
Coronavirus updates December 2020...please add yours.

I called my oldest neice and found out she has covid.
She is a nurse who has been working in an assisted living home. She has been working in the covid-19 wing for months. She volunteered to work it multiple times.
She is at home if it was not covid she said she would describe it as mostly a head cold with a fever and chills now and then and sometimes a bronchitis feeling in her lungs.

Prayers for your niece!! She's a hero and I'm crossing fingers she'll be fully recovered very soon
In my family, my niece and sister had it. My sister visited my mom for 10 minutes in Thanksgiving and passed it on to my 95 year old grandfather and my 74 yo mom. Mom is still recovering with pneumonia and a 4 nights in the hospital. This is in Ohio USA.

Here in Grenada West Indies, we had a total lockdown in March and then gradually were able to move around and places opened back up. The borders were closed until July. Up to that point I think we had 10 total cases and no deaths. All people entering the country must quarantine. Temperatures are taken and you are singed in everywhere you go.

Due to Sandals resort here, we now have 55 active cases. They were allowing guests to quarantine on property, but they were able to mingle with other guests and staff. Unfortunately the staff went home and passed it on. Now we are back to no social gatherings at all and an 8 PM curfew. All restaurants and bars are take out only. Luckily still no deaths here.
Totally agree with you @missy why don’t we learn from Taiwan?? Closing border earlier does make huge difference!! And people strictly got quarantined for 2weeks if entering Taiwan. Why can’t other countries do that??? Why people still travel outside their border? I really don’t understand! Why can’t they just NOT crossing the border for leisure?! We all love traveling, I do, my 5yrs old went to 9countries in 4yrs of her life and some countries even more than once. thats how much I love traveling, but can’t people just stop crossing the border?! If they can’t, why don’t all government just shut the border down already. With this new strain why do I feel 2021 could be worse than 2020?

It's all game play and politics and it is sickening. :(

Both of my parents are recovering from COVID. They are in their mid 60’s. My 92 year old grandma is 16 days into her infection, she received the Regeneron antibody cocktail about a week ago. Even small family gatherings can have bad outcomes right now.

How are your parents doing @oakleaf79? Sending you many well wishes.

@mom2dolls how are you feeling? How is your family doing?

@remetau sending you and your family many good wishes and healing dust.

@Karl_K all the best to your niece. Wishing her a full and fast recovery.

Keeping everyone in my thoughts and hoping for as fast as possible an eradication of covid 19 and successful and complete vaccination for all.
They are both doing fine. My dad has lost his sense of taste. My grandma seems to be doing better. She was having a lot of trouble with dehydration and exhaustion.
Both of my parents are recovering from COVID. They are in their mid 60’s. My 92 year old grandma is 16 days into her infection, she received the Regeneron antibody cocktail about a week ago. Even small family gatherings can have bad outcomes right now.

How is your grandma doing ?
DH gets his first cvid vaccine on Jan. 4. I'm very happy and relieved.
In my family, my niece and sister had it. My sister visited my mom for 10 minutes in Thanksgiving and passed it on to my 95 year old grandfather and my 74 yo mom. Mom is still recovering with pneumonia and a 4 nights in the hospital. This is in Ohio USA.

Here in Grenada West Indies, we had a total lockdown in March and then gradually were able to move around and places opened back up. The borders were closed until July. Up to that point I think we had 10 total cases and no deaths. All people entering the country must quarantine. Temperatures are taken and you are singed in everywhere you go.

Due to Sandals resort here, we now have 55 active cases. They were allowing guests to quarantine on property, but they were able to mingle with other guests and staff. Unfortunately the staff went home and passed it on. Now we are back to no social gatherings at all and an 8 PM curfew. All restaurants and bars are take out only. Luckily still no deaths here.

What a total bas*ard when you were doing so well
Keeping the economy going when it replies so much on tourism is walking tight rope
May your zero death toll continue
PS I'm planning to call the police on any neighbors I see with more than 10. We are a nation of dobbers and I'm no exception!

We used the hot line here during lockdown
That kind of behavior is endangering us all

We recorded 8 cases today

24, 25, 26 Dec ten people, kids not counted in total. NO rotation of guests. Must be the same ten people

From Dec 27 back to 10 person limit with children counted in the limit

They are still locking up Northern beaches (thank goodness)

She's done such a great job. I think it's horrible having to try and give people a good Christmas and protect them at the same time.

From what i read 9 of those cases were close contacts and in isolation already
But that kiddie visited a mall father christmas while infectious

And what about that 10th person?
And the riot squad had to break up the beach crowds

and boxing day sales ???

