
Cosmetic Dentistry Questions...

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Aug 5, 2004
I wore braces a few years ago and it definitely made a huge difference in my smile but its not quite tweaked how i would like it, especially my four front teeth. My coworker was telling me her sister had her two front teeth bonded before her wedding and it made a huge difference in her smile (teeth were straighter, etc). I also have very very faint remnants of where the braces were on my two front teeth. (the bottom are ok)

Any PSers had any sort of cosmetic dentistry done including professional teeth whitening? Can you tell me about your experience, approx. costs, pros, cons? etc etc etc

Ive been doing some research so I have questions ready for my dentist next Saturday when I go in but was hoping if anyone had any personal experience to share.

<---- hoping what my smile will look like soon heehee
I had bonding done about 12 years ago. Now they recommend porcelain veneers which last about 20 years but come with a hefty price tag at $900 a tooth. They are stronger than the regular bonding and don''t chip as much. One of my bondings fell off the other day and I went to have it replaced and that''s what they told me. I am having quite the sticker shock. So I will be following this thread very closely. I have to get them replaced as they are old. I had them put on in the first place due to the fact that my teeth were discolored by antibiotics when I was a child. My first set of bonding was done in my late teens and had the second set in my late 20''s. So I am due for something just not sure which route I want to go. PNP I hope you get lots of responses to your question. I hope you don''t mind me asking my question as well. Lisa
*storm shrudders and crawls back under the bed at the word dentist*
Awww...poor storm. I read that post the other day about the dental trauma that you''re going through.
I hope that you''re alright.

I''ve been having a lot of dental work done myself...root canal, crowns, porcelain onlays, and I still have to get my wisdoms extracted. Just three weeks ago, I spent three hours in the chair getting 15 yr. old amalgams drilled out...I was hooked up to oxygen and there was this huge free-standing suction thing placed over my face to suck up mercury fumes to help decrease my exposure. The worse part of it all was that I was metabolizing the anesthetic so quickly, that 20 mintues before they were finished, I was feeling what they were doing and all I could do was tense all my muscles, clench my fists and pray for them to be done (they had already given me five full injections already and even inejected directly into my gums and on my teeth)! Oh...and get this...afterwards my jaw was sooo sore and I quickly realized that my TM joint became misaligned!!! So...I had to start going to freakin'' physiotherapy to get my jaw joint in proper working shape again. Glad to say that after my session last week, my jaw feels normal again.

Definitely the most trauma I''ve experienced with the dentist. Thank god they''re such a great team of people though. Anyway, I have a lot more work to do, but I''m taking a bit of a break until next month.
Professional teeth whitening

When i had my two front crowns replaced my dentist asked if i would be interested in having my teeth whitened at the same time. WOW..what a great idea.

The process involved having impressions of my teeth made. I was then given a set of moulds that i filled with bleaching agent and wore over night. The first five nights were fine, then the sensitivity kicked in. was painful and every morning when I woke up the pillow would be full of blood.

The dentist told me it was perfectly safe for my teeth, and would change the color of the teeth at a molecular level. So I persevered with it. The whole treament lasted about 8-9 weeks. The cost was £800 approx $1500.

The appearance was ok, and I had my new crowns fitted. But you have to remember that once you start drinking tea and coffee again teeth will discolor.

Would I do it probably not!
I''m debating on doing the ZOOM whitening done, which is about $500 I think and is done in the dentist''s chair. They paint something on your teeth and expose you to the whitening lamp for awhile. Then they give you trays (made off specific molds of your mouth) that you can use to do touchups once or twice a year if you want.

Since my crown and root canal sorta eliminated that budget
I have to wait but I did make them do my crown in a tooth shade several grades whiter than mine so that when I get the ZOOM done they will all be the same (whitening doesn''t work on crowns).
Oh one more thing - I did have braces as a kid but my teeth have shifted since I haven''t had a retainer in decades...they''re still pretty straight but apparently one of my bottom teeth is pushing out one of my 4 front teeth and one dentist recommended invisalign. That is $$$$ and my teeth are pretty straight already but I don''t want this tooth to be pushed out of its correct place. While I think getting invisalign is crackers just for that problem, I do want to inquire about them perhaps making me a retainer so they all stay where they are now!!!
Ok I think I'm personally the "Cosmetic Dentistry" poster child:

Background - 4 front teeth chipped from a fall after parents paid a fortune for braces. Here's the aftermath.

1) Bonding - wasn't worth a dime my parents paid chipped flaked & discolored within a few years during the 80's.

