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Feb 4, 2005
Yeah its Friday!!!!

First let me say that we should all send special hugs and good mojo to Allycat who is going to knock the socks off the admissions board at McGill today!!! Go Ally, go Ally -I just did the "raise the roof" dance for you as extra good luck!!!

And lets hope that all these icky sinus infections, kidney pains and other maladies just go away or find mean people to attack!

having said that, I went out on the icy roads (we got 6+ inches of white stuff here last night) and did my 45 minutes of elliptical x-training this am. I can''t wait for strength training to begin next week, since I really hope that will improve my fat condition.

and if you''re lunch yesterday I did have the grilled veggie salad, NO seafood bisque, no dessert...although later on I snuck in some apple cobbler a co-worker''s wife made- hey, life is good!!!

please all have a wonderful weekend doing stuff you love with the people most important to you...I saw a nasty accident last night on the way home from work and am counting my blessings well


You are really too cute. Thank you for remembering
. It''s 7:35 am and you''ve already checked in for your workout. That is what I call discipline. I''ll try to get some time in after I''ve been through the fires of hell. Great going! You are really speeding through this. Keep up the amazing work! Veggie lunch.. Brave, brave girl. I am such a carnivore. I''m having ham for breakfast (a very small piece but I need some energy for today) Hugs!

I have to say, you are doing so great!!
You are working out every day, right? I''m starting (again *sigh*) tommorow, and I will try to be a good girl, and work out at least 3x a week! Every day is just tooooo much for me

Keep it up!
Okay, kind of been off schedule. I got the whole sinus malady crap- so i agree with jenn that it should find other mean people to attack. Anyhow, haven''t been to a single cardio class since last wednesday (2/16). I did go to wieghts tuesday. I am going to try to get back on schedule and go to cardio tonight and tomorrow morning (provided I can breathe without coughing long enough to do anything).
FF - That is what I call discipline, working out early and making good food choices.
Good for you!

Alleycat - Good luck with your interview today, remember how much you''ve achieved already and this will seem easy.

Ky6 & Rockchick - Good luck with your workouts.

I had my personal training appt this morning. We did a lot of leg and ab work, I feel great! She''s so good at putting things in perspective for me - I''ve been feeling really kinda down because my fitness has gone so far downhill, and I was really looking forward to playing soccer again this spring, but it doesn''t look like my ankle will be up for that. She reminded me that it''s a lot harder to get in shape than it is to maintain it, so it''s a tough hill to climb, but it isn''t endless like it seems right now. She also pointed out little things that were better than they were last week, so it made me feel good that she notices.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, I''m going snowshoeing tomorrow, should be fun!
Hi girls!! Feeling a little bit better today so I went to the gym for an hour and a half with my friend Jenny. She has a personal trainer and we did the workout that her trainer made for her. Weight training for about 45 min. Then we went to the pool and swam some laps. I used a kickboard cuz I really want to trim down my legs. Feels good to be working out again!!!

Good luck today Alleycat!! Hope all goes well.

Great job on the workouts girls!!!
Just checking in... I did 45 minutes on the ArcTrainer today ~ and I just love this machine, it''s my new favorite and has replaced my love of the elliptical!!!

I''m planning on going tomorrow and Sunday too, since I missed more workouts than I should have this week... Just having a hard time motivating myself to leave the house because I''ve got a huge anatomy test on Monday and I MUST do well on this exam.... must must must.... guess a workout would do me good to relieve a little stress/test anxiety... (Plus, as I''m working out and my muscles start to ache, I can identify each one of them, their origin and insertion points, their movement/function and call it an exam prep workout session...). Oh, I''m such a dork...
Went to cardio kickboxing- which was really hard to do after a long day of work on a Friday. Anyhow, felt so much better after.
BlueChica- that is so great that your trainer is attentive like that. It can get so discouraging when you feel like you''re not making much progress. I was really starting to get down about how little progress I feel I have made, but then this weekend I met up with a girlfriend who told me how great I looked. It''s the little bit of acknowledgment that keeps you going.
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