
Daily meals


Mar 4, 2010
Hi mommies,

Could you post your babies' daily meals from when they started solids to when they were on 3 meals a day?
Eg. 6 months
7am Bottle
11am Bottle
1pm Purée
3pm Bottle
7pm Bottle
Once Oliver was well established on solids his schedule was like this (with obvious wiggle room for naps):

6:30 - bottle
8:00 - breakfast food
10:30 - bottle
1:00 - lunch food
3:00 - bottle
5:15 - dinner food
6:30 - bottle
6 months
4:30AM Nursed
6:30AM purees (oatmeal + fruit, yogurt)
9:30AM 5oz BM
11AM 5oz BM
1PM Puree (protien, veggie/fruit, grain, yogurt)
4:30PM 5oz BM
7PM Puree (protien, veggie/fruit, grain, yogurt)
7:30PM Bottle/bed

5:30AM Formula
7AM Small Breakfast
8:30AM Optional Snack (Cheerios whatever)
9AM Formula
12:30PM Formula
1PM Lunch
3PM Formula
4:30PM Snack (Cheerios, fruit)
7PM Dinner
8PM Formula/bed
10:30PM Small bottle formula (we're trying to get him to sleep thru a 2AM wake up)
LC, so E was on 3 meals of solids at 6 months? N is 6 months but we are still on one solid meal.
mayerling|1358359082|3356969 said:
LC, so E was on 3 meals of solids at 6 months? N is 6 months but we are still on one solid meal.

I wouldn't worry about how old he is, every baby is different. The twins just turned six months adjusted and can barely split one solid meal! O, on the other hand, was at two solid meals and working on a third when he was six months adjusted. I would just follow N's lead.
mayerling|1358359082|3356969 said:
LC, so E was on 3 meals of solids at 6 months? N is 6 months but we are still on one solid meal.

We started giving B solids a little over a week ago. He now eats baby food 2-3x a day, and is up to almost one full container at a time. He's 5 months.
Yes Ethan was 6 months and get 3 meals of purees a day. I agree with Kunzite, just follow N's lead. If he's still working on the one meal a day, just stick to it. Ethan was gobbling down the purees whenever I fed it to him, so I just kept adding another puree meal during the day, do that for 2 wks, then add another. Then slowly increasing the quantity of each meal. Started out at 3.5 oz at a time. He maxed out at 5.5 or 6 oz. I did specify to daycare to give him the bottles BEFORE the purees. It was a lot easier for me to see day care throw out my purees than my breast milk.

Now that he's on table food he's getting less oz per meal but getting snacks in between them.
Well, he definitely gobbles down the purée but I was under the impression that at this age he should be getting tons of milk instead.
We just started solids on Sunday at 5 months:

Wake: 6oz bottle
Lunch: 2 oz avocado (we haven't tried anything else yet) 4ozbottle
Afternoon: 6oz bottle
Dinner: 6oz bottle
Bed: 4-6oz bottle

We will add breakfast next and dinner last. That way if we try a new food and he has an allergy, the reaction will happen during the day. Also, since formula orBM are superior in terms of nutrition to real food, it's better to not reduce bottles,but rather add the food when baby is hungry enough for all the food and bottles. I'm reading Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and it has been great.
Mayer, definitely he should continue to get mostly milk for his nutrition. That's why I asked daycare to offer milk first and purees an hour+ later. If we tossed the purees, it didn't sting as bad as tossing milk. Now with table food, I offer milk with table food in addition to the bottles he normally gets.

I think you've weaned N, and he's on formula now, right? Ethan was drinking only 5 oz of BM per bottle before. But now that he's on formula, we mix 8 oz bottles for him. He drinks pretty much all of it. So you'll see N taking bigger and bigger bottles of formula on top of larger meals of purees.

Also, not sure if it makes a difference but we started Ethan on purees at 4 months. They were really watery/runny. Once he got a handle on how it felt in his mouth, the purees got firmer and firmer. Less puree, more like smashed produce.
PS - I was actually hoping this thread was about adult WTH to cook for dinner and great recipe ideas! But alas...
megumic said:
We just started solids on Sunday at 5 months:

Wake: 6oz bottle
Lunch: 2 oz avocado (we haven't tried anything else yet) 4ozbottle
Afternoon: 6oz bottle
Dinner: 6oz bottle
Bed: 4-6oz bottle

We will add breakfast next and dinner last. That way if we try a new food and he has an allergy, the reaction will happen during the day. Also, since formula orBM are superior in terms of nutrition to real food, it's better to not reduce bottles,but rather add the food when baby is hungry enough for all the food and bottles. I'm reading Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and it has been great.

I'm jealous at the amount he eats! B still has to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and 1-2 times during the night.
amc80|1358434310|3357769 said:
megumic said:
We just started solids on Sunday at 5 months:

Wake: 6oz bottle
Lunch: 2 oz avocado (we haven't tried anything else yet) 4ozbottle
Afternoon: 6oz bottle
Dinner: 6oz bottle
Bed: 4-6oz bottle

We will add breakfast next and dinner last. That way if we try a new food and he has an allergy, the reaction will happen during the day. Also, since formula orBM are superior in terms of nutrition to real food, it's better to not reduce bottles,but rather add the food when baby is hungry enough for all the food and bottles. I'm reading Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and it has been great.

I'm jealous at the amount he eats! B still has to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and 1-2 times during the night.