2) Porcelain Veneers - expensive but lasted more like 7 years not 20. Procedure performed in the early 90's. Although, I have been told that the quality of materials used back in those days is nowhere near as good as what they created now.

3) Porcelain Caps - EXTREMELY expensive spared no expense & went to a cosmetic dentist with a following (ie models, actors). Best money I EVER paid 5 years ago & still looks like the day he performed the procedure. All quality Porcelain on 4 Fronts no metal whatsoever. No staining, chipping & completely thrilled.

Something to keep in mind. It's not just the Doctor you choose but the quality of materials they put on your teeth. Not all Porcelain manufacturers are in the same league. Some Doc's go with cheaper porcelain & you won't find out they skimped until years later.

Pss. Had teeth whitening twice but stopped do to gums getting sensitive not sure it was the chemicals or just age (lol)
Date: 5/28/2006 2:33:36 PM
Author: Diam100
Ok I think I''m personally the ''Cosmetic Dentistry'' poster child:

Background - 4 front teeth chipped from a fall after parents paid a fortune for braces. Here''s the aftermath.

1) Bonding - wasn''t worth a dime my parents paid chipped flaked & discolored within a few years during the 80''s.

2) Porcelain Veneers - expensive but lasted more like 7 years not 20. Procedure performed in the early 90''s. Although, I have been told that the quality of materials used back in those days is nowhere near as good as what they created now.

3) Porcelain Caps - EXTREMELY expensive spared no expense & went to a cosmetic dentist with a following (ie models, actors). Best money I EVER paid 5 years ago & still looks like the day he performed the procedure. All quality Porcelin on 4 Fronts no metal whatsoever. No staining, chipping & completely thrilled.

Something to keep in mind. It''s not just the Doctor you choose but the quality of materials they put on your teeth. Not all Porcelain manufacturers are in the same league. Some Doc''s go with cheaper porcelain & you won''t find out they skimped until years later.

Pss. Had teeth whitening twice but stopped do to gums getting sensitive not sure it was the chemicals or just age (lol)
Thank you!! Good to know!! I''m going to research this like crazy.
Date: 5/28/2006 2:37:12 PM
Author: kaleigh
Thank you!! Good to know!! I''m going to research this like crazy.
No problem Kaleigh. If you have any questions during your research just let me know and I''ll be happy to answer them.
Date: 5/28/2006 2:33:36 PM
Author: Diam100
Ok I think I''m personally the ''Cosmetic Dentistry'' poster child:

Background - 4 front teeth chipped from a fall after parents paid a fortune for braces. Here''s the aftermath.

1) Bonding - wasn''t worth a dime my parents paid chipped flaked & discolored within a few years during the 80''s.

2) Porcelain Veneers - expensive but lasted more like 7 years not 20. Procedure performed in the early 90''s. Although, I have been told that the quality of materials used back in those days is nowhere near as good as what they created now.

3) Porcelain Caps - EXTREMELY expensive spared no expense & went to a cosmetic dentist with a following (ie models, actors). Best money I EVER paid 5 years ago & still looks like the day he performed the procedure. All quality Porcelain on 4 Fronts no metal whatsoever. No staining, chipping & completely thrilled.

Something to keep in mind. It''s not just the Doctor you choose but the quality of materials they put on your teeth. Not all Porcelain manufacturers are in the same league. Some Doc''s go with cheaper porcelain & you won''t find out they skimped until years later.

Pss. Had teeth whitening twice but stopped do to gums getting sensitive not sure it was the chemicals or just age (lol)
Can you tell me which companies put out the good porcelain veneers?? Or which to stay away from??
Hi -

