
Coffee lovers... would you pay $349 for this machine?

I LOVE a good cup of coffee. Don't get a pod machine!!!!

We have the [url]Saeco Sirena[/url] and it is wonderful! Never had a problem with it. It can steam my milk (or apple cider...) just fine and makes really good espresso. I do a double shot each time and that does something like 4 oz. DH drinks one cup (double shot) at a time and has three. If we are going somewhere I will put 3 (total of 6 shots) in a cup for him to take with. Still takes just a couple of minutes to get all of it done.

Easy to use -- put the ground coffee into the porta filter, twist into place, and hit the 2 cup button. Done.
Dump out grounds and repeat as often as you want.

The texture and crema is perfect!

I like to do a mocha or latte. Quick and easy to steam milk to pour over espresso shots. I do two double shots plus 6oz almond mild and end up with a full 16oz cup.

Best to let machine warm up for 10-15 minutes before first cup and then run a cup (just one button push) of hot water through to pre-heat your cup and get the machine fully warmed so your coffee is as hot and yummy as possible. In a rush, you can run an extra cup of water through and have it ready to go in 5 minutes.

You can grind the beans yourself (I love my burr grinder!) or buy your beans and have them ground. Either way works. Using a good espresso roast (darker is usually better, medium tends to be a bit too light) really makes a difference.

If you like any sort of syrups, the Monin are delicious!

Oh.... and if you are ever interested, I can tell you where to get beans to roast yourself. It isn't too hard and you can't buy anything nearly as good!
$350 for a coffee maker actually isn't bad. We have a few friends who have spent over 1k on theirs! I guess they look at it as being cheaper then spending $10 a day on coffee at Starbucks so it will pay for itself in less then 6 months.

Anyhow I love our coffee maker. I think it was a great investment and we rarely go out for coffee anymore. I love being able to access it whenever I want. So yea I say go for it!
350 for a Senseo??? That's not a good deal. $100 would be good. And the Senseo takes their own pods. How will you get the pods if Senseo is discontinued for the US market?

Do you drink coffee or espresso? If you want the fake crema, any espresso machine with pressurized portafilter will do that for you, they cost $100 to $250, which will take ground coffee or pods.

Or you can buy a Nespresso which is also good, but for the convenience you don't have as much fun playing with different coffees and the whole tamping/steaming thing.
I'm a big fan of Nespresso since trying it in Europe in 2004. I started with the baseline machine, but graduated to one of the bigger machines last year. I'll never go back. The pods are pricey but I buy the strongest ones and run them twice for one large cup of super strong coffee. The machines go on sale, and if you sign up for email through WS, you can often save another 10%.

Coffee and wine... two things worthy of a splurge... :)
I have a Nespresso machine, now unloved in the garage, as I cannot justify have 2 x their Espresso pods in just one cup of coffee (that's how strong I like my morning coffee). Also, frothing the milk in their heated frother is too much of a faff in weekday mornings.

Hence I drink instant coffee (Alta Rica, the best instant IMHO) with double cream instead.

I would bring out the French press when I have guests, and coffee of choice is Lavazza Espresso.

DK :))
TooPatient|1413872143|3770232 said:
I LOVE a good cup of coffee. Don't get a pod machine!!!!

We have the [url]Saeco Sirena[/url] and it is wonderful! Never had a problem with it. It can steam my milk (or apple cider...) just fine and makes really good espresso. I do a double shot each time and that does something like 4 oz. DH drinks one cup (double shot) at a time and has three. If we are going somewhere I will put 3 (total of 6 shots) in a cup for him to take with. Still takes just a couple of minutes to get all of it done.

Easy to use -- put the ground coffee into the porta filter, twist into place, and hit the 2 cup button. Done.
Dump out grounds and repeat as often as you want.

The texture and crema is perfect!

I like to do a mocha or latte. Quick and easy to steam milk to pour over espresso shots. I do two double shots plus 6oz almond mild and end up with a full 16oz cup.

