
Do you let anyone try on your jewelry?

My sister that lives in Iowa is the only person in real life that is a jewelry lover like I am.
When we both were married to our ex's, they would come in for the holidays and we would switch engagement rings for the week lol. She adored mine and I adored hers. Wish I never sold that beauty.
In my inner circle? yes. people outside that? no.
Wow, fortunately I have never been asked! People around here will outright ask your salary and how much you paid for your home but not request to wear your jewelry. The only one who wants to try on my rings is my kid and I only give him the cheaper silver pieces to play with.
I just remembered a traumatic experience I had 21 years ago!

The ONLY time I went to a nail salon for a manicure (day before my wedding, 'cos one of my natural nails broke, so I had to get an acrylic). Well, as soon the manicurist sat me down, she asked if I could remove my e-ring. I thought that was standard practice since I've never had gotten professional mani-pedis, I do my own. Anyway, she proceed to try on my e-ring without my permission, and passed it around to the other manicurists to gawk and try on. I was livid! have never stepped into another nail salon since. Strangers are definitely not allowed to try on my jewelry!
Since I’ve owned Bella, only my DIL has tried it on.
Other PSers, no problem!! I trust them to be as careful with my pretties as I would be with theirs ❤️

Other people… Outside of certain family members… I imagine the answer would be yes, but I can’t envision how or where or why.

Now wanting a closer look whilst they’re still on my hands - by all means :bigsmile:
I just remembered a traumatic experience I had 21 years ago!

The ONLY time I went to a nail salon for a manicure (day before my wedding, 'cos one of my natural nails broke, so I had to get an acrylic). Well, as soon the manicurist sat me down, she asked if I could remove my e-ring. I thought that was standard practice since I've never had gotten professional mani-pedis, I do my own. Anyway, she proceed to try on my e-ring without my permission, and passed it around to the other manicurists to gawk and try on. I was livid! have never stepped into another nail salon since. Strangers are definitely not allowed to try on my jewelry!

I was admiring a friend’s emerald cut last night and she immediately popped it off and said I could try it. I had loved it for years and is one of the reasons I am getting an EC. When I had my three stone only another friend who was getting engaged ever tried it. I would let people I trust try anything but I would freak out if someone started passing my rings around!
I just remembered a traumatic experience I had 21 years ago!

The ONLY time I went to a nail salon for a manicure (day before my wedding, 'cos one of my natural nails broke, so I had to get an acrylic). Well, as soon the manicurist sat me down, she asked if I could remove my e-ring. I thought that was standard practice since I've never had gotten professional mani-pedis, I do my own. Anyway, she proceed to try on my e-ring without my permission, and passed it around to the other manicurists to gawk and try on. I was livid! have never stepped into another nail salon since. Strangers are definitely not allowed to try on my jewelry!

This would totally tick me off.
I was just outside with my neighbors the other day and I was stripping of my necklace and ring so they could see it. I have never had anyone so enthralled with my jewelry. Two neighbors want to copy my pendant that was made by Brian Gavin diamonds. They were bringing their husbands over and telling them that they want a necklace just like it. Lol. I don't mind a bit.
I had to bring this thread up again, because my views on sharing and letting my friends/family try on my jewelry have changed!!!!!

I don’t know if I’m just getting old, cranky, and my knuckles getting bigger….but I get so annoyed when the same people keep asking to try on my rings, especially if they have tried in each of my rings at least 3 times!!!!! It it getting harder for me to pull off my rings and I hate the attention I get from other people around me. Do I just shut it down and say no?
I had to bring this thread up again, because my views on sharing and letting my friends/family try on my jewelry have changed!!!!!

I don’t know if I’m just getting old, cranky, and my knuckles getting bigger….but I get so annoyed when the same people keep asking to try on my rings, especially if they have tried in each of my rings at least 3 times!!!!! It it getting harder for me to pull off my rings and I hate the attention I get from other people around me. Do I just shut it down and say no?

Yep. Apparently you aren’t old and cranky enough! :lol:
Stop feeling obligated when people put you in an uncomfortable position.
I would tell them that your knuckles are swollen and your rings are too hard to get on and off right now. Might also add that
it seems to be that way more often than not these days. Hopefully, it will make the person think twice about asking again but
not offend them.
As much as i adore everyone's rings here (blokes included) and i would love to meet some of you some day
I would never in a million years ask to try on someone else's jewlery

its like trying on someone else's undies

I never ever thought to even try on mum's jewlery till after she had deid and left it to me in her will
People don't ask to try on my rings. I think they see how fat my fingers have become and know they are not coming off! :lol-2: It ain't happening.
As much as i adore everyone's rings here (blokes included) and i would love to meet some of you some day
I would never in a million years ask to try on someone else's jewlery

its like trying on someone else's undies

I never ever thought to even try on mum's jewlery till after she had deid and left it to me in her will

That is what my reply will be from now on...."Are you sure you don't want to try on my undies instead?"

I think 98% of the time, I would not. Most of my jewellery are very sentimental and I don't want the juju to be tainted by someone else's energy. :lol:

@Demon has a good point too... it's just unsanitary!

And I know we transfer those bits and more between people all the time. Its just that having seen them and thought about them.....I couldn't not think about it.
I hope that is the case! I need to look and see what actual state law is on this now that I am older.

I think what they were saying was that since I had handed it to her, it was not her taking it without my consent. Since I handed it to her willingly, the requirements for theft were not met. (I sure hope they were wrong or that something has changed!)

Did you get it back?

If someone tried that with one of my rings I’m afraid I’d have retrieved it myself - even if I had to use the table leg as a threatening weapon!
Know the laws in your area! I had a ring taken by a friend of a friend when she took it to look at. Police wouldn't call it stolen because I handed it to her.

Oh hell no, I would have beat her down right then and there. Nobody is just walking off with my stuff. Wouldn't be able to walk after...just saying