages, in total, I'll send about 85 out. I wish a stamp still cost $.25 instead of $.45!!!

I LOVE receiving holiday cards, and I really hope people don't stop sending them. Some we receive are exceptionally beautiful, and/or handmade or handwritten, and those are very special. I have kept special correspondence from certain relatives in hopes that someday my children will peruse them and read things that relatives they never got to meet or knew for a short time, wrote. Since actual postal mail/handwritten correspondence seems to be on the wane, everything personal that comes through our mailbox is saved. Heck, I hear even cursive writing is going away...

Monarch, what a wonderful idea to save notes from relatives for future generations to enjoy. It's such a unique way to get to know or remember those who are no longer with us.

Well, I can't take credit entirely for that idea. My mother saved letters from her mom and grandmother, and other relatives, over the years and my brother and I never got the chance to meet any of those people, so we have all of that correspondence to go through whenever we like. It's nice, it makes us feel like we "knew" them a little. My parents are in their early 70's now, and my niece and daughter might never really get to know my parents as they all get older. So, I like to think I am preserving a part of them and their personalities for later. If my daughter ever says to me (for example), "tell me more about grandma/grandpa," I can show her her/his letters, and tell her stories. Same with Christmas cards. Marcy, I think including notes in cards is really valuable. There are certainly folks out there who appreciate it. ;))
I am super excited to send out nearly 100 cards this year, our first Christmas as a married couple. I ordered personalized cards from Pear Tree Greetings with a photo from our first dance.

Last year, I think I sent out fewer than 20 and received fewer than 10.
I don't send them anymore...and it's awesome!! I do pass them out at the office, but other than that, no mas. I do appreciate seeing everyone's kids on the ones that I receive! Especially from those people that I don't see on FB or in person anymore.
We do but only about 20-25 to friends and family. A photo collage of our kids primarily. I've gotten feedback people enjoy receiving them (watching them grow up). I have a larger circle of artist friends, that I don't send cards to because they wouldn't be interested in pictures of my kids, but it would be nice to keep in touch. Sometimes I think I should make 2 kinds of cards, one personalized with photos for extended family, and a seperate one that is handmade and artistic (like a little gift) for the rest. Maybe in a few years I'll segue to that, and just slip in photos in the cards for the relatives.
Yes, I send holiday cards. This year is the first time I'm getting photo cards made. I've always preferred handwritten cards and actually did write a note in ALL the cards I send. The steady count is 84 cards. I just ordered 90 and will HOPEFULLY make it out in time. I bought stamps for all the holiday cards, over $100 in stamps! OUCH!
Monarch, that is a great tradition in your family.

Thanks everyone for sharing your Christmas card stories. :wavey:
We don't send out Christmas cards because we don't celebrate the holiday, but I love receiving cards with actual handwritten notes inside. We get a lot of photo cards and holiday cards that people just sign, and while those are nice, the ones I cherish are the ones where people actually write something inside.
I send out cards every year. I used to knit holiday sweaters for my two sons (cable or fair isle theme), and then photograph my children wearing them. But this year I didn't have enough time to finish the knitting. I love sending out cards and receiving them. I figure if I have time to lurk on this board, I have time to spend an evening writing the cards and addressing them. I don't send out many though, around 40-45 max.
I still do, but the list is shrinking. I'm probably down to less than 20.
Vapid, I love your hand printed stuff. I took typography in school and learned how to hand set and print and your cards reminded me of some of the final projects of people in my class.
I send them to family, but my friends are generally in their 20s (I'm 28) and don't send cards so I don't send them to friends. But I do make something and give cards to ALL my coworkers - last year I made like 600 m-and-m pretzel things and gave cards to probably 50 coworkers at both jobs.
I enjoy sending the Christmas cards because for a lot of the family members I send them to, it's our only communication throughout the year and I like making sure they know I'm thinking about all of them, even if we don't see each other! :appl:
Last week I received a Christmas card from a friend that I know only through our on-line interactions and occasional snail mail correspondence. The fact that she'd been battling cancer was evident in her signature and the handwritten address on the envelope. Today I got word that she passed away this weekend. I am humbled beyond words that she would have used some of her precious energy, at the end of her life, to let me know that she was thinking of me.

I think I mentioned earlier that I used to send out a fair number of Christmas cards, but haven't made time for it in the past few years. I'm re-thinking that now. Done right, it is a fairly easy way to let people that you love or remember fondly know that you're thinking of them. Besides, I used to enjoy those evenings that I set aside to write and address my cards - with the Christmas music playing, candles lit, and the whole shebang. I don't think I can do it this year, but next year I might be sending out those cards again.