Is that b/c he eats more than that, or b/c he can't hold as much at once? I think by 5-6 months they should be okay through the night once they learn to drop the feed; but of course every baby is different as well. Have you considered trying to drop the nighttime feeds? Maybe b/c he is on the bigger side he just needs more volume. C is somewhere in the low 16 lb range now and about 26-27", just for reference.
megumic|1358527482|3358737 said:
amc80|1358434310|3357769 said:
megumic said:
We just started solids on Sunday at 5 months:

Wake: 6oz bottle
Lunch: 2 oz avocado (we haven't tried anything else yet) 4ozbottle
Afternoon: 6oz bottle
Dinner: 6oz bottle
Bed: 4-6oz bottle

We will add breakfast next and dinner last. That way if we try a new food and he has an allergy, the reaction will happen during the day. Also, since formula orBM are superior in terms of nutrition to real food, it's better to not reduce bottles,but rather add the food when baby is hungry enough for all the food and bottles. I'm reading Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron and it has been great.

I'm jealous at the amount he eats! B still has to eat every 2-3 hours during the day, and 1-2 times during the night.

Is that b/c he eats more than that, or b/c he can't hold as much at once? I think by 5-6 months they should be okay through the night once they learn to drop the feed; but of course every baby is different as well. Have you considered trying to drop the nighttime feeds? Maybe b/c he is on the bigger side he just needs more volume. C is somewhere in the low 16 lb range now and about 26-27", just for reference.

He can eat about 6oz at once. I know he can go through the night, and does sometimes. Just not always. Last night he woke up twice (2 and 5) but just sort of fussed...I was waiting for him to cry, he never did. I fell back asleep and apparently he did too. I guess when he does cry I could just go in and soothe him and not feed him? Yikes, that will be rough, but worth it. He's now 20lbs and about 28.5". How much can C eat at once? I'm wondering if we need to start giving B bigger bottles. I swear I've tried and he spits it up...but maybe he's ready now. He can eat an entire container of baby food (the stage 2 Gerber, so the containers are pretty big) in one sitting.
Yeah, maybe he isn't hungry but just wants comfort in the middle of the night. C sucks his thumb so if he wakes up at night, we will try to soothe without picking him up but if that doesn't work we will and he instantly sucks his thumb. At 20lbs he should be fine without food during he night. Does he have a bottle before bed? If he falls asleep with it, then maybe he wants it to get himback to sleep as well. ??

C drinks 6oz at a time. I've thought about upping it,but like you,worry ab the spit up factor. Everyone says babys stop eating when they're full, but I feel like C would eat allll day if we offered all the time. As far as solids,, he has onlyhad 2ozservings, but I'm sure he could easily do 4oz ata time. Trial and error I guess.
megumic|1358530904|3358781 said:
Yeah, maybe he isn't hungry but just wants comfort in the middle of the night. C sucks his thumb so if he wakes up at night, we will try to soothe without picking him up but if that doesn't work we will and he instantly sucks his thumb. At 20lbs he should be fine without food during he night. Does he have a bottle before bed? If he falls asleep with it, then maybe he wants it to get himback to sleep as well. ??

C drinks 6oz at a time. I've thought about upping it,but like you,worry ab the spit up factor. Everyone says babys stop eating when they're full, but I feel like C would eat allll day if we offered all the time. As far as solids,, he has onlyhad 2ozservings, but I'm sure he could easily do 4oz ata time. Trial and error I guess.

He always gets a bottle before bed, which is right after his bath. Even if he was hungry before the bath and had a bottle then, he KNOWS after bath time he gets a bottle. God forbid we don't give it to him! Some times he falls asleep with it, some times he doesn't. I know he's fully capable of sleeping through the night. Maybe I'm the one who needs the training :)

B is the same way, he will eat all day if we let him. I'm not sure how this kid isn't fat, but he's not.

Maybe I'll ask day care to try giving him 7oz and see how that works.
Yeah I want to try 7oz too, but formula is by the twos, so I'd want to make it 8 so we don't waste any! Haha oh gosh.
megumic|1358534779|3358831 said:
Yeah I want to try 7oz too, but formula is by the twos, so I'd want to make it 8 so we don't waste any! Haha oh gosh.

You can do a half scoop. We do 5 all the time.

Can I say we have the opposite problem. My boys hate to eat. I can barely force 4oz or so in them at a time. ;(
Do they dislike eating purees or taking milk?
Hmmm. We started solids at 4 months. Worked up to 2 tablespoons once/day, then added a 2nd meal and later, a third. By 6 months S was on 3 meals a day; breakfast was always substantial, and then of lunch and dinner, one was usually pretty big and the other a little less.

Our routine was something like:

6:30 BF
8:30 Breakfast
11:00 BF
12:00 Lunch
2:00 BF
5:00 Dinner
6:30 BF

I think when she first starting having 3 proper meals a day she might have had a 9:30 BF as well, but that got dropped pretty soon after that as it was too much to fit in.

Now (11 months)

7:00 BF
8:00 Breakfast (cereal with cows milk, or a piece of toast with butter and vegemite, or French toast, plus some fruit and maybe some yoghurt)
10:30 BF (this is just a little snacky one) followed by morning tea (biscuits, cheese, fruit)
12:30 Lunch (sandwich, quiche, dips, some kind of melt, if we're out she'll just eat whatever I'm eating)
2:00 BF
4:00 Afternoon tea (again - fruit, biscuits, cheese)
5:30 Dinner (pasta, rice, meat, vegies - usually just whatever we had the day before or what we're having that night)
6:30 BF
Pancake, were you still doing eat, play, sleep at 6 months? How did you manage to fit all those meals in?