Good luck NSW
You can best this but it needs everyone to do their part
Hubby is doing well. He has a small cough still but otherwise back to normal.
I feel some heaviness in my upper chest and I am pretty tired today. Yesterday I felt great, so everyday is different. Taking it easy and quarantining from our girls.
I'm glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing pretty well. My MIL passed away on Christmas Eve pretty much as expected. It's been a rather somber Christmas for us. She lived in Pennsylvania and it seems that Covid is rampant there. I have not heard how the others are doing that were also infected in her building. Thank you to all that gave their condolences.
I'm glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing pretty well. My MIL passed away on Christmas Eve pretty much as expected. It's been a rather somber Christmas for us. She lived in Pennsylvania and it seems that Covid is rampant there. I have not heard how the others are doing that were also infected in her building. Thank you to all that gave their condolences.

I am sorry @pinkjewel . My sincerest condolences to you and your family.
Frontline healthcare worker here (EM physician). I am bracing for impact next week. I'm in the mid-Atlantic and we were just seeing the wave of Thanksgiving infections subside. In my 12 hour shift yesterday I saw at least 10 patients who had COVID, 7 of whom had developed symptoms between Dec 23-Dec 27. Almost all of them had socialized with people outside their own household during that time. Several of them were in complete denial that they had COVID (and I live in an area where people are generally compliant with masking and do not generally believe COVID is a hoax).

This year has been hard. In July we lost the director of our ICU. He was my friend and my colleague. I still miss him. On the 23rd of this month we lost a young physician who had no risk factors and who left two children without a mom. I have watched our country's leadership claim that hospital workers were stealing supplies, that we were diagnosing COVID just for the money (my department actually got a pay cut this year), and have watched our commander in chief denigrate my profession for its commitment to evidence-based medicine.
I now know a bunch of people with Covid and my friend’s mother died on the 26th from it. Visitation is tonight. I’m not going. She will understand.
@wildcat03 what do they think they have??

I’m sorry to hear of anyone who has a loved one who has died from it (or impacted greatly). One of my FB friends has stopped giving updates on her long Covid expedience, saying it’s all the same and she will update if anything new happens. I think she is 8 weeks out. Maybe 10.
@wildcat03 what do they think they have??

I’m sorry to hear of anyone who has a loved one who has died from it (or impacted greatly). One of my FB friends has stopped giving updates on her long Covid expedience, saying it’s all the same and she will update if anything new happens. I think she is 8 weeks out. Maybe 10.

I think (know) they have COVID. They claim there's no way they have COVID and it must be something else. In reality almost nothing else is circulating (some rhinovirus and a little bit of flu).

The idea of being a COVID "long hauler" is absolutely terrifying to me. If I can escape getting COVID for another few weeks that should be enough for my Moderna vaccine to kick in and hopefully protect me.
200 plus Brits absconded from a Swiss ski resort this week as they’d been told they’d have to quarantine. Again, WTH?? Some of them “had small children” and didn’t want to be stuck with them in a small hotel room. Whatever happened to thinking ahead, working out consequences, moderating your behaviour? I just can’t understand how anyone is SO entitled they think they can fly off on holiday. We are about to buckle under another Corona wave here and we will never get on top of it at this rate.

Plus, @remetau Sandals is actively advertising here.

Sorry, I think I’m repeating myself.
@wildcat03 thank you, thank you, for serving us all. I am so sorry that you lost your dear friend and colleagues. This virus is insidious. Unfortunately one of my kids tested positive last week. He's a home based college student and is isolated and we are all quarantined with masks in the home. He must have gotten it from someone at work, and while it is not helpful to speculate, I do wonder if is traced back to a Thanksgiving get together. I'm seeing and hearing more and more people not understanding the consequences, until it is too late, and even then, I am seeing so many make excuses. Our household has not socialized with anyone for the holidays - either Thanksgiving or Christmas and yet, despite precautions, it still made its way here. My elderly mother had to have part of her foot amputated this year- not because she had Covid, but because in the early days of the virus, no doctor wanted to see her (she had blockage in her leg that led to gangrene). Insidious. You don't even have to have it to have your health be impacted by it.

I'm not surprised to hear that people think they have something else. The symptoms vary so much and in some, mimic a mild cold. This is how it presented for my son. I was genuinely surprised by his test result - and this despite me saying over and over the past few months to my kids that if you have any symptoms you have to assume its Covid, for the protection of others

Hoping you stay safe ....
Today I was told I would be unblinded next week. Makes sense that they do this in groups.

and speaking of, I do have blinding ass headache, but I know where it comes from. I get suspect of ALL headaches these days, but pretty sure its stupid migraine as we've been having nasty weather events lately.

@facetgirl yikes and sorry you're dealing with this on your house!