My cosmetic dentist goes with "Dentsply Ceramco" for most of his porcelain products. I have no idea which product line he went with I just know my porcelain caps came from that company. You can search "" or "" which is the parent company of Ceramco.
PNP - is it decalcification on your upper teeth that is the remnants of your braces? I had a LOT of decalcification (white spots around where the brackets were) on my upper front teeth too, and I had microdentabrasion or microabrasion done on them. Unfortunately I don''t know how much it cost, because I actually had it done for free. I didn''t have dental insurance at the time so I went to the local dental college and had the students work on my teeth. I ended up being a dental boards patient for one of the seniors and she did the microabrasion as a wedding present for me - SUCH a sweet girl!! Anyways, the appearance of my teeth improved dramatically! No more little white semi-circles. The microabrasion is basically small abrasive particles that very finely smooth away the top layer of enamel, where the decalcification is concentrated. I didn''t even have to be numbed. The dental student who did mine said that whitening won''t take those spots away because the whitening solution will just make them whiter - not what you want! HTH!
Date: 5/29/2006 1:31:49 PM
Author: JCJD
PNP - is it decalcification on your upper teeth that is the remnants of your braces? I had a LOT of decalcification (white spots around where the brackets were) on my upper front teeth too, and I had microdentabrasion or microabrasion done on them. Unfortunately I don''t know how much it cost, because I actually had it done for free. I didn''t have dental insurance at the time so I went to the local dental college and had the students work on my teeth. I ended up being a dental boards patient for one of the seniors and she did the microabrasion as a wedding present for me - SUCH a sweet girl!! Anyways, the appearance of my teeth improved dramatically! No more little white semi-circles. The microabrasion is basically small abrasive particles that very finely smooth away the top layer of enamel, where the decalcification is concentrated. I didn''t even have to be numbed. The dental student who did mine said that whitening won''t take those spots away because the whitening solution will just make them whiter - not what you want! HTH!
GET OUT! I didn''t know they could do that!! I have that on a single tooth - sorta faintly. Want to see if it gets better with whitening (or at least blends in more). If not, I will check into that!
LOL!! It''s nice to be back out of lurker status for a bit.
Yes, they can do that - I was as amazed as you were when I found out!
It''s always nice to see a fellow pear return.
I have the bleaching trays that I got from the dentist, and my teeth were pretty sensitive by the end of the 2 weeks. Every 6 months or so, I do 2-3 nights to brighten them back up and it''s only about $40 for the year. The initial trays are several hundred dollars, but if you''re in the market for a new dentist...a lot of them offer it free to new patients!

I''ve had several friends try the Zoom and not a single one has been able to have the full procedure. Apparently, it can be quite painful...although they were told that it wouldn''t be??
Date: 5/29/2006 3:45:41 PM
Author: tawn
I''ve had several friends try the Zoom and not a single one has been able to have the full procedure. Apparently, it can be quite painful...although they were told that it wouldn''t be??
NO freaking way. Seriously? They say it''s totally painless. Tell me what you know - I am seriously considering it. But if I was told it was painless and paid for it and it was painful, I''d start punching everyone in that office who sold it to it''s better I hear this way.
There is a really great orthodontic website for adults called on which there is tons of info on any of these subjects. I am considering whitening (zoom) for myself before I go into braces this summer...

I had one of my front teeth "bonded" a couple of months ago after I fell on the deck stairs and chipped a the turned out fine, but close up, I can still see cracks, etc.
I hate it that it is visible to me, but no one else can tell, if that gives you any idea. Hth.
Firegoddess, I had to deal with the same issue. My ortho that I went to as an adult invented something called an invisible aligner. It is like a retainer but moves the teeth from metal on the inside...all you see it one bar of metal. It comes out like a retainer so if you need to remove it you can, but for a few months I wore it 90-95% of the time. My teeth are perfect again, and I can use it to ensure they stay that way. I think, even after the braces and retainers etc, as we age, there is something called a misial shift (sp?) and your teeth WILL move regardless of previous orthodontia. Yikes. But this thing worked and I could take it out if need be. It was not as expensive as other alternatives and much easier.

I have zoomed and brite smiled, too. Easier to me than the trays at home, quicker too. Works pretty well. To me, if you avoid the staining food for a few days and then use their special toothpaste (drag I know, more money to them) it stays white for a issues. It can be uncomfortable and is a pain while you sit there, mouth pried open and you cannot read to pass the time, but it is not a biggie...and for someone like me who wants it NOW it was the best option.
Date: 5/29/2006 11:05:29 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Date: 5/29/2006 3:45:41 PM
Author: tawn
I''ve had several friends try the Zoom and not a single one has been able to have the full procedure. Apparently, it can be quite painful...although they were told that it wouldn''t be??
NO freaking way. Seriously? They say it''s totally painless. Tell me what you know - I am seriously considering it. But if I was told it was painless and paid for it and it was painful, I''d start punching everyone in that office who sold it to it''s better I hear this way.
I haven''t had it done myself, and was condsidering it until the 2 girls I know said it was quite uncomfortable and the one girl made them stop. She said that even air made her teeth hurt like crazy and she didn''t want to open her mouth at all. They have beautiful white teeth though!

I have a weird phobia about teeth...and have nightmares about them crumbling and falling out, especially if I''m a little late for my 6 month check-up! It grossed me out when my son pulled out his teeth too, thank goodness his are all out now, except for the wisdom teeth!