Best to let machine warm up for 10-15 minutes before first cup and then run a cup (just one button push) of hot water through to pre-heat your cup and get the machine fully warmed so your coffee is as hot and yummy as possible. In a rush, you can run an extra cup of water through and have it ready to go in 5 minutes.

You can grind the beans yourself (I love my burr grinder!) or buy your beans and have them ground. Either way works. Using a good espresso roast (darker is usually better, medium tends to be a bit too light) really makes a difference.

If you like any sort of syrups, the Monin are delicious!

Oh.... and if you are ever interested, I can tell you where to get beans to roast yourself. It isn't too hard and you can't buy anything nearly as good!

I looked this up - it doesn't get very good reviews. How long have you had your machine and have you had any quality issues (it seems the machine breaks frequently)?
Coffee you love is darn close to a need, rather than a want. If that machine is the only way you can get that, then jump on it. Many other things we can do without, but not a joyful cup of coffee in the morning!

I'm not as cultured as you are, Dee Jay. We have had many generations of this:

and I love them. No filters to forget to buy, no fuss, no muss, just jam in the grounds & Bob's your uncle. Of course, no bubbles or other goodies either except great espresso. DH's mother used to bring him his espresso topped with whipped thick Dutch cream IN BED every morning. Yike, when he hooked up with me, nitty gritty reality caught up with him real fast! :twisted:

--- Laurie

momhappy|1413897929|3770323 said:
TooPatient|1413872143|3770232 said:
I LOVE a good cup of coffee. Don't get a pod machine!!!!

We have the [url]Saeco Sirena[/url] and it is wonderful! Never had a problem with it. It can steam my milk (or apple cider...) just fine and makes really good espresso. I do a double shot each time and that does something like 4 oz. DH drinks one cup (double shot) at a time and has three. If we are going somewhere I will put 3 (total of 6 shots) in a cup for him to take with. Still takes just a couple of minutes to get all of it done.

Easy to use -- put the ground coffee into the porta filter, twist into place, and hit the 2 cup button. Done.
Dump out grounds and repeat as often as you want.

The texture and crema is perfect!

I like to do a mocha or latte. Quick and easy to steam milk to pour over espresso shots. I do two double shots plus 6oz almond mild and end up with a full 16oz cup.

Best to let machine warm up for 10-15 minutes before first cup and then run a cup (just one button push) of hot water through to pre-heat your cup and get the machine fully warmed so your coffee is as hot and yummy as possible. In a rush, you can run an extra cup of water through and have it ready to go in 5 minutes.

You can grind the beans yourself (I love my burr grinder!) or buy your beans and have them ground. Either way works. Using a good espresso roast (darker is usually better, medium tends to be a bit too light) really makes a difference.

If you like any sort of syrups, the Monin are delicious!

Oh.... and if you are ever interested, I can tell you where to get beans to roast yourself. It isn't too hard and you can't buy anything nearly as good!

I looked this up - it doesn't get very good reviews. How long have you had your machine and have you had any quality issues (it seems the machine breaks frequently)?

We've had ours since 2009 (2008?) and haven't had any problem. The only "issue" we ran into is that a seal wore out late in 2013 after 5 years of heavy use. The repair took about 10 minutes and cost $2.00
It gets used every day for between 6 and 14 shots of espresso (unless we have guests and then it is more) and is routinely left on so long the auto shut off turns it off.
I do try to keep it clean, but I don't do the "proper care" they recommended when we bought it. They say you should de-scale every month and use only purified water.... Yeah. We use water straight from the tap and it is lucky to be de-scaled twice a year.

We did buy ours refurbished. Maybe they took care of the issue as part of the refurbishing process?
Wow – PSers are such a wealth of knowledge!

TG, now Costco only has two Saeco options, one for $499 and one for $1299 and they are both espresso makers. That's something I've learned -- If Costco has something you want BUY IT becuase you may never see it again!

VA, I have been paying attention to the price of the pods and I think a cup will cost me 58 cents based on the machine I’m currently leaning toward (link below). Not good for the worms though!

Matata, carpe diem indeed! When it comes to a great cupa joe I’m in! Thank you for the link—as you can imagine I read through it very thoroughly!

