
Do you like Eggnogs?

Honestly, I can't even remember the last time that I had eggnog, so I have no idea what it tastes like :lol:
Well...I got out my holiday three-ring binder and have refreshed my memory about eggnog recipes. Although I did not make many of them, I did, at one time, collect a number of them. I have a lot of recipes for coconut flavored eggnogs and notes about how to turn other eggnogs into coconut eggnogs in my book since I like coconut so much. I see notes saying that coquito, made with coconut milk and cream and condensed milk, has a very different consistency from traditional eggnog, however.

The eggnog I tried, though not called coquito, was made with coconut milk, coconut cream, and sweetened condensed milk. My notes about how it turned out say it reminded me of coconut pudding but but that it didn't have the consistency of egg nog that I liked.

There are also the eggnogs made with eggs and the eggnogs made with instant puddings. Those seem to be the two main types.

I do not make eggnog with alcohol although guests are welcome to spike their own drinks.

AGBF|1418771689|3802549 said:
Well...I got out my holiday three-ring binder and have refreshed my memory about eggnog recipes. Although I did not make many of them, I did, at one time, collect a number of them. I have a lot of recipes for coconut flavored eggnogs and notes about how to turn other eggnogs into coconut eggnogs in my book since I like coconut so much. I see notes saying that coquito, made with coconut milk and cream and condensed milk, has a very different consistency from traditional eggnog, however.

The eggnog I tried, though not called coquito, was made with coconut milk, coconut cream, and sweetened condensed milk. My notes about how it turned out say it reminded me of coconut pudding but but that it didn't have the consistency of egg nog that I liked.

There are also the eggnogs made with eggs and the eggnogs made with instant puddings. Those seem to be the two main types.

I do not make eggnog with alcohol although guests are welcome to spike their own drinks.

What was different about the consistency? I wonder if there is a way to add something to make it more similar to a regular eggnog?

While googling recipes I found quite a few for coquito which really piqued my interest. But I would be disappointed if it were not similar to regular eggnog.
I really don't know whether I care for eggnog or not, because I've never tried it. I think I saw a container of it in my parents' fridge once when I was little (waaay up on the highest shelf) but I seriously never even wanted to try it .
I didn't grow up with it, but I have definitely been to peoples' homes who serve it and I've abstained. It's the smell.

I'm still not gonna try it. :whistle: Ever.
Don't like the smell. Haven't been brave enough to try it.

Speaking of the smell, I was warned about that when I worked at Starbucks. I ended up leaving after only 9 months so was lucky enough to never have to be in the store for eggnog season. The other employees were already talking about it and dreading it a couple of months before it was brought in. The smell when steaming it is apparently even worse than the cold stuff :eek:
That's what I'm saying, TP! The odor. I can call it to mind and to olfactory just thinking about it!

I'm also one of those weirdos who doesn't eat cilantro (although I grow it!) because it tastes like soap to me.
monarch64|1418885434|3803440 said:
That's what I'm saying, TP! The odor. I can call it to mind and to olfactory just thinking about it!

I'm also one of those weirdos who doesn't eat cilantro (although I grow it!) because it tastes like soap to me.


That is what it is! I find cilantro has a bit of an odd flavor but I've never been able to pinpoint it. Soap! That is a pretty good description.
I do cook with it sometimes because DH loves it, but it is as seldom as I can manage and never raw. If it is in something with lots of tomato or lemon I can get past the flavor.
Lactaid eggnog is REALLY good, it actually had a good egg-yolk flavor.
TooPatient|1418885820|3803444 said:
monarch64|1418885434|3803440 said:
That's what I'm saying, TP! The odor. I can call it to mind and to olfactory just thinking about it!

I'm also one of those weirdos who doesn't eat cilantro (although I grow it!) because it tastes like soap to me.


That is what it is! I find cilantro has a bit of an odd flavor but I've never been able to pinpoint it. Soap! That is a pretty good description.
I do cook with it sometimes because DH loves it, but it is as seldom as I can manage and never raw. If it is in something with lots of tomato or lemon I can get past the flavor.