But, nothing looks as great as a bright white smile with nice straight teeth, although I like it when there is a little character and they''re not perfect chicklet teeth! Think Izzy from Grey''s Anatomy!
Date: 5/30/2006 12:55:19 AM
Author: diamondfan
Firegoddess, I had to deal with the same issue. My ortho that I went to as an adult invented something called an invisible aligner. It is like a retainer but moves the teeth from metal on the inside...all you see it one bar of metal. It comes out like a retainer so if you need to remove it you can, but for a few months I wore it 90-95% of the time. My teeth are perfect again, and I can use it to ensure they stay that way. I think, even after the braces and retainers etc, as we age, there is something called a misial shift (sp?) and your teeth WILL move regardless of previous orthodontia. Yikes. But this thing worked and I could take it out if need be. It was not as expensive as other alternatives and much easier.

I have zoomed and brite smiled, too. Easier to me than the trays at home, quicker too. Works pretty well. To me, if you avoid the staining food for a few days and then use their special toothpaste (drag I know, more money to them) it stays white for a issues. It can be uncomfortable and is a pain while you sit there, mouth pried open and you cannot read to pass the time, but it is not a biggie...and for someone like me who wants it NOW it was the best option.
This made me laugh Diamondfan, because pain is such a subjective thing. My fi had his teeth whitened in the dentist''s office last yr like you did, and he came home in "severe pain" from his mouth being open for as long as it was....I am sorry, I laughed to myself when he called his dad for a prescription for Percocet, "the pain was so bad he needed it" (his dad is a retired dentist). Geez, I am kind of embarassed, you''d think I would have more sympathy, I am a nurse. I am sympathetic, but I wasnt for this- HE GOT HIS TEETH WHITENED! I told FI that if he wants to see pain, he should come to work with me everyday- that is true pain ( I am a labor and delivery nurse).

Proof again that women are SO THE STRONGER SEX...(sorry guys)
Dani, I agree! Remember people who say if men had to have kids we would have no population issues. However, my step sis (whose hubby is a dentist) had her teeth whitened last month...she has lupus and neuralgia and some other things, and the lights (this happened after she was home, not during) triggered one of the worst attacks she has ever had. Literally she almost had to be in the emergency room. The company when called said they had never had anyone have a reaction like that...she likes the trays normally but did not have time to do them so she figured the in office was fine...she will NEVER do it again, and of course her situation is quite rare, but oh my gosh I felt so terrible for her...she RARELY complains even when in the midst of a lupus flare up and she could barely function...But, as she said, in her agony she knew her teeth were bright white!!!
Yikes - I think I will stick to my 2 hour whitening kit at home.

Oh my goodness that is horrible!!! So sorry to hear that! Hope your sis is doing better...

However, I WILL NOT share that story with my FI, I still bust on him to this day about the whole "teeth whitening scenario..."

It makes me crack up when I think about it every time though....I am so bad. And he would totally kill me if he knew I was sharing this with you guys...I think he is a little embarassed by it.....
oh well!
I have porcelain veneers on the 2 teeth next to my front teeth. I had about 8 years of orthodontia & they told me these 2 teeth were always going to be too small for the space they needed to take up. So they put the veneers on to fill in the space. I like to tell people they are not my real teeth, because they would never know! I never knew that they weren''t permanent???

When I had the procedure done, it took 2 visits. On the first visit, my dentist took molds & shaved down my teeth slightly in order to make the edges rough. The second visit he placed the veneers on & I was good to go. I remember he gave me novacaine, but I didn''t feel like I needed it. The color is matched perfectly to my other teeth & I haven''t had any issues with chipping or staining.

I also have a metal bar that holds my two front teeth together permanently. My teeth are small for my mouth overall, so he wanted to insure they would always stay together.

I''ve considered whitening, but I think I would have to have my veneers replaced at that time (since I don''t think they take to whitening procedures). When I got them put on initially (1997), the whole procedure cost $1,200. If they really cost $900 each now, forget it! I hope mine last for a loooooooooooooooooong time.
veneers will not change shade, but from what I know (I have one) and have had in office whitening done twice, I think you can do it. I would just check with the dentist first obviously...but your teeth can only be whitened as much as the veneer is...otherwise it looks odd.

Dani, I just thought it was interesting...her dh does it all the time in his office and never had problems and the company had never heard anything like it (I guess there is always a first time?) but it was the weirdest thing because for the first couple of hours she thought the pain was from having her mouth wedged open (she also has tmj sometimes) but that was not it! Oy. What we do in the name of looking better...
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