Lambskin, you raise a good point with consistency. I would be highly disappointed if I had a great coffee on Saturday and a lousy one on Sunday…

Cflutist, LOL on the cops and coffee and donuts! I dated a sergeant for a while and I don’t think I ever got into his car that there wasn’t a crumpled up Dunkin’ bag on the passenger seat!

Toopatient, I am pretty committed to the pods at this point. I fully admit that I pay for convenience...

SB, thank you for enabling me – I knew I could count on you!

JulieN, I’ve read a lot about the pricing. Apparently once they stopped distributing this machine in the US market the price increased EIGHTFOLD. Woah…! And your point about the Senseo pods potentially becoming unavailable is also something I am considering.

RandG, I am heavily leaning toward a Nespresso at this point. What do you think of ? I like the milk frother option too, although I seriously don’t know if it would ever get used.***

DK, for instant I am a fan of Starbucks Via. If I could have instant with crema, well, I’d probably never have to leave the house again!

Jewelfreak, can DH’s mother please move into the unit next to mine? I will give her a key and she can come through in the morning any time that’s convenient for her!

*** I think I will have to start a different thread for this question so it doesn’t get lost, but can you freeze milk? I currently use the International Delight French Vanilla single serves for my coffee ( because… well… I’d rather poke my own eyeball out that go to a grocery store. I order these off of Amazon in the gigunza box and they last me for MONTHS. But if I had a milk frother maybe I could get some milk. The problem is I would not use very much of it, and I don’t want to go to the store very often (translation: almost NEVER). Could I buy pints of milk and freeze them and just throw one in the refrigerator on Fridays so they would be ready for use on Saturday morning… ?

I think I just jacked my own thread, LOL!
You use aftermarket refillable pod thingies in the Senseo, I believe.

There's a rule in espresso: spend half your budget on the machine and half on the grinder.

The Costco Saeco machines are "automatics" with grinder built in, you just push a button or two and things happen by themselves.

Semiautomatics is where most people who are interested in coffee want, you have more control over the final product. Nespresso machines make the pressurized crema; if you don't want to use Nespresso capsules, you can use an espresso machine machine with a pressurized portafilter, and then you don't have to spend as much on the grinder... But if you want to make real crema you're probably looking at least $400.
I hear the Nespresso is AMAZING. I'm trying to convince my husband to let me get him one for Christmas.

I first heard of Nespresso reading TripAdvisor reviews of hotels, people would RAVE about the Nespresso coffee maching in the lobby and people who had the Nespresso in their rooms were in HEAVEN.

As I read up on it, but maybe I don't understand it yet (?), you buy the model that comes with a frother.
DeeJay what can I say- i enable you to buy a $350 coffee maker and you will enable me to one day by a Porsche.....will happen just need to get the kiddos out of carseats first!
azstoine - the version I'm looking at is kind of "self frothing" for the coffee and there is a separate frother for the milk. I'm sure that makes no sense, but that's how I'm thinking of it in my own head!

SB - sister, you know I'm there for you! BTW, when I bought Billy Ray the catalog of accessories had car seats in it. Of course getting a kiddo in and out of the back seat of a 911 would be akin to a Cirque du Soliel contortionist act.

JulieN - that's really interesting about the cost of the maker and the cost of the grinder. I am also going to read about pressurized portafilters -- thank you for that!
That's a great machine too! I do use the milk frother. My prior machines didn't have one but I do like having it as an option. I use it for chai latte or even just warm milk. If you like your Nespresso stong, I highly recommend the limited edition Cuban coffee pods. They're are fantastic-- the best cup of coffee I have ever had. I don't know how much of it they have left, but I bought 600 pods-- the max they would allow me. It's that good!

I order the little creamers from Amazon too, only I do the pumpkin spice ones :). Coffee is a major food group.
Hi DJ, that is how I understood the write up for the Macy's Nespresso, there is a separate frother.