LOL! My husband also loves cilantro, so I always try to grow it. What normally happens is it turns to seed (coriander, obv) quickly and we only get a couple clippings to use in salsa, soups, etc. (I'm so not mad about that!) I just read that I'm harvesting the cilantro wrong which is why it's dying or going to seed so fast. not motivated to correct my cilantro harvesting behavior... :lol: :oops:

That eggnog stuff, though. I think others nailed it--it's definitely the smell. Either it turns people on or it turns them off. Happens to turn me right the hell off.
I'll take a nice wine or neat single malt scotch instead, thanks!
monarch64|1418887641|3803458 said:
That eggnog stuff, though. I think others nailed it--it's definitely the smell. Either it turns people on or it turns them off. Happens to turn me right the hell off.

While I find this totally imcomprehensible, since I love eggnog and cannot imagine that heavenly smell turning anyone off (I also love cilantro)...I know some people love anise and licorice. I used to count the countries that used the flavor in their liqueurs because my (Italian) husband loved Sambuca which is licorice flavored. I find that flavor nauseating. I never understood why anyone would voluntarily eat Good and Plenty candy or buy licorice, let alone ruin a good batch of cookies by adding anise!

What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:
HotPozzum|1418956481|3803976 said:
What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:
Without alcohol, yes, its sweetened egg yolk and milk.
Only with alcohol does it become eggNOG.
HotPozzum|1418956481|3803976 said:
What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:

Yikes! Your posting just reminded me! There is something-a food-that is mentioned in two of Liane Moriarty's books and I haven's the slightest Idea what it is. I believe it may be something that one prepares! It was something that sounded quite strange to me. I will have to go find one of her books and look it up and then go post the word here so that you can tell me what it is!

HotPozzum|1418956481|3803976 said:
What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:

You really haven't heard of it? English and Americans make it here too, but yep it really doesn't work with our boiling hot Christmas weather.

And no, I don't do milk or raw eggs so I'll pass....
AGBF|1418962822|3804027 said:
HotPozzum|1418956481|3803976 said:
What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:

Yikes! Your posting just reminded me! There is something-a food-that is mentioned in two of Liane Moriarty's books and I haven't the slightest Idea what it is. I believe it may be something that one prepares! It was something that sounded quite strange to me. I will have to go find one of her books and look it up and then go post the word here so that you can tell me what it is!

I had to look it up on the Internet. The Australian dessert in question was a "pavlova". Apparently it has a meringue base and is topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit.


Macy's has eggnog candy this year... Super yummy!
AGBF|1418892729|3803474 said:
monarch64|1418887641|3803458 said:
That eggnog stuff, though. I think others nailed it--it's definitely the smell. Either it turns people on or it turns them off. Happens to turn me right the hell off.

While I find this totally imcomprehensible, since I love eggnog and cannot imagine that heavenly smell turning anyone off (I also love cilantro)...I know some people love anise and licorice. I used to count the countries that used the flavor in their liqueurs because my (Italian) husband loved Sambuca which is licorice flavored. I find that flavor nauseating. I never understood why anyone would voluntarily eat Good and Plenty candy or buy licorice, let alone ruin a good batch of cookies by adding anise!


Haha, oh, Deb. I LOVE Good 'n Plenty! My mother loved it and I go on a GnP kick every now and then. I used to love black licorice bites and also black jelly beans. My husband (a huge cilantro fan) is always like, "that stuff (anise/licorice candy) is DISGUSTING." :lol:

So interesting how our taste buds vary!
AGBF|1419024500|3804389 said:
AGBF|1418962822|3804027 said:
HotPozzum|1418956481|3803976 said:
What is this egg nog you all speak of? :confused: Obviously not an Aussie thing...Wait are you saying you drink raw egg with milk? :errrr:

Yikes! Your posting just reminded me! There is something-a food-that is mentioned in two of Liane Moriarty's books and I haven't the slightest Idea what it is. I believe it may be something that one prepares! It was something that sounded quite strange to me. I will have to go find one of her books and look it up and then go post the word here so that you can tell me what it is!

I had to look it up on the Internet. The Australian dessert in question was a "pavlova". Apparently it has a meringue base and is topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit.



Yes Ice cream and pavlova named after the Russian ballet dancer is a favourite here in our hot weather - think a layered meringue cake with crisp crust that is usually light and fluffy and marshmallow like in the centre drizzled with either cream or pureed berries (or both) or passionfruit and fruit. Fresh fruit like water melon, mangos, strawberries and so on, are all in season and usually on the menu as well...