
Commissioning a gents signet ring.


Nov 30, 2003
Hi guys

Not been around here for a while. But I am thinking about buying myself a signet ring (I am a fella).

I want a round stone no bigger than about 0.6-0.8ct and cut is more important than colour.

In fact I am thinking of going for something between H and maybe L because I find white stones look a bit "bling" whereas there is a warmth to darker stones. But if I recall correctly a bit of fluorescence is a good idea in less white stones is that correct?

I am also thinking of going for a Si1 stone if I can find one where the inclusion(s) are hidden by the setting.

I know a lot of you guys are in the US, but I am in the UK and it seems to me that the market here is less competitive with fewer quality players. Or perhaps I just haven't found the right people yet.

Any advice would be appreciated, including some idea of cost (USD is fine).

I am also interested in seeing snaps of any interesting gents solitaire rings if anyone has something. I need ideas. I quite like the idea of a prong type setting.

Thanks in advance for your advice All.

I am not sure where in the UK you are but you could check out Indira Merchant who carries crafted by infinity stones. I am not sure if they will have many in that carat size but you could check!

As far as price...there is going to be a wide range from H-L, 0.6-0.8, and VS-SI. What is your budget?

here is a thread with pictures of men's rings
Well, to be honest I do not have a budget in mind. If I see something I really like I am prepared to be flexible.

The stone I mentioned (in my mind at least) is quite a modest stone so I would not expect it to be expensive even as a certified new stone. However, I asked my preferred local jeweller if he was able to source uncertified and secondhand stones, and he sais he was.

So, I would have thought I could get a very nice stone in a decent setting for £2-2500 ($3200-4000).

The problem is, though, I'll be operating on trust to a great degree because although I have a basic (but rusty) knowledge about diamonds and I can pick out those with really poor performance, I am not sufficiently qualified to make a really good judgement and I don't think it is as easy here as it is in the States to get stones appraised.

Thanks for the link, I'll have a browse.
Thanks for the links slg.

Looks to me like it might even be worth me buying a stone in the US and having it shipped.

I think we are behind the curve in the UK honestly.
This mission is becoming frustrating.

I have seen a lot of stones now and only a handful are what I like.

I have found one stone locally and the vendor said he'd do a deal. I would still be paying him £600 premium. However when I went to his shop today it seems that his idea of a deal is to lower the quality of the setting to accommodate the small discount we agreed, furthermore he filled me with doubt that he could execute what I want.

He originally implied that the shop routinely makes custom jewellery whereas in fact it seems he'd simply be passing on my ideas to someone in Birmingham Jewellery Quarter to manufacture it.

Given that much of the enjoyment of this ring will be the purchase, I am going off the idea of buying from this fella and am tempted to make another trip to Birmingham myself and buy direct.

Trouble is, in Birmingham you've got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. Does anyone have a good contact there as a starting point please?

Manks, Is commissioning in the US (with CAD review, etc) out of the question? Because you would save on the diamond, the setting, and you could have a computer rendering of the final ring before it was cast.

Also, you would not have to kiss any frogs.
I have considered the US. However, because my personal taste is important regarding stone choice I want to see the stone before purchase. It seems to me that where diamonds are concerned a lot of them have a certificate claiming that they are princes but after a lot of kissing all they do is croak.

Stop me if I'm taking the frog analogy too far chaps ;-)
Isn't it possible to have a CAD rendering done in th UK?
Christina...|1309990204|2963116 said:
Isn't it possible to have a CAD rendering done in th UK?

Yes it is.

However at present I am struggling to find someone who does CAD / manufactures and who can supply the right stone. I know of manufacturers but they have less attractive stones. I also know of stone retailers who have good stones but outsource their manufacturing work.

To buy the two separately not only adds to the cost, it increases the level of messing about.