
Divisive Tiffany Ad - Thoughts?


Oct 2, 2020
Lots of comments on IG about this ad. People either love it or hate it. I had to look this woman, Megan Rapinoe, up online. I’d never heard of her. I have mixed feelings about her and her activism. I believe in her causes, but not necessarily her methods. Anyway, I can’t say I’m a fan of the look, or that I can relate to Tiffany’s current (apparent) target audience.

I love a lot of Tiffany‘s jewelry. The company also seems to have a fairly strong environmental and human rights record. But their current ads, and a lot of their jewelry, seem to be taking a wrong turn IMO.


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i think of tiffany as stodgy, they are trying hard to signal they are more modern i guess. the ad would be better if it just said "@mrapinoe is no stranger to paving her own way" and let you find out more about her. this might sound odd but it feels a bit desperate the way they are trying to relate her activism with their jewelry.
I don't understand what the controversy is. The hair? The lack of visible clothing? The mismatched jewelery? The blurb underneath seems a bit forced. But I like the sentiment.

Edited: @bludiva exactly! Google Rapinoe and ALL the hits are about her activism.
I think it’s about time Tiffany’s showed the LGTBQIA+ community some love and also supported women’s sports other than tennis and golf. Now let’s see how else they can broaden their base. Kudos to Ms. Rapinoe for doing the ad.
I haven't heard of this lady but I much prefer her to the Kardashian that was associated with Tiffany a while back.

I was in love with the Tiffany bow cuff. Ultimately I didn't buy it. Expense was a factor but another huge factor was the fact that I didn't want to pay a fortune and be reminded of a Kardashian!
I don't understand why the ad is considered as controversial, sorry!

And I have not heard of her.

DK :))
I hadn’t thought about the lack of visible clothing. Hmm.
Seattle-ite here... I love Megan and her wife Sue Bird. The two of them are the winningest sports couple in history (!!!), and yet, no one has heard of either one. I applaud Tiffany for celebrating women who have earned their success.

Also note that this advert is for their Hardwear line, which is edgier and a bit "cheaper". It's really geared for a new demographic than their other lines (perhaps as a way to introduce younger clientele to the brand so that they'll want to upsell to the premium lines later in life). Not a bad idea.
Seattle-ite here... I love Megan and her wife Sue Bird. The two of them are the winningest sports couple in history (!!!), and yet, no one has heard of either one. I applaud Tiffany for celebrating women who have earned their success.

I hear what you’re saying. But to me this is mostly virtue signaling to sell jewelry.

Much more important is their behind-the-scenes ethics - how they treat workers throughout their supply chain and how they treat the environment. And Tiffany’s does have a much better track record and more transparency than a lot of other jewelry companies on these two fronts. Big pluses.
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There are comments like this on all of the ads that include people, and on many of the ads that just show jewelry. There are also a bunch of positive comments and customer service questions (on this one and all ads). Internet comment sections are weird, people vary.

how many of those people buh-bye-ing tiffany have bought anything from there? the internet is full of people looking for places to displace their frustration in life....
I wouldn’t buy from Tiffany anyways but I don’t see anything wrong with the ad?
They are following the market and money is the motive (as always). Traditional is out of style. I love Megan and I applaud Tiffany's, regardless of their motive.
I see nothing wrong with the ad. Tiffany is known for fine beautiful jewelry. I think they are smart to advertise that they also carry edgier pieces. Do people really think Tiffany is going to quit selling the traditional styles of jewelry they are known for? I see this ad as a way to broaden their market.

I found the screen shot of the comments very sad.
I don't like that so many people these days pay such inordinate attention to famous people.
When making buying decisions I don't give a crap about what celebrity a company paid to exploit their image. :roll:

YO! Hey companies: In your ads, please only tell me about your product!
How shallow and stupid do you think I am?

... and Toofunny being good to the environment? :eek-2:
Oh Please! :nono:
Mining for diamond/gold/sliver/platinum harms the environment, big time!
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I don't like that so many people these days pay such inordinate attention to famous people.
When making buying decisions I don't give a crap about what celebrity a company paid to exploit their image. :roll:

YO! Hey companies: In your ads, please only tell me about your product!
How shallow and stupid do you think I am?

... and Toofunny being good to the environment? :eek-2:
Oh Please! :nono:
Mining for diamond/gold/sliver/platinum harms the environment, big time!

I agree about celebrities.
But I never said “good to the environment”. Just not quite as harmful as some other jewelry companies. Huge difference.
I am not a fan of Tiffany's but I am a fan of Megan Rapinoe . She is an amazing athlete and I like her activism. I don't see anything controversial about the ad. Tiffany's is clearly trying to change their image and I see nothing wrong with the ad.
Tiffany’s current “apparent” audience is the kind that buys merchandise, lol. That’s what Tiffany wants, anyway! Rapinoe is honest and awesome, and I understand and that she is abrasive to some. She’s a role model in our house.
When did diverse become divisive?

especially here on PS

The IG ad is undeniably divisive as evidenced by hundreds of extreme opposing comments on IG.

Most who opposed the ad did not mention diversity issues but the statements and actions of Megan R.

Please do not twist my words.
The IG ad is undeniably divisive as evidenced by hundreds of extreme opposing comments on IG.

Most who opposed the ad did not mention diversity issues but the statements and actions of Megan R.

Please do not twist my words.

Divisive why? Because she’s gay? That seems like a homophobe problem, not a branding problem.

I’m not sure the problem here. Activists can’t represent companies?
You can be condescending all you want, you made the post :roll:
Yep, I made the post.