
Cost of plain platinum setting?

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Jun 22, 2005
As I posted earlier, FI picked out my setting today. I told him to pick a plain platinum solitaire setting with an x-prong-ish head. FI said they gave him the setting for $300, but it cost $1,800 in the book. I said "Jon, they were pulling your leg, there''s no way that plain platinum setting was worth $1,800!" He said "No, it was! I saw it in the book!" Is this feasible?? Or am I naive?
Silly me! I just looked at pricing for Jeff Cooper rings. This is on par. Maybe he got me a Jeff Cooper setting? He said the prongs were shaped like a "swoosh". He''d better not mean the Nike swoosh.
yeah it is surprising how much some settings cost but I guess thats just how it is. I am sure it will be beautiful when you get it but I can imagine you must be dying having to wait for it
I hope its really beautiful.
BTW, your login name is cool, are you a LV fan? Just wondering.

They might have cut him a deal on the setting for buying from them.
I think ame is right.

They made their profit on the diamond. The list price is probably never the selling price and FI is probably a great deal maker. Not too shabby. $300 doesn''t cover the cost of the raw material.

If it is an $1800 platinum ring, then you certainly would have to ask why? It is just a typical ring with a high mark-up? It is better then average? It it part of a designer range? or was it made by hand?

There is a big difference between the quality and exclusivity aspects of different rings.

Nice to have an $1800 ring though, hey
Yes, Phil, I AM a Louis Vuitton fan. I only have one bag though
However, when FI and I started dating he told me I should "collect LV bags". Who am I to argue?
$300 for a plt setting I need to shop where your BF does!!!
So do I actually.

I saw a web site with LV bags etc setting mostly under USD$300. Is it possible that there is a range of cheaper bags - maybe not leather. The web site was set up very well and high ranking!
Platinumsmith---LV bags mostly under $300? Wow! What is this Web site? I think you may be able to get some small accessories pouches and maybe a little evening bag for that price, but for the most part I''d say $500 and up. But who knows. Maybe LV is dropping their prices because gas prices are now so high.
Hey VG (or, do you prefer your new name, "Am I driving you guys crazy?").

That was nice of Jon to suggest you collect them. How many has he bought you?

Perhaps you should suggest he collect Ferraris?

Double B
DoubleB---Lol!! He actually hasn''t bought me any. The one I have I purchased for myself. I''ve kind of discouraged him from buying me fancy handbags because my last fiance always bought me that stuff to keep me happy. Fortunately, I don''t need material things with Jon. (This is crazy for me!) He''s such a sweetie! I''m a lucky girl!!
Sorry I thought the LV site was bogus, and I have lost the link
Seen that before (nearly 2k for a simple platinum basket setting for a 1 carat asscher cut) - at NiceIce and DabielK and others... The price tag went for hand made (fabricated) settings. It sounds like allot to me too just because this can be had for quite a bit less, but the difference between that and off the rack settings is quite a sight too.

I have no reason to believe that the seller did not get his money one way or another in this case
The cast components cost more then $300 Ana
Date: 9/14/2005 7:30:00 PM
Author: Platinumsmith
The cast components cost more then $300 Ana

I agree. I can not imagine him getting a genuine platinum Lucida style ring that a jeweler could make in reasonable quality that costs the jeweler any where near as low as $300. Something does not compute here, but as has been mentioned perhaps the jeweler made a good profit on the stone and is willing to loose 3-500 on the mounting to seal the deal, but it does not sound at all reasonable. I am constantly wondering what is "the rest of the story"?


P.S. If it is as advertised then rejoice in getting such a GREAT deal!
Well hmm either your BF is a great deal maker and the store had already made more on the mark up of the stone then they had expected...or something is off. I hope no one is making you worry. It is just that even the most simple plat settings I have seen have been more then that.
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