
Custom Setting Thoughts needed

Gypsy- bgd just wanted me to post those to show you the first renderings I let them know about what was discussed here and we should have some new cads in a week or so

Kb1gra- absolutely agree and that's what Lesley said was it would be a lot more refined after the polish d everything but it would still be bulky for such a small finger!as far as wedding bands go that's my next dilemma here I don't know if I want to get her a band to match up to the ring or a seperate piece I've been looking at pictures to see if I like the look of it matching the contour of the ring or a stand alone ring and I'm kinda torn. So many decisions. I thought this was going to be a walk in the park and was ever wrong!

I'm very apprecitive of everyone's feedback on this. I can't wait to see the updated cads
Molly- I agree with you completely!
Ok here we go with the latest revision! Please let me know what you think? Also she really likes a lot of diamonds so any those guys on "BLINGING" this setting out would be helpful


Also the center halo is going to be a cushion! Just wanted to clarify that
I know I can't wait to see them either. Don't forget to post as soon as you have them. I've been reading through this thread because I'm also thinking of going the same route and designing the setting myself.
Marlon- the above CADS are the newest revision! FYI

NewB here and I've been following this post since the beginning! Just curious to all you out there what is the price difference between a custom setting and a pre made factory setting. Any input would be helpful?
jossalyn|1477199024|4089713 said:

NewB here and I've been following this post since the beginning! Just curious to all you out there what is the price difference between a custom setting and a pre made factory setting. Any input would be helpful?

It depends on the jeweler/manufacturer. While the basic stock settings are less expensive, if you start thinking about stock branded settings (there are some settings manufacturers like Tacori that seem to have settings in standard sizes rather than making them to fit the stone), the price can get high. Some custom jewelers are very expensive and some are inexpensive. In my experience, the difference is often more in the hassle to the consumer than the price - a stock setting is easy, requires little input from the consumer, and can usually be ready quickly; an altered stock setting (something where it is a stock item but they make it to fit your stone instead of just having them in several calibrated sizes) is minimal hassle and usually doesn't take too long; and a custom item will require your input on CADs or design and usually takes longer.
Distracts- thanks for the reply! I appreciate the info you have provided I'm not sure if I want too get a custom setting as I'm very indecisive ! Also I just want to throw this out there to the OP is the diamond you're putting in this custom setting a BLACK by BGD? The one you posted above?
Jossalyn: yes the center stone that I've chosen is the one listed in the beginning of the post. It's a 1.73 vs2 E color!
Gypsy,tyty any ideas or corrections you see needing to be made to the new set of CADS? Please let me know what you think? Anyone else's advice would be much appreciated also!
jossalyn|1477203131|4089720 said:
Distracts- thanks for the reply! I appreciate the info you have provided I'm not sure if I want too get a custom setting as I'm very indecisive ! Also I just want to throw this out there to the OP is the diamond you're putting in this custom setting a BLACK by BGD? The one you posted above?

I'm glad it was helpful. Whenever you're ready to pick a setting feel free to make a new thread so we can help you find what you want! Many of us understand very well being indecisive about settings - my latest colored stone I set I owned for two years before setting it because I couldn't figure out what I wanted. :roll:
DrS, for me personally, I'd like to see the stones/halos lowered closer to the finger instead of having that big gap there. BUT whether that is wise or not also depends on what kind of wedding band is likely to be worn by it.
Distracts: I see what you're saying about lowering the halos and stones but will a 2.75 ring size probably lower that gap in between?
DrS|1477264481|4089856 said:
Distracts: I see what you're saying about lowering the halos and stones but will a 2.75 ring size probably lower that gap in between?

The CAD should be representative of the proper ring size so no.
Kb1gra: what do you think of the design?
My feelings on the new CAD drawings are a little mixed. I like the look of the single row pave on the band, but not sure about all the metal underneath the halo as it seems the stones and halos might sit to high! Can you get dimensions on the the height. Also maybe the side halos need to be angled a little more and the part wheee the shank comes up to the side halos needs to be reduced!! I'm no expert just my thoughts is all! I think someone who knows what they're looking at needs to chime in here!! Ladies any ideas
Thanks for the feedback anyone else have any suggestions I need to get in contact with BGD tomorrow and get things finalized any input would be greatly appreciatwd

Do you have any updates on the setting you chose? Just curious the setting gypsy recommended I think would be beautiful❤️
So here is the final result my brother just received some pictures of the finished ring and it's AMAZING!! Thanks to to the few of you who put you expertise to work here. She will be more than thrilled with the outcome here: ENJOY

Gorgeous and very blingy! She's going to be thrilled! :love: If you can, come back and post a hand shot or two!
She's going to love it! :love: :love: :love: what is the time frame for presenting it to her?
I will definitely post some hand shots after the proposal He is going to propose New Year's Eve in Kauai with all of are friends and family! Can't wait I'll update with photos asap
DrS - it looks great!! Good luck to your brother - and Kauai is a beautiful place to propose.
Perfect. So happy to see this!
It turned out beautiful! I bet she'll love it!
wow, absolutely GORGEOUS!! :love:
Omg!!! Love love love the way this looks. She is going to be thrilled. I can't wait to see hand shots please don't forget.