@pinkjewel my condolences to you. I've noticed that now we're seeing so many deaths hit closer to home (several in my sewing group lost close family members to covid in the last few weeks, its hard to wrap one's head around it all.

Thank you to all the first responders/emergency/front liners. you guys are in my thoughts daily as you're the ones who see a bit too much of whats going on first hand.
@wildcat03 thank you, thank you, for serving us all. I am so sorry that you lost your dear friend and colleagues. This virus is insidious. Unfortunately one of my kids tested positive last week. He's a home based college student and is isolated and we are all quarantined with masks in the home. He must have gotten it from someone at work, and while it is not helpful to speculate, I do wonder if is traced back to a Thanksgiving get together. I'm seeing and hearing more and more people not understanding the consequences, until it is too late, and even then, I am seeing so many make excuses. Our household has not socialized with anyone for the holidays - either Thanksgiving or Christmas and yet, despite precautions, it still made its way here. My elderly mother had to have part of her foot amputated this year- not because she had Covid, but because in the early days of the virus, no doctor wanted to see her (she had blockage in her leg that led to gangrene). Insidious. You don't even have to have it to have your health be impacted by it.

I'm not surprised to hear that people think they have something else. The symptoms vary so much and in some, mimic a mild cold. This is how it presented for my son. I was genuinely surprised by his test result - and this despite me saying over and over the past few months to my kids that if you have any symptoms you have to assume its Covid, for the protection of others

Hoping you stay safe ....

I'm so sorry to hear your family caught it despite appropriate precautions. In general I have found that younger people (teens through early 30s) tend to have a milder course. People who are past their early 30s tend to have more severe symptoms even if they don't end up with severe illness.

I'm also really sorry that your mom had to have an amputation. It was so hard for patients and families early on when almost no outpatient services were available. I try not to be a proud person, but at that time I felt proud of my specialty and colleagues for being the ones who showed up at work and took care of patients in the early uncertain days of a pandemic.

I hope you all recover quickly and fully.
Prayers for your niece!! She's a hero and I'm crossing fingers she'll be fully recovered very soon

Than you she is a my hero! I'm very proud of her.
She has been cleared to head back to work later this week.
The prayers worked, while miserable for a few days she had light symptoms.
Than you she is a my hero! I'm very proud of her.
She has been cleared to head back to work later this week.
The prayers worked, while miserable for a few days she had light symptoms.

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

What a relief! Good news Karl!!!
29 December 2020

Dear COVE Study Volunteer:

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) was granted on 18-Dec-2020 for the mRNA-1273 vaccine. Congratulations and thank you for helping to make this study a tremendous success so far!

The study has not ended and we still need your contributions. As previously communicated, we have now re-designed the study to permit volunteers to know whether the mRNA-1273 vaccine or placebo was received and offer the mRNA-1273 vaccine to all who received placebo.

If you would like to know whether you received the vaccine or placebo and to receive the mRNA-1273 if you were assigned to placebo, please email our site at [email protected] to arrange a short study visit where you complete the following activities:

● Updated Informed Consent : You will be provided a new Informed Consent Form (like the one you got at the beginning of the study) that describes updated expectations, risks and benefits about your continued participation
in the study. *This will actually be sent via Docusign - and will start 30-Dec-2020.

● Blood Sample and Nasopharyngeal Swab : It’s important to the study that we collect this one last time before you find out your treatment assignment to see if you were ever exposed to the virus but never became sick. We want to have this from all volunteers, regardless of whether they originally got mRNA-1273 vaccine or placebo.

● Unblinding : This means that your Study Doctor will break the code for you and the study team at this visit to know what you received.

● Vaccination : If you find out at this visit you received the placebo and you want the mRNA-1273 vaccine, we’ll give you the first dose and ask you to return to the clinic about 1 month later for the 2 nd dose.

● Vaccination Card : We can also provide you with documentation in the form of a vaccination card as proof to show that you received a COVID-19 vaccine.
We are committed to schedule every volunteer for this visit and expect to start visits early to mid-January. However, please understand that there are approximately 30,000 volunteers on this study and half of them received placebo and we
cannot vaccinate everyone all at once. We will move as quickly as possible to accommodate this visit for all volunteers while focusing first on populations that have been determined most at risk by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and other local public health guidance.

Volunteers who do not wish to receive the mRNA-1273 vaccine can remain blinded to study treatment and remain in the study.

We are grateful for your continued dedication and participation in this study to make it successful. Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
My ER doc nephew is treating covid patients in a tent in a California hospital parking lot. Imagine the additional trauma of knowing that your loved one died in such a place :(sad

tent 2.png

That’s just awful @Matata
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