Let us know what route you went with, okay?
I wouldnt have any problem paying $350. for something that makes great coffee. It would have to work. I would be leary about the bad
reviews. I wouldn't go for the pods either. Great coffee starts with great beans. I go with organic because it doesnt irritate my stomach. I am not sure what the crema stuff is but I can tell you we have done the little frother gizmo and it broke, and we have tried other frothers and the best one we have had is by Coffee Bean and tea leaf. They sell it at BBB. We have had it for a couple years and you can froth anything with that baby from almond milk to half and half. It heats it as it froths. It is a fraction of the price of the machine you mentioned. We also grind our beans with our Vitamix.

I think you could get the same wonderful coffee fix with some great coffee and some frothed half and half. It is also less of a hassle to make. But if you felt that was the only way you were going to get the perfect brew, I would go for the machine.
JewelFreak|1413898207|3770324 said:
Coffee you love is darn close to a need, rather than a want. If that machine is the only way you can get that, then jump on it. Many other things we can do without, but not a joyful cup of coffee in the morning!

I'm not as cultured as you are, Dee Jay. We have had many generations of this:

and I love them. No filters to forget to buy, no fuss, no muss, just jam in the grounds & Bob's your uncle. Of course, no bubbles or other goodies either except great espresso. DH's mother used to bring him his espresso topped with whipped thick Dutch cream IN BED evemorning. Yike, when he hooked up with me, nitty gritty reality caught up with him real fast! :twisted:

--- Laurie
My DH has one of these he uses to make coffee at work. Fire Dept. Coffee is terrible he says. He loves this little machine.

The frother unit in the maker you like looks very much like mine.
Jewelfreak, I'm with you on the stove top espresso pot. It makes really great tasting coffee!
Fresh ground beans are totally the key!
Mine is this Ikea one: because I prefer stainless steel to aluminum.

Kenny, you should seriously try a stove top espresso pot - the extra pressure helps extract the flavorful coffee oils that the drip method misses. It could change your life. (Water the espresso down to an americano though, or you will suffer caffeine overload.)

Dee*Jay, Here's more on crema:
You deserve it. Buy it ;)
I love my Nespresso.

I use the frother more than I ever expected to. There is nothing better than fabulous coffee in the 1 minute that it takes to warm up and push the button! And the warm frothy milk adds TEXTURE :appl:

The pods are 100% recycled if you take them (and I do) to Sur La Table or Williams Sonoma. They give you a handy dandy recycle bag to store them until you are ready to bring them to the store. When I place a pod order, it's delivered in 1 day.
I just walked into this place today as I was walking by, BAM! Coffee houses have gone way upscale. What's missing from the photo is the expensively dressed crowd and the half dozen or so of staff, mostly young men in their 20's almost model types in very nice up to date suits. Starbucks it's not. Diamonds would not be over dressed here.
I have never thought about wanting to get one of these babies but after reading all these and doing some research, I would love to have one. I love the Breville machines!
I am now the proud owner of a Nespresso Virtuoline! I will write all about it tomorrow... right now I've just come down off my caffeine high and I need to rest...! :cheeky:
Dee*Jay|1414117599|3771912 said:
I am now the proud owner of a Nespresso Virtuoline! I will write all about it tomorrow... right now I've just come down off my caffeine high and I need to rest...! :cheeky:

Woohoo! Congratulations Dee! Enjoy and please let us know what you think of this machine. :appl:
Dee*Jay|1414117599|3771912 said:
I am now the proud owner of a Nespresso Virtuoline! I will write all about it tomorrow... right now I've just come down off my caffeine high and I need to rest...! :cheeky:

That's wonderful! You're going to love it! :appl:
I'm back with a partial update! But first: The Command Center!

How beautiful is that?!?
Dee*Jay|1414251896|3772506 said:
How beautiful is that?!?

It is indeed. :love: Everyone over to Dee's place for some espresso and lovely pastries. I'll bring home baked goods. :appl:
Well damn... I'm on my phone and it let me post the first pic but it won't let me upload any more. OK, more to come when I'm done with my client and I get back to a real computer!
Dee*Jay|1414251896|3772506 said:
How beautiful is that?!?

Hello gorgeous!!! :love: It's a thing of beauty, hoping you love it!